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[未归类] liwu1028 dairy writing [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-6 20:47:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Young people should try several different jobs before they take a career in a long term
A popular criticism of schools is that they are "ivory towers " or places where study or research are divorced from the " real world ". So it is difficult for young people to choose a suitable job for themselves . Coincidence with the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agreement with the idea that young people should try several different jobs before they take a career in a long term .
First of all , because young people have no idea how to plan their future career path , since they do not have any working experience in college , as a consequence , many people will follow their parents or even friends' suggestions while choosing a job . However soon they will find that they are no long motivated since the job do not match their interests . Even wore , they will be under high pressure , the more pressure they have , the worse consequence will happen . At last , it will fail the employers' expectations or have their own reputations damaged . Pursuing a successful life is noting more than making a wise decision , and by "wise" we mean the choice of doing the necessary first . So getting in touch with different jobs gives students an exciting chance to choose the interesting career they have .
Another very important aspect is that we can gain practical experiences and social skills from these different jobs . In order to win a favorable position in current job market , we need not only theoretical knowledge but also practical , interpersonal skills , leadership , teamwork spirits which may not acquire from class . Meanwhile , we also have opportunities to meet different people , as many countries like China is a relationship-based country , it is essential for young people in those countries to build up their own interpersonal relationship network . They can become more mature and quick minded . This is an example about my sister , after she left school , she changed more than 5 jobs in different cities , she is familiar different people's interests and she posses a widespread interpersonal relationship . Now her work is marketing and she has much more consumers than her competitors .
Of course , there are one or two disadvantages to change work for young people , it may influence the salary , the promote and so on . Focus on the wages and promote are those people who hold the opinion that money is the most important . But I maintain that experience is more important to young people , it can not be brought by money and even it can take more money . So the drawback can not compete with the benefits that try different jobs for a young person when the factors I mentioned are taken into consideration .
In conclusion , I reckon that although change several jobs may influence some benefits in a short term to some degree , most impacts exerted by trying several different works are desirable and beneficial . We should learn numerous value experiences and accumulate a great quantity friends in order to obtaining success in a long term .

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-7 14:49:17 |只看该作者
5.6 独立已改好  写的非常好
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You are what you do !

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-7 21:02:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 liwu1028 于 2011-5-7 21:03 编辑

For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?

Nowadays , our country put more and more concerns on the education , it is not a surprising thing for people to sacrifice their money and time in order to obtaining better education . But the budget is limited for government , so it is important for a government to decide which aspect should be offered more budget . Some people who hold the opinion that foundation education can influence a person's whole life think that a government should focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities . Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agreement with the idea that universities education require more money .

As we all known , very young children education is a overall education . Children will learn some basic knowledge , for example do some essential calculations , remember some words , read some famous books , or even learn how to draw and sing . However , all of these just help people to possess the ability to study and find their interests . It will not need a great deal of money . As my little sister as an example , my little sister became a primary student this year , her school offer some classes such as cooking , drawing , dancing for them to choose . It is clear that all of these will not cost a lot of money to take , the children just need to find fun from these lessons , they do not demand a cooker who is from five-star-restaurant to teach them , they do not want a famous drawer to explain them the reflection . So it is not necessary to put most of the budgets on the young children education .

On the contrary , there is sufficient evidence that the government should focus its budget on universities . When people attend the university's education , they have determined what they want to learn about or what their career plans are , so they need excellent teachers , perfect laboratories , abundant information , college students also need the opportunities to contact the society , schools should offer some practical training for students so that they can prepare for the future job better . All of these can help them to learn about major knowledge better , of course , all of these need a large sum of money  In the world , the better the university is , the more budgets it needs . Harvard university , one of the most expensive universities in the world , will obtain more than billions of money from government . Because of the money , students can do valuable experiment which is the essential elements for the students to obtain Nobel prizes in the future , can invite famous man to do a presentation which is a exciting way for students to cultivate personal skills through talking with excellent men and building up their own interpersonal relationship network . Thanks to these budgets , Harvard brings up numerous successful men in the world . So it is no doubt that put the money in the university education is more wisdom .

Of course , the primary education is significant in a person's life , but the teaching need not require much more money when compare to the college education .

In conclusion , I reckon although education on young children is crucial , focus more budgets on the university education is more suitable when the factors I mentioned are taken into consideration .

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-7 22:28:11 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 liwu1028 于 2011-5-7 22:55 编辑

Top 9
The lecture is mainly discussing the hydrogen can not be used as a replacement for the automobile's main source of power , it can not solve the problem in the reading mentions . Whereas , this is disparate from the reading passage , which mentions that the alternative source of energy for cars is the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine . The lecture by the professor , unquestionably , casts doubt on the reading .

First and foremost , the speaker contends that the hydrogen can not be found in the earth , it just can be obtained in a pure liquid state , the pure liquid hydrogen is a highly artificial substances , it is very difficult to produce and store , it be kept in very very cold condition , may be minus 253 degree . The reading passage asserts that fuel-cell engines utilize easily available , renewable resources . Therefore , the contends lecture is opposite to the writer's expectation .

Furthermore , the speaker indicates that the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine crates pollution too . Getting hydrogen will use energy to burn oil and coal , they also cause pollution .So although the car will not generate pollution , the process of produce hydrogen will also cause pollution . Running counter to the belief in the lecture , the reading points out that hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine can solve many of the world's pollution problems . This point directly contradicted by what the lecture mentions .

Overall , the speaker raises the issue that the fuel-cell engine require a metal that produce the engines which is very expensive and rare , without this metal , the hydrogen can not undergo the chemical reaction that produces the electricity to power the automobile . This point disagrees that fuel-cell engines will soon be economically competitive because the fuel-cell powered car requires only half the fuel energy that the internal-combustion powered car does to go the same distance demonstrated in the reading .

So the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading  .

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-8 15:09:22 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 das_postkarte 于 2011-5-8 16:36 编辑

5.7独立批改好了~ 3# liwu1028
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-8 20:14:35 |只看该作者
Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even theres no practical use?

Nowadays , more and more nations focus on the development of the scientific research and technology . Those people who hold the opinion that doing the scientific research wastes money and time because there is no practical use . Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt objection to the idea that there is not necessary to do the scientific research .

First of all , some researches may be useful after some years even if they are not useful at present . Obtaining more knowledge about the science can help people to fully comprehend their lives . Studying science from every aspect can help us to live better. For example ,  understanding the Mars can assist us to learn about the lives , maybe we can go to Mars to live someday . Learning about the origin of live can let us to know our ancestry better , even if there is no influence now , maybe some day we can settle difficulties through this knowledge . Interpreting the Alien culture is useless for us now , but maybe one day we can make friends and share experiences with them . So doing scientific research helpful even if there is no practical use today .

Another point worth mentioning is doing research science can cause the country develop quickly . In the process of doing research , a country can update its technology , can invent some products benefit people lives . All of these are meaningful and important in our daily life . From the world we may find the more developed country the more input in the science . So I conclude that doing scientific research is needed .

Maybe there are one or two disadvantages to doing scientific research which has not practical use , maybe the benefits can not be obtained this generation , maybe we just do something can not bring anything for us . But the drawbacks can not compete the benefits when the factors of doing research are taken into consideration .

In conclusion , I reckon although there are some disadvantages in doing scientific research , most impacts exerted by the advantages of doing research are desirable and beneficial . So I am in favor of doing scientific research .


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-8 20:22:10 |只看该作者
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不成功 变成仁

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-10 09:34:51 |只看该作者
Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even theres no practical use?

g8 g8 ?. |! K
Nowadays , more and more nations focus on the development of the scientific research and technology . Those(这个those是哪来的。。) people who hold the opinion that doing the scientific research wastes money and time because there is no practical use . Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt objection to the idea that there is not necessary to do the scientific research .

First of all , some researches may be useful after some years even if they are not useful at present . Obtaining more knowledge about the science can help people to fully comprehend their lives . Studying science from every aspect can help us to live better. For example ,  understanding the Mars can assist us to learn about the lives , maybe we can go to Mars to live someday . Learning about the origin of live can let us to know our ancestry better , even if there is no influence now , maybe some day we can settle difficulties through this knowledge . Interpreting the Alien culture is useless for us now , but maybe one day we can make friends and share experiences with them . So doing scientific research helpful even if there is no practical use today .' w& G. S7 F0 z1 v

Another point worth mentioning is doing research science can cause the country develop quickly . In the process of doing research , a country can update its technology , can(这里用and) invent some products benefit people lives . All of these are meaningful and important in our daily life . From the world we may find the more developed country the more input in the science . So I conclude that doing scientific research is needed . (这一段没有展开啊,可以说这些products是怎么benefit people lives的,举一些例子。 然后可以再比较下那些投入到科学比较多的国家比投入少的国家有哪些优势,就可以把这一段的论点展开了)

Maybe there are one or two disadvantages to doing scientific research which has not practical use , maybe the benefits can not be obtained this generation , maybe we just do something can not bring anything for us . But the drawbacks can not compete the benefits when the factors of doing research are taken into consideration . - q

(如果想再来一段,可以说 如果政府不支持那些貌似没有实际意义的实验,就会打击科学家们做实验的积极性,因为实验的结果不一定就一定是好的或者可以立即使用的,而需要一系列的研究,没有这些看似没意义的实验的铺垫的话,也无法达到最终的成就。 )
1 b4 C3 M$ |7 }7 ~& h0 b/ J- ]
! n0 r  T, Q0 s; {* c
In conclusion , I reckon although there are some disadvantages in doing scientific research , most impacts exerted by the advantages of doing research are desirable and beneficial . So I am in favor of doing scientific research . . A6 Q" u( B7 I3 E

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-10 16:57:21 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree that with thefollowing statement:It's more important for the government
to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build
recreational facilities(such as swimming pool, playground)  10 01 22NA
+ Y8 ?6 T) Z" g2 ^, G
Nowadays , more and more people emphasize the quality of life , and they hope to enrich their daily life rather than just to eat and drink . Some people who hold the opinion that build art museums and music performance is more important than build recreational facilities think cultivate one's taste is necessary . Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agree with the idea that build build swimming pool , playground is more useful than to build museums .

Building some recreational facilities is more helpful for people in modern days . Because people need to do sport to keep fit . According to the statistics from China Daily that more than fifty percent of workers exist the health problem . They always sit in the office and work by the computer , do not do exercise everyday , go to office by car and never take the stairs . All of these are the killer of healthy . So they need do some sports after work , such as swimming , kicking a ball .  Doing exercise is so important to a man to keep health . Use my uncle as an example , there is a swimming pool near his house so he keeps up swimming everyday after work . This year his company offered them a health checkup , most of his colleagues have some small problems except him . He said  thanks to the swimming pool near his house . In addition , Some researchers find that after doing some motion people will have a positive mood and it will improve the productivity . So it is apparent to build some recreational facilities are more sensible .

Secondly , building some recreational facilities are more appropriate to most of people . After all not all of people are interested in the exhibits in the museum or the performance in the theatre , they just suit a small of population . The majority want to find a place to relax and relieve the pressure from the work . Therefore it is not necessary for government to put more money on this minority . Another point worth mentioning is building art museums and music performance will cost much more money than build some recreational facilities , and museums and theatres will be able to support themselves through the admission fee they collect . Maybe the price of listening to a live concert performance is at least 100 RMB , but some recreational facilities are free . So I guess most of people will not go to concert often but go to the recreational facilities regularly . So I reckon that government should put more attention to the recreational facilities .

Maybe there are one or two advantages to develop the museums , maybe people can understand some knowledge about our country . But the benefits can not compare the advantages that the recreational facilities take to us . In consequence , most impacts exerted by the benefits that develop the recreational facilities are desirable . So I am in favor of put more money on the recreational facilities .   

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-11 18:23:47 |只看该作者
Nowadays , more and more(more and more低级了,建议换,比如a growing/increasing/mounting/soaring  number/amount of) people emphasize the quality of life , and they hope to enrich their daily life rather than just to eat and drink . Some people who hold the opinion that build art museums and music performance is more important than build recreational facilities think cultivate one's taste is necessary . Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agree with the idea that to build swimming pool , playground is more useful than to build museums .* ~/ ~6 p& ?$ ]/ K9 D

Building some recreational facilities is more helpful for(to) people in modern days . Because people need to do sport to keep fit . According to the statistics from China Daily that more than fifty percent of workers exist(problem不用exist吧) the health problem . They always sit in the office and work by the computer , do not do exercise everyday , go to office by car and never take the stairs . All of these are the killer of healthy . So they need do some sports after work , such as swimming , kicking a ball .  Doing exercise is so important to a man to keep health . Useing(Taking比较好) my uncle as an example , there is a swimming pool near his house so he keeps up swimming everyday after work . This year his company offered them a health checkup , most of his colleagues have some small problems except him . He said  thanks to the swimming pool near his house . In addition , Some researchers find that after doing some motion people will have a positive mood and it will improve the productivity(productivity不能用在人身上吧) . So it is apparent that to building some recreational facilities are(is,主语是building,单数) more sensible .
N8 Q4 ^- ^  V. G! o; L+ Z7 Y

Secondly , building some recreational facilities are more appropriate to most of people . After all not all of people are interested in the exhibits in the museum or the performance in the theatre , they just suit(fit) a small of population . The majority want to find a place to relax and to relieve the pressure from the work . Therefore it is not necessary for government to put more money on this minority who want to appreciate art or music . Another point worth mentioning is building art museums and music performance will cost much more money than build some recreational facilities , and museums and theatres will be able to support themselves through the admission fee they collect . Maybe the price of listening to a live concert performance is at least 100 RMB , but some recreational facilities are free . So I guess most of people will not go to concert often but go to the recreational facilities regularly . So I reckon that government should put more attention to the recreational facilities . 2 u) M  c( ]7 h6 W6 n: E  q
& X/ E5 Q1 D0 D! M$ u
Maybe there are one or two advantages to develop the museums , maybe people can understand some knowledge about our country . But the benefits can not compare the advantages that the recreational facilities take to us . In consequence , most impacts exerted by the benefits that develop the recreational facilities are desirable . So I am in favor of put more money on the recreational facilities .  

一些词语的用法和句式的搭配感觉不是很妥当啊, 建议下次写的时候,多在网上查查单词或者短语的用法以及搭配,尽量不要写“中国式英语” ,我就是因为这个吃亏。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-11 20:10:23 |只看该作者
Is it easier to be success in the past than it is today? 091010NA
Nowadays , pursuing success has become a hot topic . People find different ways to become success such as going abroad to study , working in the government agency , running a business . But the question about is it easier to be success in the past than it is today is always debated . Some people who hold the opinion that with the development of the economy there is more ways for people to become success think today is easier to be success than it is in the past . Contrary to the idea of many people is my heartfelt objection to the opinion that people can success easier today than they are in the past .

First of all , although there are many opportunities for people to be success , there are also a lot of competitors . The opportunitys are distributed for every person is small . Use my father as an example , During his years , there are so small people realize to earn money through doing business , they just work as the bosses told . Some wisdom people try different jobs such as selling some goods , doing small business can obtain success . In the contrast , current people are so competent , they have a higher education , innovative ideas . It is so difficult to be success in the challenge society unless you are more clever and more industrious .  So it is evidence that it is easier to be success in the past than it is today .
Secondly , people in the past do not have some forward concepts ,because lack of knowledge or information to be success , they do not how to do in order to be success , so the less people who have advanced idea can easily get success . My uncle said twenty years ago , there are so fewer people go abroad to study , it is not so difficult like nowadays . People who go abroad to study return country can get a lot of benefits contain decent job , higher salary . However , today people can acquire different news quickly . They can learn about different currents all over the world just by clicking the mouse . For some businessmen , they can easily receive their competitors' information or even some commercial secrets . It is no wonder that some businessmen complain that doing business is more and more difficult .

Maybe it is more convenient for people to receive the messages they want today , maybe it is more freedom for them to pursue their success . But I reckon that the difficulties in today are much more than in the past if some factors such as competitors and small opportunities are taken into consideration . So I conclude that it is easies to be success in the past than it is today .

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-12 08:12:44 |只看该作者
The lecture is mainly discussing the disadvantages about work a four-day week . Whereas , this is disparate from the reading passage , which mentions that workimg a four-day week will increase company profits , reducing unemployment and increasimg the quality of employees' life . The lecture by the professor , unquestionably , casts doubt on the reading .

First and foremost , the speaker contends that if employees work 4 days a week , the companies will spend more money , they have to hire new workers to provide training , to offer more office space and computers . And the health benefits are the same no matter a 4-day worker or 5-day worker . In contrast , the reading passage asserts that the companies' profits will increase because the reduce salary for 4-day workers and fewer errors they make . Therefore , the lecture is opposite to the writer's expectation .

Furthermore , the speaker indicates that because hire new workers will cost more so the employers will ask the employees to work overtime to make up the differences and will raise the expectation to the 4-day worker , they hope the 4-day employees to do 5-day work , even if the work is not increase , the employee will feel unpleasant .Running counter to the belief in the lecture , the reading points out that a 4-day work a week will reduce the unemployment rates because some of the work will shift to the other people . This point is directly contradicted by what the lecture mentions .

Overall . The speaker raises the issue that it also decreases the employees' job ability , harm advancing career , at last employees will lose their job . Employees who just work 4-day a week will pass over the promotion . Company will take a 5-day employee to be a manager to insure continue coverage and to supervision for the entire work . This point disagrees that a 4-day work will increase the employees' quality of life demonstrated in the reading .

So the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading .

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-12 12:50:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 江左风华 于 2011-5-12 13:02 编辑

Nowadays , more and more people(换成an ever increasing number of people显得高级一些) emphasize the quality of life , and they hope to enrich their daily life rather than just to eat and drink(more than just eating and drinking) . Some people who hold the opinion that build(building) art museums and music performance centers is more important than building recreational facilities think cultivate(cultivating) one's taste is necessary(替换成 think popular taste improvement to be of great significance是不是更好一些) . Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agree with the idea that to build swimming pool , playground is more useful than to build museums .  build这个词的出现次数太多了,其实可以用establish\set up\construct等替换,另外楼主在复杂句式结构的表达方面还不是很熟练,要时刻记得独立句子做主语一定要用动名词或不定式.

Building some recreational facilities is more helpful for(to?) people in modern days . Because people need to do sport to keep fit . According to the statistics from China Daily that more than fifty percent of workers exist the health problem(have healthy problems) . They always sit in the office and work by(on) the computer , do not do exercise everyday (take no exercise everyday是不是更顺口一些…), go to office by car(drive to the office替换never take the stairs(有一点别扭,climb up stairs?) . All of these are the killer of healthy(health) . So they need to do some sports after work , such as swimming , kicking a ball (把逗号改成and或 or,不然会有一种没写完句子的感觉).  Doing exercise is so important to a man to keep health(healthy). Use my uncle as an example(比较地道的用法是take sth for example) , there is a swimming pool near his house so he keeps up swimming everyday after work . This year his company offered them a health checkup , most of his colleagues have some small problems except him . He said  thanks to(太Chinglish了owed his good condition) the swimming pool near his house(去掉his house,有点啰嗦) . In addition , Some researchers find that after doing some motion(没见过这种用法) people will have a positive mood and it will improve the productivity . So it is apparent to build some recreational facilities are more sensible(句子结构有问题要么写成So it is apparent that building….. is more sensible要么写成Apparently, it is more sensible to build…….)  . "

Secondly , building some recreational facilities are(语法错误要用is) more appropriate to most of people . After all not all of(去掉of) people are interested in the exhibits in the museum or the performance in the theatre , they just suit a small of population(which suits merely a small fraction of population一个句号里面只能有一个主干成分,其他独立句子要改成从句形式或者动名词、不定式作伴随状语,如果一定要写成两个句子中间一定要用and, 并且两个句子的主语是同一个人或物) . The majority want to find a place to relax and relieve the pressure from the work . Therefore it is not necessary for government to put more money on this minority . Another point worth mentioning is building art museums and music performance will cost much more money than build(building) some recreational facilities , and museums and theatres will be able to support themselves through the admission fee they collect . Maybe the price of listening to a live concert performance is at least 100 RMB , but some recreational facilities are free . So I guess most of people will not go to concert often but go to the recreational facilities regularly . So I reckon that government should put more attention to the recreational facilities .

Maybe there are one or two advantages to develop the museums , maybe people can understand some knowledge about our country . But the benefits can not be compared to the advantages that the recreational facilities take to us . In consequence , most impacts exerted by the benefits that develop the recreational facilities are desirable . So I am in favor of puting more money on the recreational facilities .  

2、用此过于重复、简单 譬如do,build等词在文中反复使用


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Rank: 4


EU Assistant

发表于 2011-5-12 18:09:00 |只看该作者
Nowadays , pursuing success has become a hot topic . People find different ways to become (achieve)success such as going abroad to study , working in the (改成a)government agency(好押韵啊,笑~) , running a business . But the question about is it easier to be success in the past than it is today is always debated (这一句知道了你的意思,但是时态和语法都有问题,重新写一次吧). Some people who hold the opinion that with the development of the economy there is(are) more ways for people to become(achieve)success (分开另外一个句子they think吧,不能这样直接think的)think today is easier to be success(to succeed) than it is in the past . Contrary to the idea of many people is my heartfelt objection to the opinion that people can success (这是个名词,直接就can success了啊?)easier today than they are in the past .  (这样重复搬运一个说法很危险啊。)

First of all , although there are many opportunities for people to be success , there are also a lot of competitors . The opportunitys(前面写对了这里竟然错了) are distributed for every person is small . Use my father as an example , During his years , there are so small people(small people。。。应该是few people吧) realize to (that doing business can earn money,其实这样写也奇怪,为什么没人意识到做生意能挣钱?)earn money through doing business , they just work as (as a machine that follows their boss’s instructs)the bosses told . Some wisdom people try different jobs such as selling some goods , doing small business can obtain success . In the contrast , current people are so competent , (so .....that 应该这样用吧)they have a higher education (they are well-educated), (has)innovative ideas . It is so difficult to be success in the challenge society (不能这样说吧。)unless you (最好essay里面不要用you)are more clever and more industrious .  So it is evidence (obvious)that it is easier to be success in the past than it is today .

Secondly , people in the past do not have some forward concepts (什么意思?),because lack of knowledge or information to be success , they do not how to do in order to be success , so the less people who have advanced idea can easily get success . My uncle said twenty years ago (这个例子举得太搞笑了把。。想表达什么意思?), there are so fewer people go abroad to study , it is not so difficult like nowadays . People who go abroad to study return country can get a lot of benefits contain decent job , higher salary . However , today people (today people?应该是contemporaries)can acquire different news quickly . They can learn about different currents all over the world just by clicking the mouse . For some businessmen , they can easily receive their competitors' information or even some commercial secrets . It is no wonder that some businessmen complain that doing business is more and more difficult . 3 G+ M+ N! \3 o3 X

Maybe it is more convenient for people to receive the messages they want today , maybe it is more freedom for them to pursue their success . But I reckon that the difficulties in today are much more than in the past if some factors such as competitors and small opportunities are taken into consideration . So I conclude that it is easies to be success in the past than it is today .

fright for GT!

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-14 21:36:00 |只看该作者
Should school child be limited on the hours of watching TV program and movie ?
With the development of the TV industry , more and more programs are screened on the television . There is much conjecture over whether school child should be limited on the hours of watching TV program and movie . Some people who hold the opinion think costing too much time on TV program will influence the child's study and bring negative influence on the child's life . Coincidence with the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agreement with the idea that school child should be limited on the hour of watching TV .

First of all , most cartoons , soap operas , or violent crime television shows are detrimental to a child's development . Cartoons provide no useful information to a young child , and usually do not succeed in getting the child interested in anything except fantasy . Adult television , such as soap operas , can introduce children to subject matter that is not appropriate for their innocent minds . Violent programs are most damaging for a young child to watch . Some examples prove violent TV can influence child's opinion , and children always imitate the violent actions because of curious . If child spend too much time on these programs , their study will be influenced . What's worse , their normal life may be affected .

Secondly , it is easy for school child to addict in the TV programs . As we all known , child is interested in watching TV , especially some movies. My little brother will spend a whole day to sit next to the television . He does not do anything , not to mention do his homework . Therefore , a school child's study will fall behind if he spends too much time on TV programs . Maybe there are some programs worth to watching , such as nature programs , documentaries and educational programming can expose children a wide variety of useful information . When children watch these programmes , they are more concerned the world around them , in term of environmental issues , political issues , or culture issues . All of these can broaden their horizon . But these programs also have time limit , for example once a week . That is because watching television will harm to the child's eyes . Watching too many movies cause an ever increasing number of children become a near-sighted eye .

Hence , even if there are some benefits to the school child to watch TV , but it can not compete the adverse effects such as effect study , eyes and normal life . So I reckon that school child can not consume too much time on TV programs .

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