Me: hi. Sir
T: Hi, how are you
Me: pretty good, just a little bit hungry
T(laugh): So you think we should stop the interview and go out for lunch?
Me(laugh again) : hehe,I didn't say that.
T: So you get your master degree in Sichuan Univ?
Me: No, just bachelor.
T:bachelor? Ok.
我实在找不到说地,看见他在纸上狂划,只有说“any problem?"
T: no, I am just counting the days.
T: Why did you choose Umichigan?
M: Well, actaully XX is my first choice, but I failed in the application. Umichigan is my second choice, it has an excellent biomedical program, you know it breaks the traditional bourndary specified by departments, there are like 13 dept involved----- (他不停地划都不应我一声,真没趣,我就住口了)
T: huh, Univ of Michigan , full scholarship. You are a very lucky young lady!
Me: yeah, hehe, thanks...( 只有笑,除了笑还是笑。。。)
T: ok. pick up your visa at 4:00 this afternoon.
Me: 。。。。。。。 (我晕,放水也不至于放成这样!)