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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-12-17 21:54:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students?

As an assessment method of whether the students have already learned the knowledge, assigning daily homework is proved to be an simple and efficient way. And also in our years' study, homework was an important part of our school life. Many teachers assign homework to students every day, and it really works helping students to take control of

First of all, daily homework could help student to memory the content what taught on that day. Although our brain is a huge data base that could store millions of information, the daily inputs of the course can not be completely recorded. If you are not try to recollect information, it could be forgot in your head. Therefore, doing homework is a process that promotes and enhances of memory, like a power to carve the sounds or words in your head. Finally, the memories of the daily course would not be erased easily.

Another advantage of daily homework is that the students could timely practise what they've learnt by way of doing homework. There is an old saying that "practice makes perfect", and the importance of the practice is significant. Just listening to how to write a coherent essay or watching the steps how a chair was made don't guarantee that you are capable of utilizing the the skills. Only the students practise for several times in real situation, can he or she actually grip the essence of writing an essay or how a chair comes into the world. Undoutfully, homework is served as a practice.

Furthermore, through homework both students and the teachers could check on your mastery extent of the knowledge. For the students, you get to know where you don't understand or how it is put into action. Then you could ask for help with your weak points. For the teachers, they also realized what is the most difficulty during the whole curriculum, and is going to explain the hard parts in class repeated in order to claim the theory clearly. In this interactive class, both teachers and students are benefit, since the teachers gain a fine teaching result while the students hold a new knowledge or skill.

Although there are so many advantages of daily homework, it should be given either a proper quantity or a appropriate difficulty. Large amount of homeworks or too difficult for students to comprehend are not the right homework.

In a word, daily homeworks assigned by teachers provide the student opportunity to review, practise and check on what they have learnt. And this efficient way offers a great help for students to learn new knowledge.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2008-12-19 00:01:41 |只看该作者
As an assessment method of whether the students have already learned the knowledge (THE knowledge of what? the是特指冠词,如果用了就要给名词上修饰.), assigning daily homework is proved to be an simple and efficient way. And also (and also连用是口语化的说法,正式写作用also就得) in our years' of studying (请避免滥用所有格, 很不地道的), homework was an important part of our school life. Many teachers assign homework to students every day, and it really works in helping students to take control of knowledge.

First of all, daily homework could help student to memorize the content what taught on that day. Although our brain is a huge data base that could store millions of information (不可数名词..), the daily inputs of from the courses cannot be completely recorded. If you are not trying to recollect information, it could be forgotten in your head (既然都忘了怎么能还在脑子里呢?). Therefore, doing homework is a process that promotes and enhances of memory, like a power to carve the sounds or words in your head. Finally Eventually, the memories of the daily courses would not be erased easily. (Yes, but why must it be DAILY? Why not every two days or three days? You need to emphasize that factor in this paragraph.)

Another advantage of daily homework is that the students could timely practise what they've learnt by way of doing homework. There is an old saying that goes "practice makes perfect", and the importance of the practice is significant. Just listening to a lecture about how to write a coherent essay or watching the steps how a chair was made doesn't guarantee that you are capable of utilizing the the skills afterwards?. Only the students who practise for several times in real-life situations, can he or she actually grip the essence of writing an essay or howbringing a chair comes into the world. Undoutfully, homework is served as a practice. (Again, why must it be DAILY? Your example only argues that one must practise what he learns, but there's nothing about why the practice should be done daily.)

Furthermore, through homework both students and the teachers could check on your (Who? 既然你前面用both students and teachers,那这个you就既不是学生也不是老师,那是谁呀..) level of mastery extent of the knowledge. For the students, you (Again, who? 完全不知道你在对谁说话.) get to know where you don't understand (understand what?) or how it (what?) is put into action. Then you could ask for help with your weak points. For the teachers, they also realized what is the most difficulty part during in the whole curriculum is, and is are going to explain the hard parts in class repeated again in order to claim (Wrong word. I think you mean 'clarify'.) the theory clearly. In this interactive class (What is this 'interactive class'? 我们不是在讨论家庭作业吗?), both teachers and students are benefit, since the teachers gain a fine teaching results while the students hold (Wrong word. You may use a simple 'master'.) a new knowledge or skill.

Although there are so many advantages of daily homework, it should be given either in a proper quantity or at an appropriate difficulty. (either..or是满足两个条件中的任意一个即可..所以你的意思是给小学生布置一道大学生级别的题 或者 布置1000道幼儿园的题也都是可以的咯?) Large amount of homeworks (不可数名词)
or homework that's too difficult for students to comprehend are is not the right homework. (请注意主语..amount..is not the right homework? 这个句子可以简单地写成homework that's either too difficult or too much is not appropriate - 这才是用either or的地方.)

In a word, daily homeworks assigned by teachers provide the students an opportunity to review, practise and check on what they have learnt. And this efficient way offers a great help for students to learn new knowledge (这从哪儿跳出来的新论点? 总结段不能再提出新东西了,不然你作文等于写了半天没写完..).


请注意题目的关键字是daily,问题不是问你is homework necessary, 是is daily homework necessary..所以你需要至少在一个论点中强调daily作业的重要,为什么两天或者三天一布置不如每天都有作业。。

词汇方面其实比你感觉的要好很多,倒是应该注意下简单的语法和用法的错误。。比如第三个论点明显写得力不从心。。关于表达方法,花时间在修饰表达上肯定是不值得的,不如多检查这个句子单复数是不是正确,时态是不是正确,单词有没有拼错。碰到不熟悉的题目,安全的做法是在开头一段说明你对题目的理解,明确地告诉读者你认为这个题目是什么意思,然后就你理解的范围提出讨论 - 这样考官只能扣你内容分,不能扣你议论形式分。

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-12-19 23:18:53 |只看该作者
趁考试前再好好消化消化:handshake :)

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RE: 请大家拍文啦:) [修改]
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