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[i习作temp] Issue212 【challenge yourself小组】第三次作业 by infant~ [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-7-28 15:55:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 464          TIME: 01:10:00          DATE: 2008-7-28 11:04:24

The speaker asserts that any means taken toward a worthy goal is justifiable. It might be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that nearly all improvement and advances in human history were begun with a goal, whether this goal is individual, societal or even international. However, I disagree with the author on the controversial notion of worthy and any.

First consider the term "worthy". Hardly a consistent definition can be reached on this vague notion, let alone sound reasoning founded on this definition. Take the cloning technology as an example. In the technological level, cloning is surely worthy, for its potential availability of solutions toward the most sticky problems, including baby defects, genetic hormone deficiency, heart attack and so forth. Despite of these advantages in technological world, in the anthropological level, cloning would inevitably arouse much hostility and controversy about moral, ethnical and spiritual issues. Thereby whether the money and recourses devoted to cloning is worthy amounts to disagreement between different people. Such disagreement is a typical reflection of the self-contradictory nature of human being. Until a consensus reached by a representative group of people, any following logical reasoning simply amounts to nonsense at best.

Next consider the word "any". "Every road leads to Rome", goes the ancient proverb. But there is surely to be favorable ways that combines maximum availability and minimum side effects. Consider the energy resources. Human beings have been delightfully digging out natural resources without noticing that they are unrenewable. As resource deficit and environmental deterioration gradually pushing us, we finally turn to other renewable and less environmentally harmful alternatives such as solar, wind, water energy. The world might be fraught with poisonous pollutant and toxic radiations were humans driven by desperate need for immediate energy and striving for more fossil energy till depletion. Such irrational mean may sound ridiculous, but this example aptly illustrate my point that not every mean stands to be adopted, and that deep consideration and critical thinking is needed before choosing one mean from quantities of them.

Admittedly, finding possible solutions and answers to the mysteries of nature is the innate instinct of human. And thanks to this repeating process, we are enjoying an ever-improving life in technological, scientific, moral, cultural levels and so forth. The world might still be in darkness were Edison stop trying those seemingly stupid experiment for bulb again and again. Each continent might still be isolated from one another were Columbus scare away by the seemingly impossible voyage to a whole new world. In short, the human history is a history of exploration. Adventurous aims are justifiable with its legal and moral foundation.

To sum up, pursuing a worthy with rational means can be justifiable to some extents. However, never any mean or even goal be taken into practice were it without deep meditation logically and critically.

[ 本帖最后由 infant~ 于 2008-7-27 21:00 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-7-28 17:06:15 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 464          TIME: 01:10:00          DATE: 2008-7-28 11:04:24

The speaker asserts that any means taken toward a worthy goal is justifiable. It might be

tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that nearly all improvement and advances in

human history were begun with a goal, whether this goal is individual, societal or even

international. However, I disagree with the author on the controversial notion of worthy and


First consider the term "worthy". Hardly a consistent definition can be reached on this vague

notion, let alone sound reasoning founded on this definition. Take the cloning technology as

an example. In the technological level, cloning is surely worthy, for its potential

availability of solutions toward the most sticky problems, including baby defects, genetic

hormone deficiency, heart attack and so forth. Despite of these advantages in technological

world, in the anthropological level, cloning would inevitably arouse much hostility and

controversy about moral, ethnical and spiritual issues. (这里没说清楚和worthy的关

Thereby whether the money and recourses devoted to cloning is worthy amounts to

disagreement between different people.(amount to可以这样用?) Such

disagreement is a typical reflection of the self-contradictory nature of human being. Until a

consensus reached by a representative group of people, any following logical reasoning simply

amounts to nonsense at best.
Next consider the word "any". "Every road leads to Rome", goes the ancient proverb. But there

is surely to be favorable ways that combines maximum availability and minimum side effects.

Consider the energy resources. Human beings have been delightfully digging out natural

resources without noticing that they are unrenewable. As resource deficit and environmental

deterioration gradually pushing us, we finally turn to other renewable and less

environmentally harmful alternatives such as solar, wind, water energy. The world might be

fraught with poisonous pollutant and toxic radiations were humans driven by desperate need

for immediate energy and striving for more fossil energy till depletion.(看不懂。。。) Such irrational mean

may sound ridiculous, but this example aptly illustrate my point that not every mean stands

to be adopted, and that deep consideration and critical thinking is needed before choosing

one mean from quantities of them.
Admittedly, finding possible solutions and answers to the mysteries of nature is the innate

instinct of human. And thanks to this repeating process, we are enjoying an ever-improving

life in technological, scientific, moral, cultural levels and so forth. The world might still

be in darkness were Edison stop trying those seemingly stupid experiment for bulb again and

again. Each continent might still be isolated from one another were Columbus scare away by

the seemingly impossible voyage to a whole new world. In short, the human history is a

history of exploration. Adventurous aims are justifiable with its legal and moral foundation.
(哪里说明了justifiable? 而且和又adventurous aims怎么勾搭上了?@.@)
To sum up, pursuing a worthy with rational means can be justifiable to some extents. However,

never any mean or even goal be taken into practice were it without deep meditation logically

and critically.(最后一句太武断了--还有,不要老用虚拟语气看着累死)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-7-28 18:48:04 |只看该作者

有些言不达义 ◎@

worthy any justifiable
然后加上一些其他的问题 东西还是满多的
但是不太好说 不好举例

[ 本帖最后由 qillura 于 2008-7-28 18:49 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-8-1 14:29:50 |只看该作者

The speaker asserts that any means taken toward a worthy goal is justifiable. It might be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that nearly all improvement and advances in human history were begun with a goal, whether this goal is individual, societal or even international. However, I disagree with the author on the controversial notion of worthy and any.

First consider the term "worthy". Hardly a consistent definition can be reached on this vague notion, let alone sound reasoning founded [读起来怪怪的,是不是sound reasoning results founded] on this definition. Take the cloning technology as an example. In the technological level, cloning is surely worthy, for its potential availability of solutions toward the most sticky problems, including baby defects, genetic hormone deficiency, heart attack and so forth. Despite of these advantages in technological world, in the anthropological level, cloning would inevitably arouse much hostility and controversy about [是不是用on比较好] moral, ethnical and spiritual issues. Thereby whether the money and recourses devoted to cloning is worthy amounts to [怎么就觉得用的不对] disagreement between different people. Such disagreement is a typical reflection of the self-contradictory nature of human being. Until a consensus reached by a representative group of people, any following logical reasoning simply amounts to nonsense at best.

Next consider the word "any". "Every road leads to Rome", goes the ancient proverb. But there is surely to be favorable ways that combines maximum availability and minimum side effects. Consider the energy resources. Human beings have been delightfully digging out natural resources without noticing that they are unrenewable. As resource deficit and environmental deterioration gradually pushing us, we finally turn to other renewable and less environmentally harmful alternatives, such as solar, wind, water energy. The world might be fraught with poisonous pollutant and toxic radiations were humans driven by desperate need for immediate energy and striving for more fossil energy till depletion. Such irrational mean may sound ridiculous, but this example aptly illustrate my point that not every mean stands to be adopted, and that deep consideration and critical thinking is needed before choosing one mean from quantities of them.

Admittedly, finding possible solutions and answers to the mysteries of nature is the innate instinct of human. And thanks to this repeating process, we are enjoying an ever-improving life in technological, scientific, moral, cultural levels and so forth. The world might still be in darkness were Edison stop trying those seemingly stupid experiment for bulb again and again. Each continent might still be isolated from one another were Columbus scare away by the seemingly impossible voyage to a whole new world. In short, the human history is a history of exploration. Adventurous aims are justifiable with its legal and moral foundation.

To sum up, pursuing a worthy with rational means can be justifiable to some extents. However, never any mean or even goal be taken into practice were it without deep meditation logically and critically.


[ 本帖最后由 yzl_1988 于 2008-8-1 15:33 编辑 ]

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RE: Issue212 【challenge yourself小组】第三次作业 by infant~ [修改]
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Issue212 【challenge yourself小组】第三次作业 by infant~
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