本帖最后由 panmingming2008 于 2011-11-6 11:47 编辑
本文源文见于:https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1314925&page=1&extra=#pid1775556121 (板凳楼)
【开始--论点】 Based on my personal experience and knowledge,long-term, realistic goal is an orientation in our lives which direct us to move forward. However, immediate fame and recognition is critical for young people to attain success and happiness as well.Therefore, I cannot agree with the statement above.
【1主题句--分论点及论据】The life is a journey and it is reasonable the orientation is critical for the young people to move on. It is fantastic that if a young person can set a long-term goal which is feasible and practical. It is like a light ahead, and you will not be lost and waste time on the detour. 【前解释--后例子(理由与证据)】For example, I have a very good college friend, she set up her long-term goal when she entered the college as a freshman which is to be a faculty in a university in the future. This goal directed her study and research in the following en years as a undergraduate student and a graduate student. She spent enormous time in the library and applied to join in professor's project teem to accumulate research experience when she was only an sophomore. She applied PhD when other students were busy with hunting a job. Her papers got published in famous journals and she gained a faculty in the Beijing Forest University after she graduated from Peking University with a PhD degree. I am certain that, the long-term goal she made ten years before directed her conduction and selection. When young people set a long term and realistic goal, they will not be confused in front of abundant choices and lures and consequently be lost. Additionally, when a long-term goal can be narrowed down sub-objectives in each session and then, you will get to know what need to do in each step.【解释2-例子】 For example, my long term goal is to be a Mathematics teacher, and then, and then I can clearly know what is necessary to find a position as a mathematics teacher in K-12 schools. First, I need a certificate. Second, I need internship experience as a teacher as much as possible. Based on these two, I will have a clue in my college study regarding course selection and internship application.
Therefore, I agree that, young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term goals which will is essential for young people to find out the way to move on and avoid detour.
【2主题句-分论点】Nevertheless that I agree the long-term feasible goal is critical for young people, standing on my perspective, immediate fame and recognition is worthing pursuing and endeavor as well. It is compelling that long-term goal is significant in our life to guide us, however, it is difficult to set a long-term realistic goal when we are young. As a youth, we lack sufficient experience and information to decide what we really want to do in the future very clearly. The world is changeable and people's thought, favors, interest changes in different period of the life as well. So, for most young people, it is not very necessary for them to set a long-term goal when they are only a high school student or college student. It happens to many people that, many years later, they found what they are pursuing is not the real thing they are passionate. Oppositely, I do encourage young people who cannot clarify their real interest and future career path to try different things and pursue immediate fame and recognition because from which, they can gain a lot pertaining to two aspects. First, pursuing immediate recognition can help student identify if they are interested in this field. 【解释--例子】For example, the founder of the biggest social networking site facebook, Mark Zarkburger,when he began to build the facebook website, he didn't have a blue picture to found a valuable company. He just intended to fulfill some idea and to get some recognition from friends and students in Harvard. This immediate recognition drove him to be an entrepreneur and create a legend in the business. Therefore, immediate fame and recognition deserve trying since it is an opportunity for young people to learn a new area and to figure out their passion and interest.
Secondly, immediate fame and recognition can provide young people motivation and confidence to face up confusion and challenges in the journey of life. 【解释2--例子】Take an example with my own experience. When I was in the college, I participated in several business creativity competition. This competition last only two months but the reward I gained have support me spiritually for a long time. Whenever I encounter difficulties and hardship, I recalled this sort of experience and I told myself that, I am capable to make it. The fame and recognition from the short-term goal gives us unexpected encouragement and motivation in some sense.
The conclusion drawn from the reasons listed above, I don't support the statement that young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition【结尾段重述中心论点--应用肯定句重述立场--而不是用否定句“I don't support...”】. For a few of lucky young people who successfully find their goals and interest at a young age, that is perfect because this long-term goal will provides them clear direction and guidance. However, for most young people whose long-term goal and interests are not for sure at a young age, immediate fame and recognition is significant to help them find a way and the joy of the life.
考虑scoring guide评分要点:
这个功底能拿稳4分了。但考虑到考试时的题目随机性,需要对一些难题多加练习--解决了难题就把“遇到难题没有思路论据--从而得3分或以下” 的机率降低到几乎为0.
可以提升的地方是“解释”部分精简下,更简洁明了。因为解释是从论点到论据(例子)的中间环节,是承接--简明为要。it's ok to illustrate you point or sub-point with an example or examples. 考虑到读者的话,具体“典型”的例子比抽象“一般”的解释要容易理解。
1.cogency--论点思考要周全深入,论据充分--- 可以对应purpose-- 思想探究
2.clarity --语言写作(表达)清楚明白 --- 可以对应audience--思想传达-->要让人明白
我对你期望高(我对自己期望也高),就鸡蛋里挑石头,希望你能再精简一下文章。能用较少的文字表达而无损意思的完整,这是对写作、思考的一个提炼。 |