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[i习作temp] Issue222 第四次模考,第一次上400 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-6 00:47:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE222 - "Learning for learning's sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals."
字数:473          用时:0:45:00          日期:2007/8/5
Is learning today becoming serving an ulterior purpose rather that for learning's sake as it was before? The author seems to overemphasize the ultilitarian aspect of our learning behaviors, while somwhat neglecting the significance of some learning for pure interests. In my view, education should equally for both goals, for sake and for career abilities.
World today in this high-rapid and competative time renders the value of ultility popular to most of us living in it, and a growing trend towards ulterior goals following. The points of view basis on that penetrate to even our education field. In some people's thoughts, learning for learning's sake is to be an outdated concept, for the sake itself seems no direct and obvious value. Professors, who are also the main directors in the university education system, are forced to catar to the economic aims, which will in turn, in nowadays research system, earns money for further study for themselves: in this process, what seems to be trivial is the professors' own interests--all is benefit-oriented. This is sure to exert influence on their altitudes in teaching. Even when it is up to students, one who has a full realization of the society will have a compromise, from interests to ulterior purpose. Whatever else to be said, most people will agree that it is an understandable choice for a student or a professor. The education seems to me not pure but realistic.
However, an overemphasis on these ultilitarian goals are sometimes misleading, for study and research for purely reason, sake, does provide great interior power which is often peerless and being the most important factor in one's success. Without a director of economic value, one is more likely to have a new viewpoint in things; breakthroughs may lie in the corner which is overlooked after a pair of glasses named 'utility' by most ones. History, especially in history of science, is replete with such instances. Newton's study in physics results from his special interests in natural pheonomena in his early age, the mechanics of which he wonders a best illustration. There is no utilitarian aims but it is his fortune and human's fortune that his sake was not be buried in ulterior-purposed education system; so does Einstein's success in having a breakthough in theoretical physics. So take ultierior purpose to be the only goal od education is somwhat a misleading choice in which creativity and innovations may be ruined even since their childhood.

Though not all these interet-driven behaviors are left with no ecomonic, and in other aspect, benefits, our education should not leave those who are of real sake in researching: they may be the best thoughts and inventors tomorrow. But they need more care and help even from their education experience. It is our responsibility to give a free choice to pur students and equal emphasis.

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