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[资料分享] 【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(12)Conciseness [复制链接]

Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16


Sagittarius射手座 AW活动特殊奖 AW作文修改奖 IBT Elegance 挑战ETS奖章 US Advisor US Assistant 荣誉版主

发表于 2009-4-9 21:15:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 草木也知愁 于 2009-4-9 21:18 编辑


但是没有任何意义得拽文除了弄得自己的文章不伦不类 是没有其余效果的

这次这个 就是专门针对那些无病呻吟一般得拽文的一个要点—— Conciseness: Methods of Eliminating Wordiness






Conciseness: Methods of Eliminating Wordiness

1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers

Writers sometimes clog up their prose with one or more extra words or phrases that seem to determine narrowly or to modify the meaning of a noun but don't actually add to the meaning of the sentence. Although such words and phrases can be meaningful in the appropriate context, they are often used as "filler" and can easily be eliminated.


Any particular type of dessert is fine with me.

Balancing the budget by Friday is an impossibility without some kind of extra help.

More Concise

Any dessert is fine with me.

Balancing the budget by Friday is impossible without extra help.

Here's a list of some words and phrases that can often be pruned away to make sentences clearer:

kind of
sort of
type of
for all intents and purposes



For all intents and purposes, American industrial productivity generally depends on certain factors that are really more psychological in kind than of any given technological aspect.

More Concise

American industrial productivity depends more on psychological than on technological factors.

2. Change phrases into single words

Using phrases to convey meaning that could be presented in a single word contributes to wordiness. Convert phrases into single words when possible.


The employee with ambition...

The department showing the best performance...

Jeff Converse, our chief of consulting, suggested at our last board meeting the installation of microfilm equipment in the department of data processing.

As you carefully read what you have written to improve your wording and catch small errors of spelling, punctuation, and so on, the thing to do before you do anything else is to try to see where a series of words expressing action could replace the ideas found in nouns rather than verbs.

More Concise

The ambitious employee...

The best-performing department...

At our last board meeting, Chief Consultant Jeff Converse suggested that we install microfilm equipment in the data processing department.

As you edit, first find nominalizations that you can replace with verb phrases.

3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases

Using a clause to convey meaning that could be presented in a phrase or even a word contributes to wordiness. Convert modifying clauses into phrases or single words when possible.


The report, which was released recently...

All applicants who are interested in the job must...

The system that is most efficient and accurate...

More Concise

The recently released report...

All job applicants must...

The most efficient and accurate system...

4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences

Expletives are phrases of the form it + be-verb or there + be-verb. Such expressions can be rhetorically effective for emphasis in some situations, but overuse or unnecessary use of expletive constructions creates wordy prose. Take the following example: "It is imperative that we find a solution." The same meaning could be expressed with this more succinct wording: "We must find a solution." But using the expletive construction allows the writer to emphasize the urgency of the situation by placing the word imperative near the beginning of the sentence, so the version with the expletive may be preferable. Still, you should generally avoid excessive or unnecessary use of expletives. The most common kind of unnecessary expletive construction involves an expletive followed by a noun and a relative clause beginning with that, which, or who. In most cases, you can create a more concise sentence by eliminating the expletive opening, making the noun the subject of the sentence, and eliminating the relative pronoun.


It is the governor who signs or vetoes bills.

There are four rules that should be observed: ...

There was a big explosion, which shook the windows, and people ran into the street.

More Concise

The governor signs or vetoes bills.

Four rules should be observed:...

A big explosion shook the windows, and people ran into the street.

5. Use active rather than passive verbs

See our document on active and passive voice for a more thorough explanation of this topic.


An account was opened by Mrs. Simms.

Your figures were checked by the research department.

More Concise

Mrs. Simms opened an account.

The research department checked your figures.

6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs

Use verbs when possible rather than noun forms known as nominalizations. Sentences with many nominalizations usually have forms of be as the main verbs. Using the action verbs disguised in nominalizations as the main verbs--instead of forms of be--can help to create engaging rather than dull prose.


The function of this department is the collection of accounts.

The current focus of the medical profession is disease prevention.

More Concise

This department collects accounts.

The medical profession currently focuses on disease prevention.

7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases

Some infinitive phrases can be converted into finite verbs or brief noun phrases. Making such changes also often results in the replacement of a be-verb with an action verb.


The duty of a clerk is to check all incoming mail and to record it.

A shortage of tellers at our branch office on Friday and Saturday during rush hours has caused customers to become dissatisfied with service.

More Concise

A clerk checks and records all incoming mail.

A teller shortage at our branch office on Friday and Saturday during rush hours has caused customer dissatisfaction.

8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions

Circumlocutions are commonly used roundabout expressions that take several words to say what could be said more succinctly. We often overlook them because many such expressions are habitual figures of speech. In writing, though, they should be avoided since they add extra words without extra meaning. Of course, occasionally you may for rhetorical effect decide to use, say, an expletive construction instead of a more succinct expression. These guidelines should be taken as general recommendations, not absolute rules.


At this/that point in time...

In accordance with your request...

More Concise


As you requested...

Here are some other common circumlocutions that can be compressed into just one word:

the reason for
for the reason that
owing/due to the fact that
in light of the fact that
considering the fact that
on the grounds that
this is why

=because, since, why

on the occasion of
in a situation in which
under circumstances in which


as regards
in reference to
with regard to
concerning the matter of
where ________ is concerned


it is crucial that
it is necessary that
there is a need/necessity for
it is important that
cannot be avoided


=must, should

is able to
has the opportunity to
has the capacity for
has the ability to


it is possible that
there is a chance that
it could happen that
the possibility exists for

=may, might, could


It is possible that nothing will come of these preparations.

She has the ability to influence the outcome.

It is necessary that we take a stand on this pressing issue.

More Concise

Nothing may come of these preparations.

She can influence the outcome

We must take a stand on this pressing issue.

9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail

Be sure always to consider your readers as you draft and revise your writing. If you find passages that explain or describe in detail what would already be obvious to readers, delete or reword them.


I received your inquiry yesterday. Yes, we do have...

It goes without saying that we are acquainted with your policy on filing tax returns, and we have every intention of complying with the regulations that you have mentioned.

Imagine a mental picture of someone engaged in the intellectual activity of trying to learn what the rules are for how to play the game of chess.

Baseball, one of our oldest and most popular outdoor summer sports in terms of total attendance at ball parks and viewing on television, has the kind of rhythm of play on the field that alternates between times when players passively wait with no action taking place between the pitches to the batter and then times when they explode into action as the batter hits a pitched ball to one of the players and the player fields it.

More Concise

Yes, we do have...

We intend to comply with the tax-return regulations that you have mentioned.

Imagine someone trying to learn the rules of chess.

Baseball has a rhythm that alternates between waiting and explosive action.

10. Omit repetitive wording

Watch for phrases or longer passages in your writing in which you repeat words with similar meanings. Below are some general examples of unnecessary repetition contrasted with more concise versions, followed by lists and examples of specific redundant word pairs and categories.


I would appreciate it if you would bring to the attention of your drafting officers the administrator's dislike of long sentences and paragraphs in messages to the field and in other items drafted for her signature or approval, as well as in all correspondence, reports, and studies. Please encourage your section to keep their sentences short.

The supply manager considered the correcting typewriter an unneeded luxury.

Our branch office currently employs five tellers. These tellers do an excellent job Monday through Thursday but cannot keep up with the rush on Friday and Saturday.

More Concise

Please encourage your drafting officers to keep sentences and paragraphs in letters, reports, and studies short. Dr. Lomas, the administrator, has mentioned that reports and memos drafted for her approval recently have been wordy and thus time-consuming.

The supply manager considered the correcting typewriter a luxury.

Our branch office currently employs five tellers, who do an excellent job Monday through Thursday but cannot keep up with Friday and Saturday rush periods.

Redundant Pairs

Many pairs of words imply each other. Finish implies complete, so the phrase completely finish is redundant in most cases. So are many other pairs of words:

past memories
various differences
each individual _______
basic fundamentals
true facts
important essentials
future plans

terrible tragedy
end result
final outcome
free gift
past history
unexpected surprise
sudden crisis

A related expression that's not redundant as much as it is illogical is very unique. Since unique means "one of a kind," adding modifiers of degree such as very, so, especially, somewhat, extremely, and so on is illogical. One-of-a-kind-ness has no gradations; something is either unique or it is not.


Before the travel agent was completely able to finish explaining the various differences among all of the many very unique vacation packages his travel agency was offering, the customer changed her future plans.

More Concise

Before the travel agent finished explaining the differences among the unique vacation packages his travel agency was offering, the customer changed her plans.

Redundant Categories

Specific words imply their general categories, so we usually don't have to state both. We know that a period is a segment of time, that pink is a color, that shiny is an appearance. In each of the following phrases, the general category term can be dropped, leaving just the specific descriptive word:

large in size
often times
of a bright color
heavy in weight
period in time
round in shape
at an early time
economics field

of cheap quality
honest in character
of an uncertain condition
in a confused state
unusual in nature
extreme in degree
of a strange type


During that time period, many car buyers preferred cars that were pink in color and shiny in appearance.

The microscope revealed a group of organisms that were round in shape and peculiar in nature.

More Concise

During that period, many car buyers preferred pink, shiny cars.

The microscope revealed a group of peculiar, round organisms.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2009-4-9 21:19:35 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16


Sagittarius射手座 AW活动特殊奖 AW作文修改奖 IBT Elegance 挑战ETS奖章 US Advisor US Assistant 荣誉版主

发表于 2009-4-9 21:22:29 |只看该作者

这次这个可是教你怎么把文章写紧凑 不赘余的

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2009-4-9 21:35:24 |只看该作者
3# 草木也知愁

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 AW活动特殊奖

发表于 2009-4-21 23:21:42 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 米饭袜子 于 2009-4-21 23:29 编辑

1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers
Writers sometimes clog up their prose with one or more extra words or phrases that seem to determine narrowly or to modify the meaning of a noun but don't actually add to the meaning of the sentence. Although such words and phrases can be meaningful in the appropriate context, they are often used as "filler" and can easily be eliminated.
Any particular type of dessert is fine with me.
Balancing the budget by Friday is an impossibility without some kind of extra help.
More Concise
Any dessert is fine with me.
Balancing the budget by Friday is impossible without extra help.

Here's a list of some words and phrases that can often be pruned away to make sentences clearer:

kind of
sort of
type of
for all intents and purposes


For all intents and purposes, American industrial productivity generally depends on certain factors that are really more psychological in kind than of any given technological aspect.
More Concise
American industrial productivity depends more on psychological than on technological factors.

2. Change phrases into single words
Using phrases to convey meaning that could be presented in a single word contributes to wordiness. Convert phrases into single words when possible.
The employee with ambition...
The department showing the best performance...
Jeff Converse, our chief of consulting, suggested at our last board meeting the installation of microfilm equipment in the department of data processing.
As you
carefully read what you have written to improve your wording and catch small errors of spelling, punctuation, and so on=edit, the thing to do before you do anything else=first…
is to try to see where a series of words expressing action could replace the ideas found in nouns= nominalizations rather than verbs.

More Concise
The ambitious employee...
The best-performing department...
At our last board meeting, Chief Consultant Jeff Converse suggested that we install microfilm equipment in the data processing department.
As you edit, first find nominalizations that you can replace with verb phrases.(这句改的太强大了!!有时候要记得看看自己这句话是不是一个词的翻译。。。。。。——!

3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases
Using a clause to convey meaning that could be presented in a phrase or even a word contributes to wordiness. Convert modifying clauses into phrases or single words when possible.
The report, which was released recently...
All applicants who are interested in the job must...
The system that is most efficient and accurate...
More Concise
The recently released report...
All job applicants must...
The most efficient and accurate system...
(嗯,凡是那种that/which is/are/…+adj/vpp的从句,都可以考虑把这个adj/vpp提到中心词的前面)

4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences
Expletives are phrases of the form it + be-verb or there + be-verb. Such expressions can be rhetorically effective for emphasis in some situations, but overuse or unnecessary use of expletive constructions creates wordy prose. Take the following example: "It is imperative that we find a solution." The same meaning could be expressed with this more succinct wording: "We must find a solution." But using the expletive construction allows the writer to emphasize the urgency of the situation by placing the word imperative near the beginning of the sentence, so the version with the expletive may be preferable. Still, you should generally avoid excessive or unnecessary use of expletives. The most common kind of unnecessary expletive construction involves an expletive followed by a noun and a relative clause beginning with that, which, or who. In most cases, you can create a more concise sentence by eliminating the expletive opening, making the noun the subject of the sentence, and eliminating the relative pronoun.
It is the governor who signs or vetoes bills.
There are four rules that should be observed: ...
There was a big explosion, which shook the windows, and people ran into the street.
More Concise
The governor signs or vetoes bills.
Four rules should be observed:...
A big explosion shook the windows, and people ran into the street.
额,话说这个毛病太常犯了,改的时候就是注意多想想我写的这句话里强调出来的那个词有必要强调么?比如那个第一句的governorsigns or vetoes bills的工作本来就该他们做,还用强调个啥~
5. Use active rather than passive verbs
See our document on active and passive voice for a more thorough explanation of this topic.
An account was opened by Mrs. Simms.
Your figures were checked by the research department.
More Concise
Mrs. Simms opened an account.
The research department checked your figures.
6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs
Use verbs when possible rather than noun forms known as nominalizations. Sentences with many nominalizations usually have forms of be as the main verbs. Using the action verbs disguised in nominalizations as the main verbs--instead of forms of be--can help to create engaging rather than dull prose.
The function of this department is the collection of accounts.
The current focus of the medical profession is disease prevention.
More Concise
This department collects accounts.
The medical profession currently focuses on disease prevention.
7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases
Some infinitive phrases can be converted into finite verbs or brief noun phrases. Making such changes also often results in the replacement of a be-verb with an action verb.
The duty of a clerk is to check all incoming mail and to record it.
A shortage of tellers at our branch office on Friday and Saturday during rush hours has caused customers to become dissatisfied with service.
More Concise
A clerk checks and records all incoming mail.
A teller shortage at our branch office on Friday and Saturday during rush hours has caused customer dissatisfaction.
8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions
Circumlocutions are commonly used roundabout expressions that take several words to say what could be said more succinctly. We often overlook them because many such expressions are habitual figures of speech(习惯啊,这都是恶习,非改不可!我们不是写的不好,是习惯不好!). In writing, though, they should be avoided since they add extra words without extra meaning. Of course, occasionally you may for rhetorical effect decide to use, say, an expletive construction instead of a more succinct expression. These guidelines should be taken as general recommendations, not absolute rules.(超严谨)
At this/that point in time...
In accordance with your request...
More Concise
As you requested...


9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail
Be sure always to consider your readers as you draft and revise your writing. If you find passages that explain or describe in detail what would already be obvious to readers, delete or reword them.
I received your inquiry yesterday. Yes, we do have...
It goes without saying that we are acquainted with your policy on filing tax returns, and we have every intention of complying with the regulations that you have mentioned.
Imagine a mental picture of someone engaged in the intellectual activity of trying to learn what the rules are for how to play the game of chess.
Baseball, one of our oldest and most popular outdoor summer sports in terms of total attendance at ball parks and viewing on television, has the kind of rhythm of play on the field that alternates between times when players passively wait with no action taking place between the pitches to the batter and then times when they explode into action as the batter hits a pitched ball to one of the players and the player fields it.
More Concise
Yes, we do have...
We intend to comply with the tax-return regulations that you have mentioned.
Imagine someone trying to learn the rules of chess.
Baseball has a rhythm that alternates between waiting and explosive action.
10. Omit repetitive wording
Watch for phrases or longer passages in your writing in which you repeat words with similar meanings. Below are some general examples of unnecessary repetition contrasted with more concise versions, followed by lists and examples of specific redundant word pairs and categories.
I would appreciate it if you would bring to the attention of your drafting officers the administrator's dislike of long sentences and paragraphs in messages to the field and in other items drafted for her signature or approval, as well as in all correspondence, reports, and studies. Please encourage your section to keep their sentences short.
The supply manager considered the correcting typewriter an unneeded luxury.
Our branch office currently employs five tellers. These tellers do an excellent job Monday through Thursday but cannot keep up with the rush on Friday and Saturday.
More Concise
Please encourage your drafting officers to keep sentences and paragraphs in letters, reports, and studies short. Dr. Lomas, the administrator, has mentioned that reports and memos drafted for her approval recently have been wordy and thus time-consuming.
The supply manager considered the correcting typewriter a luxury.
Our branch office currently employs five tellers, who do an excellent job Monday through Thursday but cannot keep up with Friday and Saturday rush periods.

Redundant Pairs
Many pairs of words imply each other. Finish implies complete, so the phrase completely finish is redundant in most cases. So are many other pairs of words:

past memories
various differences
each individual _______
basic fundamentals
true facts
important essentials
future plans

terrible tragedy
end result
final outcome
free gift
past history
unexpected surprise
sudden crisis

A related expression that's not redundant as much as it is illogical is very unique. Since unique means "one of a kind," adding modifiers of degree such as very, so, especially, somewhat, extremely, and so on is illogical. One-of-a-kind-ness has no gradations; something is either unique or it is not.



使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-9 21:01:40 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 cicialice 于 2009-11-9 21:13 编辑

1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers

Writers sometimes clog up their prose with one or more extra words or phrases that seem to determine narrowly or to modify the meaning of a noun but don't actually add to the meaning of the sentence. Although such words and phrases can be meaningful in the appropriate context, they are often used as "filler" and can easily be eliminated.

Here's a list of some words and phrases that can often be pruned away to make sentences clearer:

kind of
sort of
type of
for all intents and purposes



2. Change phrases into single words

Using phrases to convey meaning that could be presented in a single word contributes to wordiness. Convert phrases into single words when possible.

As you carefully read what you have written to improve your wording and catch small errors of spelling, punctuation, and so on, the thing to do before you do anything else is to try to see where a series of words expressing action could replace the ideas found in nouns rather than verbs. 很多时候名词不仅比那些动词词组更简洁,并且更能准确的传达思想~

3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases

Using a clause to convey meaning that could be presented in a phrase or even a word contributes to wordiness. Convert modifying clauses into phrases or single words when possible.



4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences

Expletives are phrases of the form it + be-verb or there + be-verb. Such expressions can be rhetorically effective for emphasis in some situations, but overuse or unnecessary use of expletive constructions creates wordy prose.

Still, you should generally avoid excessive or unnecessary use of expletives. The most common kind of unnecessary expletive construction involves an expletive followed by a noun and a relative clause beginning with that, which, or who.

5. Use active rather than passive verbs


6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs

Use verbs when possible rather than noun forms known as nominalizations. Sentences with many nominalizations usually have forms of be as the main verbs. Using the action verbs disguised in nominalizations as the main verbs--instead of forms of be--can help to create engaging rather than dull prose.

7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases

Some infinitive phrases can be converted into finite verbs or brief noun phrases. Making such changes also often results in the replacement of a be-verb with an action verb.

8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions


Here are some other common circumlocutions that can be compressed into just one word:这表很好很强大!!!

the reason for
for the reason that
owing/due to the fact that
in light of the fact that
considering the fact that
on the grounds that
this is why

=because, since, why

on the occasion of
in a situation in which
under circumstances in which


as regards
in reference to
with regard to
concerning the matter of
where ________ is concerned


it is crucial that
it is necessary that
there is a need/necessity for
it is important that
cannot be avoided

=must, should

is able to
has the opportunity to
has the capacity for
has the ability to


it is possible that
there is a chance that
it could happen that
the possibility exists for

=may, might, could

9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail

Be sure always to consider your readers as you draft and revise your writing. If you find passages that explain or describe in detail what would already be obvious to readers, delete or reword them.


10. Omit repetitive wording

Redundant Categories

Specific words imply their general categories, so we usually don't have to state both. We know that a period is a segment of time, that pink is a color, that shiny is an appearance. In each of the following phrases, the general category term can be dropped, leaving just the specific descriptive word:

large in size
often times
of a bright color
heavy in weight
period in time
round in shape
at an early time
economics field

of cheap quality
honest in character
of an uncertain condition
in a confused state
unusual in nature
extreme in degree
of a strange type

Be concise!真的是我特别需要牢牢铭记的一点,写出的一些长长的篇幅往往只表达了一两句话就能表达出来的意思,很没意义~



使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6


2015 US-applicant

发表于 2009-11-14 00:38:38 |只看该作者
Date: 11/13/2009
Topic: Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(12Conciseness


1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers 无用的修饰

Here's a list of some words and phrases that can often be pruned away to make sentences clearer:

kind of, sort of, type of, really, basically, for all intents and purposes

definitely, actually, generally, individual, specific, particular


2. Change phrases into single words 短语变成词语

3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases 从句变成短语

4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences

这个是说it is xxxthere be xxx尽量少用。

5. Use active rather than passive verbs

6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs

7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases 针对 xxx is to xxx型的句子来缩写

8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions 表格就不做记录了。这个颠覆了我的旧观念

9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail 一种典型现象是加很长的从句修饰一个东西

10. Omit repetitive wording 有个例子很好 unneeded luxury~

Redundant Pairs

有一项是each individual。感觉这个很经常用到啊。。。

Redundant Categories

这一类的典型是 round in shape=形状很圆。圆就是用来描述形状的,加字就累赘了。

If you are the only solution to my equation of love

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-11-16 13:12:36 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 xiguan_33 于 2009-11-16 13:10 编辑

Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(12Conciseness 笔记

1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers删除不必要的限定成分和修饰语

2. Change phrases into single words将短语变成简单词

例子As you carefully read what you have written to improve your wording and catch small errors of spelling, punctuation, and so on, the thing to do before you do anything else is to try to see where a series of words expressing action could replace the ideas found in nouns rather than verbs.

其中:carefully read what you have written to improve your wording and catch small errors of spelling, punctuation, and so on, = edit

the thing to do before you do anything else =first

原句简化后As you edit, first find nominalizations that you can replace with verb phrases.

【看完原句的简化后觉得rather than 这个词的意思不是很明确 查了下大韦氏 意思很简单 and not 及要前者不要后者 所以该句意思是 找到一个名词来替换那个动词短语】

3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases简化不必要的修饰性从句

4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences避免过多的使用强调句

【It be /There be + n. + clause 此类型的句子用时需谨慎 可用来表达某些较强烈的感情 但用多了就显得累赘】

5. Use active rather than passive verbs用主动不用被动

6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs避免滥用动名词形式

7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases改写不必要的不定式短语

8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions将累赘的话变成直接表达

"These guidelines should be taken as general recommendations, not absolute rules." 这表达的意思就跟我在第四条里说的差不多了】

9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail省略表达显而易见的意思及多余的细节的词

10. Omit repetitive wording省略重复的措辞

【1.8.10 中表格所列单词需要记忆一下 自己用到的时候要多考虑一下再决定怎么用】

这篇我复制到本地word文档里之后格式有点乱 我就自己整理了一下格式 并把文中所列WORDY和MORE CONCISE的两句话并排排到表格中方便对比着看

把这个word格式的传上来跟大伙分享一下吧 毕竟改格式还是挺费时的~~

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做有个性 有活力 时尚 有个人魅力的 科学家~

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Pisces双鱼座 荣誉版主

发表于 2009-11-22 09:43:11 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 海王泪 于 2009-11-22 10:02 编辑

12 Conciseness

The way to move from 100 to 200 words isn’t through “filler” words and phrases—it is through the development of Ideas!!    ---From Kaplan

1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers


Here's a list of some words and phrases that can often be pruned away to make sentences clearer:

kind of
sort of
type of
for all intents and purposes


估计因为我语言水平不好,这些词语我都没“输出过”,除了Really Actually这两个“真的”属于我中文思维习惯的词语。说服别人,不需要这样。


For all intents and purposes, American industrial productivity generally depends on certain factors that are really more psychological in kind than of any given technological aspect.

改写:American industrial productivity depends on certain factors that are more psychological than of any given technological aspect.

答案:American industrial productivity depends more on psychological than on technological factors.

2. Change phrases into single words


1)a series of words expressing action could replace the ideas found in nouns rather than verbs. 冗词会掩盖你原本名词表达的意思,多用点动词能有效缓解症状

Jeff Converse, our chief of consulting, suggested at our last board meeting the installation of microfilm equipment in the department of data processing.

At our last board meeting, Chief Consultant Jeff Converse suggested that we install microfilm equipment in the data processing department.


The employee with ambition...

The department showing the best performance...

The ambitious employee...

The best-performing department...


3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases



The report, which was released recently...

The recently released report...

4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences



5. Use active rather than passive verbs



6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs



7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases


The duty of a clerk is to check all incoming mail and to record it.

A shortage of tellers at our branch office on Friday and Saturday during rush hours has caused customers to become dissatisfied with service.

A clerk checks and records all incoming mail.

A teller shortage at our branch office on Friday and Saturday during rush hours has caused customer dissatisfaction.

8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions


其实像Because, since, why这类表原因的,干脆用这些词更Effective。毕竟阅卷人改那么多文章,他最想直接看到的是你的思想过程,那么就直接摆给他看。哦~~我Claime某个Main Ideas Because这样这样。。。直截了当@@

Because, since, why 因为

When 当……的时候

Must, should 必须、应当

Can 能够

May, might, could, perhaps/probably/possibly.

(it is crucial that,it is necessary that,it is important that cannot be avoidedààMust, should! You must use must, you should use should!


附送一个KAPLAN”Be concise”上类似的一个小总结

As a matter of fact
In fact
At all times
By means of
Because of the fact that, by virtue of the fact that, due to the fact that, for the reason that, in light of the fact that
In this day and age
In order to
In spite of the fact that
Although, though
In the event that
Until such a time as
P.S. But we can sometimes use wordy phrases for avoiding boring repetition of concise phrases in the same sentence or paragraph.

9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail


Baseball, one of our oldest and most popular outdoor summer sports in terms of total attendance at ball parks and viewing on television, has the kind of rhythm of play on the field that alternates between times when players passively wait with no action taking place between the pitches to the batter and then times when they explode into action as the batter hits a pitched ball to one of the players and the player fields it.

Baseball has a rhythm that alternates between waiting and explosive action.

比如我说满族语需要保留下来因为它的文化非常的Precious。举例子说紫禁城,就要额外Detail比如从句一下这是世界上Largestancient wood constructionone of the World Heritage Site,为了说明这个文化的Precious。但是就进一步去说明这个世界文化遗产只有几个来表达其稀有就没有必要了。

10. Omit repetitive wording


Redundant Pairs

Redundant Categories

A related expression that's not redundant as much as it is illogical is very unique. Since unique means "one of a kind," adding modifiers of degree such as very, so, especially, somewhat, extremely, and so on is illogical. One-of-a-kind-ness has no gradations; something is either unique or it is not.

我还真的就写过Very Unique,就在ISSUE语言灭绝的哪篇。。。。估计我就是犯这个论坛上犯错误的Unique

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-11-23 14:40:05 |只看该作者
Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers

Change phrases into single words

Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases

(!!!)Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences: it + be-verb or there + be-verb. The most common kind of unnecessary expletive construction involves an expletive followed by a noun and a relative clause beginning with that, which, or who. In most cases, you can create a more concise sentence by eliminating the expletive opening, making the noun the subject of the sentence, and eliminating the relative pronoun.
Use active rather than passive verbs

Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs

(!!!)Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases: Some infinitive phrases can be converted into finite verbs or brief noun phrases.
Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions

Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail

Omit repetitive wording

Redundant Pairs: Many pairs of words imply each other.

Redundant Categories: Specific words imply their general categories, so we usually don't have to state both.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-11-24 20:48:35 |只看该作者
1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers 无用的修饰
2. Change phrases into single words 短语变成词语
3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases 从句变成短语
4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentence
这个是说it is xxx和there be xxx尽量少用。
5. Use active rather than passive verbs
6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs
7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases 针对 xxx is to xxx型的句子来缩写
8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions
9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail
10. Omit repetitive wording

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-12-13 15:17:03 |只看该作者
Conciseness: Methods of Eliminating Wordiness
1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers
2. Change phrases into single words
3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases
4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences
5. Use active rather than passive verbs
6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs
7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases
8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions
9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail
10. Omit repetitive wording

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-22 22:49:28 |只看该作者

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(12)Conciseness

本帖最后由 草木也知愁 于 2009-4-9 21:18 编辑


但是没有任何意义得拽文除了弄得自己的文章不伦不类 是没有其余效果的

这次这个 就是专门针对那些无病呻吟一般得拽文的一个要点—— Conciseness: Methods of Eliminating Wordiness


Conciseness: Methods of Eliminating Wordiness

1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers

2. Change phrases into single words

3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases(我经常滥用定语从句。。。)

4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences

5. Use active rather than passive verbs

6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs

7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases

8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions

Here are some other common circumlocutions that can be compressed into just one word:

the reason for
for the reason that
owing/due to the fact that
in light of the fact that
considering the fact that
on the grounds that
this is why

=because, since, why

on the occasion of
in a situation in which
under circumstances in which


as regards
in reference to
with regard to
concerning the matter of
where ________ is concerned


it is crucial that
it is necessary that
there is a need/necessity for
it is important that
cannot be avoided

=must, should

is able to
has the opportunity to
has the capacity for
has the ability to


it is possible that
there is a chance that
it could happen that
the possibility exists for

=may, might, could

9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail

10. Omit repetitive wording

Redundant Pairs

Many pairs of words imply each other. Finish implies complete, so the phrase completely finish is redundant in most cases. So are many other pairs of words:

past memories
various differences
each individual _______
basic fundamentals
true facts
important essentials
future plans

terrible tragedy
end result
final outcome
free gift
past history
unexpected surprise
sudden crisis

Redundant Categories

Specific words imply their general categories, so we usually don't have to state both. We know that a period is a segment of time, that pink is a color, that shiny is an appearance. In each of the following phrases, the general category term can be dropped, leaving just the specific descriptive word:

large in size
often times
of a bright color
heavy in weight
period in time
round in shape
at an early time
economics field

of cheap quality
honest in character
of an uncertain condition
in a confused state
unusual in nature
extreme in degree
of a strange type

A ZA!A ZA!Fighting!!!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-4 19:20:18 |只看该作者
Rushtosummer的学习笔记(12Conciseness: Methods of Eliminating Wordiness
1. Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers
Writers sometimes clog up their prose with one or more extra words or phrases that seem to determine narrowly or to modify the meaning of a noun but don't actually add to the meaning of the sentence. Although such words and phrases can be meaningful in the appropriate context, they are often used as "filler" and can easily be eliminated.
determiners and modifiers that can often be pruned away to make sentences clearer:
kind of, sort of, type of, really, basically, for all intents and purposes, definitely, actually, generally, individual, specific, particular.
2. Change phrases into single words
Using phrases to convey meaning that could be presented in a single word contributes to wordiness. Convert phrases into single words when possible.
Find nominalizations that you can replace with verb phrases.
3. Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases
Using a clause to convey meaning that could be presented in a phrase or even a word contributes to wordiness. Convert modifying clauses into phrases or single words when possible.
4. Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences
Expletives are phrases of the form it + be-verb or there + be-verb. Such expressions can be rhetorically effective for emphasis in some situations, but overuse or unnecessary use of expletive constructions creates wordy prose.
The most common kind of unnecessary expletive construction involves an expletive followed by a noun and a relative clause beginning with that, which, or who. In most cases, you can create a more concise sentence by eliminating the expletive opening, making the noun the subject of the sentence, and eliminating the relative pronoun.
5. Use active rather than passive verbs
6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs
Use verbs when possible rather than noun forms known as nominalizations. Sentences with many nominalizations usually have forms of be as the main verbs. Using the action verbs disguised in nominalizations as the main verbs--instead of forms of be--can help to create engaging rather than dull prose.
7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases
Some infinitive phrases can be converted into finite verbs or brief noun phrases. Making such changes also often results in the replacement of a be-verb with an action verb.
8. Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions
In writing, though, circumlocutions should be avoided since they add extra words without extra meaning. Of course, occasionally you may for rhetorical effect decide to use, say, an expletive construction instead of a more succinct expression. These guidelines should be taken as general recommendations, not absolute rules.
Here are some other common circumlocutions that can be compressed into just one word:
(the reason for, for the reason that, owing/due to the fact that, in light of the fact that, considering the fact that, on the grounds that, this is why) = because, since, why
(on the occasion of, in a situation in which, under circumstances in which) = when
(as regards, in reference to, with regard to, concerning the matter of, where ________ is concerned) = about
(it is crucial that, it is necessary that, there is a need/necessity for, it is important that, cannot be avoided) = must, should
(is able to, has the opportunity to, has the capacity for, has the ability to) = can
(it is possible that, there is a chance that, it could happen that, the possibility exists for) = may, might, could
9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail
Be sure always to consider your readers as you draft and revise your writing. If you find passages that explain or describe in detail what would already be obvious to readers, delete or reword them.
10. Omit repetitive wording
Redundant Pairs
past memories, various differences, each individual _______, basic fundamentals, true facts, important essentials, future plans, terrible tragedy, end result, final outcome, free gift, past history, unexpected surprise, sudden crisis
very unique
is illogical

Redundant Categories
large in size, often times, of a bright color, heavy in weight, period in time, round in shape, at an early time, economics field, of cheap quality, honest in character, of an uncertain condition, in a confused state, unusual in nature, extreme in degree, of a strange type

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2015-8-16 18:02:12 |只看该作者

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