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[i习作temp] ISSUE 36 MARS小组作业,大家使劲拍~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-20 21:23:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

"The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."


In this era of rapid development of technology leading to the economic growth, many great people have emerged in the world. How is these people's greatness decided? The author acclaimed that it can only be judged by people who live after them. However, as far as         I am concerning, although many peoples' greatnesses are discovered by their descendants, one's contemporaries' contribution can not be excluded.

In history, some people's greatness, which is acknowledged in current society, are not found in his period of life for the difference between people who live in the corresponding time. Each period in history has its distinctive characteristic, including public standard of judging one person. Using these different standards, an individual is possible to have various comments. The brilliant painter Van Gogh is a paradigmatic example. His works are believed crazy and unworthy at his epoch, and are quite hard to sell despite the actually low price, whereas they are regarded marvelous and excellent in modern people's opinion. Have these products changed during these hundreds of years? No. The one thing that has been altered is people's judgment. For these reasons, sometimes one's greatness can only be known by later public.

What's more, due to the limitation of people's knowledge, it is often hard for a person to accept a sound-like crazy, however really correct theory or viewpoint. This theory, as the development of science and the accumulation of facts, will consequentially be accepted and thus the one who bring forward this theory will be regarded as a great person. Bruno, a great predecessor in astronomy who holds on his belief of sun-center theory, was regarded as betrayer, sin and crazy in mind. Nevertheless, when further study revealed that his theory was practically right, people no longer have the former discrimination of him, but esteemed him as a brilliant and valorous astronomer. Many other examples also exist, demonstrating that peoples’ increasing level of knowledge helps the public find whether one and his/her works are great or not.

On the contrary, contemporaries are not always denying one's greatness. People who are at the same epoch with the "great persons" a likely to be more clear about the detailed information about him/her, thus more easily to find one's greatness. Look at these people: Einstein, Newton, or today's IT genius Bill Gates, they all receive respect from public when they are alive. The reason is that they all do contribution to their temporal society, and these efforts, which are not contradict with the main stream ideology and are also effective, are accepted by their contemporaries. Due to their great benefits and equally important, their fine morality, they gain this reputation from the supporting of their contemporaries. Without this supporting, one can not have this fame and thus will not be believed "great".

In sum, because of the difference between standard of criticize, the level of knowledge, the public is possible to have different comments on one person at different periods of time. However, people who live with him/her have more detailed information to draw a more completely conclusion. Therefore, to evaluate a person, people who live after him/her and his/her contemporaries are all important, and all play significant role in this judgment.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-22 20:11:01 |只看该作者

"The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."


In this era of rapid development of technology leading to the economic growth [in this era when rapid development of technology leads to economy grow], many great people have emerged in the world. How is these people's greatness decided? The author acclaimed that it can only be judged by people who live after them. However, as far as         I am concerning [concerned], although many peoples' greatnesses are [似乎greatness 不可数]discovered by their descendants, one's contemporaries' contribution [contributions] can not be excluded.

In history, some people's greatness, which is acknowledged in current society, are not found in his period of life for the difference between people who live in the corresponding time. Each period in history has its distinctive characteristic, including public standard of judging one person. Using these different standards, an individual is possible to have various comments. The brilliant painter Van Gogh is a paradigmatic example. His works are believed crazy and unworthy at his epoch, and are quite hard to sell despite the actually low price, whereas they are regarded marvelous and excellent in modern people's opinion. Have these products changed during these hundreds of years? No. The one thing that has been altered is people's judgment. For these reasons, sometimes one's greatness can only be known by later public [later generation].

What's more, due to the limitation of people's knowledge, it is often hard [difficult 总用hard 不是很好] for a person to accept a sound-like [好像没有这种说法seem]crazy, however really [a] correct theory or viewpoint. This theory, as the development of science and the accumulation of facts, will consequentially be accepted and thus the one who bring forward this theory will be regarded as a great person. Bruno, a great predecessor in astronomy who holds on his belief of sun-center theory, was regarded as betrayer, sin and crazy in mind. Nevertheless, when further study revealed that his theory was practically right, people no longer have the former discrimination of [against] him, but esteemed him as a brilliant and valorous astronomer. [Many other examples also exist, demonstrating  that peoples’ increasing level of knowledge helps the public find whether one [a person] and his/her works are great or not. 这个句型不太对]

On the contrary, contemporaries are not always denying one's greatness. People [, who are at the same epoch [period] with the "great persons", ] a [are] likely to be more clear about the detailed information about him/her, thus more easily to find one's greatness. Look [looking] at these people: Einstein, Newton, or today's IT genius Bill Gates, they all receive respect from public when they are alive. The reason is that they all do contribution [contributions] to their temporal society, and these efforts, which are not contradict [contracted] with the main stream ideology and [are also 不太合适] effective, are accepted by their contemporaries. Due to their great benefits and equally important [equal importance], their fine morality [and 放在后两者之间比较好,否则会让人有点糊涂], they gain this reputation [the reputations] from the supporting [support] of their contemporaries. Without this supporting [support], one can not have this fame and thus will not be believed [as] "great". [用一些别的语句表示否定,总用not 会削弱语言]

In sum, because of the difference between standard of criticize [between…and…] ,  the level of knowledge, the public is possible to have different [dissimilar] comments on one person at different [diverse] periods of time. However, people who live with him/her have more detailed information to draw a more completely conclusion. Therefore, to evaluate a person, people who live after him/her and his/her contemporaries are all important [both of the people who live after him/her and his/her contemporaries are important], and [all] play significant role [roles] in this judgment.

1.        注意单复数问题。
2.        多积累一些同义词交换使用,表达同一个意思用不同的词会提升语言层次。


[ 本帖最后由 紫眸2005 于 2006-2-22 20:13 编辑 ]

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