X:how long *** study in *** University? (见我没反应,又repeat了一次,我汗~~赶紧用简单句答)
M: oh, six years.
X: why six years?other school*** (一开始就揭我的痛处,为什么比别的学校多了一年?这六年来总有人问为什么,我也为此郁闷了整整六年,想不到老美对这个也同样大感兴趣啊……)
M: the medical college registered in the WHO in 1984, the graduates from this school can take the exam of clinical doctor qualification in any other countries…… (Xia MM点点头,晕~~~其实我都没说完,也没觉得自己说清楚了,她就比我还明白了?我还有书为证,此后就想着是不是要拿出来show一下,思想开始开小差了……)
X:how do you know the U of *** (要去的学校)
M:I first got to know this from my teacher, director of the dept. of *** (太烂的回答了,所以有下面一问。不过其实我没把三点理由说完。)
X: why she knows this U?
M: she has done some research on HP and recommended that the dept. has a strong faculty. (偶终于有机会背书……)later I collected the information about this U and found that my future advisor's interest fits my research interest well…… (Xia MM想打断,看来前面的两个理由还是烂, 我继续结结巴巴的说……) Location is another reason, you see, it is a small city with a low rate of mobile population, so it is a good place to do epidemiologic research……
X: what *** degree? master or ***?
M:oh, bacholor degree……
X: so when will you graduate?
M: this afternoon. I will attend the commecement this afternoon. (呵呵,正好就是今天, 我想她该说congratulations了吧,果不其然,而且Xia MM是笑着说,偶赶紧thank you!)
X: ****
M: (偶仍然一脸诚恳的望着她……)
X:*** transcipt*** (偶现在想起来是听到了这个单词了,可是反应还是太迟钝了,竟然什么表示都没有!这时偶听到对面传来清晰的“成绩单,学校的成绩单”,呵呵,听到久违的中文真是觉得亲切啊,丝毫没来得及想想VO对F1说中文的后果……………Xia MM撕成绩单的时候我才开始狂汗~~~)
X: what your major?
M: Health promotion. this major is a combination of public health planning and health education……
X:what you study?
M:(偶又开始背书) my future study mainly focus on HIV protection,including……
这时Xia MM开始转头看电脑,心不在焉啊,不过听到我有后话,为了礼貌就停顿了一下
M:(continued) needs assessment, risk factor detection and health education……(其实背了有一大段的,但看着Xia MM在等偶,偶为了礼貌也不好意思继续说了)
X:who will pay for your study?
M: the U of ***, it offered me a TA position.
Xia MM问我要offer letter, 我递了ad letter进去,里面夹着Email
M: the U informed me of the TA via Email……(偶看到上海有因为没有offer letter而被拒的case,赶紧坦白交待……)没有纠缠我,倒是看I20想到了一个问题
X:why it writes *** (I20上写的专业不是HP,我早就知道她会这么问,因为这也是我想知道的,好在事先问了小米,把email打印出来了)
M: the director of the admission office told me that it is a right name for all HP students. would you like to see the email?
X: sure.
M: OK (忘了说wait a minute之类的客套话,埋头找啊找。好在我的零散文件都用透明文件夹先夹好再放进手风琴文件夹的,找起来很容易,顺便也show给Xia MM看我准备得多么充分……呵呵)
X:(看了两眼) Ok,*** Visa ***
M: (偶再一次对语言反应迟钝,没听得清楚Visa是过还是据。好在我看到青色的卡片夹进我刚才递进去的材料里一起推出来,这时猜都猜得出:)
M: thank you, thank you very much!
又看见Xia MM笑了……
其实问我的问题有点多,跟别人“放水”时的数量不一样,但是质量还是差不多的,基本上是单选题和填空题,简答题很少,更没有plan after garduation和why this major之类的论述题。Xia MM主要的疑问是本科学校和I20表,那么明显的“错误”,换了我作VO我也会问的。据说GZ自费比全奖容易,问完资金证明就没时间问归国计划上。我的那两个小问题也起了类似的作用。我口语和听力表现不好,所以1K pass觉得还是很幸运的。