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[i习作temp] Issue147 【永往直前小组】第九次作业by269750640 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-28 20:13:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
147"Tradition and modernization are incompatible .One must choose between them."
库恩(①姓氏 Richard, 1900-1967, 生于奥地利的德国化学家, 曾获1938年诺贝尔化学奖)

      Must we choose between tradition and modernization, as the speaker contends? Are they incompatible with each other? The speaker claims so, for the reason that tradition and modernization are incompatible. I agree with the author's opinion in some areas are correctly.
         In considering the scientific world it might be more tempting to agree with the speaker.  The scientists are guided by the tradition of research in their field, which is passed along from one generation of scientists to the next. The problems they choose to solve are determined by that are not modernization but tradition, as are the methods they use in trying to solve them.  This process continues, according to Kuhn, until the paradigm is no longer useful—that is, until enough members of the scientific community believe a particular set of observations can no longer be explained by existing theories and procedures. Then the community becomes more open to outside influences. Its members explore a variety of ideas not directly related to the dominant paradigm in their field, ideas that in some cases lead to a scientific revolution. When this occurs, the old paradigm is set aside in favor of a new one that will henceforth guide the work of the members of a particular scientific community. Some of the most famous scientific revolutions have occurred in physics, for instance, in the shift from Newtonian physics to Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum theory and most recently in the discovery of the existence of subatomic particles.
     In other areas modernization departs from tradition in some respects, while embracing it in others. The human being's culture, if we still live in the tradition culture how could we have a high-quality life? How the globalization could has hastened the spread of the American way of life, with its particular eating habits, popular culture, lifestyle, system of government, and values. Perhaps overt arranged marriages still occur in our life. Arranged marriages make up vastly the higher percentage in human history but have, largely in the last century, become unusual and morally questioned in the Western world.  In 2000, for example, Britain granted 21 300 Entry Clearances for the spouses of British Asians; a large proportion were the product of marriages which were in some measure arranged. Just think about another example, Women in west is liberated. She enjoys laws that can take a harassing man to court. She is no more a house maid, but the queen of house. She can be graduated, she can become president of USA, and she can be CEO of France, England etc. The sports girls in Tennis, swimming, gymnastic as well as swimming are shining examples of liberated women. Count the numbers of women journalists, advocates, sales managers, if you call them subjugated then even men are subjugated because they too do the same things. A western woman is free to choose her spouse, to divorce him, to choose a career, to jump her jobs for better options. She is liberated to approach the law for justice. She is liberated to dress what ever she wants to. If it is in the "tradition” culture, perhaps she is still tied up into mental slavery. Therefore the modernization plays a part-and-parcel role in modern life, to update the tradition lifestyle.
    In sum, we should balance the relationship between tradition and modernization although they are compatible in some areas.
186."Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today's world." 186 实用性是我们最大的追求,所有的力量和聪明才智都应为其努力。
1 任何东西都应该从实用性出发
2 但也有例外,比如艺术作品,历史考究,文化的交流
161."'In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any woman or man as a hero. The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished." 161 在媒体覆盖率很大的当今社会,人们不可能把一个人当作英雄。任何有威望的人在媒体强烈的关注下都会名声扫地。1 媒体的曝光率使得所谓的名人也变得很平凡

94. "Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated." 94 大学应该要求学生学习本专业以外的课程因为让学生们了解不同学科的知识才是教育的真谛所在
1 学习本专业以外的东西的确对学习的知识的全面性非常有好处
2 但是人的精力是有限的,应该把有限的 精力集中起来做最应该做的事情
3 在学有余力的情况下再去学那些其他的知识
153."Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
2 但是怀疑的太多了似乎不能够吸收很多知识



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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-29 23:55:04 |只看该作者
Must we choose between tradition and modernization, as the speaker contends? Are they incompatible with each other? The speaker claims so, for the reason that tradition and modernization are incompatible. I agree with the author's opinion in some areas are correctly.

         In considering the scientific world it might be more tempting to agree with the speaker.  The scientists are guided by the tradition of research in their field, which is passed along from one generation of scientists to the next. The problems they choose to solve are determined by that are not modernization but tradition, as are the methods they use in trying to solve them.  This process continues, according to Kuhn, until the paradigm is no longer useful—that is, until enough members of the scientific community believe a particular set of observations can no longer be explained by existing theories and procedures. Then the community becomes more open to outside influences. Its members explore a variety of ideas not directly related to the dominant paradigm in their field, ideas that in some cases lead to a scientific revolution. When this occurs, the old paradigm is set aside in favor of a new one that will henceforth guide the work of the members of a particular scientific community. Some of the most famous scientific revolutions have occurred in physics, for instance, in the shift from Newtonian physics to Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum theory and most recently in the discovery of the existence of subatomic particles.

     In other areas modernization departs from tradition in some respects, while embracing it in others. The human being's culture, if we still live in the tradition culture how could we have a high-quality life? How the globalization could has hastened the spread of the American way of life, with its particular eating habits, popular culture, lifestyle, system of government, and values. Perhaps overt arranged marriages still occur in our life. Arranged marriages make up vastly the higher percentage in human history but have, largely in the last century, become unusual and morally questioned in the Western world.  In 2000, for example, Britain granted 21 300 Entry Clearances for the spouses of British Asians; a large proportion were the product of marriages which were in some measure arranged. Just think about another example, Women in west is liberated. She enjoys laws that can take a harassing man to court. She is no more a house maid, but the queen of house. She can be graduated, she can become president of USA, and she can be CEO of France, England etc. The sports girls in Tennis, swimming, gymnastic as well as swimming are shining examples of liberated women. Count the numbers of women journalists, advocates, sales managers, if you call them subjugated then even men are subjugated because they too do the same things. A western woman is free to choose her spouse, to divorce him, to choose a career, to jump her jobs for better options. She is liberated to approach the law for justice. She is liberated to dress what ever she wants to. If it is in the "tradition” culture, perhaps she is still tied up into mental slavery. Therefore the modernization plays a part-and-parcel role in modern life, to update the tradition lifestyle.

    In sum, we should balance the relationship between tradition and modernization although they are compatible in some areas.(最后一段可以结合前面的观点再重述一下,前后会显得比较平衡)


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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-30 08:33:36 |只看该作者
i am late sorry
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RE: Issue147 【永往直前小组】第九次作业by269750640 [修改]
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Issue147 【永往直前小组】第九次作业by269750640
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