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发表于 2003-12-27 01:24:02 |只看该作者
60 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Games, as the ultimate form of mental and physical relief are important to both children and adults. The prime reason why are they so important, is because both adults and children learn how to behave, control and fallow the rules from the games itself. Indirectly throughout playing games children and adults acknowledge that the life itself is one big game and  even a spontaneous drift from it can destroy the whole game, which emphasizes games' importance in our lives.

There are two types of games. The fist type is mental games, which upgrades our mental abilities and another type is physical games which keeps people fit and healthy. And the fallowing are the reasons why are the games so important to adults as well to children.

An adult, as an active human being needs to have some physical abilities which will take him off just for a moment from all of the responsibilities in the real world. Also by playing, adults learn a lot about co-operation, discipline, team work and respect to others. They also learn a lot about self confidence, which is very important in theirs stages in life because without it they cannot stand any chance to fight a future. On other side mental games help them a lot in developing mental abilities needed for thinking and reasoning in the life and such an example is chess which develops thinking and strategic abilities needed for facing the future and solving the problems in real life.

For children, the mental and physical games are worth about the same, because a child in the age between 2-13, needs some kind of the activities which will helps in  developing physical and especially mental abilities needed for their growing up and understanding a real world. Of course by playing the games in this stage, children begin to make the basis of their characters which is very important in their future because if they get used to the rules of various games in such an early age they will have not any problems in further life, and therefore adapt quickly and more efficiently to all of the factors in the life. Physical activities in this age have very significant role in their life because by playing these kinds of games they are strengthening the bones, health and in the same time they learn discipline and improve working habits.

From all of the factors above, it's very clearly that the games either in physical or mental form help adults and children as well for developing and achieving our goals in life which make games an exceptional example of a developer and an improver to our lifestyle.  


      Everyone likes games and games are said to be for children. By playing games children learn new things and have enjoyable time. As long as adults also need to learn new things and need enjoyable time after a long depressing working day, games are as important for adults as they are for children. Games are important because they make adults keep their minds sharp, learn new things and besides maintain social skills.
      A few days ago, I came across a newspaper article and it was stated that modern research had shown that grown up adults could continue to grow brain cells by exercising their minds. When I thought about it, I found out that no other way other than playing games could manage to do it. By concentrating on the tactics of the game, keeping the track of your opponent’s strategies, you can keep your brain functioning and growing. Some games can teach us a lot. Games that ask questions are not only enjoyable but also show us what we don’t know. The best way to learn a thing is answering a question wrong because then you never forget the correct answer. It is always easier to keep something in mind when you realize you don’t know it.
      The other important point is that playing games is enjoyable. Not only children, but also adults need to forget about the problems of the real world. Games provide everybody a new view of life. You just concentrate on the game, and so don’t think of anything else. Games get people together. By this way, one can observe people’s reactions towards different situations. It is always very interesting to watch the others. Nobody is same, and we can learn new thing from others. Maintaining personal contacts is important for everyone.
     Finally I can say that games are as important for adults as they are for children. Regardless of your age ,playing games can help you keep your mind alert, learn new things, and build friendship.

Playing games has always been thought to be important to the development of well-balanced and creative children; however, what part, if any, they should play in the lives of adults has never been researched that deeply. I believe that playing games is every bit as important for adults as for children. Not only is taking time out to play games with our children and other adults valuable to building interpersonal relationships but is also a wonderful way to release built up tension.

There's nothing my husband enjoys more after a hard day of work than to come home and play a game of Chess with someone. This enables him to unwind from the day's activities and to discuss the highs and lows of the day in a non-threatening, kick back environment. One of my most memorable wedding gifts, a Backgammon set, was received by a close friend. I asked him why in the world he had given us such a gift. He replied that he felt that an important aspect of marriage was for a couple to never quit playing games together. Over the years, as I have come to purchase and play, with other couples & coworkers, many games like: Monopoly, Chutes & Ladders, Mastermind, Dweebs, Geeks, & Weirdos, etc. I can reflect on the integral part they have played in our weekends and our "shut-off the T.V. and do something more stimulating" weeks. They have enriched my life and made it more interesting. Sadly, many adults forget that games even exist and have put them away in the cupboards, forgotten until the grandchildren come over.

All too often, adults get so caught up in working to pay the bills and keeping up with the "Joneses'" that they neglect to harness the fun in life; the fun that can be the reward of enjoying a relaxing game with another person. It has been said that "man is that he might have joy" but all too often we skate through life without much of it. Playing games allows us to: relax, learn something new and stimulating, interact with people on a different more comfortable level, and to enjoy non-threatening competition. For these reasons, adults should place a higher priority on playing games in their lives.


I agree with the statement "Playing games is important for adults". In this challenging world, adults work very hard to earn a better living and thus don't get time to keep their body and mind fit. By playing games, adults can not only remain fit but can enjoy life too.
Games can be of two types: physical and mental. The former keeps the body fit whereas, the latter keeps the mind fit. The following are the reasons to support my answer.

Physical games include indoor games like table tennis and outdoor games like football and basketball. These games not only increases blood circulation but also burns the excess fat present in our body that keeps us fresh and thus improves our working habits. These games also teaches discipline, co-operation, respect for others, builds self-confidence and teaches us to face defeat bravely, which in turn helps us face failures in life too.

Mental games include chess, puzzle, quiz and IQ. These games increases our mental ability and thinking power. These games teaches to make decisions, increases our knowledge, improves our way of thinking and the ability to remember things, and thus keeps us mentally alert and allows to take the right decision in life.

By looking at the above reasons, I conclude that games whether they are physical or mental, indoor or outdoor not only improves our lifestyle but also helps us achieve our goals in life.

Therefore, playing games is important for adults.


I do strongly support the idea that playing games is important for adults.It is useful and fun,too.It is one of the most important ways to cope with the problems of business and daily life.There are several benefits of playing games for adults.First,playing games creates leisure time that every adult must have to lessen the stress of business life.Its another benefit is that It can improve reflex,intelligence or health depending on the kind of the game ,and it also gives pleasure to the adults as well as children.

As we know today business life is a place full of stress.People generally come to their homes being tired and irritated.Therefore,every individual adult must create leisure times to forget the daily life's problems and to feel relieved.So,playing some kinds of games can help them to have free,without stress,times and to relax.Parents also,by this way,can make a better communication with their children by playing some games such as backgammon,chess, puzzles or computer games.Children gain self confidence due to this relationship with their parents,too.It certainly is a notable point of playing games referring to a family life.Consequently,playing games alone or with their families gives support adults to preserve their healths,to lessen their stresses and to deal with business problems.

With the development of technology,people,both adults and children,began to give more and more importance to computer based games.The computer based technology actually made games more interesting and more complicated than were they before.Because of their visual and sophisticated subjects,the computer based games can easily contribute to maintain an adult's reflex and intelligence thanks to their interactive skills.Moreover,brain gymnastics with these games are beneficial for adults to solve their personal problems.For example,some business men or consultants achieve much success or make better decisions after playing some computer games when tried of working.This means that computers seem to remove the idea that games are merely for kids.
Enjoyment is another factor that should be considerated while thinking of the relation between adults and games.It is certain to believe that many adults get very much pleasure from games.They gain the amusement of their previous childhood again and again while playing games with the child living in their spirits.So,if a director of a company or a president of a country is seen while he or she is playing a computer game or playing football with some kids,it should not be peculiar. Obviously,they will spend more happier time than any child will and forget every types of problems that they have during the game.

Last but not least i wish to say that playing games is important for adults as well as all human beings.It is useful,necesary,enjoyable and educational.Since life,itself,is a game in which the players are we,it is unavoidable to spend time without playing games at any age.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:24:39 |只看该作者
61 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Parents and adult relatives play a significant role in shaping a child's life. They teach them how to live, and struggle for the right things. However when children grow up, often they fail to realize the contributions of their parents and adult relatives in their lives. Teenage children think that being a teenager they are able to make all the decisions of their lives. In my opinion, parents and adult relatives should make important decisions for their teenage children because teenagers are unexperienced, overconfident and many times they do not realize the consequences that the imnportant decisions can have on their lives.

Teenagers, being new in the adult world and having their first experiences of their adult lives, think themselves as grownups and perfectly able to make their own decisions. However, most of the times, their decisions are influenced by their friends. For example a student may get into a top university, but just because his/her friend is going to college, he/she wishes to go to college too. In this case the decision is obviously influencial, and can have great negative effects on his/ her life. At such a point the parents or the adult relatives should make decisions for their children.

Another reason why parents or the adult relatives decisons are very important is that the teenagers are over confident. The teenagers havent still been into practical life, and they dont have an idea of how the practial world works. Specially before the university, teenagers are living in kind of a fantasy world, where they think everything is cool and perfect. For example they might think that playing basket ball in the school gym is definetly going to get them selected on the national team. This may be true in some cases, but usually it doesnt work out this way. So if the teenager, just neglects his/her studies, he/she is going to be defintely in loss. At such points, like choosing the subjects in highschool, parents and/or adult relatives should make decisions for their teenage children.

In conclusion, althought teenagers might think the decisions being imposed on them as a stone in their paths, it is infact a blessing for them. Teenagers, being iresoponsible, and unexpereinced are not always able to make decisions for themselves. Hence parents and/or adult relatives should make the decisions for them.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:25:36 |只看该作者
62 What do you want most in a friend—someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

      A friend is a person with whom we spend most of our time. It is very important to spend enjoyable with them. The time we spend with our friends is precious and shouldn’t be wasted. There are some characteristics that a friend should have such as being intelligent, having sense of humor, or being reliable. In my opinion, the most important characteristics, which were mentioned, is having sense of humor.
       To my way of thinking, a friend doesn’t have to be very intelligent because getting higher grades is not important for all the people. I can’t judge my friend when she gets low marks. It also doesn’t mean that she is successful, she can be very creative and succeed in arts or music. So we should never judge people according to their intelligence. A person who is not very intelligence can be a very helpful and friendly person.
       Sense of humor is a very important characteristic that every people should have. If one doesn’t have a sense of humor, then he doesn’t care about other people’s feelings and behaves very badly, thinking only of himself. I don’t what that kind of person to be around me, because he makes everybody around him uncomfortable because of his selfishness. If one has a sense of humor, than he is there whenever you are in need of him, he does everything he can.
      Sense of humor brings other characteristics such as being helpful, thinking of other people. And all these characteristics are very important for a friendship to be long lasting. I would like my friend to listen to my problems and give me advices. His thoughts are very important for me because I’m sure he thinks the right way objectively. He thinks of a matter deeply and helps me to make my decisions. If my friend hadn’t had a sense of humor, he would not try to help me and leave me confused with my problems. If my friend hadn’t had a sense of humor, he would not take me to the cinema when I had problems with my parent, I would be in my room crying and thinking how to solve the problem.
     Finally, I can say that if someone has a sense of humor than he also has other characteristics such as being helpful, caring about others, trying to solve friends’ problems. And all these characteristics are very important for everybody in order to have a long lasting friendship.


As a friendly and open-minded person, I enjoy making friends. As a result, I have many friends. However, regardless of their background, gender and characteristics, I notice that all of my close friends have one characteristic in common - they all have a sense of humor.

First of all, I always wanted to feel happy and have a good time when I go out with friends. By going out with friends who are humorous often make me laugh and cheer me up whenever I feeling down.

In addition, I believe people who have a sense of humor, are normally the one who has positive thinking. I like to mix with people with positive thinking because I always believe that it is better think positive rather than negative when dealing with problem. For example, when I face a problem, I like to talk to friends who humorous and positive because they can always give me new ideas and help me to solve problem by guiding me to look at problem from the different perspective.

In short, what I want the most in a friend is a sense of humor. Friend who has a sense of humor can influence me positively.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:26:18 |只看该作者
63 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.

   One time when I was in Europe I saw this message in a gift store “Today problems will be the best experiences in the future”. I do agree with this idea. Although most experiences in our lives seem difficult, after overcome problems that these experiences involved, they become valuable lessons for the future.
   Difficult experiences demand people be strong. In my own experience, for instance, I lived one of the most difficult situation that a human being can live, which is to lose the most valuable person: the mother. Because I lost my mother when I was seven years old, I learned how to be responsible and take care of myself, and now I am an independent and strong person who can face any difficulty for severe that seemed.  
   On the other hand, sometimes, difficult situations offer challenges that can change one’s life. For example, five years ago I won a scholarship to study a Master degree, and in compensation for this grant I was asked to do some work for the University where I was studying. They proposed me to be a teacher. Although I felt fearful and unconfident at the beginning, I accepted that challenge and I became to be an excellent teacher.
    Finally, after overcome difficult situations people are able to handle any problem in a better way because they are already familiar dealing with unpleasant experiences. My own case illustrates it. After loosing my mother and being a teacher without previous experience, I have developed skills like control of stress and work under pressure that has allowed me to face any problem o challenge.
    In conclusion, people complain about having difficult experiences, but after all, they understand how living these situations in one of the better way to learn valuable lessons that will help them all their lives.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:27:33 |只看该作者
64 Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons to explain your choice.

Some People Prefer to work for themselves or own a business.Other prefer to work for an employer.i like
or prefer self business.Both have advantages and disadvantages.But the advantages of self business have greater importance than the work of employer.
        First of all,the main benifit of self business is independence  to do business.You are the owner of business.you can do  every thing according to your wishes.You can make decision for the benifit  of your business with out any outer disturbance.No one can stop you.No doubt, a businessman work under the rules of Government.But the role of Government in his business is very small.On other hand ,an employer works under someone.It may be a manager or owner or some other person of his organization.he has no independence to make decision himself.
         The second benifit of self business is that you are totally free for working.you can do work for your business any time.No one can stops
you.You can come in your office any time and you can go from your office any time.You are free from restrictions.But on the other  hand, an employer of any company has to face a lot of restriction.He has to fear from higher authorities of his organization. He  must have to give respect to his higher authorities of his organization.And a self employeed business man is free from all these things.
     No doubt,there are some disadvantages of self business.Aa owner of business  has to face these advantages.The main drawback of self business is that he has  a lot of burden in his mind.He remains  more busy and more curious about his business than other members of his business.He has to face more probleum than employer of an organization.
    In the end couclusion is that  no doubt there are some disadvatages of self business.But the advantages of self business have more attraction than a work of an employer.
Good organization, good ideas, but language is "choppy."

Although one is not always lucky enough to have a choice between working for an employer or for oneself.But it would be great if one has the opportunity to decide so.I would rather work for an employer than owning a business of my own.

When we own our business,there is a lot of risk involved in monetary terms.At times due to market conditions(not really due to a fault of our own),the business might not do as well.It would even become difficult to survive or cover the basic costs.The financial loss could really wear you out.This is too much of a hassle and tension.

Another reason is in one's own business, there is certainly unlimited number of hours of work that one has to put specially during the initial setup days.A lot of effort is required to sustain in a competitive environment.

As contrast to this if one is working for an employer,you have sort of fixed number of working hours.Sometimes if the work is more,they might vary but usually they remain the same.One has to keep doing hard work even if the company is not doing well.But if the company goes broke altogether,there is a chance that one would find a job elsewhere without bothering much about the financial loss.

Hence,I think for me I would rather play safe and work for somebody than bear the tensions and headaches of my own business.


If given a choice of working for someone else or being self-employed I would choose the latter without any hesitation.This doesn't mean that working for someone else is in any way inferior to being one's own boss.I believe your personality type and the way you want to live your life are the key factors in making this choice.

To me a life without thrills and adventures  looks unattractive.The myriad challenges and problems one has to face as a self-emplyed or business person attracts me more than the relatively secure life of an employee.

I am well aware of the darker sides of my choice.Being your own boss gives you immense freedom.You are free from undertaking any venture in which you cannot put your heart,nor will you be troubled by the stumbling blocks of employer disapproval in the course you believe in.But hand in hand with this great freedom comes great responsibility too.The succes of the entire venture or business lies solely upon you, the decision you make the methods you use to implement them etc.The risk factor is very high and you have to be prepared to fight against all the destructive, malicious,sudden rising storms.But the joy ou will get from leading a life in your own terms , is worth all the strife.For success tastes sweetest after the toughest battle.

To conclude I choose the adventerous life of a self-employed or business person to the smug secure life of an employee, I choose to live a life in my own terms, to shine in use and not to rust.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:31:00 |只看该作者
65 Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

There are different views of different people about preserving or destroying old historic buildings. Some people thinks old buildings should be destroyed and  they should be replaced with new morden buildings. Some thinks we should preserve them as a historic memory. I am totally with the idea of preserving historic buildings.

Old historic buildings are not just buildings. They are linked with some of the ancient memories by which we can get knowledge about our ancient world. If one historic building is destroyed, it affects a number of historic moments linked with it. We should provide our children some historic places by studing which they can get good knowledge about past. On this point, some people may agrue that they can get knowledge just by reading about those places and those people. But there is always some difference between imaging about something and watching the same. I don't think we can ever diminish the difference.

It is also true that the world is revolving and new technologies are taking place of the old systems. New companies, officies, appartments etc. have covered up a lot of space. For some people, it is even difficult to get good place for living as prices of land are increasing day by day. But we should never neglociate the value of our historical memories. We may find some other place for living or working. But once a historic building is destroyed, we can never find the same again.

Covering these all, I think we should prohibit the historic buildings from destrying and we must try to preserve them.


"Let's bygones be bygones" as the saying goes, and I will add an ending to it - "and the places and buildings of the bygones remain there." In my opinion a city should not try to preserve its old, historic buildings, but replace them with modern ones.
Of course, many people will say that those old and histroic buildings represent our history and in their opinion they should be preserved, but how can these people say which buildings are historic and which are not? there will be great arguments about whihc building has to be preserved or destroyed, because for one person the house of a famous artist is a historic place, but for another it is not. The city counscil, on the other hand, cannot satisfy all the people's wishes by rpeserving evry old building in the city.
In addition, in place of the old, historic buildings, we can build new ones, which will serve more useful purposes. Take a modern hospital for example. If it is place din the center of the city, where almost all historic buildings are, it will help many people, who live in that area. Or if the new buildings is a shopping mall, it will be very convenient and will save a lot of time and trouble to the citizens. Further more, it is inconceivalbe all the modern buildings to be in the suburbs, because the center of the city is occupied by houses, turned into museums, and buildings, represening our history.
In my opinion, we have to look forward to the future, not in the past, that's why I think we have to replace the old, historic buildings with new, modern ones, and thus make our lives easier.


It is very important for a city to have old and historical buildings because these kinds of place are a efficient way to welcome tourist from all over the world. Additionally, these buildings offer a good way for people to learn about that city's history and culture . It is obvious that for to have old and historical buildings provide a city many opprtunities. Because of these advantages a city try to preserve its old and historical buildings.

First of all, since tourists generally like to visit historical place, a city in which there are a lot of historical buildings have more chance to be visited compare to others . These visitings increse city's poverty, wealth and reputation. Moreover these developments lead a city more attractive and clean. These kinds of benefits not only make richer that city municipality but also make richer people living in that city. Obviously, becuse historical places are fovorites for tourist trips, a city shold keep its historical buildings in good repair and well-cared for its own future and interest.

Secondly,to visit old and historical building is a good and easy way to learn that place's history and culture and keep that city lively. Particulary these kind of places are very important to teach a city's tradition, culture and history to young generation. nowadays new generations came across culture shock. To destroy its historical building cause serious society problems especillay in terms of youth. People can have many information about that city by visiting these kinds of places. A city sould try to preserve its historical buildings to establish a bridge between past and future.

To sum up, if a city wants to have many advantages such as to attract to tourist attentions and to keep its culture and tradition lively, it should preserve its old and historical building.


People can think of to destroy the historical buildings , and replace them with mordern one, but in my opinion they should not be destroyed. Historical buildings are of great importance to mankind.They help us to know the history,attract tourist people and are status symbol for the nation.
Firstly, historical buildings help us to know the history behind it,and are the standing proof to what we read in our history.By seeing them we get to know too many things like what type of material they use to construct them, what kind of design they make and also to some extent the way of life they live. So it helps in giving knowledge of our ancestors.
Another benefit is, it attracts many tourist people from diffrent part of the world,helping the government to earn money from them. So a major part of an nation economy can be shared by the tourist departmant.Even for some countries the historical buildings are the only source of income to the people. so it has a great importance in contribution in the economy of the nation.
  Last not the least, historical building are the Status symbol for the nation.Like Taj mahal is the status symbol of beauty and love for India., so it will heart the people which are emotionally connected with the building anyhow.You can take example of pyramids, the country is Egypt is popular mainly for it huge pyramids.So historical building are important in the sense that it brings the fame to the country worldwide.
  I conclusion, we should try to preserve the old, historical buildings to make people understand better their history, and to help the nation to get fame worldwide and earn money from the foriegn tourist visiting.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:32:41 |只看该作者
66 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Though to a certain extent classmates could influence a child's performance in school, the influence of parents would be stronger on his/her success.

Usually, children's orientation towards success is formed in very early stage of one's life, when the parents take the main role of reference group for them.  Children observe their parents to know what parents expect from them and try to attain the goal that is formed according to the observation.  If parents show much interest in the successful learning of their children, they get motivated to learn and perform what they have learnt.  This orientation at the initial stage of learning affect very much the attitude oriented to successful performance at the later stage of their life.

Another point to be noted is that since for many children it is more probable to get along with their classmates who have similar background than those who do not, children tend to select their peer groups among their classmates according to their feeling and taste, which are often influenced by their family background.  Moreover it is very common that parents try to put a filter in the selection of peers with whom their children go out.  The parents recommend their children to participate in the groups of activities which seems favorable to them.  For example, some parents select summer camps where offer highly academic activities so that their children acquire certain knowledge and friends who shows their interest in such kind of activities.

Therefore, even though it is true that the older one gets, the less affects his/her parents' discipline, the influence of parents on a child's success in school is stronger than that of classmates.


   One of the most important things in our lives is a learning process - school, college, and university. There are many problems that appear, and only you must make a right decision. But in this process it is important to have friends that can help you. In this essay I will argue that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school.

   First of all, to have more influence means to know every detail in one's problem. For example, when you have such problem as the relationship between you and another student or teacher, only a well-informed person can advise you. In my view, in this situation your classmates are more close to you than your parents. Your classmates can understand you because they are in your age, also.

  In the other hand, classmate’s influence means a contest between the students. It is known that our life is a competition in which each of us is a competitor. In my opinion, when I see that my classmate is better than I in one subject, it means that I need to work on my knowledge in it. It depends on me.

  Another reason in favor of my opinion is that my classmate's thoughts are very important for me, even if I feel that they are not good. The adolescence is a time when you begin your own life. It is a time when you may don't want to hear your parents’ advice. However, it is naturally. That is why classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child.

  In conclusion, everyone himself must decide how to behave in this life. But in our society, where democracy and independence are value, we always will have to make our own decisions.


In our current society, parents do not have enough time to look after their children. Specially, parents are not worried about children's problems at school, because they think that once in school only teachers are in charged of children. Parents are not aware about their children's peers or classmates. So, I do agree that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school.
   A child being object of bullying by his classmates can become an unsuccessful student. Because bullying is an uncontrollable problem in schools, children do not feel support from teachers, and they prefer no to say anything about. In contrast, for instance, their fear and discomfort make them to dislike school and as a result, they usually drop it off.
   Use of drugs is another reason to be unsuccessful at school. A child surrounded by classmates who smoke or consume drugs is more likely to be involved in drugs. Children who use Ecstasy, for example, one of the most popular drugs among them, say that they started getting high because one of their classmates offered it to them at the first time.  
   On the other hand, good nature and responsible classmates have positive influence on a child. For example, a child participating in a school football team or a scholar newspaper probably has a better success because these kind of activities teach them great values such as responsibility and team work.
   In conclusion, children are influenced by their classmates in both positive and negative way, while parents' influence on success in school is less notorious.   


       When children attend school, they spend most of their time with their classmates. Because of this reason many people think that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school. I totally agree with this statement in the light of my experiences and my other friends’ experiences. In this essay, I will try to figure out how classmates are an important influence on a child’s success in school.
        First of all, at the very beginning of the school years, children meet new friends and they get close with some of them either because they get along with them well or they are in the same neighborhood. It is very normal for a child to have new friends that she likes and have enjoyable time but sometimes these classmates become a very important influence on a child’s behavior. This behavior can affect her positively or negatively.
For example my cousin had had some friends at school. She liked them a lot but I felt something wrong as soon as I met them. I talked to my cousin about it but she didn’t listen to my advices. Later on she realized that her friends were using drugs and cut her relations with them. My cousin and her family had to move to another city because this event affected my cousin very much and she suffered some psychological problems. My cousin had to give up her school for a year and took her 2 years return to her normal life.
         On the other hand, classmates can influence a child’s success in school in a good way. Because, to my way of thinking, meeting new people, getting to know them, is an important experience in one’s life. Studying together, helping each other with some problems is very useful. For example, I study with my friends for the exams and I think it is very helpful. One of my friends can solve a mathematics problem that the others cannot solve, so we complete each other. I sometimes don’t feel like studying but my friends force me to study and I thank them for that. Because sometimes one needs motivation and friends are there at this times.
        Finally, we can say that classmates are an important influence on a child’s success in school. The important point is that how they influence a child’s success. And as long as we have good friends, they play an important role in our success.
"Finally" should be used not in the conclusion but in the final body paragraph.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:34:10 |只看该作者
67  If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

When you become an employer and need to hire workers you must decide between two options.
One is to hire an inexperienced worker at a lower salary and the other is to hire an experienced worker at a higher salary. I would prefer the first option for some reasons besides the low payment but the second option is also necessary in some cases.

Hiring an inexperienced worker who is just graduated from the university will give you and your company the opportunity to use his fresh theoretical knowledge. A new graduate worker would be equipped with many new techniques, skills and knowledge that are not relevant during yours and most of the the existing workers time of study. In that sense he will be useful in developing new ideas in your company.
Hiring an inexperienced worker is also necessary to increase employment opportunities of your country. If all the companies are going to hire experienced workers with high salaries, most young, inexperienced workers wouldn't have the chance to find a job and this will create a vicious cycle. That is he cannot find a job as he is inexperienced but he cannot gain experience at the same time as he is jobless. This will cause unrest within the society.
On the other hand you should always hire some experienced workers in your company as well. You will probably pay higher salaries to those kinds of employees but they will be useful. They have the practical experience at which the new workers do not have. He can fill the gap between theory and practice which is very important for the success of a company.
As a result, though I prefer to hire an inexperienced worker with low salary, hiring some experienced workers with high salaries is also necessary.


If I had given the chance to be an employer, I would try to do my work perfectly. For this reason I would hire an experienced worker at a higher salary rather than an inexperienced worker at a lower salary.
         First of all, I think that, experience that one has affects the work he does. No matter how high educated a person is, it is the experience that brings success. Because of all these, one should pay attention to what she is doing. Doing it quickly doesn’t mean that you do it well. In order to be successful, we should think about the strategies and start working after that. If I were an employer, I would hire an experienced worker so that I would be able to analyze the important points according to his experiences. At the very beginning, I probably would not earn lots of money but in the future, people would trust in my business and this will affect my sales. In this advanced, competitive world, doing a job perfectly is important, for this reason employers should pay more attention to strategic and long-range planning.
       Secondly, hiring an inexperienced worker can cause much more money than the salary paid to an experienced worker. Working just for to earn money shouldn’t be a business’ first aim. Producing useful products, serving public should be business’ first aim.
       On the other hand, nowadays, hiring inexperienced workers at a low salary and providing them some courses becoming widespread. These courses include foreign language speaking, especially English, using computer…etc. Also some companies hire workers with lower salaries but they provide them financial support. With this financial support one can attend to a university for a master’s degree or a certificate program. Even if these companies give lower salaries, in the long run, worker benefit from this education provided by the company.
     Finally, I had given the chance to be a employer and hire a worker, I would probably hire an experienced worker, so that we would be successful with our work as a result of a team work.


If I were an employer, I would hire a worker depending upon the type of the work my organization deals with. There are many types of organizations that deal with different works like industry, resturants, consultancy, banks, forum etc. And depending upon these types of organizations, the working personal also varies. If I belong to the organization that works for building and construction, and I require workers for the same purpose, then I would surely hire inexperienced workers at a lower salary. By doing this I will make my organization more cost effective, as for building and construction purpose, more numbers of workers are required, and this helps cutting down expenses. Also, when the work is related to the physical work, then more than experience, the desire to work counts. If the person is inexperienced, then he can learn how to work, until he has desired to work. But, if the organization is related to the professional levels, then in such case, experienced workers are highly required. So, the type of the work is directly related to requirement of the experienced or inexperienced worker with respect to the amount of the salary. As I am related with the international organization, I would prefer an experienced worker even at a higher salary.

Experience is the most important criteria for getting professional job. Experience makes the person perfect. And perfect ones can only work effectively and efficiently by the time they join the organization.  Even for the experienced person, it takes some time to understand the way the organization works and the management over there. So, for the inexperienced person, it takes almost months to years to know the working atmosphere of the organization depending upon the type of work. The total amount of the salary the worker gets by the completion of work is almost same whether the worker is experienced or inexperienced. Training is required for an inexperienced worker and the training expenses can be more. But for the experienced worker, training is not required, one can just understand by observing, and managing oneself.  The experienced one can get the job done soon while, the inexperienced worker takes double the time. Double the time means double the salary one gets. So, whether one is experienced or not, total amount of the salary, the employer has to pay is somewhat equivalent. Organization values its overall human resources, no matter whomever; all are integral part for its existence.  For the long-term development and for the excellency, experienced worker needs to be hired.

I work in the international organization that deals with the e-consultation. If the inexperienced person was hired for the same job, then he would almost take 6 months to understand what’s going on.  But if the person is experienced one, he needs not more than one month to get involved.  For such an organization, excellency is of prior than the amount of salary that is to be paid. Also, it’s not sure that even after training, the inexperienced person can work effectively.  In the medical shop, if I have to hire the sales man than, I would go for the experienced one even at the higher salary.  Experience is the most important criteria for employing as the work is relates to the health of many people.

So in my point of view, experienced workers are more effective than inexperienced ones regardless of the amount


Organization of the company or doing the responsibility of hiring workers for the company is a tough job. And as an employer it's a very hard decision to hire an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or a knowledgeable worker at a higher salary. Saving money and making money both are the foremost issues for an employer. I would definitely go for the later. And in order to make lot of money I would go for a skilled worker although it will cost me to pay more salary but still I be getting the sufficient satisfactory results from my worker's experience.
Today technology and information are two basic key foundations of any kind of business. And to run the business successfully one has to be aware of these changes. And to my belief only experienced person can deal with those kinds of changes.
Experienced person not only opens gates of success for himself but also for the company he is working for. Nevertheless he will contribute his share to the company’s success by his expertise. Every employer wants progress and success in his field, therefore to get his goals by hiring experienced workers are an excellent idea. This will eventually help the company to compete in this challenging competitive world.
Only experienced workers can bring advancement to their company. As an employer I would expect my employees to cope with this rapidly changing, demanding world. Advancement and changes marks the day today and only and an experienced worker can help his other colleagues with his awareness and knowledge to help them familiar with these changes. Although hiring qualified worker could cost me more money but at the end it would be more benefited for the company.
Just to save some money by hiring an inexperienced, raw, unproven worker at low wages would eventually going to cost me more in terms of compromising myself with delay in completion of work. I would definitely not going to compromise on the terms of success and progress of the company to save some money.
In conclusion, I see long-term benefit by hiring an experienced worker at higher salary. It will bring success and prosperity to the company and that will definitely lead to making money too.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:35:28 |只看该作者
68 Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Doing homework is one more time to understand lecture. When students do homework they have to recall what teacher explained in class. I think
that daily homework is necessary for students.

I have done so many assigments. They help me a lot in understanding the theory. We go to class to listen to lecture. Well can you understand every thing teacher explains in class? Maybe if you are very clever. But if you do homework you will understand the lecture more deeply. Sometimes I do not understand the lecture but when I go home I stay to do homework. I must read the lecture again and the question in homework suggests me what I should comcentrate to read in lecture. Of course I understand the subject better after I do homework.

Everyone always said that study goes with practice. I think it is true because you know only theory it is not enough. You should practice again and again until you understand essence of problems. To understand the subject students must spend time to do assignment. Homework can asses result of understand the lecture. If teacher does not give you homework they will not know how much their student understands the lecture.

One more thing we should mention is that if teachers do not give assignment to their student than students may will not review the lecture
when they go home therefore they will forget what they learn in class very fast.

When you do homework then you recollect the lecture. You may can symthelize your knowledge in subject. So teachers should give assignment to the student everyday.


       Teachers play a very important role in an individual’s life. We learn many useful things from them. With the help of this knowledge, we become successful in our work. In my opinion, being aware of the importance of work responsibility is very important in advanced business world. One should be careful with his work. This responsibility is gained at early ages. For this reason, I believe that daily homework is very necessary and helpful for all the students.
         First of all, homework, which is assigned to a group of students, gives them the chance to work as a team. As long as, success comes from careful planning and team working, it is very useful for students to work in groups. By this way, they learn how to cooperate with each other. For example, if one solves a problem, which the other students cannot solve, she can explain the problem to her friends and by this way, they learn to help each other and share their knowledge. During the preparation of the homework, students go to libraries to find out useful material books. By this way one learns how to search for what he needs.
        Secondly, during the preparation of the homework, students go to libraries to find out useful material and books. By this way, one learns how to make a research. Getting all the material together, arranging them and preparing a report an important point to which all the students should pay attention. Students can divide their homework in to different parts and each student can be responsible of one part. Preparing homework and presenting it in front of the class and expressing themselves is a good experience for the students’ future life.
    All this considered, I think that homework is very necessary and helpful for students. Homework does really help us to get prepared for the future. And, we should be careful and do it neatly if we want to be successful in our future life.


This question of whether or not to give the students daily homework is a much debated problem in that it affects everybody as a student like us. Of course, doing homework will scare our leisure time in some extent, but it can help students understand the texts more deeply, force students to review the texts and make students have a lasting impression about the texts. So personally, I would prefer to do homework everyday.

There are numerous reasons why I think that daily homework is necessary for students, and I would here explain some of the most important ones. The main reason is daily homework can help students understand the texts more deeply. It can be given an example, you must make yourself understand the texts firstly in order to do your homework. Whatever in mathematics, in chemistry or other courses, if you don't understand the texts, you can not finish the homework of that day.

The other reason is that daily homework can force the students to review the texts. Just imagine when you have the problems in your homework you will understand it more. When you have the problems, what can make you work out is reading your texts and your notes carefully or discussing with other students.   

One very strong argument is that doing homework can make the students have a lasting impression about the texts. In order to see it clearly, let us see an example. When students do their homework, they have to review the texts, understand the texts, even more discuss the problems about the texts. They gradually have a lasting impression about the texts.

From what has been discussed above, doing  homework has more advantages, so we finally draw the conclusion that daily homework is necessary for students.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:37:17 |只看该作者
69 If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

If I could study a subject which I have never had the opportunity to study, I will choose Computer Science. Being a Doctor,I don't have any special knowledge of computer operation.Since today Software is flourishing field,everyone needs to know atleast basic knowledge of computer operation.
   Computer provides each and every information through internet. It will be good to have knowledge of operating it.Nowadays even school children get education regarding computer in school.Computer has made life more easier in many ways.Being a doctor I can store patient information in computer instead of keeping space consuming paper files. I can get whatever information I need in computer.
   Computer has made life easier and fast moving.We can pay all bills through internet,can check account information,chat with friends and what not?
   Computer industry is one of the industries where the pay is very good.So everyone wants to join software companies.
To conclude,in this computer era, having computer knowledge is very much needed.If I get an opportunity I will choose to study Computer science.


Being an engineer, I have always studied the science subjects but I have never had much of a chance to study something from the other fields. One subject which attracts me most and which I would have opted for if I had not chosen science is psychology.

Human psychology, a subject by which you can know a lot about human behavior, moods, attitude etcetra. I consider this subject to be a very important subject as it helps you in knowing people better by their activities, their habits and their actions.

Psychologists have helped cure so many problems. Pschologists analyse the conditions and the problems which a person is having and suggest them some activities to perform. Problems like having tension, fatigue and stress because of work or family problems are solved by psychologists by using no medicine but by just trying to change a human's attitude towards certain things.

Thus psychology is a subject which I would think I would like to study if I had an opportunity to study a subject which I had never studied till date.
Very nice, but a bit too short.

Twenty-first century is the era of advancements, inventions and technology. Changes and advancements mark the day today. Technology has touched almost every aspect of human life. And to cope up with the changes occurring in the modern era, education is must. If I would be given a chance to choose the subject of my choice, I would prefer computer’s study on other subjects. I have many reasons to go for this subject.
I always want to keep myself updated with the latest changes. And to my belief it’s only possible through information and technology. Computer is the most important tool for the    modern generation and the significant part of the teaching learning system these days.
People keep abreast of affairs around them by using computer. To cope up with the rapidly changes use of computer has become more important than ever before. Invention of high- tech- gadgets and state of art information in the field of communication demands more awareness, which can be satisfied by the computer.
Computer technology made the life easier and simpler. I would love to have the opportunity to learn all about computer, how to use the information by using Internet. After learning about computer I can put my education for useful purposes. I can further go for distant education by using this fascinating and amazing invention. Through computer I can discuss my lessons with the most educated and experienced professor anywhere in the world. With this advancement, learning has taken a whole new meaning. Computer has made learning easier and faster. With computer time constraint for learning has almost vanished. It has changed the traditional methods of learning. Students like me, can widen their intellectual power by studying about computers. Furthermore, spoon-feeding can be eliminated by the use of computer study.
Computers are in high demand these days. Computer programmers are the highly paid employees these days. Computer diploma holders are living high standard lives.
In conclusion it can be said that every subject has it’s own importance but keeping all the positive points I would definitely chose the study of computers for better future and for my self satisfaction.


       I’m studying statistics at the university. Even if I like dealing with numbers and numerical analysis, I would like to study medicine, if I had given the chance. I have never had the chance to study medicine but I would love to be a doctor and help people. There are two reasons for this, one is to earn a lot of money and the other and the most important is to help people.
        First of all, medicine is vital for human. If one loses his health, no matter how rich he is, he also loses his happiness and love of life. I believe that doctors have a very important role in our community. Doctors help people when people are in need of them. 2 years ago, there had been an earthquake in Istanbul and it was terrible. On the television, it was announced that many doctors were needed. It was a horrible feeling and I wished that I were a doctor, then, I would have the chance to help children and other people.
      Secondly, in my country, Turkey, doctors earn a lot of money but studying medicine requires a high mark in a medical exam, which is held every year. People who pass this exam study medicine for six years. It is very difficult to study medicine. Firstly, you should be very patient, and careful, because a little mistake you make can cause someone’s death. Doctors also have to psychologically strong.
      For I these reasons, I don’t think that I am suitable for this job. I’ve never had the chance to study medicine, but if I had been mentally strong and patient to cure people, I would choose to study medicine and would like to be a doctor.
Very nice. Important: We should avoid starting a sentence with a number.

Almost everyone of us come at some point of our lives comes to the realization that we might have missed something on the way and we want to go back for a moment and take that thing before we continue. Many times this is expressed via the unexpected desire to study something we might have had the chance, but we before we never took it. For me such thing is astronomy. It appeals to me in so many ways, the mystery that accompanies the science of the universe has always attracted me in some magic way but I never took my chance. Now, if I am given such, I will not hesitate much before I take and below are some of my reasons for doing so.

Astronomy is the science that tries to give us a more profound knowledge about the Universe - the unimaginably big world that we are just a tiny part of. It give us a better look at worlds that we've never imagined exist and within the whole picture it tries to explain our own existence the way it is. Everyone of us has looked at the starry sky at night and at least a brief thought has come through out head of what's there, what are all this flickering lights and is somebody waiting for us millions of lights years away. Thoughts like this have always made us feel a little bit better in our existence, a little bit less lonely in our universe and science like Astronomy is that one that prove our hopes true, to make the dreams reality.

On the other hand, Astronomy helps us understand better who we are, where do we come from, what is our place in the big picture and how do we function as an entity within it. Let's take for example the studies on the structure of the matter in the universe. Astronomers have proven the existence of substances that we considered unthinkable before and the knowledge they get from this inventions helps is go beyond the visible part in our own world, find the secrets of the matter that are hidden deeply in its existence on earth. We shouldn't also forget the recent discoveries regarding the Big Bang, considered the creation point of the Universe the way we know it today, and the help they provide us on understanding our origin as living beings. It helps us understand where are we heading for.

Taking all of the above mentioned, I can easily conclude that Astronomy for me is a way to broaden my mind, a way to look beyond the visible part of the world I live in, a feeling of belonging somewhere in the whole picture of the universe and, most of all, astronomy the knowledge that provides me with the confidence and hope that living beings on Earth are not alone in their existence.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:38:34 |只看该作者
70 Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life and others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. My opinion is that the automobile has improved modern life because without having means of transportation like automobile, one would not be able to move around, as he wants and do.   In my case, I would not be able to run my day-to-day life efficiently if I didn’t have an automobile.  In the modern world, having an automobile is not luxurious as some people think it is one of the necessities in our lives.

I would have been obliged to use public transportation in order to do my business such as reaching to office or work place on time, to do shopping and other errands, to visit my friends and relatives.  I would have spent more time by waiting for the public transportation and walk certain distance to reach where I want to go.  When somebody got sick if there is no medical facilities nearby one will be obliged to carry the sick person up to where he could get a public transportation, which is very difficult to do. On top of that after having worked for certain period of time, I would like to drive out to get some relaxation.  Especially in a country like where I am living, you cannot survive without having an automobile cause the public transportation system is very poor.  

Of course, automobile can cause serious problems if you are not using it properly like having an accident by driving carelessly and polluting the air which we breath.  In this case, thanks to the researchers they have done a great improvement regarding polluting the air by creating an automobile without smoke and also air bag in side the car to minimize the danger to the driver and passengers.  

Automobile contributed a lot for the improvement of modern life and one wouldn’t by pass having the use of it.  It facilitates doing our business comfortably and being at our disposal anytime we need it.
Conclusion needs to be improved.

Twentieth century has witnessed many astonishing and methodological improvements. Innovation of automobile is one of them. Advent of automobile definitely made the life easier and faster. To my opinion, although this invention has few drawbacks but still it has improved modern life. I would support my analysis by stating few reasons below.
        There is no doubt about great benefits of automobiles. The impact of the automobile on average peoples’ lives could be analyzed in three ways: technical, economical and social concepts.
Firstly in technical impact, the automobile formed a new proficiency in humans, which includes operating mechanical device by practicing and of course, memorizing new skills. For an example driving a car is not so sturdy, but it was one of the foremost attempts to make people work with machines.  Driving a car includes learning, practice, and memorizing mechanical techniques in mind. After learning to drive, one can do it anytime without even giving stiff thoughts about it.
The revolution of the automobile uplifted the economic level. Many businesses, markets are totally dependable on automobiles. Additionally, this invention has opened new gates to many new opportunities. Delivering commodities in nippy and secure way, automobiles play a key role. Today almost every business and market is totally dependent on different kinds of automobiles. All modes of automobiles are assets to our economic status.
World has become a global village, thanks to the invention of airplanes which is the one of mode of automobile. Automobiles have transformed the way of communication among people. New social interactions are formed, which were never existed before, again thanks to this significant invention.
In conclusion I would say, in spite of increasing air pollution, noise, traffic jams, still automobiles are foundation of modern life. This noteworthy invention of twentieth century made individual’s life easier and faster.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:39:44 |只看该作者
71 Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

I think a lower-paying job will bring me more happiness even if I do not live the way I would like to.
  First, I think that a job should be cosidered as a way to earn money to live, because otherwise a person will become a slave of his job. It will not "work" for him. Maybe sometimes I will regret that I have made the choise of the lower-paying job, because I may have difficulties, but it does not really matter. Somehow, I do not really know how, when you are among your famiy, your friends, the one you love, in fact you realize that you need no money to be happy.
  We do not have to forgot that we are not alone, because following a career would not help us to come closer to our family. In my family is the same. I hardly see my father twice a week and when he comes home I just feel I do not know what to tell him. We are so estranged. Sometimes the choise may be very difficult-I will have to decide if money or family is the thing I desire the most. I know what my answer will be, but would everyone choose that?
  In a conclusion I would like to say that happinrss cannot be bought with money as some people think. It will be pitty to sacrifice happiness for money and career.


In order to earn a living many people are engaged in jobs. Some jobs are high-paying with long hours of work while others are low in salary but the working period is also less. Now if I were given a choice to choose between these options then I would certainly choose the latter one.

Man is born free but he is in chains. He has various duties to perform. He must earn bread for his family. But in doing so he must not be devoted to his work so much that he has little time stored for his family and friends. Because there are times when he should give some time for his family. To strengthen the family ties, it is essential.

Now-a-days the society has gone to astray because there is no family values. Parents are busy with their work. Children do not find their parents most of the time. So they are with their friends most of the time and if they choose wrong friends then they are likely to go down the drain. But if parents are beside them at their time of need ,then they won’t feel lonely. Parent-children relation will grow.

Money is essential but it is not the only thing we should run after. If  a friend is in need ,we should be by his side. If a relative is ill ,we should manage some time to see him. And most of all if our family needs us, we should put aside all jobs and be there. We cannot escape from our duties by just saying that we are too busy in our work. We should keep our priorities in order.

Finally, it can be said that we earn money for our happiness and for the comfort of our family. In doing so we should not forget our ultimate goal. If we do, then our families will be in a disaster. In our difficult times we will have no friends to share our problems with. So we should get jobs considering the consequences it may bring. If a lower-paying job with shorter hours makes me happy in the long run, then it is the one I certainly will choose.


Some people believe that the most important thing in their life is to succeed in their occupation. Nevertheless,in my opinion,it is more important to be near your family.Therefore,if I had the chance to choose a job now,I would select the lower-paying job with  shorter hours.
First,working less I would have the opportunity to spend more time with my family.When I grew up, I want(as most of my friends) to have a family and many children of whom I want to take care.If I spent much of my day working, I would not have the opportunity of being enough time with my children.
And this is the most important and happy moment in our life,especially for a mother.Nothing could substitute the experience of taking care of your own children.
Moreover,I would have the chance to relax more if I do not spend my entire day working.I could visit my friends in my free time.Then,we could talk about what happen during the day,listen to muic,and do many more things.We also can go fishing(that is my hobby)in the weekends.Thus,I would not think only for my job or my problems but I would have the opportunity to relax.
All at all, I think that the lower-paying job with shorter hours is the best choice for me because,according to me, my family and my friends are more important for me than the job.The life is so short let us enjoy it more.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:40:41 |只看该作者
72 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

   Learning is a great tool.  Grades are great reward for a good learning.  Attending school is a great way to acess your learning ability and performance. I believe that grades are great indicators of a good learning for the  following reasons: They prove how well he or she has learned the topic, area of weakness, and what it needs to be done to improve.
   Grades prove how well he or she has learned the topic.  Take for instance, if a person take an exam and perform poorly, then this prove that he did not prepare for the exam enough to pass.  Therefore, grades are great indicators if a person was prepared for an exam or not.
   Grades will also prove the area of weakness. Exams tend to gear the student on how to approach a particular exam and how to focus on the area of weakness.  For example, if a person is preparing for a national exam, he or she must focus on the areas where he or she lacks.  Grades will show which areas he or she performed well and the areas of poor performance.  This set a guidelines for a student to prepare more precisely to sharpen his weak area.
   Grades also help student study harder.  A student has the tendency to study harder if he or she gets a positive reward.  For example, I used to be very unhappy if I did not pass an exam.  Therefore, I took my unhappiness and anger toward my studying and put more hours into the subject so I can perform better.  I recall an incidence in high school when I had failed my official exam which it made me realize that studying less will not be the solution and studying hard was my only way to pass this exam.
   Grades are essential to every student and I believe it is a great way to gear student ability, and performance.  They do help a student to focus, work harder, and concentrate and the area of weakness.  Finally, assesment is a way of encouraging, and improving each student learning
Try to improve variety--"great" appears quite often!!

  I personally agree that grades encourage students to learn.Grades enable a person to enhance his\her ability.
    Grades enable a person to assess his capacities and disabilities.By looking at one's grade one can roughly tell hou well one knows his subject.And this enables a person to overcome his flaws and improve his knowledge on the subject he is weak in.

      Grades increase a sense of competitiveness.we usually work hard to ger more marks then our friends and classmates.Grades provide a base and   reason for this sense of competitiveness.If there were no grades people wouldnt bother much about enhancing their knowledge and would take their studies easy.

       Grades tend to develop an interest towards studies.In todays world where most of the students consider studying a burden,a bad grade in their subjects would intiate them to do better.This would enhance their knowlede.
      Grades either good or bad are beneficial to students.If one gets a bad grade ,he would be embarrassed and would thrive to work hard thereby improving his scores and knowledge.And if a person gets good grades he would be careful not to reduce his grades .Thus eitherway grades play an important role in a students life.
       Thus grades are beneficial and are necessary to encourage students to learn.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:42:54 |只看该作者
73 Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  Nowadays, computers has very crucial roleinour life. We use them in almost every sphere of life such as business,education, health, and homes. today. nobody can think such a life without computers. It is obvious that computers have made our lives easier and more convenient. We can keep many important documents and files and reach and search various data via internet; moreover, they are very helpful to diagnose illnesses.
First of all, computers have made our lives easier by storing numerous important files.It is very convenient to keep information in the computer and reach it whwnever you want. Nowadays, nobody can imagine that how they could handle with millions of files, if computers did not help them store these files in securaty.
secondly, internet is the most important event in this centrury. people can reach and investigate whatever they wnat via internet just by sitting in front of their computers. Internet has made easier the life of many student and researchers because it serves like a library as well. to prepare a presentation about one issue is asnotdifficult as it was.
last but not least benefit of computer is to diagnose illnessess. today it is very easy for doctors to diagnose illnesses because of computers. they just give the information of patient to the computer such as  his or her illness, age, his or her genetical situation, sex.computer show that the correct treatment for this patient.
to sum up, computers have been in our lives unavoidably and they have brought many advantages to human being. they have made our lives more convenient and easier; thus, peeple are more comfortable than they were in the past.


   Nearly fifty years ago,the first computer was invented.Since then,with its volumne smaller and calculating speed faster,the computer is having a greater impact on our daily life.There comes the debate,its influence  is a good one or a bad one?Is computer an assistant or a trouble-maker? As for me,I hold the positive view that computer is an indispensable convenient.
    Nowadays computer can be found everywhere.It is used not only in mathematics ,physics,chemistry and astronomy,but in places like the library,hospital and military army to replace the works of man.With the help of the computer,we can do things that could not be done before.Conquering  the    universe,discovering new things,explaining mysterious phenomena puzzling us,our predecessors even can not imagine such things,are now made possible by computer.
    For sure,there is something man can do without the aid of the computer,but it is much faster and easier to accomplish the task using a computer.Take the library for example.If you want a certain kind of book,you have to go to the library,look for it through shelves,but perhaps it is in an unconspicuous corner and you just miss it or it is borrowed out.With the computer,things are different.All you have to do is to enter the key words,click the mouse,then it is all done.It really saves your time and strength.Numerous other examples might be given easily,but this is enough to illustrate the convenience of the computer.
    With the advent of the new century , many techniques and products concerning about computer is sprouting out,making our lives more convenient and enjoyable.Now everyday you can hear people talking about surfing on the net,e-commerce,e-mail,remote education.We are overwhelmed with these new conceptions these days.It is undeniable that computer is changing  our world into a new one.With the computer,people can do shopping,entertaining,learning wherever and whenever.Don't you think it is more convenient?
     Yet there are some people complain that computer make our life more complex and stressful. People have to keep up with its pace. This is true to some extent,but from the above,we can see that its positive influence outweighs the negative one.I believe that the future of the computer is very promising,and with its rapid development ,it can make our life more convenient and easier.
Excellent ideas, but erratic punctuation.

Information at our fingertips, Shopping and Banking  from our place of work or from home, Communications with our near and dear in a matter of few seconds, and so much more.  We can't imagine a life, let alone a single day, without the above facilities.  If computers haven't made our life easier, what has ?

The Information age is now at its peak.  The internet has proved to be a great resource of information.  Software, Hardware, History, Geography, Films, Poetry, Classics, name the field and you have thousands of websites providing you with the information you require in a matter of seconds.  A research or thesis, that would have taken couple of days to be completed can be done in matter of hours, saving us the trouble of  running around to collect the necessary information.

Banking and shopping has never been easier.  At the click of a mouse button, there are transactions being carried out, money being transferred and stocks being sold.  There is not a single bank without a web site today.  E-banking and E-shopping are the buzzwords of the Information age.

To talk about computers, and not mention the role it has played in the field of communications would be totally impossible.  E-mails and chat sessions have shortened the distance between people. Letters and messages that would either take days to reach are being received within minutes and in a cost-effective manner too.  

In this fast moving world, where results are expected instantaneously and accurately, computers give us more than what we require and faster than we expect.  The ways in which computers have contributed to each field is innumerable.  They have no doubt made our lives so much easier, that its impossible now to function without them.


Although there people who are critical about the introduction of computer in work places or at homes for not being able to adapt themselves to new technology, computers have many advantages that have made life easier and more convenient.  

First of all, with a computer, people can do many kinds of work in shorter time with less mistakes. Once a program is set correctly, computers process assignments such as calculations more quickly and acurrately than a person.  Moreover, there are several computer programs that provide checks of errors commited by an user, for example, the spelling check function in programs of word processor. Thus, saving time and reducing errors by using computers, people can invest their time for more creative work or activities.

Second, computers have provided a very convenient option of means of communication, that is, the internet.  Thanks to this technology, today people can communicate each others much easier at lawer cost and in shorter time by e-mails even when they are separated by huge distance.  Access to internet also make it possible to offer or obtain various kinds of information without limit of distance nor time.  For instance, you can look for information about touristic attraction of Egypt in the midnight, being at home in Tokyo after coming back from work.

Third, the skills required to use computers have been becoming easier each day.  While 20 years ago, "computer literacy" meant the knowledge about computer programming, today it is just a matter of use of a mouth and choise of icons.

Above all, computers not only have made life easier and more convenient, but also have been becoming more "user-kind".  It is not necessary to worry about negative effect of computers that lead people's life to be more complex and stressful.
Mentioning some of the disadvantages would strengthen this essay.

Life has changed a lot since the invention of computers. The computer influences our lives and we influence the world by using the computer. I believe that the computer have made our lives a lot easier and convenient for the following reasons.

First of all, we save a lot of time using a computer and this makes life a lot easier. How much time would we spent waiting in banks in order to get the information we like to receive or we urgently need. With our personal computer we don´t even have to leave our homes. Online banking allows us to get the information through the internet and to get it immediately.

Second, we will save not only time but also money. Nowadays nearly every company can be contacted through electronic mail or internet. If we like to buy a special product we can do this using our personal computer. What we pay is the price for the product and the telephone costs for using the internet, but nothing has to be paid for gasoline or other transportation costs.

Furthermore, I would like to lay stress on the advantage which is created through the access to information via internet. Students, for instance, have to do a lot of research work for the university. With your computer you get an access to other universities all over the world.

To sum up, I believe that the advantages of computers outweigh the disadvantages of this invention. I recommend everyone who thinks that life is getting more complex and stressful should start learning more about the good sides of the computer.
Mentioning some of the disadvantages would strengthen this essay.

In my opinion computers have made life easier and more convenient thanks to the variety of utilities they offer to us. Organizations automates their activities using them, saving time and money to themselves and also to customers. Computers help to handle information and data, considered between the most important resources of organizations.

Since computers revolution in the 80’s, personal computers have expanded so greatly and fast that today almost every organization base their activities on computers. They are everywhere we go, in banks, supermarkets, offices, public organisms, etc, automating repeatable operations. Information systems based on computers make it much easier to enter, manage and retrieve information. For example, banks can run transactions very fast giving a better service to their customers. Today we can buy a plane ticket on the internet, and get it delivered at home. People communicate with friends and relatives using the e-mail, saving money and time, because is cheaper than using the phone, and faster than sending a letter by mail. Never has it been easier to keep in touch with people anywhere.

The software industry has developed products that simplifies the work in all kinds of areas, such as manufacturing, servicing, financial services, aerospace, biotechnology, and so on. Software can process big amounts of information and make complex calculations that could only be performed by an expert in the subject after long time of work, if computers did not exist, therefore organizations can employ less qualified personnel to execute some operations, because computers do the hard work.

To conclude, I say I have no doubt that computers have introduced an enormous progress into our daily life and the benefits of their use are countless. It is remarkable the fact that they execute tasks more efficiently than if done manually, doing the work easier for people, fast and well organised.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 01:44:38 |只看该作者
74 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

     Traveling is one of the best ways to enjoy ourselves. Many people like to travel and see different places. Some people travel alone and discover new places. Other people prefer to travel in a group led by a tour guide. Because I like meeting new people and like to learn as much as possible about the places I visit, I would prefer to travel with a group of people led by a tour guide. In this essay, I will explain my reasons.

     First of all, by traveling in a group, we can benefit from the travel knowledge of our tour guide and our traveling companions and from the language skills of our tour guide.  Without knowledge of the language, we might have great difficulty in communication. Also we should search for the places that we are going to visit in order to not to waste time. Because most of us are not professional tour guides, we cannot know all the important places that have to be visited. Tour guides can help us in different situations. So, traveling in a group led by a tour guide is better than traveling alone. Many tour guides know at least two foreign languages, so they help us to communicate when we have trouble. Tour guides also give us information about the places that we visit, so the trip becomes even more informative.

     Secondly, meeting new people can be very interesting when we travel in a group. We can build friendships that last forever. For example, two years ago, with my cousin, I went to Paris with on a tour with a group. There were almost thirty people in our group. We got along with each other very well. We went to restaurants all together, and it was really fun. If the number of people in a tour increases then, the transportation and hostelling costs decrease, and people can visit more places with less money.

     In conclusion, I can say that traveling in a group of people is the best way to travel. Traveling in a group allows us to save money, make good friends, have companionship, and learn important information about the place that we are visiting.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely


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