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[i习作temp] Issue41 (GOGOGO!) [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-1-12 10:37:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."


1.        反对题目的观点。
2.        这些学科在社会中起重要作用除非人类社会倒退到蒙昧阶段。解释这些学科在蒙昧时代起到了一定作用,但随着科技的发展,他们不可能再充当主流了。
3.        个人如果过分依赖这些学科,会产生消极的影响。人们会不能正确地面对人生的不幸和痛苦。
4.        这些学科可能会给社会带来不量后果。邪教和恐怖主义会利用他们鼓动人群散布仇恨和恐慌。
5.        尽管这些学科对科学有贡献,但靠虑到这些不利因素,他们不能在社会中扮演重要角色。

I agree with the speaker that sometimes such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits indeed satisfy human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science. However, I absolutely do not deem that such nonmainstream areas of inquiry play a vital role in society. Several respects of these nonmainstream areas I will discuss as follow.

Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as above mentioned would play a vital role in society, unless our society backslides to ignorance. It is known to all that astrology, fortune-telling and psychic are prevailing in the preliminary stage of human society when science is very laggard, our progenitor had to use those explanations and concepts derived from astrology, fortune-telling and psychic to comprehend all the things around them. Impartially, such nonmainstream areas of inquiry indeed take advantages to our ancient at that time. However, thousands years past, science has developed to a unprecedented altitude and become the mainstream of our times. Today, we need not to be terrified and awful to the ordinary natural phenomenons like lightning, thunder or others as our forefather was , even we can forecast the weather and the advent of some natural disasters by advanced science techniques. To the extent, astrology, fore-telling and psychic can not have the possibility to play a important role in our society.

Perhaps, those who insist on the importance of these nonmainstream areas of inquiry would argue with me that it is fallacious to ignore the advantages produced by those inquiries such as satisfying the curiosity to unknown world of people, soothe peoples' mental trauma or inciting the imagination of people. However, in my opinion, such nonmainstream areas of inquiry might also bring destructive effects to individuals. If people always ask for help from astrology, fore-telling, physic and paranormal pursuits when they meet felling lost and coming to grief , sufferings from ailment or puzzling for some paranormal phenomenon which can not be explain by science, I believe that they would fall into quagmire and can not extricate themselves out.

Similarly, such nonmianstream areas of inquiry might induce serious consequence to our society as well. It is dose not cry wolf.  Terrorist groups and evil religious groups often harness these inquiry as a tactic to spread panic and animosity and agitate credulous people to defiance society by unhuman and extreme way. For example, Terrorist groups claim that their evil revenges are justifiable for the purpose of deity. A evil religious group, last century in Japan,  spread eschatology which induced thousands people to suicide. Of course these are extreme examples, yet I have to emphasize that even in today, with high level developing science, it is entirely possible that people can hoodwink by ignorance.

In sum, I am not intent to denigrate such nonmainstream areas of inquiry. I concede that such areas even contribute to science, for example the precursor of chemical science is alchemy; astrology provides a lots of cherish observation document to astronomy. Also, I concede that science is far too capable to address all problems of human being. However, given the limitation of such areas and negative effects derived from these areas to individuals and our society, I deem that such areas of inquiry can not plat a important role in our society.


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