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[i习作temp] Issue147 hadow1412【march.aw小组】AW第三次练习 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-2-6 15:00:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
147"Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."
WORD :497
1 很多看似不同之处,但传统和现代并不是不可调和的,there also lie some intrinsic relationship.
2 moreover, 在很大程度上,现代是传统的延伸与发展
3 面对传统与现代的分歧,我们所要做的不是摒弃其中一个,而是寻求对立统一的平衡。两者都有很大的价值,而摒弃则意味着对于人类发展的巨大损失。

The speaker asserts that one should make a selection between tradition and modernization due to incompatible conflict between them. I find this extreme position is invalid in that it fails to see the intrinsic relationship of each other. Moreover, despite that the two have diverges on the surface, we can reach a kind of balance from the unity of opposites and belittle one of them will be a huge loss to human civilization.

To begin with, traditional and modernization, although seems irreconcilable and different, share some internal basis in common--both of them are based on the creation of mankind, a manifestation of human intelligence and diligence. We can find the hints showing their consistence in many aspects, both in arts and science: from literature to pedagogy; from searching natural phenomena to basic scientific research. Form the immortal epic the Iliad to Shakespeare's sonnet, to the modern scientific fiction stories and satires, all of them display an excellent master of language and written abilities as well as acting as a channel to transmit the culture. Also, beginning from Socratis wisdom, modern educational system inherited the principle of cultivating and enlightening our citizens. Moreover, the internal consistency is not only lies in arts, but also perfectly emanates by science exploring. No matter the past sanities as Aristotle or modern scientists such as Steven Hawkin, they both engage in the reading the secrets of nature and explain the laws of nature.

Moreover, modernization is the heritage and extension of tradition in some extents. Taking architecture as an example, however the modern building have change its appearance, becoming so fashion and practical, it also rely on those modest principles of traditional aesthetic. We can see those most glamorous modern buildings reserved the artistic verve of traditional graphics, keeps up with the times and is full of connotations. If we abandon the old doctrine arbitrarily, modernization will like the river without origina mansion lost its foundation, which cannot keep long-term prosperous and wears away rapidly.

Furthermore, faced with the divergent of the two forms, we should rather deference one of them and disparage the other, but seek a balance between appearing contradiction. Both traditional and modern is worth a great value—a landmark of beauty and the collective wisdom of generation. Repelling any of them is a great loss to human civilization. For instance, in some areas, many historical buildings are vanished from our landscape and replaced by those modern skyscrapers. We feel great pity about such barbaric action since once destroyed, those ancient architectures cannot be replaced again. The following generation are not able to learn and appreciate the beauty and fantastic as their grandparents do.

In a sum, tradition and modernization are not as implacable as the speaker asserts, yet they share common intrinsic value. We cannot be deceived by appearing differences but to reach a balance form unity of opposites.

新手上路 希望大家多多批评指正^^

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