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发表于 2003-12-27 00:59:43 |只看该作者
45 Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day’s work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

People have always had the choice of getting up early in the morning and start the day's work or  get up later in the day and work late at night. I have come across people getting up late in the day and working late in the night while they have their own reasons and preferences for doing so, I personally prefere to rise early in the morning and get to work. Specially if there is some studyig that I have to do I prefer to do it early in the morning when there is not much disturbance around and my mind is fresh.

Since their childhood children  are encouraged to get up early in the morning and get to bed soon, this is very good for their health, Since staying up late in the night may lead to abnormal sleeping habits and may lead to digestive and other health problems.

There have been reports in the local news papers recently that a few studies were made on the sleeping habits of the people and the results show that people who get up early in the morning and get to work are more efficient, because they are able to concentrate and focus on thier work more in the early hours when there is not much disturbace.

Also I feel that getting up early in the morning and going for a walk or a jog is an ideal way of starting the day, it gives me an opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise while I enjoy the nature which other wise gets polluted as the day progresses by the smoke and the noise of automobiles.

It may not always be the choice of the individual to get up early.  I have a friend who wishes to get up late and work late because he wants to avoid spending time in the early hour traffic. I heard him a couple of time complainin about this and expressing his desire to start the day early and get to work so that he can spend some time in the evening with his loved ones.
Based on the above facts I prefer to get up and start my day early.

Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night.And I prefer to start early in the morning , as only the early bird, gets the worm.
   Starting early in the morning  is a good habit, for all ages. It keeps you vibrant and energetic, and motivated to start your work.After a good night sleep, you really feel relaxed and charged up with the energy to start the next day's work.Yoga stresses the importance of waking up early, worshiping the early sunrise.  Because a yogi believes that the early sunrays is a great food for the biological system of a person, improving the circulatory and respiratory systems
  Nevertheless, the old proverb "Early to bed and early to rise"is still in practice. And also the early morning  time proves to be a quality time according to researchers.Thats because , the mind is clear and very receptive in the early mornings.There is less distraction, and more concentration, and hence quality work is done over a short period of time
      So, I prefer to start my work early in the  morning, to make use of the precious morning time, which I consider is the most valuable in life.


I prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work. First of all, my parents have helped me to develop the habit of getting up early in the morning since I was a kid. And I see this is a good habit because by getting up early, I have more hours in a day to finish the day's work. For example, when I get up early in the morning, I would reach the office earlier. Normally, I would either have more time to finish the work or finish the work earlier and leave home earlier.

Another reason that I prefer to get up early is because I can enjoy the beauty of the nature. When I get up early, I can really feel the cool weather and fresh air in the morning. And I would say it is best time of the day to plan for the day's work.

I also choice to get up early because I can beat the traffic jam at my residential area. In most cases, I can avoid the hectic traffics and reach my office on time by getting up early in the morning. By being in the office early, I show my commitment in my work and become more productive.

In short, I prefer to get up early and start the day's work early because it allow me to have more hour to work per day. Also, I can plan well in the cool and fresh environment. Last but not least, getting up early also means I can beat the traffic jam and be more productive in my work.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:03:45 |只看该作者
47 Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

I prefer to work for a small company at the beginning of my career because I will learn a more general perspective of that organization, I will have more opportunities to be promoted, and I can use that kind of experience to any job in the future.

Working in a small company help you to understand how all the company works, how all the departments relate to each other.  For example, I had the opportunity to work for a small newspaper in the Production Department as a Production Manager Assistant and I deal with different departments such us Advertising, Technical Writing, Distribution, Accounting.  I had the opportunity to visit all the departments and learn the functions of each of them and how all of them contribute to main company goal.  

Smaller companies have less employees and less policies and provide you more freedom to make changes and try new ideas and improvements.  Managers can notice your work and recognize you more often.  When I worked in  small newspaper, I partipated in business meetings with all the Departments Managers and with the General Manager and the Owner of the company.  We did not only talk about business but also about other personal topics and we have the opportunity to know each other more.

The learning experience in a small company is more general and provide you with a overall knowledge of an organization and build you a helpful background that can be applie in other departments and also in other companies.  When I worked in other companies such us a Textile Factory, a Cement Corporation or a Customer Service Company, I was able to identified the different relationships among the different departments and I was able to identify the main goal of the company and work for it.

Working in a small company gives a you a better perspective of the organization as whole company working towards a goal, provide you more opportunities to be recognized and deal with the decision makers of a company and provide with a better background and valuable experience to be use in other departments and also in other companies.


Working is a pleasure for me. It gives me satisfaction as and a feeling of achievement and fulfillment. Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. I prefer to work for a large company as it gives me opportunities to learn and grow. Working in a large organization also results in monetary benefits.

I am currently working in a multinational company, a world leader in education and training. While working here for last five years, I have been bestowed upon by innumerable opportunities to learn while working. I have attended several on the job training that have helped me grow into a tech savvy. These training are essential for each on of us in this organization. Actually, I am paid for learning. Isn’t it a wonderful concept of earning while learning?

A large organization focuses on new ventures to expand the business. Hence, in large organizations, one can grab many opportunities to grow. The more you learn and prove your knowledge by application, the more opportunities you get to grow. A large organization consists of different divisions, such as Sales, Marketing, Development, Media, Research & Development. According to the personal interests and expertise in an area, one can pursue his/her career while learning and growing.

Another major reason for opting for a large organization to work is job stability. A large organization is well established in its field of business. The employees in such organizations do not have to worry about the shut down of the organization. Job security is one of the keywords in the fast changing business world.

To sum up, a large organization with focus on expansion, one can get many opportunities to learn and grow. As learning new things is my area of interest, I prefer to work in a well established, large organization. In addition, such a job gives me s feeling of accomplishment, growth, and security.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:04:40 |只看该作者
48 People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

People work because they need money to live. Of course, money is essential to live in this century.Money helps people to get what they want such as food, an apartment to live, and clotthing to wear. However working is an activity that people perform in order to feel useful and important in their life. Taking the work that a physician has to do. This job has financial gratification but also, it has a great emotional satisfaction. It gives the opportunity to save other's people lifes and also It brings new lifes to this world as gynecologist does every day.
Besides working increase the self -steem of a person, giving the opportunity to do what they can do best, feeling a productive person in this society. A person who work knows she is working because she has good qualifications to do so and she can improve every day her skills doing her job and she can feel proud of herself and be a better person.
Whatever job is a source of inspiration in order to make things better and to lift the spirits of people knowing they can do something special in their life. That is what life is about. In fact working is one of the essential activities in human life, no matter if you are receiving money from it, You always receive the compensation of being useful.


  There are many reasons for people to work. For one reason, people work to make money to live. For another reason, people work to make self-realization. Lastly, people work to promote the progress of our society. In this essay, I will use specific examples and details to discuss the last two reasons for people to work.
  People work not only for money but also for self-realization. By working people can feel satisfaction about themselves. This is because by working, people can apply what they have learned before into reality. They can feel they are good and useful to their society. Those satisfactions about themselves will generate happiness and motivations to better develop themselves. For example, I have a friend, who always wondered whether the knowledge he had learned in the school was useful or not. After he worked, he applied what he had learned into reality and got satisfactions about himself. He has confidences now and also feel he should go on with his study in the future. So we can see by working, one can make self-realization.
  Another reason for people to work is because of the requirement of the development of our society. The progress of the society depends on each member in it. The societies which are made up of hard-working people usually make more progress than those made up of people who do not work. The wealth of the society is made by people's work. Moreover, if one society get wealthier and stronger, it can do more goods to the members of it. The influences are intercountered.
  In short, people work not only because of money. They work also because they want to make self-realization and make contributions to the development of their society. Since the societies are made of many hard-working people, they can grow and make more progress.


"People will work because they need money to live." Though I do believe that there are a lot of other reasons for people to work. I will enumerate each of these reasons in the following paragraphs.

According to me, all of us have an inbuilt burning desire to SUCCEED. Success is a combination of professional achievements and then earning money as a result of these. Even if one of these components is missing, one will not derive true pleasure of having succeded. Thus it is a big chain of events, one enjoys one's work, the moment one's work is not to complete a job but an enjoyment, one works evn harder. more hard work over the long run inevitably leads to professional excellence which in turn translates in monetary benefits.

Secondly, when a person works hard, he contributes directly or indirectly to society. This feeling that "I have some worth and am contributing to betterment of society" is very important for mental happiness. Being an orthopedic surgeon myself, I have experienced this numerous times. If a patient comes to me with a fracture and then goes home walking, the pleasure I derive is phenomenal even if I donot derive substantial monetary benefit from this.

I also want to add that work gives money and in this day and age, even for social work one might want to do, one needs funds. Money thus earned can be given for various charitable causes thus giving a tremendous sense of satisfaction and well being.

I therfore strongly believe that one of the important reasons that people work is for money for themselves and for their family, there are many, significantly more important reasons for working and these are the ones which actually keep life going.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:05:54 |只看该作者
49 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

I strongly agree with the statement that face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication. Below are some points to support my opinions.

First of all, it is much more easier to understand each other by face-to-face communication. Words are not the only way to communicate. People often use body languages and face expressions to help to express themselves more clearly. Other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls simply don't offer such advantages.

Secondly, face-to-face communication enhances the relationship between people. It's hard to imagine that family members could communicate with each other only through telephone calls or email.

Last, but certainly not the least, people can receive instant and clear feedback from their talking partners by face-to-face communication. The possibilities of misunderstanding will be much more less than communicating by other methods. That's why the most important decisions still made by face-to-face discussion, even there are more convienent ways available.

Based on above points, I think face-to-face is a better way to communicate with people.


      In all times people was in an alliance with the other people that have the same colour of the body, ideas,feelings,religion,community,etc. With time, they made first voice commands which was helpful in some situations, then those were transformed in their own language.They understood the importance of their experience,knowledge and skills so they tryed to make an other type of communication that give us an idea how was their live -the writing language.In our days, our society provide us to know all kind of types of communication.For me, face-to-face communication is better then other types of communication because we can see and we can feeling what our partner try to say us. Plus, it is not formal and bore.There is not many people that can write interesting to keep our atention. If we speak about telephone calls I'd like to say that is more expensive then letters or email.
     First,face-to-face communication give us a possibility to see each other.It may be helpful in some situations.Sometimes we need only to see his/her eyes and we can tell what does he/she mean.We can not do it by letter or email or phone.For exemple, when people are in love they can not speak much because they understand each other without words.
    Second,we can understand what the partner mean because his/her intonation help us to make our interpretation of this problem or question.In other words, to feel in the same way,we need to see and to hear each other.We can make an accent on a word that is mare expressive or important,we can play our words such in a theatre.
    Third,it is not so expensive then letters,email or phone call.It is free!Not each of us have enough money to afford a computer connected to the internet for a communication by the email or to pay a lot of money for the phone calls.Other thing is a time that we spend to write a letter.In our society where time is money,each of us find the solution how to do more think in a minimal time.
     In conclusion, I think in the future people will speak without words,mail,email or phone call.They will communicate with their imagination.It is fantastic but it is not a secret- people have many possibilities that they do not know in this moment.For me,in all times the life was a play, and in this play we always need to communicate for make our own opinion.


In today's fast-paced environment, we are faced with a myriad of communication options. Be it letters, e-mails, or telephonic conversations, I think that no means is more effective than face to face dialogue.

Firstly, face to face dialogue affords the speaker the opportunity to convey his message in a more detailed and complete way. Emotions, moods and expressions come forth to the surface in a face to face interaction, unlike written words or those spoken on the telephone. By using tone, facial gestures and body language, the spaker gives a thorough idea of the listener of his point of view. For example, by leaning forward on his chair, opening his arms and moving his hands in a forceful manner, the speaker can convey interest and leadership.

Another benefit that face to face communication provides is immediate feedback. The speaker can clarify any confusion rightaway. Unlike written statements, no idea or thought is lost in grammatical errors or misuse of vocabulary. Since all people involved in the conversation can easily see each other, approval, interest, or disregard, can easily be deduced and dealt with.

Often we see messages getting confused, and warped up in a maze of paperwork or unanswered e-mail and telephone calls. Such accumulation of data can create lot of stress and undue mess ups in an office environemt. Renowned CEOs, like Bill Gates are famous for making a point to show up at all business meetings, and if not possible, designate another person instead of using wriitten words, or the telephone.

They say, "nothing can replace the human touch." When people say that, what they mean is that the openness, camaraderie, and opportunity for feedback obtained through face to face dialogue is totally irreplaceable and invaluable.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:07:18 |只看该作者
50 Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Certainly some people prefer doing only what is already done well. But for me, there has been uncountable improvement by challenging new things. Therefore, I personally feel that trying new things and taking risks seem much preferable than doing only what is already done well.

At first,if you repeatedly carry out what is done well, you can't have a custom to think over the alternative choices instead. In that sense, you can't get much improved than as you are and you
can't become creative.

Secondly, the way you live also strongly affects the way other people live. For example, in the case of your child, if you don't take risks in some points of his or her life, your childs' experience would get so limited.

Finally, if you challenge new things, you can also get in touch with new things. For instance, if you try to find new restaurant or try new cuisines there, you can widen you taste and knowledge and enjoy more than you have experienced.

From the view point above, I personally prefer taking risks and trying new things. Personally I believe that this attitude will give me opportunities and improve my life and I will get satisfied with my life.


There are many people around who prefer to do the same things all the time .Ýn my opinion they keep on doing the same things just because they don’t want to take any risks.But there are also people who would like to do differet things and take risks.Ý think i belong to the second chatogory.i would to explain in this essay why i'd like to do new,different things.
   First of all i think that all people should improve themselves and don't give up even if they fail sometimes.world is changing ,and because of the advanced tecnology we should always read and learn new things. We can't go on with the thing we already know,thats why most of the companies arange courses for their employees, for example courses for computer using or foreing language speaking.
   it is easy to do the same ordinary things all the time because you don't have to take any risks and so you can do your work quickly and perfectly.But this changes our lifes  into a monotone form.Ýn a government building ,most of us see workers chating with eachother and making long telephone calls on the phone.Ý think the reason why they act this way is because they do the same thing all the time and so they finish their work quickly and spend the rest of their time doing unneccessary
   One should always improve himself by doing new thing and should't forget that it is never late.People can always make new starts in his life at all ages.A few days ago ,i read an article and it was about the new starts of life.One story was about an old sailor who had offered 1008 diffent man to start a restaurant bussiness together and all the time the answer had been 'no'.But this man hadn't given up and finally he had gotten the answer 'yes'.Ýf this old sailor hadn't been so willing to start a new bussiness,we would't be eating Kentucky fried chickens today.
    finally i want to tell you about an exam i took last year in my economy course.The Prophesor had asken only one question and wanted us to write an 4- page essay .The question was 'what's risk'.The student who got the highest mark in the exam hadn't written an esaay.She had just left the 3 pages empty and written 'this is risk!!'at the bottom of the 4th page .When i think about it ,it really was a risk not answering the question.But no one can deny that world is full of risks and i think life worths taking risks.


Life is so monotonous that people always want a  change to make life more interesting. One of the ways to decrease the monotony of life is to love adventure and do new things instead of keeping to the old things we always do.

A journey to a place I am not familiar with is always more exciting and arouses my curiousity more than a place where I have been so often that I can find my way about even when I am blindfolded.  

Eating a new type of food whets my apetite more and keeps me more excited than eating the same type of food everyday.

I am always seeking to know new places and explore new cultures to broaden my knowledge of the world and explore the varity of people and cultures in the world.  I will therefore always choose to go to a town or country I have never visited and not ask to be treated differently than a native.  One of such marvelous experiences in my life was my visit to the Tamale, the northern region of Ghana.

Additionally, one can only learn new things by trying them.  I therefore believe that, those who like to do only what they already do well will not easily progress. For instance, a person who is afraid to drive a car for the first time because he doesn't already know how to drive  very well will probably never learn how to drive.

Without a first hand experienc of something, one can only have an imagination of that thing.  For instance, until my visit to Tamale, I only thought of the place as a dry uninhaitable land.  Choosing to go there instead of all the other "better" places I knew was a hard decision for me but I bet I have never regreted going there and I will forever recommend the place to any body who wants to explore the beauty of nature.

Thus, for reasons of diversity, experience, pleasure and knowledge, I will always prefer doing something new and taking risks rather than do something I already do well.      


        People have varying habits and preferences. Some like to apply what they have learned and continue doing the same while others like to try new paths and take risks. Both kind of peple have reasons for what they do. I prefer to explore and take conservative risks.
        By doing what they do well, people can plan how they want to do it and for how long. This adds security to their life. They don't have to worry much about failing in whatever they do. The downside to this approcach is making life routine or boring. But that is good for people who don't like surprises. People who have a family to take care of, especially small kids, would take this approch.

        On the other hand people who chose to do new things, will find a lot of surprises coming their way. They will be constantly challenged to do their best. This is good for people who like living on the edge. But this adds a lot of insecurity to their life. People who don't have lot of responsibilties and have enough resources to weather out occassional failures are most likely to try out new things.

        Someone like me, who is at their early stages of life, have lot of enthusiasm and energy to pursue different things and explore new horizons. This allows them to be independent and make a mark of their own and their is potential for big rewards. Since I don't have the resources to make through really bad setbacks, I would take a conservative approach to taking risks. Before venturing into trying new things, I will assess the possible risk and make sure that is something I can afford.

        At different stages of life people make different choices. While doing things they know well can bring security to peoples lives, I prefer to try out new things and take risks, because of the potential for big rewards and I like being challenged.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:08:41 |只看该作者
51 Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

        According to me success in life comes from careful planning.Its always said "Well begun is half done". According to me good beginning of any activity is proper planning. Once any action is well planned nothing comes as a surprise while implementing it. Unexpected situations are only difficult to handle.Even the worst situation in life if anticipated can be handled well than a slight unexpected event.Planning is necessary at every point in our life.
        I would mention as an example the adimission process to the Grad schools, planning is the most important thing needed. We need to plan the dates for different activities including the time to be allocated to prepare for exams, time to set an appointment with the lecturer to get a recommendation letter and so on. If these small activities are not planned and done in a random manner such a complicated procedure can never be completed on time. Time taken in planning an activity reduces to a great extent the delays involved during the course of the activity.  
        On the other hand it is also needed in life at times to take risks or chances. Not everything can be planned. If we are not ready to take risks we are sure to miss many chances that we can get only once in our lifetime. I would like to mention about an extempore elocution competition I once attended. I was in my sixth grade and all the other competetors were from grade ten or above, I was afraid that the other participants would do better than me since I was the youngest among all of them. I was afraid I might commit a mistake which they would not, still I did not loose hope and decided to take a chance and I participated. I did so well that I got the first prize and ofcourse, a lot of appreciation.
        I believe taking risks at times in life is also necessary but it should be for a good cause and after being involved in the activitity we must be commited to it. Well planned activity always leads to sucess but that should not stop us from taking risks in life at times.


According to the words of Salustius "One is a creator of his own fate". Some people believe that success in life always comes unexpectedly and that's why it is only due to taking risks or chances. On the other hand, others are more inclined to planning their own lives. In my opinion, planning is the better approach for one who strives for success in life because it gives him an assurance in his future success and makes it possible for one to use his time more efficiently and to be more cautious regarding the difficulties that may appear on the way to success.

Success in life comes from careful planning and hard-working . To plan means to pursue some aim and to be confident that it will come some time inevitably. In this way, one acquire a bigger faith in his own abilities and become more urgent in pursuing that aim.

Another important priority of planning is that one can predict some of the difficulties that may arise during his work and in this way he can be better prepared for them. For instance if one desires to gain a better assignment within his office he must clarify his aim and plan everything in advance before taking great pains in pursuing it.

Other advantage of planning is that one can dispose of his time in the most appropriate way in order to fulfil everything that is related to his views of success. It occurs very often in life that one should do a lot of things concomitantly - to look after his children, to work, to spend enough time with his dears and relatives, to find time for rest, etc. Thus only careful planning can make it possible for one to complete many tasks in a short time.

Of course, both careful planning and mere taking risks have their strong and weak points but the former is more likely since it gives one more confidence in future success in his work, it helps one to overcome every impediment more easily and use his time in full value.


some people believe that success comes from taking risks or chances.Others believe that sucess results from careful planning.In my opinion success comes from careful planning because it organises, prepares and provides guidelines to finally accomplish he purpose.
In my view, a person learns well if he plans ahead of time before venturing any task. This not only makes him more organised and thoughtful of how to approach a given task but also allows him to keep pace with time.This would ultimately result in the proper finishing at correct time.The very example is when we appear for exams,it should be planned well before rather than sitting at the end moment and at last leaving it unfinished.
Careful planning allows the learner to know his weakness and strength in a particular work.This would enable him to work well on areas of weakness and thus would help him to improve his final performance.This kind is seen among many sports people who practice well before the final match, to improve where they seem to lack.It gives them more confidence to finally approach the test with the positive attitude.

Last but not least careful planning further grooms the personality of an individual, as planning ahead gives him the sense of responsibility and creativity to organise his work and finally the competitiveness to reach the goal.

Thus overall careful planning makes a person more organised, responsible, competitive and puctual.All these qualities finally help him to achieve his purpose.


Success is the sweetest fruit a person desires in life. But the path to success is often so very confusing. In fact every successful person have his or her own receipe for this dish.

Careful planning is no doubt the most rational way to achieve success in life. Unless and untill we plan our steps ahead of time our work doesn't remain well organised and untill our effort is organised properly we may not acheive success. However, human beings being mortal and their powers being limited, no one can predict the future with a very high degree of accuracy. Thus arises the necessity of making predictions and taking risks. There may be times when we are faced with multiple alternatives none of which are perfectly favourable - we have to make a guess and perhaps hope for the best.

In our country, we are required to qualify in a competitive examination in order to get admitted into an Engineering College. The first time I sat for this examination, I failed miserably. I had to get admitted into a General college with Physics as my major. I then decided to go for the technical colleges a second time. I did it and did it well. In my Physics course, however, I barely managed to pass through into the second year. It was a great risk. I could have failed in the competitive exmination the second time too. I could have fell sick on the day of the examination. I could have got into a big trouble. In fact, some of my friends who took the same examination with me failed the second time too and are now passing through hard times.

So, there cannot be any golden rule to success. It's a receipe with a bowl of planning and perhaps one or two spoonfull of risks. The exact proportions depend largely on the individual concerned and the situation. Those who can identify the correct proportions come out with flying colors; others fade into the millions. God has not given us the power to predict the future, but he has surely equipped all of us to be able to measure the pros and cons. We are all capable of taking calculated risks and that's what is required. How much calculation and how much risk .. well, no golden rule!
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:09:30 |只看该作者
52 What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

i live in istanbul which is a very cosmopolitan city.it's in Turkey and by the Marmara sea.i think that if a place full of cafes,cinemas..etc is built in istanbul,it will be more appealing to people at my age.
   i'm 20 years old at the moment and attending university.in my speare time i like going to cinemas to watch new films shown and to cafes with my friends. we like talking with eachother about general things.i think it is a good way of reducing stress after a hard days work at the school.  We are so involved with courses that we would like to find all these activities like cinemas and cafes together.
    a place full of different cinemas, cafes,fast food reataurants would be the right place for students to get together.there we could get many different choises.we wouldn't have to go to one place for cinema and then to another place to eat something,all of them would be together.
    The other reason why i believe a place containing cinemas, cafes,should be built is that it would be a suitable place for all students to get together after school.there we can meet different people and have some new friends,also our parents would't worry about where we are going.Maybe later on,a library can be built into that place.i think it would be very usefull.We can study there with our friends and when we get tired and need some rest,we can directly go to a cafe or to cinema.
     finally i can say that a place offering all culturel activities to yhe students should be built in my city.this will make istanbul even more appealing for students.


Beijing is my hometown, the capital city of China, as well as one of the biggest metropolitan cities in China. With the dramatic economic growth, Beijing attracts more and more young people at my age to come here work and live in this city which has full of life. But there are still some unpleasant aspects I would like it to change in order to be more appealing to people of my age.

First of all, there are not as many foreign companies and joint ventures as in Shanghai. As many people know, Shanghai is a lot of young people's favorite city to work and live, because it has more opportunities and chances. Compare with Shanghai, Beijing, the political, economical and cultural center of China has less foreign companies. Young people of my age usually have good foreign language skills and would like to practice them during working. They think it is a good chance to improve their language skill in foreign companies and joint ventures.

Another aspect I would like my hometown to change is building more roads. Although our government already put a lot of efforts on city construction, it is still not good enough. You will see traffic congestion every day during rush hours. People always can not sure to reach their destination without being late. Young people like me, we just start working, being on time is very important for us. But with the traffic problem we are facing everyday, we definitely will spend more time to wait and can not avoid being late on working and important business appointment.

Although my hometown Beijing is a very lovely city, full of chance. I would like to change some aspects to make it more appealing to people at my age. I would like to have more big foreign companies and joint ventures to practice our foreign language skill and would like to have good city construction with more roads. Thus we will work more efficiently
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:10:49 |只看该作者
53 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people think that the most important aspect of a job is the money since with this characteristic people suppose that they can have whatever they want even happiness. However, this aspect has not been enough for other people that have found their satisfaction in the job with factors such as  laboral environment, opportunities of growth, and passion for their job.

First, for some people laboral environment is the most essential factor. These people consider that to have respect and acceptation in a company is fundamental for a well-developing job that will bring satisfaction to do his/her job; in order to leave the stress that causes family problems and insatisfaction with the job.

Next, many people like to be recognized through the growth of  their efforts. These people look for companies that offer opportunities of growth since these represent personal satisfaction through what they are doing in a job aspiring for another position of more responsibility and maybe more earning.

Finally, some people look for organizations where they can practice what they really like and want to do. Their satisfaction is given when they try to improve every detail referent to their area of work; in order to get their own satisfaction, and with that the satisfaction of their superior.

Nowadays people take their own primordial reason for success in a job, and many of them try to put all the mentioned factors step by step. That is how many people find their own satisfaction for their future work and personal life.


I do not agree with the statement that money that you earn is the most significant aspect of a job. There are many other aspects that are more important than the money. For example, it is more important whether you like the job or the working conditions and are good.
First of all I believe that a person should like the job he has. If he cannot get satisfaction from what he does, it deos not matter how much he earns. Because in a job that he does not like he can never be successful or happy. I sometimes hear the stories of successful business people quitting their jobs and working for charity organizations. I think that is a good example of how getting satisfaction in a job is more important than money.
Also working conditions should be good. By this I mean one should have a clean and nice office and polite people to work with. It does not matter how much you earn if your office is depressing and the people you work with are disrespectful. Because people spend usually eight or ten hours a day in their office. It is like their second home. And this increases the importance of the conditions of the office.
To sum up I believe that getting satisfaction and the working conditions are more important in a job than the money you earn. Therefore money should not be the major concern of a person in selecting a job.
This essay is 'top-heavy;' the first part is more developed than the second part. In other words, it looks like you ran out of time and had to finish quickly.

    Some people may think that money is the most important aspect of a job. Of course, this factor cannot be ignored. But in my opinion, I disapprove this kind of idea. As I see it, there are many other important aspects a job, rather than money.
    One of them is the satisfaction of the worker. No matter what other people say, if the person is satisfied with his/her work, that's it. For example, my father was a good student in high school. His parents and teachers told him to go to law school because it was the best career a person could have at that time and was an honor for the family. But my father disagreed and went to the army because he wanted to. And until now, he is very satisfied with his job. He didn't choose a job that was conspicuous to other people, but a job he liked.
    Another factor is how well the job suits the person. We can't get a clumsy person to be a doctor that requires great awareness on the work, such as surgery. A single mistake, even the slightest failure can kill a person. So people should also consider on how well he/she can do the job, and if it's suitting the person.
    In closing, I disagree with the idea of money being the most important aspect of a job. Of course, we can't totally ignore money. Usually many people just work, whether they like it or not, just to earn money. But we must keep in mind that money should be considered as a second, after we decide things such as the satisfaction or how well the job suits the person. Money isn't everything in life, remember that.


I disagree with the statement that 'The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns' because money is one of the important aspects of a job, but it is not the most one. All of aspects of a job such as money, achievement, and new experience are equally important by following reasons.

First of all, nowadays, the world is developed. Everyone have to work hard to survive in this busy world. Who works hard has more chance to get high rate of salary. Everything in this world has higher price. Who has no money cannot be in this big world. Generally, the clever man who have more chance to get better job has to choose to work in the company that give more money to him because money is one of the important aspect of a job.

Secondly, not only do worker want money, but also success. Promotion, and good result of a job are the example of successful. Promotion is another thing that worker want. Everyone works hard because they want to be promoted to the higher position. Commonly, most people want to be boss and work without ordering. By the way, If people work well, the result of a job will be good, so their boss or client will give the compliment to them.

Last but not least, the more time people work, the more experince people have, so another important aspect of a job is experience. No one can get new experience, if he does not work. It is notice that people who have worked for a long time have more experience than people who just start working. People who have many experiences can solve the ploblem that suddently face them because they used to face with that ploblem and try to solve it. Therefore experience is the important aspect os a job.

In conclusion, I can not point out that which aspect among money, accomplishment, and experience is the most important because all of these have it own beneficial. Thus, I disgree that the money a person earns is the most important aspect of a job.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:13:02 |只看该作者
46 What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The qualites that a good son or daughter should depend largely upon the nature of their parents.But one thing that's comman expectation from all parents is to respect them.

A child should always listen to his parents and should always keep in mind that whatever they say is always going to be for his own benifit only.He should never be diobedient or rude to them.Parents always dream that thier children should do what they could not fulfill in thier life times.So a child should always keep thier aspirations in mind and the expectations they have from him.And when their parents become old, he should make it sure that they are able to lead a relaxed and peaceful life ,free from worries and tensions.

Personally,I don't think that there has been any substantial changes over time in my culture regading the qualities of good child.Even today a parent would demand love,affection and respect from his child as was say ,years ago.Earlier an ordinary Brahmin Hindu wanted his child to become a pundit,now a clerk would like his child to become a doctor or an engineer.In short,a parent always wishes his children should rise beyond what they could be in thier lives.Generation gap is always going to be there.Be it yesterday , today or even tomorrow.

So I feel that parents over generations  have always  given something or the other to thier children,the most important being there bringing us into this world.The only thing they expect in return is simply love and respect.And they rightly deserve that form every child be it a daughter or a son.


The qualities of a good son or daughter, through the ages, have a great deal of differences fron those ones which were approbated once. However, a few qualities are the same as the ones in the past years.
Firstly, I will give some changes in the following statements. In the past time of China, parents hope their son is so strong and brave that they would be supported and protected in their ages because man is easily able to earn living supply, such as food, clothes, house and so on, or make money to buy them. The daughter is expected being of tender and gentle so that she would get married a good man, that means she would have a good fortune and her parents would not be worried because she does not make a living herself. As a good son or daughter, one of the most important qualities is he or she has to be obedient and submissive everything for their parent. For example, he or she would marry with a person who would be satisfied by their parents rather than loved by themself. However, in modern society, no matter son or daughter, the best quality is that they are positive, motivating, responsible facing their life. Parents hope their son or daughter capable of do everything independently and wisely referring to their suggestion.
Secondly, several good qualities are remained and are developed. With the development of society, more and more girls are educated and are able to support herself, even others. Hence, the qualities of a good boy basically are the same as those of a good girl. In general, almost parents adore their children, in turn they need to be loved by them, especially the olds. Therefore, no matter modern or past time, to Care for their parents is regard as one of the necessary qualities. Additional, their excellent behave and amazing performance are also appreciated by their parents, such as he or she is diligent and concentrated in their study and do their best in doing everything.
Of course, every parents have different viewpoints of the qulities of a child. I think the most primary qualities are he or she is of love,enterprise and responsiblity around them.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:14:52 |只看该作者
54 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Although external appearances might convey you the characteristic of a person, you should not use them to judge a person. Phisical appearence, cloths or explicit character don't tell you what a person really is. Without getting to know a person personally, you cannot tell who or what a person is really like.

There are many criminal cases that prove the fact that people who are in nicely dress turn out to be a professional murder. Person who dress nicely mustn't be a nice peoson; on the other hand, person who dress in dirty cloths can have better mind. Cleaning mate who works all day long clean the house cannot be judged as a bad person. It is unresonable to tell how good or bad people are from what they ware.

Sometimes we might think that people who have a beauty look is nice and generous but will this always be correct? Even in the beauty contest in which there are many nice ladies who have a nice figure participate, there is always an interview section to test the knowledge of these ladies. Because the judges cannot give the result if they have a chance to see only physical appearence. Everyone wants to have a nice body but does it means that you are a nice person?

I once got to know one of my friend who hardly smile and many people thought she was elegant or unfriendly. But after I talked to her and got to know her personality, she seem to be a nicer friend than other who always have nice smile on their faces. Explicit character is not enough to judge a person.

Many people make a wrong judgement and pick the wrong friends or partners even they have spent many years learning each other. So, if you just see and judge the person, it will be definitely illogical.


In this world, there are not only various kinds of animals, but also a variety of kind of human. Therefore one should never judge a person by external appearances, but should judge by his real behavior.

Nowadays, some people do not do things that they really want to do. For example in the office, someone like flattering his boss for his good promotion. It means that he usually acts as he is working hard when his boss is in the office, but whenever his boss is not be there, he will not work at all. If new employee is just received to work there, he may be thing that flatter guy is the good person who enjoy working, but next few days, he will know that actually flatter guy is only the lazy man who usually act like good worker.

Another poit of view, there are many people who are not candid. They usually have secrets, and lie. Although they talk and smile to you, in fact they want to hurt you. They may be gossip you with your colleague or your boss, so you cannot judge a person without knowing him.

In addition, sometimes, you may thing that people who are good looking, or rich will be the good one. Someone look so handsome, but his behavior is really bad such as he enjoy hurting woman, or does not take care of his parents at all. On the contrary, someone who are not handsome and sometimes looks greedy, he may be polite guy. Therefore you should not judge a person by only external appearances.

To conclude, there are various kinds of people such as black, white, handsome, tall, and so on, but all of these are external appearances which can not be the gain to judge people. Someone may be frank, and tell the true thing, but someone may usually lie. Therefore one should never judge a person by only external appearances, but should judge by his behavior after really knowing him.


One should never judge a person by external experience. I agree with the above statement because in my opinion external appearances are deceptive and how a person seems from outward appearance may not actually reveal  his real identity.

It is true that outward appearance do give a faint understanding of a person- the taste and manner of dressing reveals his neatness or probably the country he belongs to and sometimes even his status,as high class tends to show off much compared to mediocres.But by all this we can only assume his nature and in my opinion it should not be taken as criteria for judging the person's personality, character or strangth.

The person who may look ugly might be a person with a golden heart whereas the one looking gorgeous may be the one with a stubborn heart.We should form conclusion only after mingling with the person, this provides an oppotunity to analyse the person's thought, study his character and behavior in the most proper manner.One instance in my life made this more evident- my hostel room mate was very good looking and everyone seemed to admire looking at her outward attraction. But only later when we  started living together did i come to know that she was a drug addict, flirt and often bunked her classes freaking with boys.After knowing her real identity all my friends started disliking her.

External appearance can give false identity of one's position or rank.I say this taking Gandhiji , a famous indian freedom fighter as example. He was a renowned person well known among ministers and common people, but if we were to see his external appearance he looked very weak and lowly person.He used to travel to foreign countries in the same appearance, thus unless you know him ,none could make out that he was a great person in Indian history.

Last but not least external appearance cannot indicate the strength of an individual, a person looking fat may actually have less strength than a person looking thin and weak from outside.For example, boxing competition in television reveals such examples where a weak looking competitor will finally win the game beating his overfat opponent.

    Thus with external appearance we cannot deduce the real identity of a person - his character or position or his strength and in my opinion unless we know the person we should not judge the person.


I strongly believe that people should never judge a person by external appearances. The way we look not always reflects the way we are. We can make huge mistakes if we let the external appearances tell us everything about someone.

I consider that outward qualities are related in some ways to the manner we are and the way we feel inside. Sometimes the clothes we chose express our mood, how we are feeling at that moment. Also, the hairstyle, make up and many other aspects of our look sometimes give an idea of our attitude towards life.
Even though, not all aspects or, for some people, any aspect of the personality is shown in external appearances. The look is not evident enough to communicate deep feelings, beliefs, thoughts and behaviours. There is so much more inside of a person that can only be noticed after knowing him very well.

I have met people who give an erroneous first impression. At first sight one could describe them in a completely different way from what they turn to be when you get to know them well. Before making premature conclusions we should pay attention at many other features, such as the way the person talks, the words he uses, the look in his eyes, that help us to recognize how is that person like. People’s values, educational background, skills and virtues lie in the inside, not in the outside.

There is a great risk of missing good friends if we allow us to judge by appearances. We always should give a second chance to people to show us how they really are, without masquerades. We have to be smart to not mistake what we see on the surface, because the main part of almost everything is hidden and not easily seen.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:16:08 |只看该作者
55 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In our life there are a lot of important decisions that
we have to make.For example:a choice of a profession,marriage,the place
where to live.These are only a fewest part of them.I think that in such
problems we need to consult other people,parents or relatives,because
they may think in different way that we do.
   It is important to know many possible advantages and disadvantages
of your selection.You ask friends to know their thought,and than you
make your own decision.Friends can understand your opinion and
agree with you.That is why people have friends.
   Secondly,if you make an important decision alone,you are going to
forgot that this decision could not be accepted by the others.They can
also make their decisions alone,without you,and you will be in a
compicated situation.
   Another fact in favor of my opinion is that there are people more
experienced than you.For example your parents.I'm sure that they had
in their lifes many problems that may be close to your problem.I think
that to ask them for an advice is the right way to be sure for your
   In conclusion,the important decisions are also a good experience
for us.We try to decide how to behave in these decisions.I'm sure that
each of us will make a right decision after a consultation with a close
friends because that is why people have friends.

Someone says that a person should make an important decision alone, but in my opinion, I think that it is not true because everything can be looked in various aspects, and everyone has different skill and experiences. Consequently, consulting other persons is the best way for making a decision.

In my point of view, anyone in this world thinks differently from any other persons because there are many aspects for thinking about something. The more the number of people who help think, the more idea, so a person should not make an important decision alone. For example, in prominent company, it is very famous to work with team because the more the number of co-workers, the more a number of good ideas. Everyone has a chance to propose his opinion, and all of these opinions will be merged to be the conclusion decision.

In addition, making a decision alone can make people waste many things such as money, friends, or life because no one have a good skill in every fields. For example, in the business, if owner want to increase budget to develop a company, but he decides to do so by himself without consulting with accountances who are good at calculating budget, the business may be turn down. So, the owner has to waste a lot of money because he makes an importance decision alone.

Moreover, it is sure that everyone cannot used to face with the same situation in his whole life, so no one has the same experiences as do any other persons. Doing something that we used to do is easy and has less chance to do wrong, so If a person has to decide to do something that he used not to do so, but he consult with someone who used to do so, he can do so too. For example, last 6 years ago, I had to decide in which faculty that I should study. In that time, I had not many experiences, so I asked about the characteristic of any faculties from my parents, my teachers, and my parent’s friends who works in various careers. Those advices that everyone gave me were very useful for me to make a decision, and right now I am sure that I do not make a wrong decision that I choose to learn in the faculty of Electrical Engineering. If that time I decided to choose it by myself, I might be a doctor who was not happy at all.

To conclude, making an important decision is the important thing in people’s life because it can point out our life such as being the rich or the poor, working as an engineer or a doctor, or being happy or sad. The best way for making a decision is consulting with other person. Therefore I agree that a person should never make an important decision alone.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:19:29 |只看该作者
56 A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Art is one of the most beautiful and soul expressions of humans.  As a result, art is considered an important part of history.  Another part of history is the world in which humans develop their lifes and one of the most important concerns of this world is its environment and the way the humans have been destroying it.  Is my believe that even when the environment is the primary issue to be protected, we can not leave out of our care one part of the history like the one that arts represents.

One of the major problems that comes out with the topic of the environment is the hole the humans have created in the ozone layer.  For example long time ago we used to use all kind of spray desodorants and with these the use of chemical products like CFC’s (Carbon Flouride Chlorine) which affect and destroy the ozone layer.  As a consecuence a hole have been created and ultraviolet rays could pass through the atmosphere and burns human’s skin, in certain cases this could produce a chronic disease called cancer.  The support and effort that every single company or organization can give in order to protect the environmente will turns necessary.

In the other hand, we have the arts as a human spiritual movement that have its own problems.  In that way art museums and master pieces of art will need to survive to one of their most fidelity enemies, the time.  This will deteriorate valuable paintings like the ones Michael Angelo created over the ceiling of one Italian famous Chapel.  For that reason I think that companies should support the arts like a way to maintain the beauty in our society.

Finally I believe that even when companies can help with their economical and technical support in both areas the arts and the environment, the humans must have the obligation to conserve and protect our most valuable richness, the environment as well as our different forms of art.
You must choose one; don't write that both are important. Your writing deserves a 6.0, but since you didn't follow the essay prompt, TOEFL will deduct points.

   If a company is going to give some money either to suppport the arts or to protect the environment, I will argue in favor of the second option. Of course, money should be given for both art and environment, but I believe that in our fast going world, with all the pollution, to protect the nature is more important than to support arts.
  First, the air will be fresher than it is today. Nowadays we have a lot of cars, facturies and plants , which make the air almost impossible to breathe. If a company gives enough money so that we could clean the air, the life especially in the big cities will not be so unhealthy. Many people are dying from respirathory deseases. Is it not a good idea to change that situation?
  Second, the water will be cleaner. Water is the most important resourse of the Earth. While the human body is about sixty percents water, it is essential for people lives. No one can live without water, so it must be protected and if it is possible it must be cleaned, so that the humans and animals could continue their existance on the Earth.
   Third and equally important, There will be more green places such as forests and parks. In that way, there will be places where people will enjoy being hand in hand with the mother nature. Trees, bushes and grass make a person to feel better, full of energy and ready to take the chalenges of life.
   To summarize, I believe that arts are a graet tool for expresing oneself and for showing the beauty of nature, but they worth nothing if mankind dies and this is exactly what will happen if people stop protecting the environment.  


There are many ways that a company can help the society as a whole. For example,it can support the arts or it can take some action to protect the environment.I believe that the protection of the environment should be a priority to all businesses.
First of all nowadays we live in several times more polluted environment than our ancesters. And life conditions are getting worse every day. I think that companies can do a lot of things about that. They can even rise their profits helping the society. Resently, I read in a newspaper about a compain of McDonalds to plant trees in order to prevent further distruction of the oson layer. They received approval from the society and increased their profits. So that companies can follow them and help to save our environment.

  Secondly,I think that protecting the environment, the company helps every single member of the society.I have in mind all the deceases,that have occurred during the last sentury.These, so called "new era" deceases, like all allegies, are due to the polluted air. Many companies can make an effort and use special equipment in their productional procces in order to restric the air pollution.

  In conclusion,I think that the company is better to give some money to protect the invironment, because in this way it will benefit the whole society.It will contribute to people's health and less polluted environment.


I would strongly recommend that the company donate the money towards the protection of our environment rather than for arts. This does not mean that I have no regard for the arts. I will explain here why protection of the environment should be considered higher priority than support of arts.
The Earth has changed in many ways. Along with man's evolution there has been a noticeable change in Mother Nature. Progress of mankind has brought along with it a mixture of things-there has been so much technological advancement and improved quality of life and at the same time, it has also in some ways led to undesirable changes in our environment, such as pollution, ozone layer breach, tree felling, land erosion etc.
It is important that we maintain a friendly ecosystem free of all these hazards, which will help us improve our quality of life. Needless to say,our forefathers lived in a world which was more pure, fresh and free of pollution. In today's world, for example, we have automobiles, which in a way has improved our lives, but sadly also contributes to release of so many toxic substances into the air.
Man has excelled in architecture, and is constantly building better and more buildings. But this leads to destroying nature- thousands of trees need to be cut, to clear land as well as to provide wood for construction. This leads to increased chances of soil erosion, and a disturbance in the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
To increase produce, man has invented many fertilizers and pesticides. While these substances keep pests away and help in plant growth, they also get deposited on the leaves and fruits and may be harmful if ingested.
Keeping all these in mind, I would definitely say what the world needs today is a desperate effort to protect our environment, and hand it down to the future generations as it was handed down to us by our forefathers. Surely we do no want to gift our children and grandchildren with polluted land, air and water! Therefore all attempts must be made towards improving our environment. This can only be done if there is enough financial support.
At the same time, I do not look down upon or disregard the field of arts. It is interesting to see how arts has enriched the very quality of life. It allows us to reach within ourselves and open out emotions. In today's busy world, the arts help us relax, sit back and enjoy. While it is a truly appreciated field, I only feel that on a relative basis, the necessity to protect the environment is a lot more important.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:20:49 |只看该作者
57 Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

There are two major kinds of movies; serious movies and entertained movies. Serious movies encourage the audience to think and pay most attention until the end. At the same time, this kind of movie is quite stressful in terms of detail and overall story. I prefer movies that provide me smile, entertain and thought.

Nowadays, I have many stressful works to do and after long working hour I want to relax. I want to go see movie that make me laugh and smile. My favourite movie "Sister Act", entertains me every time I watch. If I have to face with suspended movie which I have to find out the murder and see the death, my day will be too hard.

Movies that are designed to amuse and entertain, to me, are more colourful in detail. Again "Sister Act", my favourite one, has funny plot with good music. Personally, I like to hear music while watching movie. Not only music but also joke in the story that interests me. It is definitely more lively to see such a movie.

Some say serious movies make you think, I wouldn't argue but comedy movies can also give you thought. Good thoughts are found implicitly in almost all kinds of movies. I can't remember the title of this movie but the story is about family and a dog. It was light and entertained one and the thought I got from watching this movie was a relationship between human and animal. We should care more of our little living pet. It has also heart and life. Comedy make you think subconsciously and you learn more from fun.

Life is easy, I like the way comedy movies benefit me. I can smile and listen to music I like while watching movie and absorb good thought from it.


In this globalization era, there are various kinds of movies such as comedy, romantic, action, horrible, and so on. Some movies are seriously designed to make the audience think, while other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. I, myself, prefer to see the latter one because it makes me enjoy and relax, makes me have more friends, and gets some knowledge without stress to me.

Nowadays, the world is continuously chanced, so people have more stresses in this busy world. One of the best ways for people to relax from these stresses is seeing movies. I am one of person who prefer to see amusing and entertaining movies because I want to relax from working hour. All day, I have many tentions because I work hard and sit in front of my computer. Whenever I have a leisure time, I choose to see a movie that is fun and entertain me. Comedy is my favorite kind of movie. I and my parents laugh and enjoy so much when we see comedy movies such as LIER LIER, SCARY MOVIE, or so on. About some kinds of movies that are designed to make the audience think is the last one that I choose to see in my leisure time because they make me have more stresses. Last week, I went to see the movie about spy with my friend, I though hard all the time because I tried to know who were the killer. It does not help allay my stresses. When I went to work in the next day, I felt as I had not enough relax time.  

Moreover seeing an amusing movie make me have a sense of humor. I am happy not only when I see an entertaining movies but also when any other times. I smile and laugh many times per day, so I attract many people in my company. No one in my company is my enemy. Furthermore I remember some funny jok from funny movie and copy to act with my friends. All of them like it and enjoy with it. It is very useful from seeing funny movies.

Additionally, not only do movies that are designed to the audience think amuse and entertain give knowledge to the audience, but also movies that are designed to amuse and entertain.


Watching movies is a very popular way to pass time in today’s hectic world. Going to a cinema or simply relaxing at home in front of the television with coke and popcorn is a sure way to relax after a tough day.

Different people have different tastes in movies. Personally, I enjoy movies with a meaning. Since movies are an inherent part of our lives, we tend to get involved in it a lot. In other words, our thoughts tend to get influenced by the movies we watch.

Of course, I do enjoy a movie that entertains, but if I simply watch a movie designed merely for entertainment, I walk away with a feeling that I’ve gained nothing by it. Instead, if I watch a movie with a subtle meaning to it, I feel that I’ve gained something at the end of two hours. For example, a movie about some kind of a social evil leaves you with the feeling that you want to do something about it. Of course, life doesn’t always go the way it does in the movies, but I am pretty sure that if you watch a movie that makes you think, then you definitely gain something from it. Maybe nothing substantial, but a subtle change in the way you see life. I am pretty sure that after watching a movie about drug abuse will definitely make you think twice before you feel any inclination towards drugs.

Movies can be designed with the primary objective of entertaining the audience. But, in my opinion, such movies also should contain a little something that makes the audience think. That way, even after a relaxing time in front of the screen, you will have a lasting impression of the messages you received when you were watching the movie. And that is what, I believe, that counts.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:21:23 |只看该作者
58 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Some people think that businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. In my opinion, these people are thinking a little bit selfish, because there are other things that a business should do, for example considering the workers, costumers. Beside all these a business should serve the community.
           The most important thing to realize is that, a person who is serving the costumers and the community should always be honest. In my opinion honesty is the most important quality a business should have in order to deserve the profit it makes. Earning money by playing trick on consumers or getting more money than it deserves is so bad that I don’t think a business which makes profit out of dishonesty can carry on with success. In a business all the workers must consider the other workers, the costumers and the community they live in. Colleagues are also very important, they should respect each other and should never forget that  business is a team-work. If a business is making large profits, it should share it with the people who made that profit possible.
If a worker cannot get what he deserves either economically or mentally he may not be able to work effectively in the future.
         The other important thing is that some of the profits one’s business earns from the community should be returned to the community. For example if big company is earning a lot of money, it should never forget that the money comes from community so it should return some of the profit back to community. There are various ways to do it. For example a company can built a park for the children or crèche just like public nursery for the children of the workers, get the trust of the workers.
         The last very important point is to get customers’ trust. A small company may grow into a large company  after sometime but if it wants to be long lasting, it should always try to produce high-quality products ,and give good service to its costumers.
         Generally, it can be said that the most important thing for a business is to make a profit, a business should never do anything to make a large profit. There are more important things such as serving the costumers, workers and community .A business must make profits, but we all - workers, customers, community- must profit from a successful business.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:23:00 |只看该作者
59 Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

       Wheather younger or old, people enjoy to live how the best is possible. It is their aim to have a long, healthy and full with nice things life. It is widely known that different people live different kinds of life. Personaly I am one of those persons who preferes to think through of what I am going to do and not to hurry before to take a decision. In order to make a good sense of this opinion I will point out some reasons to support my view.
        Primarly, I believe that if I would take a decision  without a good thing, this one will be wrong and later I will regret. For example, when I was a student, I was randomly selected as president of my class. For the first time, I was very excited about this, but secondly, after a better thing, I realised that this job is not just a leader's name and This position brings a lot of responsabilities and problems to solve. Hence My happiness was for a short time and I started to be worried not just for my problems but  
for my mates' problems too.
        Secondly, I think it is better to loose more minutes for taking a decision than to spend more time straightening the wrong done things. Definitely, the things done in an extremely rush are finely at a lower standard than those made slower. I think that I am wasting my energy for nothing and it is not worthing. For instance, I tried some time to make flitters without consulting a receit because I thought that they were very easy to cook. So, I mixed fastly the ingridients and when I started to cook the first pancake the result was terrible : smoke, burnt fingers and got all the kitchen's stuff dirty. Now I never try something new without consulting someone else or a reference book.
        Finaly, according to these lines of reasoning, one could say that I am living proof  why I support the vision that people should think better of what they want to do. It is preferable to take a good but time consuming decision than to do a mistake whose results could be harmful.


I prefer to be the group of people who are always in a hurry to go places and get things done.
As we have to responsible for our life and ourselves.

As we all know that life is short. There are so many things for us to learn; as we are human beings, there are too many limitations in our life, for instance, the length of our life.
As a result of that I really want to learn as many things as I can and to fulfill as many wishes I can in my limited lifetime. Therefore, I have to keep myself in a faster pace.

Although most of my colloquies at work always told me to slow down; as we get the same amount of hourly wages no matter how fast I can finish my task. I always ignore them as I have to responsible for my dignity and my reputation. My boss pay me salary, I have to receive it happily and honestly. I do not want to cheat my employer and myself. In fact, I did tried to slow down on my work. I really can spend one day in order to finish one easy task. But I ego told me she was not happy at all as we found that there was no challenge at all. Hence, I would prefer my colloquies call me “stupid” but I am happy.

In conclusion, there are different people in the world. We should not disturb each other’s preferences. No matter we prefer to take a fast pace or a slow pace as long as we are happy, we should keep up our preference. In fact, there are no “Right” or “Wrong” in our preferences. Therefore, I would prefer  and keep on taking a fast pace  at least in that moment of my life.


Although taking one's time and living life at a slower pace look atttractive and leisure, I perfer to get things done quickly. There are some reasons that let me to choose that kind of fast pace living style.
   Above all, at this modern society, everyone got lots of things or works to do everyday. We cannot afford a slow living pace. I belive the saying: Time is money! Did comparable more works in relatively short time will win more time to do other important things. For example, if you do you job in  hurry and finifshed the workload of that day earlier, you may go back home earlier and have more time spend with family member or get more time to do something interesting you like maintaining a little hobby.
    Second, even though taking one's time to do things lookes relaxative, it's actually wasting time for most of people. Not too much people can afford to take their time for the luxury of a slower pace life. You'll need a huge amount money as a backup to do so. However, I'm not in the line of richmen. So I have to chrish every minute and use every minute uo to its most to make money for myself to prepare for my future possible slower life style. Now, I have to keep myself always in hurry and get thing done as quickly as possible.
     In addtions, getting things  done fast is suitable for my character . I'm not that kind of person who can stand the fact that works were done in a leisure way and slow speed. Thus, it's best for me to do whatever in hand right now.
      Therefore, in my view, I prefer to be in a hurry to go places and get things done.


Some people are always in a hurry, they go places and get things done, they don’t have time for their own interests, hobbies…etc. However other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace and enjoy the things they are doing. I prefer to tame my time and do things at a slower pace.
     First of all, I believe that all people should   enjoy the things they are doing. Doing things quickly in a hurry doesn’t mean that doing it successfully, instead doing things quickly most of the time leads to unsuccess. I don’t like to rush things. Most people act that way but the most important thing they don’t know is that they should savor each minute because life is shorter then they think.
     The most important is to realize is that enjoying our lives, doing things wantingly. For example, right now I’m studying at high school and enjoying it, because I know that I won’t have the chance to turn back to these years and because of that I’m trying to enjoy these high-school years. These years are important experience for students and prepare us for our future years, I’m going to cafes with my friends and doing  things that all the students at my age are doing.
     From my point of view, it is important to do things carefully, completely and correctly rather than doing them quickly. I see many students start studying for their exams the night before their exams. But I don’t think it is effective. I don’t wait till the last night, I study regularly and believe that it is the best way to savor each experience. Each experience teaches new things to people.
     On the whole, I can say that I don’t prefer doing things quickly and rushing through things. I prefer  to take my time and live my life at a slower pace. To my way of thinking, it is more important to do things that one enjoys and we should never forget that life is shorter than we think.


I think I would prefer to hurry to get things done than to take my time and live life at a slower pace because it allows me to do things over a short period of time, make my self available for opportunities and it makes one to be efficient in life.

Firstly, life on earth is short and I would advise anyone who cares to listen that it is advisable to do things on time knowing fully well that you cannot live forever and that your impact should be felt by people around you. Imagine, if everyone takes their time to do every thing that they should do, things wouldn't be done on time, there would be chaos, anarchy and total disorder. For example, the police would fight crime when they feel like or the president of a country would address urgent humanitarian needs at his own time or children would go to school when they feel like.Such a situation would lead to the total breakdown of a society.

If I have to do things at my time, then I would miss a lot of opportunities in life. For example, if an unemployed graduate like myself spends the whole day doing chores in the house, when I could do the house chores quickly and attend seminars related to my field that could keep me updated on recent developemnts in my field and in the long run enhance my job prospects.

Imagine, if workers in a company take their time to do things at a slower pace, then such an organisation is bound to fail because things wouldn't be done on time and such a company would lag behind its competitors.

No matter what some people feel I think is better for people to do things in a hurry to prevent disaster, promote efficiency and make one available for opportunities.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


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