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[i习作temp] issue153 质疑学问,欢迎互拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-21 13:03:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1 学习的目的是什么?如果不能分清这个意义,学生就会不知道怎么去学习。
2 知道了学习的目,就应该知道被动的接受知识会带来什么后果。
3 所以我们应该带着疑问去学习。只有这样才能说真正的得到知识。

TOPIC:ISSUE 153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS:595          TIME:0:45:00          DATE:2006-2-21

I fully agree with the author's oppinion that we should not accept everything that teacher tells us but to ask whys and think by ourselevs. This is why we should have sprite of skepticism which is essential for our studying and what's more for the whole society's progress.

At the beginning, everyone should  know the true meaning of studying. What is the goal of education? Well, admittedly,different people may hold diffrent views. As to me, the goal of education and our willingness to studying are unique. Education can not only equip us with the power to get to know the essence of the objective world well but also lead us to find the truth by ourselves and then can better contribute to the whole world. If we can not firstly find out the true target of studying, we will be confused with the large quantities of knowledge that we have to know and remember. The final result of this kind of education is that after our reciting of the truth and theory,we may hardly use it because we do not know the essence of the various peoblems. For example, a thoery in the field of physics may confuse us and may easily make us think it useless  when we accept it without any further thinking and just recite it for the homework. How terrible it may be if we do not know the goal of the education and studying?

Continuely, now that we have find out the goal of studying and education, we certainly may know that why we should not accept passively when studying anyting in class. In this sense , without skepticism one may not truly get the knowledge of science. Imagine that when we studying biology, teacher tells us that some certain kind of animal can give out electric that can kill a man in a while. A student may ask that why this kind of animal can give out electric and How much is the power? Can it be measured? In which way ? And which is the best way to measure it? Every man can be killed? and so forth. With a sries of questions, the thoery may not only be accept by the student bur also can lead the students to  further reaserch which may not be find by so many scientists. And at the same time the knowledge may be accept under more fundermentals.

Finally, we should question what we have got and start to find out more unknown truth, only then can we truly be educated.  As an illustration, the story of corpenicus who is a scientist  with a goal to find the truth of our earth that even lose his life when skeptic to the theory of the scientist before who have influnce the world for a long time. After many years of his death, the famous theory helimocentric prove to be right and his skeptic spirit will always be in our heart that teach us to find the truth with skepticism forever, and then can us truly get closer to the truth.

In sum, before we get to know everything, the first thing is to know why we have to do this, without a clear target to do something, we will never achieve what should belong to us in the world. That is why we should firstly find out the meaning of studying then we may be clear to know what we should do to find the truth by our own and not the

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-21 20:29:49 |只看该作者


I fully agree with the author's opinion that we should not accept everything that teacher tells us but to ask whys and think by ourselves. This is why we should have sprite of skepticism which is essential for our studying and what's more for the whole society's progress./I strongly agree with the speaker’s assertion that students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study,based on the conception that education is a process of developing students full personality and helping them become independent thinkers,so they will be able to meaningfully contribute our society./

At the beginning,(时间用它,最好用To begin with) everyone should  know the true meaning of studying. What is the goal of education? Well, admittedly, different people may hold different views. As to me, the goal of education and our willingness to studying are unique. Education can not only equip us with the power to get to know the essence of the objective world well but also lead us to find the truth by ourselves and then can better contribute to the whole world./to get a full appreciation of what this means let us turn first to the controversial issue about what Is education and what ‘interest’ we want to get by ‘investing’ in institution of learning. As far as I am concerned, education amounts far more than gaining knowledge and capability one needs to excel in one’s major course and professional career; it also facilitates understanding of ourselves and of how to learn and think; it helps us develop our full potential and become rational and responsible citizens ,meaningfully and usefully contributing to our society/ If we can not firstly find out the true target of studying, we will be confused with the large quantities of knowledge that we have to know and remember. The final result of this kind of education is that after our reciting of the truth and theory,we may hardly use it because we do not know the essence of the various peoblems. For example, a theory in the field of physics may confuse us and may easily make us think it useless  when we accept it without any further thinking and just recite it for the homework. How terrible it may be if we do not know the goal of the education and studying?/on the one hand ,without bearing the very essence of education in mind, we would soon find us bogged down in the Sargasso sea of fragramented information overload and are unable to apply principles into concrete examples, let along making good use of it in the future. This may be illustrated by turning to the learning of physics .Physics is based on a series of principles(rationales) and reasoning or logical thinking, in order to facilitate our understanding of these principles we have offered a large amount of facts to which we can apply those principles. If we just passively accept what we are taught and learn those principles and facts by rote without giving any consideration to how those principles are applied to facts ,we won’t be able to apply them into our daily account in the future /

Continuely, now that we have find out the goal of studying and education, we certainly may know that why we should not accept passively when studying anyting in class. In this sense , without skepticism one may not truly get the knowledge of science. Imagine that when we studying biology, teacher tells us that some certain kind of animal can give out electric that can kill a man in a while. A student may ask that why this kind of animal can give out electric and How much is the power? Can it be measured? In which way ? And which is the best way to measure it? Every man can be killed? and so forth. With a sries of questions, the thoery may not only be accept by the student bur also can lead the students to  further reaserch which may not be find by so many scientists. And at the same time the knowledge may be accept under more fundermentals./On the other hand ,holding a certain skepticism to whatever one learns facilitates understanding of oneself and of the subjects and stimulates one’s interests in a subjects. This point may illustrated by supposing that we are in a biology class and the teacher tell us that there is a kind of animal that can emit so much electronic current that it can kill a man ,if we learn passively, we may just learn it as an anecdote, but if we bring a certain skepticism to it ,we may ask the teacher whether it is possible ,how it manage to do that ,whether it is the only kind of animal that can do that, whether we can measure the electronic current and how as well as whether we can make good use of it. And what really matters is not what question we ask, but the process of asking matters, because we are on the road to logical thinking. After such series of questions, we not only fully understand the fact that teacher presents to us but also we are stimulated to logical thinking and may become so interested in it that we further study related information. ./

Finally, we should question what we have got and start to find out more unknown truth, only then can we truly be educated.  As an illustration, the story of corpenicus who is a scientist  with a goal to find the truth of our earth that even lose his life when skeptic to the theory of the scientist before who have influnce the world for a long time. After many years of his death, the famous theory helimocentric prove to be right and his skeptic spirit will always be in our heart that teach us to find the truth with skepticism forever, and then can us truly get closer to the truth./Finally, question is the beginning of innovation.history is replete with people who questioned authority and sacrificed for their belief,corpenicus comes immediately to mind.It has been held for a long time that the earth is the centre of the universe proposed by the church ,but Copernicus question this belief and after his death his decedents published his theory in which he placed a motionless sun not at the centre of the universe, but close to the centre .Even though his theory is false now because the is not the center of the universe neither,but his skepticism toward authority inspired many people.  /

In sum, before we get to know everything, the first thing is to know why we have to do this, without a clear target to do something, we will never achieve what should belong to us in the world. That is why we should firstly find out the meaning of studying then we may be clear to know what we should do to find the truth by our own and not the
/In sum, bringing certain skepticism to whatever they study facilitates students to find themselves and their unique way to think. Even though we cannot build future for our children, but we can build our children for future by helping them develop logical thinking capability and the habit of questioning /
http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac. ... ns/Copernicus.html/哥白尼的传记/

[ 本帖最后由 iamGToeflboy 于 2006-2-21 20:34 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-21 22:47:10 |只看该作者
issue153 质疑学问,欢迎互拍!

1 学习的目的是什么?如果不能分清这个意义,学生就会不知道怎么去学习。
2 知道了学习的目,就应该知道被动的接受知识会带来什么后果。
3 所以我们应该带着疑问去学习。只有这样才能说真正的得到知识。

TOPIC:ISSUE 153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS:595          TIME:0:45:00          DATE:2006-2-21

I fully agree with the author's opinion that we should not accept everything that teacher tells us but to ask whys and think by ourselves. This is why we should have sprite of skepticism which is essential for our studying and what's more for the whole society's(social哪一个更好呢?) progress.

At the beginning, everyone should know the true meaning of studying. What is the goal of education? Well, admittedly, different people may hold different views. As to me, the goal of education and our willingness to studying are unique. Education can not only equip us with the power to get to know the essence of the objective world well but also lead us to find the truth by ourselves and then can better contribute to the whole world. If we can not firstly find out the true target of studying, we will be confused with the large quantities of knowledge that we have to know and remember. The final result of this kind of education is that after our reciting of the truth and theory, we may hardly use it because we do not know the essence of the various problems. For example, a theory in the field of physics may confuse us and may easily make us think it useless  when we accept it without any further thinking and just recite it for the homework. How terrible it may be if we do not know the goal of the education and studying?

Continually, now that we have find out the goal of studying and education, we certainly may know that why we should not accept passively(不知accept在这里是否可以单独使用,因为当接受讲时accept是及物动词,而vi.只作同意讲,所以这里不妨在passively前加everything) when studying anything in class. In this sense, without skepticism one may not truly get the knowledge of science. Imagine that when we studying biology, teacher tells us that some certain kind of animal can give out electric that can kill a man in a while. A student may ask that why this kind of animal can give out electric and how much is the power? Can it be measured? In which way? And which is the best way to measure it? Can every man be killed? And so forth. With a series of questions, the theory may not only be accept by the student bur also can lead the students to  further research which may not be find(found) by so many scientists. And at the same time the knowledge may be accept under more fundamentals.

Finally, we should question what we have got and start to find out more unknown truth, only then can we truly be educated.  As an illustration, the story of Copernicus who is a scientist  with a goal to find the truth of our earth that even lose his life when skeptic to the theory of the scientist before who have influence the world for a long time. After many years of his death, the famous theory the Heliocentric Theory prove to be right and his skeptic spirit will always be in our heart that teach us to find the truth with skepticism forever, and then can lead us truly to get closer to the truth.

In sum, before we get to know everything, the first thing is to know why we have to do this, without a clear target to do something(建议将to do something去掉), we will never achieve what should belong to us in the world.

[ 本帖最后由 frankku 于 2006-2-21 22:56 编辑 ]

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