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[未归类] 写作 by kikyou_lr [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-14 00:20:51 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 mlium 于 2012-1-14 00:28 编辑


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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-14 00:36:37 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 mlium 于 2012-1-14 00:52 编辑


Since at the beginning of the Industry Revolutionaryrevolution in last century, science has becoming(become) one of the most important factors that have effects on modern life. As the whole world learned, scientists and their researches are the source of the revolutionary. But, but后面一般不直接接逗号)there are some people hold that the government should not giveprovide会不会好点)a great amount of financial foundsfunds to support researches, because most of them are useless. (with little practical use) I have to say scientific research(怎样的research) do worth are definitely worthgetting this kind of support for(from) countries, companies and individuals.
First and foremost, scientific research is beneficial for(应该是to) the country. Science has been the most significant (用得很好)power of a country. As the countries which have great influence on the whole world do have got the developed military industry with high technology. And science is the basis of that(这句话有点繁琐). The (去掉thepowerful weapons like Aircraft Carrier and nuclear weapons all come from the fruits of scientific research.Therefore, the countries which want to protect the civilians and territory can not achieve their goal without the science power.
On the other hand, toAs forthe companies, the probability of being success in the competitionWhether winning the competition or not also depends on science. The latest and frontal development of science is the most powerful strength for greatly encourages?水平有限,只能想到这种表达方式了)these international companies to occupy the market in the (可去掉)worldwide. An illustrating example is Apple that have kinds of products with high popularity, especially Ipod ,Iphone, and Ipad and so on. As we all know, Iphone is the best smart cell phone which can afford all the needs with latest scientific fruit. The success of Apple strongly support that science is the best way to compete with other rivals in modern society, and (去掉)Compared with the profit brought up, it is a small price to spendingspendon the research.
What's more, to individuals, science provides them with a convenient modern life. With the advent of industrialization, it is a completely change for daily life. Nowadays, science and scientific product have penetrated (很形象)into every aspect of people’s life, and equip them with the efficiency and quality. (写得很好For instance, housewives have been set free from piles of dirty clothes  with a washing machine, and have more time to care about themselves. Apart from that, people can go aboard by plane, and live aboard with frequent contact with families and friends by email or telephone and PC, which is unbelievable years ago. By now it is difficult for modern people to live without high-technology products. So in my view, government should develop the science to make life better.
To sum up, scientific research is beneficial for tocountries, companies and individuals, it Thereis no doubt that if government would(可去掉) spends more money on researches of these aspects and(可去掉)
it will get rewards in future.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-14 03:09:59 |只看该作者
101210NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new onethan work on two or more projects at the same time.

With the development of industrialization, fast pace life make people rush to do everything, like getting one more hand. Some of them come up with such suggestion that ones can do more projects at once to be efficiency. But others still hold that finishing and perfect one project at a time can get more efficiency and high quality than being busy with several projects and destroy them. There are reasons as follow.

First and foremost, it is undoubted that quality is more easily to get when people focus on just one project. As we all know, for most if not all the common people, we have so limited energy that we can not drive many operations at the same time and do a perfect job like a computer .When I was a elementary school teacher, there were tremendous detail works need to be done every single day. A girl asked me for help when a fighting was reported. A boy was chocking when a crowd of child were running after in the classroom. There were too many thing to remember, and i can not finish all the things until someone remind me. That is why I disagree with the idea that working on two or more projects during the same time.

On the other hand, it turned out that individuals can cost less time to complete a project and be efficiency if they keep their mind on the same operation. An illustrating example is the experience with the vacation that ones get a whole week to take a rest in the spring festival. After a happy vacation with families and friends, they feel completely lost when getting back to work. So they have to take a lot of time to get the information about what they have done and what else need to do. In this case, a project that should be finish in five days spend a total eight or nine days in the end. Therefore, one project can not be efficiently done if being interrupted by other works or other things like vacation. Obviously, People definitely should learn from that and finish one thing before beginning a new one.

To summarize, possible as it look at first sight to work on two or projects at once, people , if given the second thought, would better complete a project and then start to do another one because of efficiency and high quality.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-14 10:12:20 |只看该作者
30# kikyou_lr
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-15 01:52:21 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new onethan work on two or more projects at the same time.

With the development of industrialization, fast pace life make people rush to do everything, like getting one more hand. Some of them come up with such suggestion that ones(one 话说没有ones这种用法吧?) can do more projects at once to be efficiency. But others still hold that finishing and perfect one project at a time can get more efficiency and high quality than being busy with several projects and destroy them. There are reasons as follow.3 P" {" ], F. D, Z

First and foremost, it is undoubted that quality is more easily to get when people focus on just one project. As we all know, for most if not all the common people, we have so limited energy that we can not(cannot) drive many operations—你确定是这个单词? at the same time and do a perfect job like a computer .When I was a(an) elementary school teacher, there were tremendous detail works need to be done every single day. A girl asked me for help when a fighting was reported. A boy was chocking when a crowd of child were running after in the classroom. There were too many thing to remember(waiting to be handled, and it is hard for me to remember all of them), and(so) i can not finish all the things until someone remind me. That is why I disagree with the idea that working on two or more projects during the same time.
; f% F; A. x* u z
On the other hand(on the one hand和on the other hand 通常是在意思相反的时候使用,所以如果要在意思相近的两段之间 应该使用 for one thing, for another thing), it turned out that individuals can cost less time to complete a project and(用or吧?) be efficiency(efficient) if they keep their mind on the same operation(thing). An illustrating (convincing)example is the experience with the vacation that ones(one)get a whole week to take a rest in the spring festival. After a happy vacation with families and friends, they feel completely lost when getting back to work. So they have to take a lot of time to get the information about what they have done and what else need to do. In this case, a project that should(can) be finish in five days (but)spend a total eight or nine days in the end—这句怎么这么不顺捏. Therefore, one project can not be efficiently done if being interrupted by other works or other things like vacation. Obviously, People definitely should learn from that and finish one thing before beginning a new one. (感觉这个例子表述不太好啊,因为我没看你总结的时候以为你要说的是:度完假以后忘记了工作,所以应该要度假的时候也做工作—也就是同时做,才可以不忘记。)

To summarize, possible as it look at first sight to work on two or projects at once, people , if given the second thought, would better complete a project and then start to do another one because of efficiency and high quality.

不好意思 改晚了。。

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-15 01:55:54 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new onethan work on two or more projects at the same time.

With the development of industrialization, fast pace --这么写感觉。。life make people rush to do everything, like getting one more hand. Some of them come up with such suggestion that ones(one 话说没有ones这种用法吧?) can do more projects at once to be efficiency. But others still hold that finishing-finish and perfect one project at a time can get more efficiency and high quality than being busy with several projects and destroy them. There are reasons as follow.

First and foremost, it is undoubted that quality is more easily to get when people focus on just one project. As we all know, for most if not all the common people, we have so limited energy that we can not(cannot) drive many operations—你确定是这个单词? at the same time and do a perfect job like a computer .When I was a(an) elementary school teacher, there were tremendous detail works need to be done every single day. A girl asked me for help when a fighting was reported. A boy was chocking when a crowd of child were running after in the classroom. There were too many thing to remember(waiting to be handled, and it is hard for me to remember all of them), and(so) i can not finish all the things until someone remind me. That is why I disagree with the idea that working on two or more projects during the same time.

On the other hand(on the one hand和on the other hand 通常是在意思相反的时候使用,所以如果要在意思相近的两段之间 应该使用 for one thing, for another thing), it turned out that individuals can cost less time to complete a project and(用or吧?) be efficiency(efficient) if they keep their mind on the same operation(thing). An illustrating (convincing)example is the experience with the vacation that ones(one)get a whole week to take a rest in the spring festival. After a happy vacation with families and friends, they feel completely lost when getting back to work. So they have to take a lot of time to get the information about what they have done and what else need to do. In this case, a project that should(can) be finish in five days (but)spend a total eight or nine days in the end—这句怎么这么不顺捏. Therefore, one project can not be efficiently done if being interrupted by other works or other things like vacation. Obviously, People definitely should learn from that and finish one thing before beginning a new one. (感觉这个例子表述不太好啊,因为我没看你总结的时候以为你要说的是:度完假以后忘记了工作,所以应该要度假的时候也做工作—也就是同时做,才可以不忘记。)

To summarize, possible as it look at first sight to work on two or projects at once, people , if given the second thought, would better complete a project and then start to do another one because of efficiency and high quality.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-15 02:08:57 |只看该作者
1月14日 101009NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside

For years, there is a dream for people of going back to countryside and lead a simple and peace life there. It is reasonable that they are tired of the crowed and stressful life in cities, and want to have a fresh change. That is true that country life is a little bit less stressful than city life, and it is quiet too. But it does not mean that country is a paradise, especially referring to take care of family members. Points below supports my idea.

First and foremost, education of children is a core consideration of every family. Till now, education system and facilities in countryside still have a rather wide gap to that are in cities. As we all know, education is essential for the development of people and even for the rest of their life. In country, students have to spend two or more hours to go to school miles away or live in school and can not stay with their parents. Even though they can go through the lack of education facilities, they can not have good source of teachers. In the country school, a teacher will teach more than two or three subjects which is not in their major. It is tragic for both the students and the teachers. By contrast, school in cities enable students to have access to the latest knowledge with plenty of facilities like computers and others. In the meanwhile, school have enough teachers to teach the subject which is their major. In this case, people who want their children have a well-developed education do will live in cities.

On the other hand, city life provides elder family members with convenient medical care and a great deal of entertainment facilities to have a good life without worrying about these. It is just  the most important factor which individuals should think for their old parents about. An illustrating example is that my experience of a family member' death. It is a uncle who suffer stomachache for years. After years of treatment in the country hospital, he did not get better and have to go to a rather remote hospital in a city. By then they started to know that uncle have got a cancer and miss the best opportunity to treat. People should learn from this example that a good medical care is essential for them to take good care of their families.

To sum up, city life equip people with a good education system for children to be educated and a well-development medical system for older family members to take care. Therefore it is undoubted that ones would better to live in city than in countryside, even though countryside is a less stressful place and have a quiet life.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-15 14:30:46 |只看该作者
1月14日 101009NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside
For years, there is a dream for people of going back to countryside and lead a simple and peace life there. It is reasonable that they are tired of the crowed and stressful life in cities, and want to have a fresh change. That is true that country life is a little bit less stressful than city life, and it is quiet too. But it does not mean that country(countryside) is a paradise, especially referring to take care of family members. Points below supports(support) my idea.

First and foremost, education of children is a core(main) consideration of every family. Till now, education system and facilities in countryside still have a rather wide gap to that are—这个are可以不要 in cities. As we all know, education is essential for the development of people and even for the rest of their life. In country, students have to spend (spend some time doing something)two or more hours to go to school miles away or live in school and can not—cannot不能分开写啊。。。 stay with their parents. Even though they can go through the lack of education facilities, they can not have good source of—没这么说的哇? Teachers(就说有更好的教育资源 如更好的老师 更好的硬件设备). In the country school, a teacher will teach more than two or three subjects which is not in their major. It is tragic for both the students and the teachers. By contrast, school in cities enable students to have access to the latest knowledge with plenty of facilities like computers and others(电话,电视机电影). In the meanwhile, schools have enough teachers to teach the subject which is their major. In this case, people who want their children have a well-developed education do will live in cities.: w4 |;
On the other hand—这个有相反的意思,应该用for another thing, city life provides elder family members with convenient medical care and a great deal of entertainment facilities to have a good life without worrying about these. It is just the most important factor which individuals should think for their old parents about. An illustrating—这个单词不对吧?用convincing? example is that my experience of a family member' death. It is a?有这么说的? uncle who suffer stomachache for years. After years of treatment in the country hospital, he did not get better and have to go to a rather remote hospital in a city. By then they started to know that uncle have got a cancer and miss the best opportunity to treat. People should learn from this example that a good medical care is essential for them to take good care of their families.$ R j3 K, _" R: u

To sum up, city life equip people with a good education system for children to be educated and a well-development medical system for older family members to take care. Therefore it is undoubted that ones would better to live in city than in countryside, even though countryside is a less stressful place and have a quiet life.
不错不错, 感觉你每一篇错的都是一样的小错误, 那个改改就很好了哈。这篇思路很好哈。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-16 01:59:34 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-30 09:11:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kikyou_lr 于 2012-1-30 09:17 编辑


1月30日 101029NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Personalities, characters and communication skills are the most important factors for those successful persons.

       It increasingly come into discuss that what are the most important factors for people to make their achievements. Parts of people view personality, characters and communication skills as the key factors of successors necessary. Yet against this statement, the others see timing, opportunities and talent as the unparallel contributors to be success. There is undoubtedly an element of truth in both of the two arguments. But I strongly agree with the latter statement on several grounds.
      First and foremost, it is clearly that people who regard social skills as one of the most important factors make their mistake by ignoring a basic fact that a good timing is more crucial to be success. It is true that social skills are vital for people to deal with work or personal business. And we do live in a modern society when people are never as dependent on each other as they are at present. Yet speaking of the top three keys to succeed, timing is undeniable to be more important than social skills. To provide a notable example, in recent past years, there are a great deal of changes in every walk of daily life throughout the society of china. Just during this period, a great portion of people earn enormous money and successfully develop their career. But their achievements are not made as to their social skills, but for the right sense of timing. Even some of them is absolutely selfish, cold-blood and have difficulty to get along with others. In this sense, social skills are definitely a contributor of being success, but other factors might to be more significant than it, just like timing.
     In addition, the propaganda in magazines and newspapers, even most of the visual and audio media, emphasize the reasons of individuals’ success on personalities and characters. Properly speaking, that is a partial judgment. On one hand, the press stress that people who are celebrities in their realm have various virtues, like diligent, clever, persistence and so on. It looks like that one who has these characters could make achievements for sure. But the truth is obviously not. Having such virtues is helpful for ones to deal with their relations with coworkers and make their work easier due to others’ help, but it is not the determined reason to make their own name. On the other hand, a great many of people who have been proved to be succeed worldwide are not the ones who have a good temper or character. Just oppositely these celebrities always have the public to tolerate their shortcomings because of their exceptional talent. There are enough celebrities to support this idea, especially movie stars or artists. In other words, they become successful person not counting for the personalities or characters, but instead the excellent talent which the common people have not got. Therefore, that is why I hold that other reasons like talent is more realistic reason than the personalities and characters.
      To summarize, these common factors which people often come up with do make a step to be a successful person, but there are more vital reasons to explore. Although there is a long and remote way to go before we make our final goal to be success. But as long as we keep a realistic view of point about our talent and keep trying on the pursuit, the timing is to be reachable.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-30 23:53:04 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-1 12:16:15 |只看该作者
2月1日 100213NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed in a team.

    Increasingly attention has been paid to the pathway of how to succeed, especially in a team. Parts of people view consideration as one of the most significant contributes to work with partners. Yet, against this statement, the others think of decide by their own and debate with other co-workers as the way to defeat them and then be successful. I can not agree more with the former, points below supports my idea.
      First and foremost, the people who insist to hold their own ideas and do not accept any opinions of others without conscious that "to make mistakes is human” as the proverb says. Known to millions, far and wide, there never will have person who commit no mistakes in the world. No matter how clever and cautious they are, human make mistakes all the time. To great extent, how good one will perform depends on how clear he or she realize the shortcoming and how much effort they will do. In this sense, awareness of the importance of knowing about the limitation enable individuals to deal with works better and gain access to succeed.
      Furthermore, a more realistic and rational criterion of valuing a partner includes the relation between colleagues and the capacity of profession. It is not to suggest people to abandon principals and pleased everyone in the team. The higher the occupation is, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within all kinds of people rather than technical competence or professional knowledge. social skills are still among most boss's top concerns and feedbacks of other co-workers have to use as anchor when doing for further promotion. By knowing this, acceptance of criticism will never be overstressed for the one who want to have advanced achievements.  
      In addition, success depends on many conditions, such as time, hard work and luck. The list goes on and on. As one of the books by Bryan Tracy says, the success consists of 21 secrets. No matter what era one is in, one has to tries his or her best to work at right time at right place with a little luck and get along with others in order to succeed. If one lives today but does not care anybody, one will end up no where certainly. Consequently, it is reasonable that who can enhance performance not only in the profession realm but have great reputation also should get more possibility of success.
       To summarize, We all see the necessity of accepting criticism for who have ambition to distinguish themselves, as it would definitely motivate individuals to perfect their work and being open-minded to earn more supports.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2012-2-2 12:41:27 |只看该作者
Increasinglyincreasing attention has been paid to the pathway of how to succeed(赶脚直接说the pathway to success更好), especially in a team. Parts of people some people view consideration as one of the most significant contributes to work with partners.(这句话其实不是非常理解,楼主是要表达合作更重要,some people consider working with partners more significant,此处适合短句因为后文是长句,长短搭配比较舒服) Yet, against this statement, the(似乎不需要the others think of tend to decide by their own and debate with other co-workers as the way to defeat them and then be successful. I can not agree more with the former, points below supports my idea.(既然是同意前者的观点,前面的观点最好着重叙述,不然感觉开头段没有提出论点)
% |+ Y2 g, M8 v9 `6 l  l4 ^2 x      First and foremost, the people who insist to hold their own ideas and do not accept any opinions of others without conscious
considering 或者awareness of that "to make mistakes is human” 此句更地道地表达是“to err is human”不过楼主的也不错as the proverb says. Known to millions, far and wide, there never will have person who no one can commit assure no mistakes in the world. No matter how clever and cautious they are, human makes mistakes all the time. To great extent, how good one will perform depends on how clear he or she realize the shortcoming and how much effort they will domake. 这句话不错,就是不确定能不能说perform goodIn this sense, awareness of the importance of knowing about the limitation 好词
enable individuals to deal with works better and gain access to succeed.
( |- H$ R7 v% t. e# f) P7 H+ Z( S* e      Furthermore, a more realistic and rational criterion of valuing a partner includes the relation between colleagues and the capacity of profession.
professional competence It is not+ possible to suggest people to abandon principals and pleased please everyone in the team. The higher the occupation position 职位和职业的区别 is, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within all kinds of people rather than technical competence or professional knowledge. social skills are still among most bosses' top concerns and feedbacks of other co-workers have to
use be used as anchor when doing for further promotion. By knowing this, acceptance of criticism will never be overstressed for the one who want to have advanced achievements.  
: Y( H! ]. g3 \0 }# `$ p      In addition,
过渡自然 success depends on many conditions, such as time, hard work and luck. The list goes on and on. As one of the books by Bryan Tracy says, the success consists of 21 secrets.这种引用很有档次耶 No matter what era one is in, one has to tries his or her best to work at right time at right place with a little luck and get along with others in order to succeed. If one lives today but does not care anybody +else, one will end up no where certainly. Consequently, it is reasonable that who can enhance performance not only in the professionprofessional realm好词 but have great reputation also should get more possibility of success要表达名誉可以增加成功的可能,a good reputation can increase the odds of success.
4 ~2 A/ z+ N. H4 _# I6 Xx
       To summarize, We all see the necessity of accepting criticism for who have ambition to distinguish themselves
不错, as it would definitely motivate individuals to perfect their work and being open-minded好词 to earn more supports.


但是有个严重的问题就是,文章中会出现低级的语法错误,可能会让考官读不懂。其实英语语法规则并不困难,建议楼主去复习下高中定语从句,强调句,被动语句,还有一些基本的比如contribute to 后面接名词,所以要用ing形式。 这些语法错误会掩盖掉文章原有的光辉,所以一定要注意

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-2 17:23:05 |只看该作者
42# kikyou_lr
改完了 真心不好意思~
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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-4 08:28:38 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kikyou_lr 于 2012-2-4 08:29 编辑

23 110815NA One of your classmates needs help with some schoolwork. Which solution would you recommend your classmate should do: to ask you for help or to find a professional tutor for help. Include reasons and details to in your response.

     To help classmates who have difficulty in doing schoolwork and the frustrations they may faced, we ought to help them with enthusiasm or recommend them turn to the professional tutor for help, it is not easily to be determined, and the choice is highly personal. In my point of view, although taking some time and energy, we definitely should have no hesitation for people in demanding. and considering the specific conditions which the classmates are in is the first thing we should do. If we can readily deal with the problem, we give the help directly, if we can not solve the issue too, we can do something else instead.
       First and foremost, in modern society, people can not survive without others' help . In other words, we are the one help others today, and we may be the one who need helps in coming days. Therefore, on one hand, people always in the way of helping or being help; on the other hand, even if this is the one who you will never need, building good relation with the ones around us is among individuals' top concern all over the time. It is valuable to give a little help and gain rewards sooner or later. what's more, to be friendly is a good experience in daily life. By knowing this, either the practical rewards such as help in doing our own business or the mental reward of happy are the reasonable factors which motivate one to offer their help.
      In addition, the one who provide others with help in the schoolwork will earn better understanding of their knowledge than before. In classic ancient china works, there is a proverb saying "teaching others is always a good way to enhance both the teacher's and the learner's knowledge." Obviously, during the course of teaching, the teacher can get more familiar with the content and have the chance to find the blind points of their own understanding. In this sense, helping with other classmates enable one to be a better learner in his or her professional realm.
      Last but also important, facing an issue can not be solved for the two person ,neither the help-needing one nor the help-offering one, and going straight to the professional tutor is as well as a method to figure the problem out and gain a kind and diligent impression from the professor. It is one stone two birds. To form the team spirits and keeping thrusting passion to the major allow individuals to be the star student and the future expert in one's professional aspect, and that is what they want. Consequently, dealing untangle issues with classmates is beneficial.
     To summarize, without hesitation to offer help to people who in swamp benefit both of them, who need help and who give their helpful hand, according to the three factors including getting future mental and practical rewards, gaining better understanding of the knowledge, and building a diligent impression in professor's mind.

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写作 by kikyou_lr
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