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[a习作temp] argument117 我8月15日就要考了, 哪位好心的各位大侠能帮忙指点一下.谢谢! [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-6 18:30:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Argument 117

n this analysis, the arguer recommends that all Valu-Mart (VM) stores should increase the stock of home office supplies in order to make a big profit. Careful examination reveals that the arguer's recommendation is groundless for several fundamental flaws.

In the first place, the arguer fails to provide sufficient statistics concerning the recently conducted survey. Without the knowledge of the total size of the sample and the percentage of the respondents in the sample, it is inappropriate to conclude that the majority are required to take more work home. It is possible that the size of the sample is rather small comparative to the total size of the residents. It is also likely that the percentage of the respondents is comparatively small to the total sample, and thus lacks the credibility and representative. Also most of the respondents might be technicians who have the need to work at home, while they are only a small part of the total residents and the majority does not need to bring their work home. All of the possibilities would undermine the effectiveness of the survey to support the arguer's recommendation.

In the second place, the arguer commits a hasty generalization that all VM stores should store home office supplies. Without examining the market demands, it is unwise to store all kinds of home office supplies in all of its stores. It is possible that the majority only need printers and fax machines, and the demands in different places might also vary significantly. At these situations, the over storage of unnecessary equipments would probably lead to the loss of profit for the stores.

Furthermore, the arguer's assumes that the residents would automatically become the customers of VM, which is totally groundless, since they would probably have many other alternatives. The arguer fails to examine the causes of the nonimpressive sales in its office-supply departments in the past. It is possible that this is mostly due to the low qualities of its products or its high prices, which drives the customers to other office-supply stores whose products have better qualities or lower prices, rather than the shortage of demands on office supplies as indicated by the arguer. At this point, even the demands are increasing, the residents would still not necessarily be the customers of VM as long as no improvement can be seen in VM stores. Therefore the arguer would have to provide more concrete evidence to prove that the residents would become its customers.

Finally, the arguer oversimplifies the issue of profit. As is known to all that profit is determined by both costs and sales. Granted that the sales of VM would be enhanced greatly, it does not necessarily guarantee it would make a greater profit as well. It is possible that the costs of the products are increasing due to the raising costs of raw materials. It is also likely that due to the increasing demands exert on the office suppliers, more and more stores are established to sell such product in hope to gain profit. As a result, the competition among such stores would probably exacerbate and become more severe. Therefore it is probably more difficult to gain profit than it was in the past. All of these possibilities might undermine the arguer's assumption greatly.

In summary, the arguer fails to provide sufficient evidence to support his recommendation. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to rule out other factors that might contribute to the profitability of VM. To better evaluate the argument, we have to be informed of the complete statistics of the survey.

70 min, 596

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-6 at 19:06 ]

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RE: argument117 我8月15日就要考了, 哪位好心的各位大侠能帮忙指点一下.谢谢! [修改]
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argument117 我8月15日就要考了, 哪位好心的各位大侠能帮忙指点一下.谢谢!
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