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The northwestern US state of Washington made headlines earlier this year when it passed a law prohibiting the use of the word "Oriental" in official contexts. Instead, the word "Asian" must be employed. The new law only bans the use of the word "Oriental" when the reference is to human beings. Therefore, one law which defines "minority group" to include "Orientals" will be changed to refer to "Asians", but another law which refers to "Oriental medicine" will be left unchanged. According to the law's sponsor, Korean-American state senator Paull Shin , the law was passed because the term "Oriental" is "pejorative terminology" and "offensive".
"Oriental" derives from the Latin word oriens, meaning "the rising sun" or "east". Because Asia is east of Europe, "Oriental" took on the meaning of "Asian". "The Orient", the "Far East" and "East Asia" are all noun phrases referring to the eastern section of the Asian continent. Ironically, the eastern part of Russia is usually excluded from the definitions of the Orient and East Asia, even though Russia extends farther to the east than any other country on the Eurasian landmass.
According to Mr Shin and other critics of the word Oriental, the word is offensive to Asians because it implies a Europe-centered view of the world. From the Pacific coast of the United States,swheresthe state of Washington is located, the so-called "Orient" is to the west, not the east.
The problem with this argument is that many commonly accepted geographic terms derive from outdated worldviews of this sort. My home state of Wisconsin is part of a region known as the "Middle West" or the "Midwest", yet I live in the eastern half of the United States. The term was invented because the United States was settled from east to west. For the settlers starting out from the Atlantic coast in the late 18th and early 19th century, everything west of the Appalachian Mountains was considered "the west".
Not long ago the "Near East" was the accepted name for the area stretching from Egypt to Iran among Europeans and Americans; in recent decades it has been ousted by the "Middle East". Like "Far East" or "Orient", either term makes sense only if one takes Europe as the point of reference.
And other languages are no better than English in this regard. The Arab world divides itselfsintosthe Maghrib (the West) and the Mashriq (the East) with the Sinai Peninsula as the border. Ironically, the division of the ancient worldsintosAsia and Europe was probably borrowed by the Greeks from the Phoenicians, the ancestors of today's Lebanese; indeed, Europe and the Arabic Maghrib may well be derived from the same Semitic root, referring to the setting of the sun. And what can we say about a civilization like China, which unabashedly proclaims itself the "central country"?
Perhaps it is too much to expect precision in such language issues. Whether or not there are good grounds for considering "Oriental" offensive, over the past few decades the term has gradually fallen out of favor as a word to describe the people of Asia or Americans of Asian ancestry. In today's English, the word "Oriental", when used to refer to a person, sounds old-fashioned at best and derogatory at worst.
Nevertheless, while it may no longer be a good idea to refer to a person as an Oriental, it is still the standard usage in many phrases referring to things. For example, the term "Oriental carpet" refers to a type of carpet typically imported from Turkey or Central Asia. These carpets are extremely expensive (often costing thousands of dollars) and are highly prized.
The English language is full of other apparently contradictory tendencies for words relating to ethnicity. "Chinatown", meaning a neighborhoodswheresChinese immigrants live, is proper English. But "Chinaman", meaning a Chinese person, became offensive in America during the first half of the 20th century, even though it is a direct translation of Zhongguoren. And "Frenchman", meaning a French person, is perfectly neutral English.
The care Yankees must take in referring to Asians is as nothing compared with the delicacy required to get through the minefield of terms for Americans of sub-Saharan African ancestry. "Colored person" is now offensive, even though it was regarded as a polite term for much of the century after the US Civil War (1861-65). On the other hand, "person of color", meaning someone of any non-European race, is acceptable and, in some ideological circles, a favored phrase. "Negro" (the Spanish word for "black") gave way to "black" or "Black" in the 1960s, only to yield in turn to "Afro-American" in the 1980s and "African-American" or "African American" in the 1990s.
And while one can speak of "black people" and "white people" or "blacks" and "whites", one would be ill advised to speak of "red people" (American Indians - the "First Nations" of Canada, by the way) or "yellow people" (Asians). "Reds" is reserved for politics. The term "browns" is used occasionally to refer to Latin Americans of Indian or mixed Indian/European ancestry.
What to make of this jumble of conflicting language taboos? One can draw two lessons: First, non-native speakers should use caution when speaking about ethnicity or race in English, as the English language is rife with linguistic traps in this area. Second, the number of offensive terms relating to other ethnic groups is a signal that the US has never been fully comfortable with its status as a multiracial society. Culture is reflected in language, and the large number of pejorative ethnic terms in American English shows that the United States still suffers from ethnic and racial tensions.
华盛顿州新法律 “东方人”一词被禁
Timothy Kiefer(康思德)(美)
美国佬在说到亚洲人时必须采取的小心态度,与说到撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲人后裔的美国人时所需要的精心考虑相比,那简直算不了什么,因为说到后者时就像走过地雷阵。Colored person(有色人)一词现在是得罪人的,然而在美国国内战争(1861-1865)之后一百年中的大部分时间内却被认为是个有礼貌的词。而另一方面,“Person of color”(意思也是有色人),指任何非欧洲种族的人,是可以被接受的,而且在某些意识形态的领域内是一个备受喜欢的词,用来指美国黑人的“Negro”(西班牙语“黑”的意思),在上个世纪六十年代让位于“black”(黑人)或者“Black”,只是到了80年代才又让位给Afro-American”(非洲裔美国人),到了90年代又让位于African-American”或者African American(还是非洲裔美国人的意思)。
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