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[i习作temp] GREAW 小组第一次作业 Issue 51(606)  关闭 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-8-6 13:30:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Are the individual needs and interests of each student the only factor that determines the true effectivity of education, as the speaker maintains? In a sense, I tend to agree that education based on one's personal needs and interests can be a more efficient and effective means of developing individual nature, therefore provide various kinds of people to meet the needs of society. However, merely depending on the needs and interests of individuals is by no means of an effective education.

In addressing the issue, it is helpful to consider what an education really is and what effect it has on our society. In my view, education has two distinct functions in two respects, that compelling one's learning inspiration; and that providing all types of members who will benefit our society. With respect to the former purpose, educators, including teachers, have duty to provide various courses and curriculums for students with different talents and needs. Unlike Aristotle who is believed to have known everything there was to learn at the time he lived, it is impossible for us to dealt with voluminous amounts of information that are produced daily. For that matter, individual interests and needs should be the solid foundation upon which we decide which is worth our time and attention to learn. An evident example to provide such statement is that children cannot take messages about knowledge and skills seriously unless they are actually interested in such information. Yet, I concede that some students can learn very well, in spite of disliking the subjects what they are studying, while for most students, interests are necessary factor to stimulate their desire to learn, a desire that are greatly responsible for their career and future life.

With respect of the latter purpose, it is a essential job for our schools and colleges to elicit the potential inherent value of individuals. Each person with different genetic talents tends to create different success in arts, business or sciences areas. It is impossible for anyone to expect a child with as much musical talents as Beethoven to do profoundly in math research, primarily because he can create much more great value for the society as a musician. However, if he is force to continue a career filled with science subjects, more often than not, he has no time and energy to develop his artistic talents, and the end result would be that a great musician in our age was buried.

However, an individual-centered education system does not suffice to be an effective one, because we want our children to be not only healthy, happy, knowledgeble, and successful but also decent, tolerant, moral and good. This is especially true when it comes to moral education. For example, if one's valve system and personal interests are based on the foundation which is right for the wrong reasons, then the final result of this individual-centered education system would provide people who does not benefit but rather harm the modern society. For that matter, teaching character is a crucial part of education. As any person knows, rules and principles of moral education that all citizens share and that we want all children to know and to make their own are objective, and exclusive from the influences of personal subjective needs. As a result, we should take such facts into account to assume the beneficial effect of education.

In conclusion, because the nature of education is to elicit people to develop their own abilities and talents, reasonable an essential emphasis should be laid on individual needs and interests. Moreover, we should not overlook the importance of moral education to the development of each person.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-6 18:31:45 |只看该作者
Are the individual needs and interests of each student the only factor that determines the true effectively of education, as the speaker maintains? In a sense, I tend to agree that education based on one's personal needs and interests can be a more efficient and effective means of developing individual nature, therefore provide various kinds of people to meet the needs of society. However(换个词nevertheless), the education pattern merely depending on the needs and interests of individuals is by no means of an effective education(one).(问句式开头+表明立场-开头不错,可以稍微提下你的原因)

In addressing the issue, it is helpful to consider what an education really is and what effect(impact) it has on our society. In my view, education has two distinct functions in two respects, that compelling one's learning inspiration(强迫人学习兴趣??,换成培养或挖掘吧); and that providing all types of members who will benefit our society. (中心句?)With respect to the former purpose, educators, including teachers, have duty to provide various courses and curriculums for students with different talents and needs. Unlike Aristotle who is believed to have known everything there was to be learned at the time he lived, it is impossible for us to dealt (deal) with voluminous amounts of information that are(is) produced daily. For that matter, individual interests and needs should be the solid foundation upon which we decide which (what) is worth our time and attention to learn. An evident example to provide such statement is that children (the students) cannot take messages about??(这个短语什么意思?) knowledge and skills seriously unless they are actually interested in such information. Yet, I concede that some students can learn very well, in spite of disliking the subjects what they are studying, while(however转折强点,对自己的理由更有信心) for most students, interests are(the interest is a indispensable) necessary factor to stimulate their desire and prompt them to learn, a desire that are (is) greatly responsible for their career and future life(这个desire会不会和前面的主语interest混了…).(这一段很多单复数要注意)

With respect of the latter purpose, it is a essential job for our schools and colleges to elicit the potential inherent value of individuals. Each person with different genetic talents tends to create different success in arts, business or sciences areas. It is impossible for anyone to expect a child with as much musical talents as Beethoven to do profoundly in math research, primarily because he can create much more great value for the society as a musician. However, if he is force to continue a career filled with science subjects, more often than not, he (虚拟语气would have) has no time and energy to develop his artistic talents (talent), and the end result would be that a great musician in our age was buried (finally, a great musician probably would be buried).  

However, an individual-centered education system does not suffice to be an effective one, because we want our children to be not only healthy, happy, knowledgeable, and successful but also decent, tolerant, moral (virtuous) and good. This is especially true when it comes to moral education. For example, if one's valve (value) system and personal interests are based on the foundation which is right for the wrong reasons, then the final result of this (such) individual-centered education system would provide people who does not benefit but rather harm to the modern society. For that matter, teaching character(教育个性???) is a crucial part of education. As any person knows, rules and principles of moral education that all citizens share and that we want all children to know and to make their own are objective, and exclusive from the influences of personal subjective needs. As a result, we should take such facts into account to assume the beneficial effect of education (to assess the value of the education system).

In conclusion, because the nature of education is to elicit people to develop their own abilities and talents, reasonable an essential emphasis should be laid on individual needs and interests (it is reasonable for the education to emphasize hardly on individual needs and interests). Moreover, we should not overlook the importance of moral education to the development of each person.


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