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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-23 18:05:48 |只看该作者
On the ground that the video records is more accurate and convincing than written records, the speaker accordingly comes to the conclusion that video recording is more important means of documenting contemporary life than written recording.(相比之下北美句式更加的一气呵成:According to the speaker, the video recording is a more important means of the documenting contemporary life than a written record because video recording are more accurate and convincing.)
Although I agree with the video recording can provide more objective and accurate records of events in spatial respects, other things required recording are far more than what we see and hear. Thus, the speaker overstates the importance
(comparative significance) of the video camera as a means (tool) of recording.

To begin with, (for the purpose of documenting temporal, spatial events and experiences,) I agree with the fact the video documentation can render the events or experience more accurate and convincing on the spatial and temporal records. For instance, it is impossible for anyone to describe the details (recount in complete and objective detail) of the events such as the winning attack (touchdown) at the Super Bowl, a Ballanchine ballet, the tournament of Rose Parade, or the scene at the intersection of Florence and Normandy streets during the 1992 Los Angeles, no matter how outstanding (keen) observer or journalist you are. However, these things are the most important events in our contemporary life, which may be put in our history (time capsule) for the purpose of capturing our life and time in the brink of (at the turn of) this millennium.

Furthermore, the function (the growing role) of the video camera is not limited only in recording the significant (seminal) issues. For example, Video surveillance cameras are objective witnesses with the prefect memories, thereby they can assume a role as an indispensable (evidentiary) proof (role) in the legal proceedings, such as those involving robbery, drug trafficking, police misconduct, motor vehicle violations, and even in the unbecoming (malpractice) operations in the hospital. Indeed, whenever motoring pictures are vital (central) in recording the events, the video camera can be better (superior) than the written words. A written documentation about the hurricane, tornado, or volcanic eruption cannot present (convey) an immediate and powerful nature like the video documentations. Moreover, a diary cannot also replace the video cameras to record (replay) the wedding reception, dance recital, or surprise birthday party objectively and accurately, and a real-estate brochure cannot reveal (inform) the real condition about the structure concerned the light, spaciousness, or general atmosphere (ambiance) of its surroundings as effectively as a video camera.

Nonetheless, on the other hand (for certain other purpose), the written documentations can present its advantages at certain aspects, for example, some legal affairs should be relegated into written forms, a video (is of no practical use) cannot be used in the case of a complex contractual agreement, an incorporation, or the establishment of a trust. What is more, when it comes to recording on the ideology, feelings (impression), response (reflections) to some matters, a video cannot be as useful as a written documentation. Indeed, to some extent the personal interpretation can enrich (add dimension and richness to the record) the documentations, thus the written records is more important than video records.

Finally, the video documentation is of no use on addressing the statistics and other quantitative information. Considering the foregoing examples (returning to the not example mentioned above), imagine that documentations are used to record the financial loss of the shops and the numbers of the police and firemen (firefighters), and so forth, it requires video camera at every street corner and every aisle of stores.

In one word, at least to some extent, the speaker overstates the importance of the video records. When it used in capturing the photos, saving and recalling the temporal and spatial events, the video records has their inherent merits such as objective, accurate, complete characteristics. However, through the video documentation can we only see one aspects of the world, written documentation are more needed to quantify, illustrate(demystify), and provide meaning to the world around us.

Spatial 表空间的 (记得用啊,特别实在描述角度方面)
Temporal 表时间的 (和上面的对应)
Significance 在表重要性时,不要老是用那个importance了!
Recount 表描述,不要老是用describe了!
Touchdown 表示得分点,或者比赛中的致命一击等
Keen 表优秀的意思,(和outstanding 差不多)
Time capsule 表达史诗的意思!
Growing 也是有增长的意思, 不错的词汇啊,真正的小词巧用
Seminal 有重要,重大的意思,记得用啊!
Evidentiary evident的形容词,不错啊!
Involve 学会这个词的用法,算一个万能词汇了
Superior 别老是用better
Malpractice 不法行为,(misdeed 差不多)
Convey 是有表达的意思的,记得用啊!
Inform 也是有reveal等表现的意思的!
Ambiance 表气氛,氛围 (别老是用atmosphere了)
For certain other purpose (感觉有on the other hand 的意思啊)
Be of+ adj 换一种形式吧!
Add dimension and richness to (表是增加深度的意思,很不错的啊!)
Quantitative 表数量上的,很不错的哦
Return 看是简单,但在文章的构架上是很有用的
Demystify 有澄清的意思,记得用啊!
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-23 18:07:32 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-23 18:08:01 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 QQ联合登录 备考先锋 AW活动特殊奖 AW作文修改奖 IBT Smart Virgo处女座 US Applicant Sub luck

发表于 2009-3-23 18:11:29 |只看该作者
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
justdoit! + 2 辛苦了

总评分: 声望 + 2   查看全部投币

平生太湖上,短棹几经过,于今重到何事? 愁比水云多。拟把匣中长剑,换取扁舟一叶,归去老渔蓑。银艾非吾事,丘壑已蹉跎。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-23 23:16:01 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-24 17:59:08 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts (contend) the point that all the discoveries and progress are achieved through mistakes. I strongly agree with the speaker's assertion (contention) for two reasons. First, it accords to (with) our own (personal) experience; secondly, (history informs us that) continual correcting countless mistakes provides the foundation of the new discovery and actual progress through the history among all the human's endeavor on the social (societal) level.(北美句式:history informs us that on a societal level trial and error provides the very foundation for discovery and progress, in all realms of human endeavor.)

To begin with, the argument agrees (accord) with our daily (everyday) life (as humans) from childhood from to (through) the adulthood. When we are (As) infants, we learn walking by falling down again and again. (北美句式:As adolescents we discover our social niche, and develop self-confidence and assertiveness, only by way of the sorts of awkward social encounters that are part-and-parcel of adolescence. (又是一句北美: Through failed relationships not only do we discover who we are and are not compatible with, we also discover ourselves in the progress.) When we grow into the adolescent step that accounts for the seminal part of our young life, a variety of social frustrations help us to discover our own society, and develop our confidence, via failing in the relationship can we not understand those who we can befriend with or not and discover who we are. Moreover, most of us find our career path which suits us through that do not.

This same principle also can suit (apply on) the social level. Consider, for example, how we attain the achievement on our science knowledge, our science method is essentially required (a call for) trial and error to achieve progress. Any new theory must be testified by the empirical observation, and also must stand (withstand) the rigorous scientific scrutiny. And the theoretical science can regarded as a history about trial and error essentially. A apt example that can illustrate this point involves the two relative (contrary) physics theories: wave theory and quantum theory. During the last quarter of the centuries, the scientists have been struggling to disprove one or the other, or to combine (reconcile) them. As a result (As it turns out) a new discovery on string shows that neither of them is right to some extent, (北美一下:show that the quantum and wave theories are mistakes in the sense that each one is inadequate to explain the behavior of all the matters) and neither can illustrate the nature of the subjects. However, in terms of the development of physic or the new theory, the so-called "errors" are indispensable.

Furthermore, the value of trial and error is not limited to the realm of science. In the field of authority and politic, the accomplishment usually comes from the dissension and challenge, that is the time when people point out the problems of the authority. In fact, the political oppression and tyranny would go unchecked without challenging (the mistaken notions) the purpose of established institutions. Similarly, jurists and legislators who uphold and defend the legal precedent must face the continual opposition from those who question the fairness and relevance of the current laws. This ongoing challenge is critical to the vitality and relevance of our legal system.

In sum, the speaker correctly asserts that discovery and progress are made through trial and error. Indeed, our personal growth and the progress of the society, government, and law depend on various mistakes.

Contend 表声称,(第一次见到,还有assertclaimsuggest recommendindicate。。。)
Accord with 特别要注意accord 后面跟着的是什么养的介词啊!!
Personal 有时可以代替own
As 可以来代替when引导的时间状语从句
Niche 表小社会,小团体
Assertiveness 常和self-confidence 一起用表示自信的意思!
Part-and-parcel 表是重要的组成部分!
Compatible befriend 的意思差不多
Apply on 表示适用于!
Trial and error表不断犯错的意思!
Withstand 有经受的意思,很不错的词,记着用啊!
Rigorous 表严厉的,严格的!
Contrary 还有相对的意思,不仅仅用在 on the contrary 上啊!
Disprove 反驳,关键还是用会适时的使用啊!
Reconcile 表使一致,是调和的意思!
As it turns out 不要仅仅只会用 as a result!
Inadequate 表不够的,最好的用词了!
Dissension 表分歧,意见的意思!
Tyranny 表暴政的意思,很好的用看来表达政府的状态的词!
Go unchecked 表肆意的,很好的表状态的词组!
Vitality 有生命力的意思,很不错的词汇!
Uphold 表是支持的意思了!很不错啊!
Continual 不断的,表这个意思的形容词好像不太多啊。。。
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-24 18:00:20 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-24 18:00:37 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-25 18:25:01 |只看该作者
Dose knowledge render matters more comprehensible or more complex and more mysterious? In my opinion, the acquisition of knowledge can bring about the three results, which can be illustrated by various scientific (advance) development(北美句式:this paradoxical result is aptly explained and illustrated by a number of advances in our scientific knowledge).

To begin with, we can take the apt example involves the sonar system of the blind bats into consideration, which can help bats to navigate and seek prey. Our researchers have discovered (this system is startlingly sophisticated) its complexity. By emitting audible sounds and (then)absorb its response (processing the returning echoes), the bats can not only determine the distance from the prey, but also acquire the information about the moving direction, speed, size, and even species. However, we can further to interpret how the bats navigate and live through acquisition of this kind of knowledge. At the same time, this knowledge also points out the (incredible) complexity of function of brain and auditory of certain animals, even of humans, and create mystery and wonder how the system could evolve organically.

Or consider our knowledge on our universe. The achievement (advance) in telescope and space-exploration technology seems to prove (corroborate) the "big bang" theory, (the theory of a continually expanding universe that began at the very beginning of time with a “big bang”) which can be described as the continually expanding universe, at the beginning of the time. To some extent (on one level), this knowledge, supposing (assuming qualifies such as) it can be regarded as knowledge, helps us understand (comprehend) our location in universe and final (ultimate) destiny. On the other hand, (it adds yet another chapter to the mystery about) what material existed before the time and universe becomes another question.

Furthermore, consider the realm of atomic physics, since the naked eyes only can see (perceive) the few aspects of the matters, as our ancestors, their material world presents (appear) so simple, which seems to be the fact that we can understand all things only by (means of) our sight and touch. Nonetheless, through (by way of) the scientific knowledge, we acquire the fact that it is atoms that consist of things, while the atoms are comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Then we discovered even more basic unit of matter called quark. And now a new theory called "string" points out (posits) a more fundamental and universal material unit existence. On one hand, this discovery renders the matters more feasible to be understood via explaining and reconciling the empirical observations of how matter behaves. And the "string" theory also reconciles the disparity (discrepancy) between the quantum and wave theories of physics. On the other hand, any discovery can contribute to (in turn revealed) the matter more complex than ever before. In fact, the "string" theory, which is well-rounded on theory (theoretically sound), brings about seven other dimensions besides our known three. I cannot imagine more complex and mysterious than it.

In sum, the speaker's assertion overlooks the paradox about the acquisition of knowledge, at least, when it comes to the material world. We should realize the complex and mysterious respect of the matters when we render it comprehensible.

Advance (一般多用于替换 achievementdevelopment。。。)
Paradoxical (矛盾的,很不错的词汇,特别是用在平衡观点上!)
Seek prey 捕猎(硬是没翻译出来啊!)
Startling (表程度的不错词汇)同incredible
Corroborate 表证明,同prove
On one level 表在某种程度, to some extent
Qualify as 表有什么资格
Assuming 表假设,记得用啊!
Comprehend (表理解,不要再用那个什么understand了!!)
Add other chapter to contribute to 的意思!
Perceive 表感觉,体会的意思,记得用啊!
Appear(和seem presentrender一样,是表 状态的好词!)
By way of
by means of (

Posit (表提出, 很不错的词!)
Discrepancy (和disparity distinctive,等同意)
In turn 一定要学会这个短语,非常好的!)
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 QQ联合登录 备考先锋 AW活动特殊奖 AW作文修改奖 IBT Smart Virgo处女座 US Applicant Sub luck

发表于 2009-3-25 19:39:00 |只看该作者
Diminish (表减小的,带有负面的感觉)表示负面的意思的词比较多吧,常用的就是negative,detrimental,pessimistic.
Demean tarnish slander,这三个词在很大程度上都是可以互用的!注意语境使用!老实说,我觉得I里面别出现这种词比较好,除非是举例子

Vindicate (表澄清的意思,不要再用explain 了!)explain没有澄清的意思吧,它和interpret是一个意思。澄清可以用declare validity或者make...clear.
Would-be (表潜在的意思,和potential implicit 区别!)除了potential, capability, hidden faculty, aptitude也可以表示“潜能”的意思
Profit-seeking (表谋利的, 很好的一个合成形容词!)红宝词:mercenary,记法就是mercy(慈悲)+e+nary(连...也没有)~
Sanction (表认可,动词比accept好多了!)这是个红宝词~,同样意思的还有ratify和validate
For better or worse(不分好坏的意思,很不错的!)
Ample (表丰富的意思,特别地,用在exampleevidenceproof上)不用特别的,这个词哪儿都能用,比如:ample inspiration
Presumption (表假设,如supposition hypothesis
Be guilty of (表有错,有罪,很不错的短语啊,记得!)记得估计也几乎用不到,你很难凑出同样的语境来,我们记得be responsible for 就足够了
Misdeed ,peccadillo(表错事,过失等,记!)
Demographic 人口统计学,好学术的形容词啊,不错不错!
Vast majority of 很不错的表多数的词组!) predominant
Mainstream (表主流, 不要老用那个popular了!)
Critical-thinking skill ( 很不错的热点名词!) insightful and penetrating / critical and substantive
Render (表处于某种状态!)
Fallout (可以表辐射,进一步表影响的意思!)
regardless of (不管,无论如何,不要老是用那个什么no matter 什么的!)ignore / neglect / overlook
Rag sheet (特别注意其隐含的意思,特指负面性的文章吧)
Damage rewards (赔偿金,不错,记得哦)compensation
Expunge from (忘却,不错的动词短语)
Perception (感知,看法, 观念)perspective
As long as (注意其中体现出来的逻辑关系啊, 不能只会用那个as long as we know 啊!) Man errs as long as he strives(By Goethe)
Cynosure (表达攻击目标, 不错的名词)
(表示基础,或底座等时的不错名词!) fundamention / basis

Consolation (表安慰的意思!)soothe,红宝词
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
justdoit! + 2 3x!!!!

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平生太湖上,短棹几经过,于今重到何事? 愁比水云多。拟把匣中长剑,换取扁舟一叶,归去老渔蓑。银艾非吾事,丘壑已蹉跎。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-26 22:32:11 |只看该作者
Has creating an appealing image become more important in our contemporary society than the reality or truth behind the image? I agree with this image has become a central concern, at least in short-term business or political success (where short-term business and political success is at stake). However, from a long-term angle, I think that the image ultimately give way to (yield to) the reality and truth.

In the realm of business, the importance of the image is clearly evident.(北美句式:the important role of image is particularly evident in the business world, consider, for example)
For example, in our modern automobile industry, American cars are coming to essentially
identical to competing Japanese in almost every mechanical, structural, and price respect (as well as in price). Thereby, in order to enhance the capability of competition automobile company must render its products distinguish (differentiate) from others through the image advertising, which can actually add the exceptional value to the cars, by conjuring up certain illusory merits, such as machismo, status, sensibility. Moreover, the trend about (increasing focus on image) paying attention to the image is also becoming clearer (evident) in our book-published industry, in which the publishers are relying on its power of their brand instead of the content of the books. Today, the best-sellers would be replaced (supplanted) by others that are identical in essence except the new image, the new title, and other promoting (promotional) angle. In fact, I find (quite telling the fact) more and more publishers are being acquired by large media company. And the increasing importance of image is also serious in the music world where the creativity (originality), art illustration (artistic interpretation), and technical skills (proficiency) almost entirely yield to the sex appeal.

The growing significance of the image is also evident in the realm of politic, particularly when it comes to the president (presidential) politics. Admittedly, (北美句式:by the very nature politicking has always emphasized rhetoric and appearances above substance and fact) in essence, the political issues are always more concerned with the image rather than the substance and fact. Nonetheless, now that the emergence of the camera, our presidents pay more attention to their image, for example, Teddy Roosevelt was very careful addressing the tennis clothes (outfit) so as to ensure that he was not taken photos by the camera, due to worrying about ( for fear that )the pictures that may potentially damage (undermine) his rough-rider image that helped he to win the only one president terms. Furthermore, with the development (advent) of televisions, the images of the presidents are becoming more important, after all, it was the televisions that elected J.EK. over Nixon. And in our epoch of the television, the presidents who only have two chances (two-term) to achieve the position are elected based (largely) on their image. Hence (query whether) we could not know the results if the handsome leader Reagan, or the suave and politically correct Clinton competed with presidents Lincoln, Taft, or even ED.R., since Lincoln was homely, Taft was obese, and ED.R. was crippled.

In the long run, the importance of the image will be declined (wane). Ascribed to the fact that smoking is unhealthy, the image of the Marlboro must be ultimately give way to the truth about the hazards of the smoking. And the creation of the popular music cannot last long if it does not involve the musical creativity. The people who always buy (frequently yard) the second-hand goods know that the today's best-sellers will become tomorrow's pulp. Even in the political field, I think history (has a knack for peering away ) has the ability to pick out the image and attach importance to the real achievements. For instance, the ED.R. can be written in history is attributed to his accomplishments such as building the Panama Canal and establishing the National Park System rather than his poor wardrobe.

IN the final analysis, the image seems to be the central point at the endeavors to gain success depending to some degree on persuasion, marketing, or salesmanship. Owing to the fact that our life is becoming busier, our attentions are less paid to some certain matters, yet we have more options to choose about our products and service. For better or worse, I anticipate this trend will (continue unabated) last forever(北美句式:And our life become busier, our attention spans briefer, and our choice among products and service greater).

Yield to 屈服,不要老是give way to
Evident 有表明显的意思,是一个很不错的词,比clearobvious
Identical 不要老是用same
Conjure up 只可意会的词组。。。
Supplant 代替 不要老是 replace
Telling 有有效的意思,很不错哦!
For fear that 表害怕接从句,很不错的
Originality 表原创性,creativity 好像不能很好的表达这个意思
Substance 表实质 essence 相同吧!
Largely 表大体地 这个意思得记得用啊!!
Query whether 表疑问举得开头,很不错啊
Wane 表减少,用主动语态,小词汇,记得啊
Knack 可表本领,才能,
Peer away 剔除,很好的短语,别老是用pick out
Unabated 不减的,有last 的意思

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saavedro + 8 + 3 我很赞同

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-3-26 22:55:46 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-3-27 00:54:48 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-27 22:22:23 |只看该作者
The speaker claims that since contemporary world is so new and complex that the past provides little guidance for living in the present. I agree with the assertion insofar as history cannot offer (foolproof) the panaceas for us in our daily life. However, I disagree with the speaker's view (北美句式:today’s world is so unique that the past is irrelevant) that today's special world has nothing to do with the past. Here is an apt example involves the way to dealing with the social pressing problems can illustrate my opinion(比较一下:One good example that support my dual position(!) is the way society has dealt with its pressing social problems over time).

Admittedly, history can be conducive to (learn the appropriateness of addressing certain social issues) coping with the social problems on societal level, especially in the property of the morality. For example, our authority are always attempting to legislate morality,(北美简洁明了:attempt to legislate morality invariably fail) which invariably fail all the time, such as the Prohibition in 1930s and failed federal legislation to regulate access to the adult-material through the Internet. Nonetheless, we are slowly learning this lesson, recent trend toward the marijuana for medication and recognition of the equal rights for the same sex partners both demonstrate.

However, the only firm lesson from history about social problems (ills) is that they (are here to stay) continue unabated forever. Just as the crime and violence, for example, they almost trouble each society, although any type (all manner) of reform, prevention, and punishment has been used. In today's world, the social trend seems to be away from reform toward " tough-on-crime" approach. Query whether the history tells us this method is the most effective to deal with the crime. No, (rather) this trend only reveals our current mores, attitudes, political climate.

Another example (involves how we deal with the mentally-ill segment of the population) has to do with the method we exert to deal with the mental-ill patients. The history tells us the fact none of the quarantine, treatment, and accommodation can solves this problem, each approach has its own demerit (comes with its own trade-offs) which cannot be overlooked. Moreover, despite the civil-rights efforts of the Martin Luther King and his progenies, (这句话给翻漏了)undermining the assertion that history helps us to solve the social problems is that the disparity of the culture the culture gapbetween African American and the American White presents to be more and more severe (seem to be widening), and the racial prejudice is a timeless phenomenon.

In sum, I agree with the history can actually has the value in the case of how to live together as a society, for example, it can (help us appreciate the futility of legislating morality) render us understanding the fact that the legislation on morality is useless. However, the historical essential social lesson appears to be today's social problems are as old as society itself, and that there are no panaceas for solving these problems, just adoptalternate other ways of coping with them.

Insofar as 一个很不错的表递进关系的词组!
Foolproof 表万无一失的,肯定正确的,不错的程度词汇!
Dual position 表双重立场,在平衡观点中是一个好词!
Legislate 表立法的意思,记得!

Trend toward 用与表一种趋向, 特别要注意toward 的使用方法!
Recognition 表认出,承认等意思,可在某种程度上用作万能词汇!
Ill problem的意思, 有时还可以用issue 代替!
Manner 也是有方法的意思的! 不要老是用method way 了!
Trade-off 表代价的意思,记得使用!
The culture gap 表文化代沟的意思,不要译成the disparity of culture了!
Futility 表无用的意思, 是一个非常好的词汇!
Appreciate 还有体会的意思,这个不能忘了!
Alternate 有选择使用的意思,是一个很好的adopt 词汇(具有比较性)
Quarantine 表隔离的意思,记住吧!
Timeless 表永无止境的意思,很好的状态词汇!
To be away …from…很好的表示变化的短语!
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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-3-28 22:46:30 |只看该作者
The speaker claims that the (wherever) political, utilitarian need for new structures should be taken precedence over the preservation of the historic buildings as a record of our past. Nonetheless, in my opinion, which interest should be take precedence should be determined on a case-by-case basis, and should not only (account for) take the practical and historic consideration, but also aesthetic factors.

When (in) determining whether to pull down (raze) older buildings, the planners should think over the contemporary (current) and anticipated practical (utilitarian) needs. For example, as an additional hospital to serve the health-care needs in certain fast-growing community, the necessity of the hospital (might very well) outweigh any interest in preserving the historical buildings that sites on the proposed site. Or the interest in an additional car park which may maintain the economic survival needs of a city's downtown district may take precedence over the historical value of the old buildings (that stands in the way of the car park). On the other hand, for instance, if the need is largely for more office room, on some occasion, the appropriate add-on or linking to other old buildings may have also achieved the same effect(as well as) as pulling down the old buildings to make room for the new one. Of course, the expensive retrofits might not be worthwhile, if these retrofits cannot meet the needs in any case.

It is the interest in preserving the historical records that is competing the community's utilitarian need, and its importance (weight of this interest) also should depend on the facts. Perhaps, an old buildings may represent the past (bygone) era uniquely, assumed an important role as an authority department (municipal structure) in the history of this city, served as the home of some founding people in the certain realm and the significant historical figures, or the locations of the famous historical events. Any of those situations (at the expense of) all can contribute to sacrificing the interest in the utilitarian community's needs, which can be considered justified. On the other hand, if there are several old buildings can identically represent the same historical time, in other words, if the historical value is not very distinguishing (unremarkable), then the its historical value may pale in the value of the compelling practical needs for a new buildings.

There are also other factors, such as the aesthetic, architectural value, competing with the practical community's practical needs besides (apart from) the historical value. A building might be one of only a few that represents a certain architectural style, or it is especially beautiful due to its architectural technology and materials used (employed) in its structure, which may (be cost-prohibitive) cost so much to replicate. Moreover, it can also damage its aesthetic and historical value just through altering its appearance and architecture integrity. Of course, it is very difficult to quantify the aesthetic value and weigh against the utilitarian considerations. Yet, the planners should strive to account for aesthetic value.

In sum, whether to pull down the old buildings for a new one should not be determined indiscriminately. Instead, the planners should weigh the community's practical needs between the aesthetic value on case-by-case basis.

Precedence 表优先权,是一个很不错的单词啊!
Case-by-case 表平衡观点时和basis连用!
Raze 摧毁( destroy pull down 好啊)
Current (和contemporary 一样, 记着用啊!)
Serve 是一个很好的万能词汇记得活用之!
Weight 在某种程度上和importance一样可以表重要性的意思!
Proposed 被提议的, 一个很不错的意思啊,可以给人一种前后对应的关系!
Worthwhile 记得用吧! 值得的。。。
Bygone 我的第一次。。。看到这么一个词。。。
Figure 很好的一个名词, 表数字或人都是很不错的
Unremarkable 不显著的,
Employ 可以表示应用的意思,相当的不错啊!(不要老是要use了!)
Apart from (不要老是besides了)
Cost-prohibitive 表示成本极高的,不可行的
Strive to 表示努力做某事, 很不错的啊!
Replicate 表复制,不错的动词,可总是想不起来用啊!
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