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美国密歇根理工大学(Michigan Tech)土木工程系2018年度春季招收博士生一名,提供RA全额奖学金(包含学费+生活费)。 基本要求为托福 79 分(或雅思6.0),GRE (300 + 3.0)和GPA 3.0,拥有硕士学位的申请者会优先考虑。博士研究由美国国家自然科学基金委员会和密歇根州环保部共同资助,主要研究方向包括结构力学分析和结构与路面材料性能研究(聚合物复合材料,修复材料,环保和新水泥材料和多功能沥青混凝土),拥有相关研究经验和对相关领域拥有研究兴趣者优先考虑。有意向者请直接与密歇根理工大学教授Dr. Qingli Dai老师(qingdai@mtu.edu)联系。
Dr. Dai 老师目前已发表论文100 多篇,其中SCI论文55篇,2014年至今以通讯作者身份指导学生发表论文18篇;主持美国国家自然科学基金三项,合作参与一项;目前在研基金超过一百万美元。欢迎对科研有兴趣的同学加入本课题组。
(详细信息可以访问Dr. Dai 老师个人网页 http://www.mtu.edu/cee/department/faculty/dai/)
1. Sun, Xiao, et al. "Design and Simulation of Active External Trailing-Edge Flaps for Wind Turbine Blades on Load Reduction." Journal of Aerospace Engineering 30.5 (2017): 04017062.
2. Si, Ruizhe, Shuaicheng Guo, and Qingli Dai. "Durability performance of rubberized mortar and concrete with NaOH-Solution treated rubber particles." Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017): 496-505.
3. Xiao Sun, Shuaicheng Guo and Qingli Dai. Microstructure Characterization of Alkali-Glass Particle and Alkali-Glass Powder Reacted Gels with Neutron Scattering and Imaging Techniques. Materials Characterization, Accepted (2017)
4. Wang, Zigeng, Qingli Dai, and Shuaicheng Guo. "Laboratory performance evaluation of both flake graphite and exfoliated graphite nanoplatelet modified asphalt composites." Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017): 515-524.
5. Guo, Shuaicheng, Qingli Dai, Zigeng Wang, and Hui Yao. "Rapid microwave irradiation synthesis of carbon nanotubes on graphite surface and its application on asphalt reinforcement." Composites Part B: Engineering 124 (2017): 134-143.
6. Guo, Shuaicheng, Qingli Dai, Xiao Sun, and Xianghui Xiao. "X-Ray CT Characterization and Fracture Simulation of ASR Damage of Glass Particles in Alkaline Solution and Mortar." Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (2017).
7. Guo, Shuaicheng, Qingli Dai, Ruizhe Si, Xiao Sun, and Chao Lu. "Evaluation of properties and performance of rubber-modified concrete for recycling of waste scrap tire." Journal of Cleaner Production 148 (2017): 681-689.
8. Guo, Shuaicheng, Qingli Dai, Xiao Sun, Ye Sun, and Zhen Liu. "Ultrasonic Techniques for Air Void Size Distribution and Property Evaluation in Both Early-Age and Hardened Concrete Samples." Applied Sciences 7, no. 3 (2017): 290.
9. Wang, Zigeng, Qingli Dai, Shuaicheng Guo, Ronghua Wang, Mingxiao Ye, and Yoke Khin Yap. "Experimental investigation of physical properties and accelerated sunlight-healing performance of flake graphite and exfoliated graphite nanoplatelet modified asphalt materials." Construction and Building Materials 134 (2017): 412-423.
10. Wang, Zigeng, Qingli Dai, David Porter, and Zhanping You. "Investigation of microwave healing performance of electrically conductive carbon fiber modified asphalt mixture beams." Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016): 1012-1019.
11. Guo, Shuaicheng, Qingli Dai, Xiao Sun, and Ye Sun. "Ultrasonic scattering measurement of air void size distribution in hardened concrete samples." Construction and Building Materials 113 (2016): 415-422.
12. Wang, Zigeng, Qingli Dai, and Xu Yang. "Integrated computational–experimental approach for evaluating recovered fracture strength after induction healing of asphalt concrete beam samples." Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016): 700-710.
13. Wang, Zigeng, Qingli Dai, Ronghua Wang, and Xu Yang. "Evaluation of Recovered Fracture Strength after Light-Healing of Graphite-Modified Asphalt Mixtures with Integrated Computational-Experimental Approach." Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29, no. 5 (2016): 04016289.
14. Sun, Xiao, Bin Zhang, Qingli Dai, and Xiong Yu. "Investigation of internal curing effects on microstructure and permeability of interface transition zones in cement mortar with SEM imaging, transport simulation and hydration modeling techniques." Construction and Building Materials 76 (2015): 366-379.
15. Lemmens, Ryan John, Qingli Dai, and Dennis Desheng Meng. "Side-groove influenced parameters for determining fracture toughness of self-healing composites using a tapered double cantilever beam specimen." Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 74 (2014): 23-29.
16. Sun, Xiao, Qingli Dai, and Kenny Ng. "Computational investigation of pore permeability and connectivity from transmission X-ray microscope images of a cement paste specimen." Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014): 240-251.
17. Ng, Kenny, Ye Sun, Qingli Dai, and Xiong Yu. "Investigation of internal frost damage in cementitious materials with micromechanics analysis, SEM imaging and ultrasonic wave scattering techniques." Construction and Building Materials 50 (2014): 478-485.
18. Ng, Kenny, and Qingli Dai. "Numerical investigation of internal frost damage of digital cement paste samples with cohesive zone modeling and SEM microstructure characterization." Construction and Building Materials 50 (2014): 266-275.
1. Fiber-reinforced High Performance Rubber Concrete for Concrete Structure Construction and Repair
Funding Agency: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Total project value: $287,518 Date: 2017-2019
2. Incorporating Surface-Treated Rubber Particles into Portland Cement and Geopolymer Concrete to Improve Field Performance.
Funding Agency: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Total project value: $666,926 Date: 2016-2018
3. Collaborative Research: Nexus of Simulation, Sensing and Actuation for Aerodynamic Vibration Reduction of Wind Turbine Blades
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Total Project Value: $341,086 Date: 2013-2018 |