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[资料] sallyremy写作版(独立)9.13 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-13 11:16:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 sallyremy 于 2011-9-14 23:22 编辑

9月13日 20091031NA It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lose of old friends.


In the modern society, migration between the two cities or two countries is a common phenomenon. In china, thousands of labour force migrates among cities during the spring festival. Although moving to a new city or a new country may extends the distance with old friends, it brings job opportunities and rich experience to migrants. Therefore, it is often a good choice to move to a new city or a new country.

Migrants can search better job vacancies through moving to a new city or a new country. First-lier cities such as Shanghai and Beijing usually have more job opportunities than the second-lier cities. Every year, thousands of migrants from the internal part of China move to coastal cities whose economy is more prosperous. In coastal cities, they search for different job vacancies in various fields such as servicing, finance, selling and public health care. It turns out that most of them can find satisfactory jobs from lots of job opportunities.

Moreover, moving to a new country brings us rich experience which is very beneficial to us. A new country means a new environment. Living in a new environment requires ability of taking care of selves and capability to solve problems when meeting difficulties. I remembered that when I went to Australia as an exchange student in the second year of my high school, I was excited and meanwhile worried about the life there. During a year there, I learned how to cook meals, wash clothes, and the most significant is that I practise my communication skills as I need to make friends there and try to dissolve into their culture.

Although moving to a new city or a new country may results in a longer physical distance between our old friends, it does not mean our relationship will be remote. Thanks to the modern communication technology, it is now quite convenient to make phone calls to our friends wherever you are. Access to the Internet also shortens the distance of the world. Therefore, moving to a new city or a new country will not lose our old friends but make new friends there.

In conclusion, it can bring job opportunities and rich experience when migrating to a new city or a new country. Meanwhile, we do not necessarily lose our old friends if we attempt to keep a frequent contact with them.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2011-9-14 15:30:03 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 pumpkinbrain 于 2011-9-14 15:31 编辑

In the modern society, migration between the two cities or two countries is a common phenomenon. In china, thousands of labour force migrates among cities during the spring festival. Although moving to a new city or a new country may extends the distance with old friends, it brings job opportunities and rich experience to migrants. Therefore, it is often a good choice to move to a new city or a new country.
Migrants can search better job vacancies through moving to a new city or a new country. First-lier cities such as Shanghai and Beijing usually have more job opportunities than the second-lier cities. Every year, thousands of migrants from the internal part (通常是用central section 或者 middle part)of China move to coastal cities whose economy is more prosperous. In coastal cities, they search for different job vacancies in various fields such as servicing, finance, selling and public health care. It turns out that most of them can find satisfactory jobs from (in) lots of job opportunities. Moreover, moving to a new country brings us rich experience which is very beneficial to us. A new country means a new environment. Living in a new environment requires ability of taking care of selves and capability to solve problems when meeting difficulties (还是应该用of句型吧). I remembered that when I went to Australia as an exchange student in the second year of my high school, I was excited and meanwhile worried about the life there. During a year there, I learned how to cook meals, wash clothes, and the most significant is that I practise my communication skills as I need to make friends there and try to dissolve into their culture.
Although moving to a new city or a new country may results in a longer physical distance between our old friends, it does not mean our relationship will be remote. Thanks to the modern communication technology, it is now quite convenient to make phone calls to our friends wherever you are. Access to the Internet also shortens the distance of the world. Therefore, moving to a new city or a new country will not lose our old friends but make new friends there.(感觉这一段比较单薄,可以写的更详细具体一点,最后一句make new friends的出现有点,和上文没什么联系突兀)
In conclusion, it can bring job opportunities and rich experience when migrating to a new city or a new country. Meanwhile, we do not necessarily lose our old friends if we attempt to keep a frequent contact with them.
总体来说第二段关于job experience的部分我认为写得很好,但第三段缺乏例子,只是轻轻一笔带过,显得有点头重脚轻。这是我的意见,仅供参考~

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