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[a习作temp] Argument42 圣诞快乐! [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-24 11:38:33 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The following appeared in a proposal from the economic minister of the country of Paraterra.
“In order to strengthen its lagging economy, last year the government of the nearby country of Bllegea began an advertising campaign to promote ecologically sound tourism(ecotourism). This year the number of foreign visitors arriving at Bellegea’s main airport doubled, and per capita income in Bellegea increased by ten percent. To provide more income for the population of Paraterra and also preserve the natural environment of our tiny country, we too should begin to promote ecotourism. To ensure that our advertising campaign is successful, we should hire the current director of Bellegea’s National Tourism Office as a consultant for the campaign.”

1、        B的生态游成功不代表P的生态游成功
2、        生态游不一定能保护环境。
3、        B的旅游局主任是否愿意出任顾问,是否会尽力。

  The economic minister (EM) of the country of Paraterra (P) wants to promote ecotourism in P to provide more income for the population there because of the successful example of the nearby country Bellegea (B). But the EM did not show us any satisfying evidence to support his point.

  First, the ecotourism in B is successful does not mean the ecotourism in P is successful. There are many factures which affect the ecotourism, such as the resource of the nature environment, the management of the travel industry, and the degree of the local hotel. Maybe in B, there are some nature wonder which attract many foreign visitors, while the view in P is only the normal forests and lacks. The government of B employs many experts who are accomplishment in management, but P has fewer. B has several five-star hotels, while P has fewer or even some low-grade ones. We do not know whether P is suitable to promote ecotourism, so this evidence cannot persuade me.

  Second, the EM pointed that the ecotourism can preserve the nature environment of P, but in my opinion, a travel in the forests, lakes and mountains could not preserve the mature environment, even could destroy the ecosystem. Many factures could destroy the environment, such as the rabbits of the travel, the breakage of the plant, the effect of the flash lamp and carbon dioxide to the vegetation. If the government cannot offer enough technology and management, the environment of P would be destroyed seriously. At the time, P will not promote any ecotourism, even should spend plenty of money to rehabilitate the forests. There is no reason shows us the government of P have the ability of advise the affairs above happen, so this evidence cannot persuade me, either.

  Third, the EM wanted to hire the current director of B’s National Tourism Office as a consultant for the campaign. However, I have several puzzles, such as, whether the current director have enough time and energy to be a consultant of P, if he will accept the job, would he do his best to do it. B is P’s the nearby country, so the travel market they face is similar. The current director of B must know the number of the visitors is related the financial benefit directly, hence as a director of B’s National Tourism Office based the consideration of native travel economy he would not do any thing which would damage his own country. Even if the current director be the consultant for the campaign, he could not do his best at least. Therefore, the EM should give me some evidences to make me believe that the current director of B would help P by heart.

  In order to make me agree with the opinion that promote the ecotourism in P, the EM still need to do some investigate and some forecast about whether the ecotourism suit P, whether have enough technology to protect the environment without detriments, and whether the current director will be the consultant for the campaign by heart.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-25 21:05:09 |只看该作者
The following appeared in a proposal from the economic minister of the country of Paraterra.
“In order to strengthen its lagging economy, last year the government of the nearby country of Bllegea began an advertising campaign to promote ecologically sound tourism(ecotourism). This year the number of foreign visitors arriving at Bellegea’s main airport doubled, and per capita income in Bellegea increased by ten percent. To provide more income for the population of Paraterra and also preserve the natural environment of our tiny country, we too should begin to promote ecotourism. To ensure that our advertising campaign is successful, we should hire the current director of Bellegea’s National Tourism Office as a consultant for the campaign.”

1、        B的生态游成功不代表P的生态游成功
2、        生态游不一定能保护环境。
3、        B的旅游局主任是否愿意出任顾问,是否会尽力。

  The economic minister (EM) of the country of Paraterra (P) wants to promote ecotourism in P to provide more income for the population there because of the successful example of the nearby country Bellegea (B). But the EM did not show us any satisfying evidence to support his [貌似不能确定性别,偶好像是在鸡蛋里挑骨头,呵呵] point. [很简洁明了的开头,不错]

  First, the ecotourism in B is successful [整个句子做主语可以这样用吗?不确定] does not mean the ecotourism in P is successful. There are many factures [factors] which affect the ecotourism, such as the resource of the nature environment, the management of the travel industry, and the degree [level好点吧] of the local hotel. Maybe in B, there are some nature wonder [wonders] which attract many foreign visitors, while the view in P is only the normal forests and lacks. The government of B employs many experts who are accomplishment [accomplished] in management, but P has fewer. B has several five-star hotels, while P has fewer or even some low-grade ones. We do not know whether P is suitable to promote ecotourism, so this evidence cannot persuade me [us].

  Second, the EM pointed that the ecotourism can preserve the nature environment of P, but in my opinion, a travel in the forests, lakes and mountains could not preserve the mature environment, even could destroy the ecosystem. Many factures [factors] could destroy the environment, such as the rabbits of the travel[rubbish discarded by travelers吧?], the breakage of the plant, the effect of the flash lamp and carbon dioxide to the vegetation. If the government cannot offer enough technology and management, the environment of P would be destroyed seriously. At the time, P will not promote any ecotourism, even should spend plenty of money to rehabilitate the forests. There is no reason shows us the government of P have [has] the ability of advise the affairs above happen [你的意思是预防以上问题发生吗?…ability of preventing the affairs above from happening], so this evidence cannot persuade me, either.

  Third, the EM wanted to hire the current director of B’s National Tourism Office as a consultant for the campaign. However, I have several puzzles, such as, [前面两段举例都用such as,换个说法比较好] whether the current director have [has] enough time and energy to be a consultant of P, if he will accept the job, would he do his best to do it. B is P’s the nearby country [这句好绕口,感觉不太好], so the travel market they face is similar [face the travel market不确定是否可以这样用]. The current director of B must know the number of the visitors is related [to] the financial benefit directly, hence as a director of B’s National Tourism Office based the consideration of native travel economy he would not do any thing which would damage his own country[感觉有点像issue的论证了,呵呵,我个人觉得口气还是委婉点比较好,列出可能性就可以了]. Even if the current director be [would be] the consultant for the campaign, he could not do his best at least. Therefore, the EM should give me some evidences [evidence] to make me believe […give me sth to make me believe sth…表达不太好] that the current director of B would help P by heart [by heart是凭记忆的意思吧]. [这句话什么意思“作者提供一些证据让我相信B现任的director会全心全意帮助p”?感觉和上文不对应]

  In order to make me agree with the opinion that promote the ecotourism in P [opinion后面是同位从吗?…opinion that promoting the ecotourism in P is necessary], the EM still need to do some investigate and some forecast about whether the ecotourism suit P, whether[主语还是不要省略] have enough technology to protect the environment without detriments, and whether the current director will be the consultant for the campaign by heart[with all his heart / heart and soul].

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