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[i习作temp] issue7 persistence 小组作业欢迎拍砖 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-3-7 23:10:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE7 - "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."
WORDS: 593          TIME: 00:51:35          DATE: 2008-3-7 22:04:31

The development of the technology is out of our imagination, even by the compact as far as the technology brought us, we can find the great power possessed by the technology. Though now maybe in a few of area, written records is superior to video camera, I still strongly agree with the speaker that the video camera is superior to written records. Since no one can predict what the future can bring us, in my opinion, the trend of the technology indicates us its powerful function and maybe one day in future it can totally concede the written records.
Videos are our friends now. Everyday, we get information with the new technology. Weather report, traffic new and the live report are sending to us in time and in turn the world runs well on its way. Without such apparatus, how long will it take us to get immediate message from books or magazines? During the time the video brings us convince, it also brings us a change of life and hence the structure of our society adapt this change. A tape of past activation is more convincible than the irritation of the witness. It will never bring its subjective opinion into the case while the most evenhanded people can not do that. Of course that does not mean it can fully take the place of the written records and it only stands for accuracy. Someone may argue that the clauses of law are better to be recorded on the paper because they are abstract and hard to record by any kind of video tape. However, even the constitution of the nation are raised the congress and if possible the scene of argument can be recorded by the video the tape can help us to have a deep sight into the original purpose of these clauses. As we know, all of the abstract clauses are from ordinary and the only difference is that the short message contains a myriad of information.
We human beings are a kind of social animals upon which the against claims that our time is stolen by video because the movie and all kinds of advertisement attract our attention and hence less time is left for our family and our friends. Under this assumption, in order to keep our inherent nature the video will be deserted in future and written records is the only choice. Even such opinion sounds weird to us we still take it into serious consideration as it does reasonable to some extent. Before the scrutiny, one phenomenon is obvious in a free country and that is people can never get a unique opinion even in a tiny decision. Since the industry revolution, there are always somebody with the opinion that the new technology brings us nothing but pollution and greater crisis. While after a long time of harsh examination people still can not get the same line. For instance, some people thought the health condition is improved as the technology while other think it is the technology take us into the serious such as cancer. In fact, such kind of problem can never be exactly worked out. From my angle, the video camera can play a more important role in the future while it can not totally replace written records.
To the sum, the reasons are numerous either bolster the author' opinion or against it. However, the fact that more and more time we use video camera in stead of written records is true. It seems there is no sign of decline in such trend.
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