楼主: alive1986
08FALL ECE/CS offer&AD收集帖 |
不要为明天忧虑,天上的飞鸟,不耕种也不收获,上天尚且要养活它,田野里的百合花,从不忧虑它能不能开花,是不是可以开得和其它一样美,但是它就自然的开花了,开得比所罗门皇冠上的珍珠还美。你呢,忧虑什么呢?人比飞鸟和百合花贵重多了,上帝会弃你不顾吗? |
A bird's pride comes not from the height he soars on,
but from the will and courage to fight storm alone. A bird's glory comes not from the claim of he can fly, but from the proof of he eventually teared the sky. |
回复 #36 wingerwesker 的帖子
不要为明天忧虑,天上的飞鸟,不耕种也不收获,上天尚且要养活它,田野里的百合花,从不忧虑它能不能开花,是不是可以开得和其它一样美,但是它就自然的开花了,开得比所罗门皇冠上的珍珠还美。你呢,忧虑什么呢?人比飞鸟和百合花贵重多了,上帝会弃你不顾吗? |
回复 #38 zhangran555 的帖子
A bird's pride comes not from the height he soars on,
but from the will and courage to fight storm alone. A bird's glory comes not from the claim of he can fly, but from the proof of he eventually teared the sky. |
回复 #42 zhangran555 的帖子
A bird's pride comes not from the height he soars on,
but from the will and courage to fight storm alone. A bird's glory comes not from the claim of he can fly, but from the proof of he eventually teared the sky. |