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[i习作temp] Issue36 高频greatness 由谁评判 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-7-22 17:48:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue36  第1篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分0秒     576 words
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.
How to judge individuals' greatness? Is there any standard that can measure an individual's greatness? Some people say that the greatness can only be decided by those who live after individuals. I am partially agrees with this opinion, but I do believe that the greatness of individuals can be judged by the contemporaries too.

Historically, there are many great people who were not recognized by their contemporary society but sparkle its light after the new generation find the valuable aspects of their achievement. Many great thinkers were isolated from the mainstream because of their alien idea and perspective. Some times they even persecuted by opposites who want to maintain the existing authority.  Great people always surpass the time like Van Gogh who was the representative of the expressionism and whose works are too abstract for his contemporaries to understand. Van Gogh sold only one of his works in his whole life. Great people always have new idea that contradict with the mainstream. Copernicus who said that the earth is around the sun were jeered by his contemporaries and no one believe him at his time. Even many years later Copernicus' theory are still unacceptable, his follower Bruno who tried to protect the heliocentric theory was persecuted by the people who held the geocentric theory. People fear new things that great man discovered. So some times it is hard for people held the old idea to accept the great individual's new idea. This leads to the difficulties in identifying the greatness of individuals.

However, great people who inspire their contemporaries can be identified immediately so far as we have seen in many cases. Great individuals who lead their nations to fight for independence always gain their fellows' respect. Nelson Mandela who helps eliminating the racism in South African and took great effort in building a nation that all color can equally join in every activity. And Gandhi who led his people to fight against British without using violence, and he achieve great victory which immediately win his contemporaries’ heart. And Martin Luther King who worked for building a harmonious society that all colors can have equality and enjoy fraternity was the hero of his contemporaries. These great people move people because of their high spirits. Their spirits and acts influence their contemporaries, and such influence will pass down to the new generation to nurture civilization. Thus, it is easier for us to find out the greatness of people who use their personality to influence our daily life.
Moreover, great people who discover new things in nowadays are easier for us to identify. With the development of mass media and with the increase of people's knowledge it is easier for us to accept new idea. Now conflict idea are not a taboo like the time that Inquisition ruled the academic fields. People now even advocate conflict ideas. Those who find new ideas or those whose works change the world are quickly and widely identified by their contemporaries. Einstein who contributed great effort to the world not only respected by people for his academic contribution but also for his personality, a charming personality that influence many people's value concept.

In sum, it is true that people some times ignore the great individuals of their contemporary time, and this is because of people's loyalty to the obsolete idea or of their narrow mind that they can not understand the greatness. However, now we can aptly accept new ideas and new concepts, and thus more easy to identify the greatness of our contemporaries.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-26 at 21:07 ]
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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-26 20:35:45 |只看该作者
¸Issue36  第1篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分0秒     576 words
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.
How to judge individuals' greatness? Is there any standard that can measure an individual's greatness? Some people say that the greatness can only be decided by those who live after individuals. I am partially agrees with this opinion, but I do believe that the greatness of individuals can be judged by the contemporaries too.

Historically, there are many great people who were not recognized by their contemporary society but sparkle its light after the new generation find the valuable aspects of their achievement. Many great thinkers were isolated from the mainstream because of their alien ideas and perspectives. Some times they even persecuted by opposites who want to maintain the existing authority.  Great people always surpass the time like Van Gogh who was the representative of the expressionism and whose works are too abstract for his contemporaries to understand. Van Gogh sold only one of his works in his whole life. Great people always have new ideas that contradict with the mainstream. Copernicus who said that the earth is around the sun were jeered by his contemporaries and no one believe him at his time. Even many years later Copernicus' theory are still unacceptable, his follower Bruno who tried to protect the heliocentric theory was persecuted by the people who held the geocentric theory. People fear new things that great man discovered. So some times it is hard for people held the old idea to accept the great individual's new idea. This leads to the difficulties in identifying the greatness of individuals.

However, great people who inspire their contemporaries can be identified immediately so far as we have seen in many cases. Great individuals who lead their nations to fight for independence always gain their fellows' respect. Nelson Mandela who helps eliminating the racism in South African and took great effort in building a nation that all colors can equally join in every activity. And Gandhi who led his people to fight against British without using violence, and he achieved great victory which immediately won his contemporaries’ hearts. And Martin Luther King who worked for building a harmonious society that all colors can had equality and enjoyed fraternity was the hero of his contemporaries. These great people move people because of their high spirits. Their spirits and acts had influenced their contemporaries, and such influence has been passd down to the new generation to nurture civilization. Thus, it is easier for us to find out the greatness of people who use their personality to influence our daily life.这句总结的有点离题了

Moreover, great people who discover new things in nowadays are easier for us to identify. With the development of mass media and with the increase of people's knowledge it is easier for us to accept new idea. Now conflict idea are not a taboo like the time that Inquisition ruled the academic fields. People now even advocate conflict ideas. Those who find new ideas or those whose works change the world are quickly and widely identified by their contemporaries. Einstein who contributed great effort to the world not only respected by people for his academic contribution but also for his personality, a charming personality that influence many people's value concept. 这段观点有新意

In sum, it is true that people some times ignore the great individuals of their contemporary time, and this is because of people's loyalty to the obsolete idea or of their narrow mind that they can not understand the greatness. However, now we can aptly accept new ideas and new concepts, and thus more easy to identify the greatness of our contemporaries.

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