楼主马上就要从现在的research group毕业了。临走前替老板打一则招生广告,希望今年申请农经项目的同学们可以踊跃报名。我们组的研究方向是agricultural commodity markets。组内课题涵盖范围非常广,包括但不限于risk management, market microstructure theory, USDA policy analysis, ML/deep learning in commodity markets。所有组内的同学都可以自由地挑选科研题目,只要内容与agricultural commodity price相关即可。我的导师Prof. Teresa Serra是一位对学术充满热情而且对学生很负责的教授。她会亲自指导Ph.D.学生的科研和写作。在她和其他几位教授的指导下,大部分学生毕业前都能有至少1篇publication。优秀的毕业生上job market时候会有1-2篇AJAE文章在手。高质量的publication对于有志于继续从事学术研究的同学来说是非常重要的。组内经费非常充足,可以支持所有学生至少四年(包括暑假)的RA/Fellowship。对于不太愿意做TA的同学来说可以节省大量的时间用于科研项目。同时,组内的数据和硬件也很完备。我就读的这几年系里面几位大佬起码投入了十几万美金用于购买高频交易数据和两台bloomberg terminals。这些数据和设备有效的保障了组内的研究进度。
详细的招生信息我会贴在下面,欢迎对于commodity markets或者 finance theory 感兴趣的同学申请我们组的Ph.D.。
Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at UIUC is looking for Ph.D. candidates for Fall 2022. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to join Prof. Teresa Serra’s research group to conduct cutting-edge research in the areas of agricultural commodity markets. The research topics include market microstructure/high-frequency trading, risk management, forecasting, and applications of machine learning/deep learning in ag commodity markets. Candidates can choose any topics related to ag commodity markets and conduct research under Prof. Teresa Serra’s supervision. All Ph.D. candidates will receive full RA/Fellowship (including summer semesters) for at least four years. Bio: Prof. Teresa Serra is a professor in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at UIUC. She studies agricultural commodity financial markets, including price discovery in agricultural futures markets, forecasting, risk management, and volatility spillovers. Her recent research focuses on market microstructure in the age of electronic and high-frequency trading. She has co-authored with students and published several papers on top agricultural economics and operations research journals. The price analysis group in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics is a well-recognized research group in the field. Currently, there are five professors (including two AAEA fellows) in the group. The price analysis group possesses a wide range of high-quality financial data and two Bloomberg terminals. Students also have access to necessary hardware, such as computing clusters. The Ph.D program in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics is a STEM program. All graduate students are eligible for STEM OPT extension. Requirement: · Bachelor/MS degree in economics, ag economics, finance, math, stats, operations research, financial engineering, or other quantitative fields · Previous research experience is preferred · Strong oral and written communication skills · Good programming skills and familiarity with at least one or more of the following tools: R, Python, Matlab Contact Info: If you are interested in working with Prof. Teresa Serra, please send you cv, personal statement with research interests, transcripts, and GRE/TOEFL scores to tserra@illinois.edu. Please use “Prospective PhD students – Price analysis group” in the email subject.