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[求助] 集思广益。。 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-15 00:22:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 书小妞 于 2011-6-16 22:06 编辑

Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching..agree or disagree

1.  First, 电影是表达感情或是理想的一种方式,所以很多都是的电影和想象有关。比如 哈利波特 这样的电影可以开发想象力。。
2. In addition, 动画电影往往与现实无关,但是他给我们带来了很多的快乐。
3、 admittedly, movies which relate with real life deserve our attention. such as gone with the wind. 教会我们学会珍惜 热爱和平

II agree with the author’s statement insofar that movies which relate with real life deserve our attention. However, movies contain contents such as imagination and entertainment also own their values.

As you know, science film, a work of imagination, has attracted so much attention of people all over the world, as it is up to a certain point free from objective restraints and it brings the fantastic scene to spectators. This kind of film can stimulate the imagination of audience and inspire human thought even though we can not gain any instruction of real life. Take the film of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea for example, it describes various bizarre scenes under the sea and many “advanced ” tools such as submarine, TV which teaches noting about actual life. However, it not only stimulates human to explore science but also guides scientists’ work as a blueprint. In light of this, no one can deny that science movies, as an indispensable member of flim, is worth watching too.

In addition, with the development of society, people suffer from extreme pressure which come form life, work and family. Hence there are a growing number of people who are willing to watch the entertain film which have no relationship with our life, because it can totally relax them and make them to feel happy. For example, It is an effective method to forget the troubles by watching the film performed by Chaplin.

Admittedly, to emphasize the value of film about real life can not be neglected as the author’s statement. It delivers the faith and humane as well as providing lasting values which lights up the life of present and future as a beacon. For example, Gone With The Wind describes the experience of Scarlett O’Hara, during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. It informs us no matter how bad situation is, we should not give up , because tomorrow is another day.

In sum, from what have been discussed above, we can safely draw a conclusion that it is too hasty to judge that only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching. In fact, diverse types of movies have their own features and advantages. In a word, I think which genre of film is worth watching depends on the demand of different person.

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发表于 2011-6-15 00:46:15 |只看该作者
反面的观点呗,teach us something about real life的电影一定值得我们去看吗?现实可能是美好的,但现实也可能是阴暗的,有些电影还是存在其阴暗面,甚至反社会,反人类的一面的,这类电影也值得看吗?

其次,关于teach us something about real life这个概念的定义也是因人而异的,科幻电影虽然不实际,但正是这些空想,启发了我们的思维,人类才一步步壮大至今,甚至使幻想成为现实....(神马激光武器啦,太空移民啦),现在看可能是现实的,但对从前来说就是不切实际的....

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发表于 2011-6-17 14:52:37 |只看该作者
1# 书小妞

Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching. Agree or disagree?

I agree with the author’s (There is no other ‘author’ here except you..you can say ‘the given statement’.) statement insofar that (1. It’s often ‘insofar as’; 2. ‘insofar’ means ‘to the degree that’, which means you agree with the statement to a certain extent, or under certain constraints, but beyond this extent you might not agree with the statement. So, what is your constraint here? How are ‘movies which relate with real life’ differ from ‘movies that can teach us something about real life’? I can’t tell, because you follow ‘movies which relate with real life’ with ‘movies …imagination and entertainment’, but all these movies may or may not ‘teach’ us something about real life. I can’t see how the way you differentiate movies relate to the way the question is differentiating movies.. I can’t tell how much you are agreeing or not agreeing with the given statement.) movies which relate with real life deserve our attention. However, movies that contain contents such as imagination and entertainment also own their values. (So what’s your point? Are you agreeing or disagreeing with the statement? There is no clear signal of your intent.)

As you know, the genre of science-fiction film, a kind of work of imagination, has attracted so much attention of people all over the world, as it is up to a certain point that it is free from objective restraints, and it brings the fantastic scenes to spectators (I’m not quite sure what you are trying to express exactly but if you think sci-fi is just about wows and wild fantasies, think again. There are very serious, ‘hard’ sci-fi works that are meticulously based on existing laws of physics, and in that aspect they are not just imaginations. There are other very ‘soft’ sci-fi works that do not necessarily always have ‘fantastic scenes’.). This kind of film can stimulate the imagination of the audience and inspire human thought even though we cannot gain any instructions on real life. Take the film of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea for example: it describes various bizarre scenes under the sea and many “advanced ” tools such as the submarine, TV which teaches nothing about actual life (I’m not quite understanding the last part about TV though..). However, it not only stimulates humans to explore science, but also guides scientists’ work as a blueprint. In light of this, no one can deny that science fiction movies, as an indispensable genre in film, are worth watching too.

In addition, with the development of the society, people suffer from extreme pressure which come from life, work and family. Hence there are a growing number of people who are willing to watch the entertaining films which have no relationship with our lives, because they can totally relax them (People relax, or films make people relax, but films don’t
‘relax’ people.)
and make them to feel happy. For example, it is an effective method to forget the troubles by watching the films performed by Chaplin. (Oh, you think Charlie Chaplin’s films are not related to real life? Obviously you haven’t really watched many..Use examples that you really KNOW, not something you only read about or heard of.)

Admittedly, to emphasize the value of films about real life cannot be neglected as the author’s statement. (This is not a proper sentence. It reads ‘to <do something> cannot be neglected as <something>’..you cannot use ‘to do’ as the subject for ‘neglect’, and you can’t really neglect something ‘as’ something else..) It delivers the faith and humane (This is an adj. You need a noun.) as well as provides lasting values which lights up the life of present and future as a beacon . For example, Gone With The Wind describes the experience of Scarlett O’Hara, during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. It informs us no matter how bad the situation is, we should not give up, because tomorrow is another day. (That entire movie..and you only took the last line. There are so many themes in Gone with the Wind that it’s really difficult to say what it was ALL about. Again, as said, cite something you really know, not something you’ve only read about in a one-line introduction. If you really must use Gone with the Wind, say that IN the movie there is this important idea that teaches you about not giving up, and that is motivational and all, but try not to say the whole movie IS that idea – do not try to talk about an entire big topic as if you know everything about it, while you don’t fully know. . It’s easy to see whether you really know what you are talking about, so stay with what you specifically know.)

In sum, from what have been discussed above, we can safely draw a conclusion that it is too hasty to judge that only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching. In fact, diverse types of movies have their own features and advantages. In a word, I think which genre of film is worth watching depends on the demands of different persons. (Did you talk about this? Was there a paragraph that specifically pointed out ‘it depends on the demands of different people’? This is an entirely new point – and this means your conclusion is incomplete because there’s something you still haven’t elaborated upon. A conclusion summarizes what you’ve already talked about. Do not raise new points.)



论述上不要好大喜功,是什么就说什么。比如如果你对科幻电影的了解其实多半只是少数几部电影,就直接说有些电影xxx,然后描述哪一部哪一部电影xxx,然后总结这些电影是xxx的例子,所以xxx。不要硬是急着直接先升华成科幻电影xxx然后再举例,一眼就能看出来这‘科幻电影’是硬凑的。其实看看你的提纲,也不过就是‘有些电影如何如何’,哪里明确提出了要写‘科幻电影’呢?你要表达的逻辑重点是:*有些电影能激发想象力所以*虽然不teach us blah blah但是也worth watching,至于这些电影是叫科幻电影还是哪种之类的名词,根本不重要,也不必要。

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