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[未归类] 0910AW 同主题写作第一期 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-2 22:10:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 greenxs 于 2009-8-24 12:27 编辑


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-3 11:22:20 |只看该作者
Weoften heard that: "one world, one dream." It is not surprisingly\surprising thatthe globalization is really diminishing the differences among culture.At the same time, there is a crucial problem that many lesser-knownlanguages are being lost. So people suggest that governments of thesecountries should do something to prevent languages from being extinct.From my personal perspective, such problem needs governments to callfor a balance\感觉应该是balanced更好 thought.
Tobegin with, it is the responsibility for the governments of countries whichlanguages are being lost to protect their tongues. It is true that inorder to pursue stability and prosperity, a lot of governmentsencourage their people to study a second language, or some of themchange the second language to official language. Recently, somescholars said excepting\except for the convenience and benefits of globalization,over half of the world's seven thousand languages, unfortunately, arein danger of disappearing. Some survey points that every two weeks onelanguage disappears, so experts proposed to establish a language museumwhich uses to collect non-existed language. This assertion not justshocks us, but also indicates the emergency of this problem. Sincelanguage is our vehicle of understanding the culture and science of theworld, and the local language of a country is the tool of local people tocommunicate with their ancestors and each other, if its people do notuse its native language, or they have to know their native languagesfrom museum, its traditional culture and knowledge may disappear withtheir language either. Then it is not difficult to imagine what willhappen to the country.探讨一下,感觉之前都是谈的是保护本地语言的重要性,但是是否重要了,政府就应该保护,我感觉没有直接的因果关系。这涉及政府的职能权限以及能力的问题。 Therefore, these governments should ensure theirlesser-know language stop being disappeared.

Onthe other hand, different countries have their own urgent issues, theintensity of protecting being lost language should be according to\感觉based on好一些 different situations, especially for the relatively laggard countries.Since there are several reasons for language disappeared\language's extinction, which includeeconomic reason, utility, and the world trends. From this we could seethat the strength of the country will be应该去掉哈 influence its languagedisappearing directly. Because many counties have to put more energyto focus on the most emergent problems, such as famine, homeless orunemployment, and it will be cruel for the governments to solve languageproblem but ignore these troubles. In my opinion, if the governments donot have the ability to resolve it by them-selves, they could findother solutions, like seeking some organizations for help or developingsome charities for disappearing language.

Finally,language disappearing will be a disaster for all of people, which isjust like being extinct animals. Because the valuable informationcontained within a language is abundant, once it lost\loses, it lost\loses forever.It just likes the dinosaurs never back to earth again. For example, alot of ancient languages include the helpful information about localmedicine, plants and animals, which might be the knowledge that somescientists try to research all their lives. When the language died, theinformation will be unknown to scientists. So all governments could calltheir people to support and help the disappearing languages.

Allin all, as I have mentioned above, the governments of countries in which\with these lesser-known languages should weigh carefully about this problem.With the backdrop of worldwide tide, they could do their best toprotect the disappearing language or resort to other solutions toprevent languages from being missing\还是觉得extinct或extinction还一些.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-3 14:02:53 |只看该作者



We often heard that: "one world, one dream." It is not surprising that the globalization is really diminishing the differences among culture. At the same time, there is a crucial problem that many lesser-known languages are being lost. So people suggest that governments of these countries should do something to prevent languages from being extinct. From my personal perspective, such problem needs governments to call for a balanced thought.

To begin with, it is the responsibility for the governments of countries which languages are being lost to protect their tongues. It is true that in order to pursue stability and prosperity, a lot of governments encourage their people to study a second language, or some of them change the second language to official language. But they have never thought that one day their native language will died forever. Recently, some scholars said except for the convenience and benefits of globalization, over half of the world's seven thousand languages, unfortunately, are in danger of disappearing. Some survey points that every two weeks one language disappears, so experts proposed to establish a language museum which uses to collect non-existed language. This assertion not just shocks us, but also indicates the emergency of this problem. Since the local language of a country is the tool of local people to communicate with their ancestors and each other, if its people do not use its native language, or they have to know their native languages from museum, its traditional culture and knowledge may disappear with their language either. The function of governments is to guarantee their people and offspring to have a sustainable development not only with substance but also with culture and spirit. Therefore, these governments should ensure their lesser-know language stop being disappeared.

Furthermore, language disappearing will be a disaster for all of people, which is just like being extinct animals. Because the valuable information contained within a language is abundant, once it loses, it loses forever. It just likes the dinosaurs never back to earth again. For example, a lot of ancient languages include the helpful information about local medicine, plants and animals, which might be the knowledge that some scientists try to research all their lives. When the language died, the information will be unknown to scientists. So all of people have the duty to protect the lesser-know languages in case they disappear from our world.

On the other hand, different countries have their own urgent issues; the intensity of protecting being lost language should be based on different situations, especially for the relatively laggard countries, since there are several reasons for language’s extinction which include economic reason, utility, and the world trends. From this we could see that the strength of the country will influence its language disappearing directly. Because many counties have to put more energy to focus on the most emergent problems, such as famine, homeless or unemployment, and it will be cruel for the governments to solve language problem but ignore these troubles. In my opinion, if the governments do not have the ability to resolve it by them-selves, they could find other solutions, like seeking some organizations for help or developing some charities for disappearing language.

All in all, as I have mentioned above, the governments of countries with these lesser-known languages should weigh carefully about this problem. With the backdrop of worldwide tide, they could do their best to protect the disappearing language or resort to other solutions to prevent languages from being extinction.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-6-3 17:43:17 |只看该作者

We often heard that: "one world, one dream." It is not surprisingly->surprising that the globalization is really diminishing the differences among culture. 这句话一说,后面理所当然认为是全球化导致小语种消失。题目说人越来越少说小语种导致其正在消失。全球化和讲小语种的人少之间少了某种联系。纯属个人建议。At the same time, there is a crucial problem that many lesser-known languages are being lost. So people 最好是作者建议suggest that governments of these countries should do something to prevent languages from being extinct. From my personal perspective, such a problem needs governments to call for a balance thought.

To begin with, it is the responsibility for->of governments of countries which languages are being lost to protect their mother tongues. 强调句用得不对。不加mother 我就觉得在保护舌头。It is true that in order to pursue stability and prosperity, a lot of governments encourage their people to study a second language, or-> and even some of them change the second language to their official language. Recently, some scholars said excepting->except
介词怎么能有动名词形式?the convenience and benefit of globalization, over half of the world's seven thousand languages, unfortunately, are in danger of disappearing. Some->A survey points out
指出比指好些that every two weeks one language disappears, so experts proposed 这个时态错了吧 to establish a language museum which uses 应该是被动to collect non-existed主动non-existing language复数吧. This assertion not just shocks us, but also indicates the emergency of this problem. Since a language 可数名词不可以裸着出现 is our vehicle of->for understanding the culture and science of the world, and
a local language
of a country is the tool of local people to communicate with their ancestor
这个词一般用复数and each other, if its people do not use its native language, or they have to know their native languages from museum可数名词不可以裸着出现, its traditional culture and knowledge may disappear with their language either->too. Then it is not difficult to imagine what will happen to the country.
继续说这个国家母语消失了会发生什么匪夷所思的事,不然读到这里没有一点觉得母语消失有什么震撼的地方。Therefore, these governments should ensure their lesser-know language stop being disappeared主动不被动.


Television has become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas. 电视已成为传播政治思想的重要媒介。

He is sprung from noble ancestors.

On the other hand, different countries have their own urgent issues, the intensity of protecting being lost language should be according to different situations, 这个句子有点缺。保护力度应该跟情况而定表达再斟酌especially for the relatively laggard countries. Since there are several reasons for language disappeared->disappearing which include economic reason, utility, and the world trends. From this->these we could see that the strength of the country will be这个词删去influence its language disappearing directly. Because many counties have to put more energy focusing on the most emergent problems, such as famine, homeless or unemployment, and it will be cruel for governments to solve language problem but ignore these troubles. In my opinion, if the governments do not have the ability to resolve it by them-selves, they could find other solutions, like seeking some organizations for help or developing some charities for disappearing language.

Finally, language disappearing will be a disaster for all of people, which is just like being extinct animals. Because the valuable information contained within a language is abundant, once it lost, it lost forever. It just likes the dinosaurs never back to earth again. For example, a lot of ancient languages include the helpful information about local medicine, plants and animals, which might be the knowledge that some scientists try to research all their lives. When the language died, the information will unknown to scientists. So all governments could call their people to support and help the disappearing languages.

All in all, as I have mentioned above, governments of countries in which these lesser-known languages should weigh carefully about this problem. With the backdrop of worldwide tide, they could do their best to protect the disappearing language or resort to other solutions to prevent languages from being missing.





使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-3 20:48:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 greenxs 于 2009-8-24 12:26 编辑


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