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[活动] N001_第七次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-4-29 13:10:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

3.听力:(DELTA)Page 213-231(不用交答案)
4.口语:(DELTA)Page 305-333(上传录音部分:Page 304 Exercise A-3,Page 306 Question 2,Page 320 Exercise 3.6C,Page326 Exercise 3.7A)
5.Longman:mini test 1(传小作文和口语,其余部分不用交答案)




[ 本帖最后由 wgaggassi34 于 2007-5-7 09:05 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-4-29 16:24:06 |只看该作者
We used to meet smokers everywhere: in the streets, in shops, and even in restaurants.  Nowadays, some countries restrict people smoke in many public areas and office buildings.  Absolutely, it is a good rule.

In the first place, it is not a secret that smoking brings about negative impacts on our health. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from disease linked to smoking. It is a common sense for us that smoking is responsible for many fatal diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and the list will go on.  A research points that c cigarette smoking is associated with a dramatically increase inthe risk of dying from chronic obstructive lung disease. About 90% of all deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease are attributable to cigarette smoking.

Meanwhile, smoking in public areas and office buildings will inevitable pollute the air. It is not only the smoker himself suffers from illness caused by smoking, but people around him likely to injure by secondhand smoke as well. Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, contains at least 200 chemicals known to be toxic. Nonsmokers, especially children, the elders, and pregnant women, who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work increase their heart disease risk. In short, Smoking is unfair to those people who do not smoke.

In addition, smoking in public can give rise to serious social issues. For instance, in dry weather,a throwing cigarette end casually may start a fire. It not just causes heavy financial loss it also poses a grave threat to our lives. Anther adverse effect is that many young children may be curious to adult smokers who smoking in public. Although we all know that tobacco use in adolescence is more harmful to their development, they may set adult smokers as an example.

From what I have discussed above, I believe that it is beneficial for everyone if the government limit people smoke in the majority places in public.

Longman Mini Test1小作文
The lecturer provides the additional specific information to strength the reading passage by presenting some examples.

The reading passage indicates that garlic is considered to have beneficial features and has been used from 3,000 B.C.  In Ancient Egypt, garlic was used as a medicine, curing 22 different kinds of ailments. Also, they use garlic to feed slaves to make slaves stronger and healthier.  The Greeks and Romans use garlic for more aspects such as warding off evil spells and curses, feeding to soldiers to make them more courageous.  Some seafaring cultures also use garlic to help sailors endure long voyages.  Even during World War 1, garlic was used to protect soldiers from infections.

To strengthen the points, the lecturer further discusses the history of garlic used and its medicinal benefits proved by scientists.  First, raw garlic kills twenty-three different kinds of bacteria. That explains the right use of garlic in World War 1. Second, heated garlic can reduce blood pressure effectively and fight against heart attack or stroke.

[ 本帖最后由 zyechozy 于 2007-5-4 13:57 编辑 ]
I'm strange but special~

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发表于 2007-4-29 16:44:25 |只看该作者
According to the question, I agree that people shouldn’t be allowed to smoke in the public places and office building. I think it is a good rule for everyone to assure their rights. And most city of the world has a common decision about that and developed that decision successful
  It’s been a long time for people to start use cigarette to themselves comfortable. But since the 20th, many scientists found it’s really harmful to people who often smoke. Smoking is a cause for many diseases. People who smoke a lot will have 4 times possibilities to get cancer than who doesn’t. After that, many people decide to quit smoking. As we all know, to stop smoking is not that easy so not everyone can make it. Now in the world, there are still thousands of people are threaten by the dangerous of smoking.
  With the development of the science, more attention has been transferred to the area of the smoking. People found that second-smoking is much worse even than the one smoke himself. So many governments decided to forbid smoke in the public. It’s the best way to protect people’s rights who don’t smoke
Besides, we all know that the environment of the earth is big problem for us now. the smoke of  the cigarette has many harmful elements not just for man but also for the earth. So we shall try our best to make that policy implement.
Also, people need some forces to do the things sometime, especially the thing not that easy. It’s easy to start but difficult to persist to when a person want to quit smoking. So when they are in the public places, even they want to smoke but the policy don’t agree that and they have to stop that action. Several times later, they will found they have been slowly far away from the cigarettes and stop thinking about that and it’s a big and really important step for all that kind of person.

[ 本帖最后由 nunu620 于 2007-5-4 18:46 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-4-29 17:20:57 |只看该作者
Whether people should be allowed to smoke in many public places and office building is a hot and everlasting topic in many parts of the world. As for me, I strongly protest the behavior of smoking in public places and buildings because of the bad effects that cigarette smoking brings to us..First of all, as we all know, smoking is bad for smokers' health for the researchers have proved long ago that the nicotine it contains will greatly damage many parts of our organs including the lung and respiratory system and little by little it drag down their strong-built bodies until they come to the dying bed. There is even an equation to show us vividly the consequence of smoking, a cigarette a day may reduce 5 minutes of a human's life. However, once a youngster start to smoke at an early age for what ever reasons such as pressure, agony, ecstasy, immediately he or she will be addicted to it and to get rid of it may take all his or her life time if he or she is not firm enough to resist the temptation of cigarettes.On the second, smoking is public places and office building will unavoidably pollute the air which already is a mixture of many kinds of unpleasant odors. Furthermore, it has an even worse impact on the other's people's health, which is reluctant to be thrown into such a swirl without their permission. People who don't smoke while others do are often referred to passive smokers, will inhale more waste and toxic ingredients that the smokers exhale than the smoker itself. In addition, damages can't be revoked once they come to being because of the malfunction or disorder of the body.Besides, an unfinished butt may induce a catastrophe if we pay no attention to it in public places like crowded cinema, theater, chemical factory where smoking is not allowed. In the dry season in the Northeast of China, a huge fire caused numerous lost of our nation, including many kinds of invaluable trees and even some animals near extinction as well. We would never have chance to see them in person merely because of a butt.

Considering that it's hard to quit smoking once for all, we may forbid people smoking in public places and office building, and punish severely those who break the rule. At the same time, setting up some special places for smokers, then we can reduce smoking area gradually and eliminate smoking in the long run.

[ 本帖最后由 gnuliutingting 于 2007-5-7 15:38 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-4-30 17:09:22 |只看该作者



We meet smokers everywhere, on street, in garden, on bus, even in school. And these smokers include not only the oldthe youthbut also middle school students, and even pregnant women. It was reported recently that smokers make up one quarter of the world population. As smoking is never a good thing, to forbid smoking in public places should be a wise rule.
      No smoking in public places contributes to protecting public health. Scientific research shows that smoking is not only a threat to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public, especially to women and children who are passive smokers. The poisonous gas issued from smoking is one of the major causes of cancer, pneumonia and heart attack. According to a study by the European Commission, passive smoking increases the risk of lung cancer and, as a result, leads to the death from the disease of an estimated 2000 non-smokers each year in European Union. What’s more, passive smoking, which is also a risk factor for acute and chronic respiratory disease, middle ear infection, and decreased lung function in infants, children, and adolescents, kills a further 20000 people annually in these countries.
      Moreover, forbidding people to smoke in public places can avoidfire. Most fatal fires are caused by smokers who improperly dispose of butts and ashes, resulting in killing and injuring their colleagues, friends and strangers and also millions of dollars in property damage. As garages and workshops containhighly flammable materials such as thinners, gas, paints and industrial cleaners,smoking there might be really dangerous. The same case is in office building or school. Paper products and wooden furniture there are also combustible, thus smoking would easily lead to a serious fire disaster.
      In addition, smoking ban in public places helpsmokers to quit the habit of smoking. Many smokers say that though they know smoking is harmful to their health and they have tried again and again to quit, it is really hard to persist. Perhaps it is not so effective to give up smoking merely relying on their willpower. With the ban on smoking in public places, smokers have to face the pressure of public opinion which might force them to smoke less. Also, it is not so convenient to go to a private area to smoke, thus they would be less likely to smoke.
      In sum, in many public places and officebuildings, smoking should be prohibited. This will greatly improve public health, reduce the occurrences of  fire disasters cause by smoking, and also do good to those who want to stop smoking.

The reading passage talks about a change in curriculum made by the Sociology Department of State University, resulting in adding two more required courses and accordingly decreasing two elective courses instead of the original three require courses and five elective courses. The lecture is an announcement related to this new rule. The speaker thinks that the plan made in the passage may not be as effective as it is supposed to be.
      First, it is the university policy that department should not make any change to requirement after students have already started the program. The passage says that due to lack of expertise in some area, graduates from the Sociology Department are not well prepared for job. The best solution to this question is to change its curriculum by adding two more required courses. However, this plan disobeys the school policy. Thus, it is unfeasible.
      Second, the new rule can only go into effect on students who newly entered the program. The passage says that the change will affect all students in the department immediately. In fact, students who have already started the program will complain to school. Due to the school policy, they can graduate with the original requirement curriculum. That is to say, the new plan does not work a change on them.
       Third, since the department can’t force all students to follow its new rule, the department can only recommend its students to take the change curriculum rather than requiring them to do this. In other words, the department can merely encourage its students to take the two additional required courses.

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-5-4 21:52 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-5-1 17:23:42 |只看该作者

17_ily writing assignment for 154,

Nowadays, more countries regulate people smoking in public area, so many public places and office buildings are not permitted to smoke. It is definitely a good rule from my point of view. Actually, smoking is totally bad habit though some people take it as one way of relaxing.

    First of all, smoking will do harm to our health. This is not some secret, while common sense to all of us. Based on the statistics, one cigarette will shorten your life by 5 minutes. Smoking will induce cancer if you keep the habit for some period of time, the period of time is varied on different people. Lung cancer is common among those heavy smokers, followed by tongue cancer and throat cancer. When the addicts enjoy the 'relaxed' smoking time, they should realize that their health are encroached by the nicotine and other toxic chemicals gradually. Not only smokers themselves, other people who don't smoke around them will be impacted by the terrible smoke. Especially the elders, children, and pregnant women will be secondary victims if smoking in public areas is not banned.

    Secondly, smoking in public areas will bring some other bad issues. Unrestricted smoking will cause fire or other cataclysms. For instance, if the workers can smoke at anywhere in the factory, the butts they throw off casually probably induce fire accidents. The same cataclysms can also happen in elevators, or cinemas, the places usually crowded with people. Besides that, adults who smoke in public areas are bad models to our adolescents. Some young people even take that for fashion manner then follow it. If the adult smokers can control their smoking for the sake of health, those young, who are not
conscious what they are doing is to deteriorate their health, may have even more worse impact. It is not hard to imagine when the young reach to their 30-40 years old, they are struggling with cancers. It is not only the loss to themselve, their families, but also to our country, 30-40 is just the age people work at their peak of their carrer life.        

    If people are permitted to smoke only in some specific public areas, this regulation maybe reduce the frequency of their smoking, and in some degree postpone the time point for they get cancer. Another direct advantage of the regulation is, other people around smokers will not suffer the smoke in most cases. So I suggest smokers have their restricted areas even in private spaces, such as home, for their family members have the rights to protect their health. In short, requiring people not to smoke is impossible, what we can do is to reduce the impact of smoking to the minimum. Restricting people to smoke in many public areas seems to be the best way, now.
A Za A Za, Fighting~~

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发表于 2007-5-1 17:24:37 |只看该作者


A Za A Za, Fighting~~

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发表于 2007-5-1 19:46:17 |只看该作者

回复 #7 ily 的帖子


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发表于 2007-5-4 00:22:14 |只看该作者


This is good or bad rule to not allowed smoking in public places

In my opinion, this is obviously a good rule to not allowed smoking in public place although smoking people may not think so. If you smoking in public, other people may not tend to tell you they hate that, but this isn’t mean they like the environment surrounding with smoke.

First of all, smoking is bad for your healthy, you shouldn’t smoke whatever. We hear people telling the smoking people all the time that your lung will be used to do the medical research, but few people care about it. You may have no idea how serious it is, but I’ve saw the sample before when I take the biology class. All the lung had became black and bad, I even couldn’t recognize it’s a lung of Hume being! It’s more like a cooked liver of pig. The vision scars me so much that I can recall it vividly even today. So please believe me smoking is killing you, and it’s a chronic suicide.

Moreover, smoking in the public place is more likely you are chronically killing the people surround you without their notice or permission. For instance, if you smoke in an office, your colleges have no choice but accept the fact of breathing the harmful air. It’s unfair to others because they have the right to enjoy their working environment instead of getting sicker and sicker. And you can’t earn respect from people who can’t tolerant your behavior and conflict may commence. So as a high quality person in nowadays society, you should care about what other people judge you and forbid yourself smoking in public place even there’s no rules.

It seems clear that having rules of no smoking in public place is a good idea. It will keep yours and others healthy and reduce conflict. I believe will bring us a batter environment and benefit all of us.

[ 本帖最后由 rzbrzb 于 2007-5-4 00:25 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-5-4 10:35:31 |只看该作者


The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style. In my point view, smoking in public places is very important. So it is sagacious to support the good rule.         Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three are conspicous aspects as follows.
  The main reason for my propensity for it is not good for our healty. There are a vast number of illnesses caused by cigarette smoke. Cigarettes can cause lung cancer and therefor smokers inlulge in cigarettes. Each year many lives will be taken away by smoking. How many families will lose their members? Well, not only cancer but also heart disease will be brought by smoking. Moreover,  some disease is visible such as yellow teeth and hands. These give people bad appearance. Although people who smoke directly will harm themselves, the scientist said people who smoke indirectly would be wores, especially the children and pregant women. It is called the second cigarette.  
Another reason can be seen by every pesron is that smoking in public places wil destroy company`s impression. For example, if the company allow staff to smoke freely, you can see the smoke everywhere. It must give us a impression that the air is not fresh. If people can not breath the fresh air, they can not work effectively and complet the assigment very well. It also ruin the envinoment. So the benefit of the company will increase. It is not good to the company if another  company who want to cooperate with the smoky company once they come into the office. They may turn about the office. It can be thought the work attitude is not serious and earnest.
Futhermore, forbiding smoking will help smokers not smole so often. If it is not allowes to smoke in public places, smokers must find some places that there are no one. So they can smoke in person. It must make smokers feel trouble and not comfortable. So they have to decrease the times of smoking. It is not only good to smokers but also to other people who do not smoke. So it is very important.
In short, I think this is a good rule that no longer allow to smoke in publio places, for the people`s health, and the benefit of company. It is signality to the society. I beilieve we can do it!

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发表于 2007-5-4 11:05:03 |只看该作者


I'm strange but special~

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发表于 2007-5-4 22:19:20 |只看该作者
It has been a controversial debute whether smoking should be allowed in the public places or office buildings since many

years ago. Some people oppose this rule while others strongly support it. In my opinion, I consider this rule as a benefit to

the society.

First of all, this rule will guarantee a better environment to the people without any smoke around. If there is no such rule,

smokers will enjoy their smoking in the public places without considering the sense of the others who around them. They will

obviously pollute the environment with the smoking gas which is composed of many harmful stuff, and the nonsmokers around

will respire the dirty air which will take them many problems. However, if the rule is put into effect, it will definitely

purify the air, and since there will be no sources that produce smoking gas in the public, the environment will be more

favorable to people's health.

Moreover, this rule can save the smoker's a huge amount of money. For most of the serious smokers, smoking will cost them

lots of money every month. If there is a way that can restrict the times of smoking, smokers must be glad when considering

the cost of the smoking. The rule is just the way that can ban the smoking in the public or office buildings. Smoking may

take the smokers many problems. First, it will take them much money. then with the loss of the money, smokers will worry

about the living condition of their family. Finally, they will get many stress that caused by the smoking. It seems a vicious


Further more, this rule will guarantee the smokers to provide better performance. If the smokers are allowed to smoke in the

working place, it will bring a serious problem. The smokers will always smoke when they are dealing with the work, and they

will pay less attention to their assignments. Thus,the efficiency of the smokers will finally be at a low level. What is the

result for a company if all the employees are serious smokers? So the rule can bring the smokers a more efficient

performance, and can eventually result  more profits to the company.

In conclusion,it is a favorable policy that it will not only win the support of the nonsmokers but also do not receive hinder

from the smokers. I really appreciate the rule applied in my country.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-5-5 20:45:09 |只看该作者


Euphoria of smoking cigarette is pushing you one step closer to the edge of death. From statistic evidence, the death rate of cigarette addicts is much higher than average level, in addition a vast number of illness are caused by smoking. So from a physical perspective, prohibit people smoking in public places and office buildings are definitely a good rule that is not only beneficial for people around but also for themselves.

First, smoking deteriorate people's health is accepted by public. Unfortunately, to most addicts, this opinion is too common for them to realize the horrible consequences-if they continue to addict in smoking and consume more than 20 pieces of cigarette daily even though each pack of cigarette says smoking is dangerous to your health. So at this situation, do more advertises to make sure people realize that the more they smoke, more chances they would suffer lung diseases even lose their lives and implement rules to prohibit people in public places and office buildings are highly necessary. I have read an experiment in book, the amount of nicotine in 20 pieces of cigarette could kill a piece of cattle. Though to smokers, most noxious substances release in the air when they exhale. To non-smoking people working in a smoky room, they would be suffered more than smoking people.

Furthermore, the cigarette stubs are usually found as the cause of fire. Many smokers haven't made sure the stub of cigarette is put out and some of them just throw stubs where they please, this become worse when it happens in forest. So prohibit people smoking in public places could avoid some fire accidents.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-5-5 20:46:34 |只看该作者

154题 wallace

Euphoria of smoking cigarette is pushing you one step closer to the edge of death. From statistic evidence, the death rate of cigarette addicts is much higher than average level, in addition a vast number of illness are caused by smoking. So from a physical perspective, prohibit people smoking in public places and office buildings are definitely a good rule that is not only beneficial for people around but also for themselves.

First, smoking deteriorate people's health is accepted by public. Unfortunately, to most addicts, this opinion is too common for them to realize the horrible consequences-if they continue to addict in smoking and consume more than 20 pieces of cigarette daily even though each pack of cigarette says smoking is dangerous to your health. So at this situation, do more advertises to make sure people realize that the more they smoke, more chances they would suffer lung diseases even lose their lives and implement rules to prohibit people in public places and office buildings are highly necessary. I have read an experiment in book, the amount of nicotine in 20 pieces of cigarette could kill a piece of cattle. Though to smokers, most noxious substances release in the air when they exhale. To non-smoking people working in a smoky room, they would be suffered more than smoking people.

Furthermore, the cigarette stubs are usually found as the cause of fire. Many smokers haven't made sure the stub of cigarette is put out and some of them just throw stubs where they please, this become worse when it happens in forest. So prohibit people smoking in public places could avoid some fire accidents.

In a weird way, advertises in public to ask people not smoke in public places would become advertisement for manufactures of cigarette. But considering beneficial strength the existing weakness could cover the lost in many ways, consequently, the superiority in its process of practical adopting is hence guaranteed.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2007-5-5 21:44:55 |只看该作者
In the reading passage, I know that garlic was once very useful.The lecture give two pieces of support reasons why it has such function.

First of all, the garlic can kill bacteria.Reseach tells that garlic is effective in killing bacteria, some garlic can even kill as many as 23 types of bacteria. So it is no surprising that Ancient Egyptian used it as a medicine. It really had the ability to kill some kinds of ailments.And in the 20th century,, people used it to fight infections and even as a useful thing given to soldiers’ food. It really worked in the war.

Besides, it can heat the blood, then boosts the blood pressure. For this function, people in the past thought it must have magic powers that could give people courage and take the evil spells away. Hence, soldiers used it in order to gain more energy and encourage.

In a word, garlic can not only kill the bacteria, but also increase people’s blood pressure, so it was considered a useful materia and was widely used worldwide in the past.

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