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[i习作temp] Issue207 勇往直前小组第四天 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-23 23:31:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Could rituals and ceremonies help define a culture? If they are ignored, could people know us well? The answers of the speaker about these two questions surely are affirmative. However, in my opinion I consider that the speaker's assertion is too absolute without more deeply thinking about the two questions.

Admittedly, being the main representations of culture, rituals and ceremonies could help people to define and distinguish one certain culture. Societies and groups of people also could mark them clearer. In every country, rituals and ceremonies include much information such as national faith, custom and ethics. As an example, the traditional ceremonies of Valentine's Day are entirely different at all. In china Valentine's Day is on 7, July of lunar calendar. Young boys and girls who are single would go out to join some interesting parties in parks or plazas. Every one wishes to meet right person in Valentine's Day. While, in United States Valentine's Day is on 14, February of solar calendar. People who already have lovers choose this day to bless their lover forever. Males will buy special numbers of roses for their girlfriends or wives. Females will choose delicious chocolates for their sweethearts. In these rituals and ceremonies, people sense their national customs of a culture better which could be transmitted from one generation from another.

However, without rituals and ceremonies societies or groups of people also could sense who they are. In modern societies, people own more and more convenient methods to communicate with other people even other country and culture. In these circumstances, rituals and ceremonies are not as important as they once were. People could chat with others coming from every place all over the world by using computers and internets. Everyone will have similar experience that without rituals and ceremonies it is not difficult to distinguish the cultural background of another during chatting time from his words, favorite music or interesting sports. What's more, when we arrive in a huge city like New York or London which has a great number of immigrations from foreign countries, we will find an interesting affair that people of different culture could be easily recognized even in foreign countries. With the international tend rituals and ceremonies become unnecessary and unimportant in defining a culture.

Moreover, with the development of cultures and societies, some ancient rituals and ceremonies have diminished little by little. In China marriage ceremony once was a complicated system including many rituals. It will take at least three days to accomplish. Now because of busy work and quick speed of life, Chinese marriage ceremony has been simplified, and some processes have been deleted. New couples only need to prepare a party with delicious food for their relative people to congratulate. Some new couples even ignore this simple party at all choosing other methods such as traveling together to memory this important affair. Rituals and ceremonies are not steady forever and they will be changed to meet people's fresh requirements. Without them, societies or groups of people still could persist in their national culture and customs.

In conclusion, rituals and ceremonies, as one kind of manifestations of several aspects of one nation, contribute to preserving some distinctive features of one culture. However, it is unwarranted to conclude that societies or groups of people may loss its identities when the rituals and ceremonies are extinct.

63. "To truly understand your own culture—no matter how you define it—requires personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different from your own."

72. "One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities."

151-High speed communication tech Vs meaningful, thoughtful communication
"High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication."
1  高科技通讯使得我们交流信息更加方便,迅速,使得我们接受的信息量变大,这使得我们有更多的材料和内容来交流。
3  我们要学着用这种手段来交流情感。是适应社会的要求,跟上时代节奏。很多年轻人已经学会用高速电子通讯媒介来交流感情。

196"Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
Partly agree

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-24 13:12:09 |只看该作者
Could rituals and ceremonies help define a culture? If they are ignored, could people know us well? The answers of the speaker about these two questions surely are affirmative. However, in my opinion I consider that the speaker's assertion is too absolute without more deeply thinking about the two questions.Admittedly, being the main representations of culture, rituals and ceremonies could help people to define and distinguish one certain culture. Societies and groups of people also could mark them clearer. In every country, rituals and ceremonies include much information such as national faith, custom and ethics. As an example, the traditional ceremonies of Valentine's Day are entirely different at all. In china(China), Valentine's Day is on 7, July of lunar calendar. Young boys and girls who are single would go out to join some interesting parties in parks or plazas. Every one wishes to meet right person in Valentine's Day. While, in the United States Valentine's Day is on 14, February of solar calendar. People who already have lovers choose this day to bless their lover forever. Males will buy special numbers of roses for their girlfriends or wives. Females will choose delicious chocolates for their sweethearts. In these rituals and ceremonies, people sense their national customs of a culture better which could be transmitted from one generation from another.(这句话感觉有点别扭,主要是sense这个词好像不对换个会好些)However, without rituals and ceremonies societies or groups of people also could sense who they are. In modern societies, people own more and more convenient methods to communicate with other people even other country and culture. In these circumstances, rituals and ceremonies are not as important as they once were. People could chat with others coming from every place all over the world by using computers and internets. Everyone will have similar experience that without rituals and ceremonies it is not difficult to distinguish the cultural background of another during chatting time from his words, favorite music or interesting sports. What's more, when we arrive in a huge city like New York or London which has a great number of immigrations from foreign countries, we will find an interesting affair that people of different culture could be easily recognized even in foreign countries. (举个例子会更好些)With the international tend rituals and ceremonies become unnecessary and unimportant in defining a culture.Moreover, with the development of cultures and societies, some ancient rituals and ceremonies have diminished little by little. In China marriage ceremony once was a complicated system including many rituals. It will take at least three days to accomplish. Now because of busy work and quick speed of life, Chinese marriage ceremony has been simplified, and some processes have been deleted. New couples only need to prepare a party with delicious food for their relative peoplerelatives and friends to congratulate. Some new couples even ignore this simple party at all choosing other methods such as traveling together to memory this important affair. Rituals and ceremonies are not steady forever and they will be changed to meet people's fresh requirements. Without them, societies or groups of people still could persist in their national culture and customs.In conclusion, rituals and ceremonies, as one kind of manifestations of several aspects of one nation, contribute to preserving some distinctive features of one culture. However, it is unwarranted to conclude that societies or groups of people may loss its identities when the rituals and ceremonies are extinct.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-25 01:02:35 |只看该作者
Could rituals and ceremonies help define a culture? If they are ignored, could people know us well? The answers of the speaker about these two questions surely are affirmative. However, in my opinion I consider that the speaker's assertion is too absolute without more deeply thinking about the two questions. (这种开头我很喜欢,疑问排比将话题引入预设,然后摆出结论)

Admittedly, being the main representations of culture, rituals and ceremonies could help people to define and distinguish one certain culture. Societies and groups of people also could mark them clearer. In every country, rituals and ceremonies include much information such as national faith, custom and ethics. As an example, the traditional ceremonies of Valentine's Day are entirely different at all. In china Valentine's Day is on 7, July of lunar calendar. Young boys and girls who are single would go out to join some interesting parties in parks or plazas. Every one wishes to meet right person in Valentine's Day. While, in United States Valentine's Day is on 14, February of solar calendar. People who already have lovers choose this day to bless their lover forever. Males will buy special numbers of roses for their girlfriends or wives. Females will choose delicious chocolates for their sweethearts. In these rituals and ceremonies, people sense their national customs of a culture better which could be transmitted from one generation from another.(差口气,反映文化差异不代表define 文化, 你应该进一步分析, 差异是由什么产生的? 最后是不是喝一个culture的特性有关?这样, 仪式才能反映一个民族独特文化,进而帮助define之)

However, without rituals and ceremonies societies or groups of people also could sense who they are. In modern societies, people own more and more convenient methods to communicate with other people even other country and culture. In these circumstances, rituals and ceremonies are not as important as they once were. People could chat with others coming from every place all over the world by using computers and internets. Everyone will have similar experience that without rituals and ceremonies it is not difficult to distinguish the cultural background of another during chatting time from his words, favorite music or interesting sports. What's more, when we arrive in a huge city like New York or London which has a great number of immigrations from foreign countries, we will find an interesting affair that people of different culture could be easily recognized even in foreign countries. With the international tend rituals and ceremonies become unnecessary and unimportant in defining a culture.

Moreover, with the development of cultures and societies, some ancient rituals and ceremonies have diminished little by little. In China marriage ceremony once was a complicated system including many rituals. It will take at least three days to accomplish. Now because of busy work and quick speed of life, Chinese marriage ceremony has been simplified, and some processes have been deleted. New couples only need to prepare a party with delicious food for their relative people to congratulate. Some new couples even ignore this simple party at all choosing other methods such as traveling together to memory this important affair. Rituals and ceremonies are not steady forever and they will be changed to meet people's fresh requirements. Without them, societies or groups of people still could persist in their national culture and customs.

In conclusion, rituals and ceremonies, as one kind of manifestations of several aspects of one nation, contribute to preserving some distinctive features of one culture. However, it is unwarranted to conclude that societies or groups of people may loss its identities when the rituals and ceremonies are extinct.

我记得高考写八股时经常大量例子堆砌,或是例子翔实地描述。但是在AW中我觉得要改换思路。  例子宜精,易上手;分析是王道。 其实你可以参看argument的题干 有些经典的题目就是 证据=》假设=》结论。 你既然能够找出其中错误,那么仔细研究一下它是怎么分析和组织论据的也是有帮助的,虽然短小,但是一应俱全--个人意见
加油 ^_^

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