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[i习作temp] issue50 勇往直前小组 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-7 18:14:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In this issue, the speaker insists that all faculty should be requires to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach to improve educational quality. His suggestion looks like reasonable at first glance, but I consider that his advice is too extreme to including all faculties of the college and university.

First of all, we should define the conception of "the quality of instruction", which is crucial about the issue. I think that the quality of instruction should include two aspects: researching quality and practicing quality, which have different request. Researching quality requires teachers focus on the teaching and researching to create and get professional achievements in professions. Practicing quality requests faculty teach students how to use their knowledge in practicing classes. I consider that in order to discuss the issue well we should analysis the problem from such two aspects.

We all know that there are a lot of professions at the colleges and universities, such as knowledge, maths, computer sciences and engineering science. In researching professions like knowledge, maths and polity, researching quality is more important than praising quality. Faculty of these departments should focus on teaching students professional knowledge, and researching on professional knowledge. For example, famous chemist Mrs. Courier who gets Nobel Prize has spent years to find Ra in laboratory. If we request Mrs. Courier spend time working outside the academic world to promote the quality of education, we might need more time to find Ra. Furthermore, faculty of researching professions should spend more time in working inside the academic world instead of working in professions relevant to the courses they teach.

However, in some practicing professions as computer science or engineering science, faculty should often work outside to contact with the most advanced technology relevant to the courses they teach. Without such efforts, faculty could not teach students the freshest knowledge. If students have not studied this knowledge to get ability to search jobs after they graduate, the quality of instruction will not improve at all. For example, computer science develops very fast every year with students still are taught using old teaching books which have been editor years ago. If teachers only teach students the knowledge providing in books, students will find that they could not solve any problems after they go into society. So faculty of practicing professions should pay more attention to spend more time working outside the academic world relevant to the courses they teach in order to improve the quality of education.

In summary, the speaker's point is too absolute to say that all faculties should be required to work outside the academic world relevant to the courses they teach. Faculty should balance the time they spending inside and outside the academic world in professions. Some faculty in researching professions should improve their researching quality by working inside the academic world such as doing experiments in laboratories. Some other faculty in practicing professions should focus on working outside the academic world to receive the advanced and fresh knowledge and technology to give students abilities to solve actual problems.

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