佛罗里达大学的城市分析硕士(Master of Science in Urban Analytics)项目旨在为学生在城市科学、数据分析、算法计算与可视化技能上提供坚实基础,通过让学生熟练地使用数据驱动方法来识别、分析和解决城市所面临的复杂的挑战。项目在注重人工智能的同时,提供跨学科支持,从而让学生在城市分析学位上获得超越单一学科的多样化视角。

项目时长为12到24个月,可以灵活地定制项目学期安排。学生需修满36个学分,其中30学分为课程作业,6学分为论文或项目报告。秋季学期入学优先截止日期为12月15日,春季学期入学优先截止日期为次年9月15日。申请人需要提交成绩单(GPA 3.0+)、简历、个人陈述、意向陈述、推荐信和托福/雅思成绩。
申请链接: https://www.applyweb.com/uflgrad/index.ftl
MSUA项目官网: https://dcp.ufl.edu/urp/urban-analytics/
联系项目主任: Shenhao Wang (邮箱:shenhaowang@ufl.edu)
Application to Master of Science in Urban Analytics @ UFL
The Master of Science in Urban Analytics (MSUA) program at the University of Florida is designed to equip graduates with a strong foundation in computing, urban science, and data analysis and visualization skills. Our program aims to enable students to proficiently identify, analyze, and address complex urban challenges using data-driven approaches. What sets our program apart is its focus on artificial intelligence with an interdisciplinary support, offering a holistic perspective that goes beyond the limitations of single-discipline urban analytics degrees.
Our program brings together expertise from various academic units, including the Department of Computer and Information Science, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Architecture, and the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. These units contribute unique insights and skills to the field of urban analytics, fostering a collaborative environment among faculty members. This collaboration is reflected in the development and refinement of course content, especially in core and elective courses, ensuring a well-rounded and comprehensive educational experience for our students.
The MSUA program is generally 12- to 24-month commitment with flexibility to customize program trajectories. Students are required to take a total of 36 credits to complete the MSUA program with 30 credits of course work and 6 credits of thesis or project report. The priority deadline for fall semester admission is December 15th, and that for spring semester admission is September 15th. Applicants need to submit transcripts (3.0+ GPA), resume/CV, personal statement, statement of intent, letters of recommendations, and TOFEL/IELTS scores.
Application Link: https://www.applyweb.com/uflgrad/index.ftl MSUA Website: https://dcp.ufl.edu/urp/urban-analytics/ Contact: Shenhao Wang (email: shenhaowang@ufl.edu)