加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial University of Newfoundland)海洋研究院(Marine Institute)的Cadigan教授正在招收研究生(硕士或博士)。
Dr. Noel Cadigan is a quantitative fisheries scientist specializing in statistical methods for fish stock assessment and sustainable fisheries.Noel Cadigan OCI Chair
He has extensive experience in the assessment of Newfoundland fish stocks, and experience with other Canadian, American and European stocks.
He received a doctor of philosophy in statistics in 1999 at the University of Waterloo, a master of applied statistics in 1993 and a bachelor of science (Honours) in 1990 from Memorial University.
He worked with Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Center in Newfoundland from 1990-2011 (with a 2-year break to pursue his studies) and focused on the assessment of Atlantic cod and other groundfish stocks.
Dr. Cadigan is a cross-appointed member in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University and has supervised graduate students in statistics whose research involved applications to stock assessment problems.