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[i习作temp] Issue83 第八篇I by coalaxixi [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-23 12:48:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."
1.      Wilderness areas might have plenty of resources including minerals, rare flora and animals and have high value of study of the nature.
2.      Wilderness areas are the habitat of human’s soul, where can bring about the air of real freedom to human being.
3.      Without government’s protection, even a few people could cause serious damage to a remote wilderness area, and the destruction of it could result in unforeseeable effects on the larger environment.
4.      Government can also take some active measures to not only preserve the wilderness areas but also make the most usage of them.

When mention the wilderness areas, what would come up with your mind? Is there a picture of boundless weeds in your mind? Or it is just a barren without any life? Or you even associate to think of the Sahara? So should a place like this cost the government any energy and fee to preserve? In my opinion, the answer is yes. Probably most people would regard the wilderness areas valueless in the first impression. However, I would argue that wilderness areas still have their own value which should not be ignored and therefore should be preserved by the government.

In the first place, wilderness areas might have plenty of resources including minerals, rare flora and animals and have high value of study of the nature. They have been seldom influenced by human activities thus some flora and animals can only survive here. So the wilderness areas often live many flora and animals which are on the verge of death or great danger. The Tibetan antelope, the wild boar, the Bactrian came, the ginseng etc. are all known to us. Besides, the possible reserving rich minerals recourses are another great value the wilderness areas might possess. Thereby, wilderness areas provide valuable primitive material for the scientists’ exploration of nature.

In the second place, wilderness areas are the habitat of human’s soul, where can bring about the air of real freedom to human being. As the development of modern society, people are always pursuing the endless material wealth. Although one has cars and houses, he can not escape from the mortgage, bills, consumer debts and something like that and must work harder to earn more money to maintain these. You can not do whatever you want to, because there’re too many things which restrict you under so much pressure. Nevertheless, people who live in the wilderness areas are those who breathe the most freedom air and with least pressure. So long as there remains some wilderness areas where people can go to escape the ties that bind, freedom will retain some of its former meaning.

However, without government’s protection, even a few people could cause serious damage to a remote wilderness area and the destruction of it could result in unforeseeable effects on the larger environment. Those flora and animals in imminent danger might totally disappear and even the previously predominant one would suffer unfortunate destiny. The Tibetan antelope, a previously predominant species serves a typical example. Having evolved for millions of years of evolution, they had been roaming freely as the wind on the highest roof of the world. However, dishearteningly the spectacular sight of thousands of Tibetan antelopes galloping together on the boundless plateau is history. Instead, as a consequence of poaching driven by the unbelievable high profits, thousands of them are killed in cold blood every year. The number of the Tibetan antelope decreases dramatically and now they are forced to the brink of extinction. So, without proper protection, even a few people could cause so serious lost.

All of the facts that have been mentioned above call for government’s measure taken to preserve wilderness areas. For one hand, since they are public owned areas, there’s little interest relation between the individual and wilderness areas, thus can hardly find individual protection. For the other hand, only government can provide efficient and effective protection to keep wilderness areas from damage. Return to the Tibetan antelope example described above, it is under Chinese government’s great effort that get the deteriorating situation under control. Besides, the government can easily take some more active measure, for example, to launch extensive global media coverage to alert the public to the critical situation of some wilderness areas. What’s more, it is suggested that government take further measures to make the most usage of wilderness areas. For instance, natural reserves can be established in wilderness areas to protect wild animals and plants in the most extent.

To sum up, wilderness areas are not unimportant at all, but even of high values. To better protect them and prevent our nature resources from damage, it’s high time to call for the government’s proper measure of preserving them.  

[ 本帖最后由 coalaxixi 于 2007-7-24 20:04 编辑 ]

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发表于 2007-7-24 18:15:19 |只看该作者

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Issue83 第八篇I by coalaxixi
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