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[i习作temp] Issue13 @@A DREAM @@小组第1次作业 by zdcforever [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-5 11:01:10 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Many linguists assert that half of the entire world languages will come to their terminals by the end of the year 2100, especially the lesser-known languages, which seems to me as an immeasurable disaster in human culture.
A philosopher has once presented that the innovation of the culture in our society lies in its variety. Our culture, just as lives on this planet, develops since its first appearance in this world, which leads to the kaleidoscopic system assumed by us as a distinguished fortune. Several communications between the different lands, different countries, virtually, different cultures have been proved as the milestones in the progress of the civilization. For instance, the U.S today absorbs the inspiration in the music of the migrations from the Africa, assimilated it with their original style, in that case, to engender the formation of jazz and hip-hop. The diversities in cultures are fuses way on the consideration, contemplation, comparison, appreciation, desertion and development, to the other end: revolution. In this process, language plays a dominant role, for which language is a dispensable ingredient of the culture. Language takes the record of the culture every step ahead in the form of verse, allegory, myth, article, story, theater and so on. Moreover, in some area, the cultures there themselves with experiences and knowledge from the people located fight against the nature have melted into their own language, in which situation, they could be inherited from generation to generation, pass on through space-time. So, no matter which language in this world is extinct, it would be an extraordinary lost and disaster to our culture.

Some linguistics also recommend that language itself embodies how the people communicating with it think. As time went by, people, however, inevitably formed their own philosophy, science technology in their mother-tongue. Since we have a great deal of language, various philosophies, technologies should appears at the same point. Group to group might in different languages which means in different races have their own perspective to analyze the world. So, the extinct of a certain language might mean a lost of an independent system which should help us comprehended the world.

To prevent the lesser-known languages from being lost, it is the government who should employ every available and active method to survive the traditional culture and languages. On one hand, the government should document the endanger languages in terms of their grammars, lexicons, and oral styles. On the other hand, to revitalize the language thought to vanish is also an option. For example, the government could establish communities in endanger language area, in which the youngsters could be encouraged to use their local language as well as the official one and taught to appreciate the spirit and beauty in their own language.
Each language, each culture is one of the wheels part of the development train of humane society, without which not only malfunction but also the integrity is damaged. No matter documentation, revitalization or anything else, the government should stand out to prevent any gorgeous language from extinct, also everyone of us have the obligation to engage in this saving-battle.


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Rank: 2



发表于 2009-6-7 23:36:24 |只看该作者
哥们 你的文章起码 6分吧 我该怎么改啊
no choice, but have to

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Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2009-6-7 00:59:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 wswjwj 于 2009-6-8 11:05 编辑

Issue13 @@A DREAM @@小组第1次作业 by zdcforever
Many linguists assert that half of the entire world languages will come to their terminals by the end of the year 2100, especially the lesser-known languages, which seem to me as an immeasurable disaster in human culture.(短小精悍的开头,以事实开头~值得学习~
A philosopher has once presented that the innovation of the culture in our society lies in its variety. Our culture, just as lives on this planet, develops since its first appearance in this world, which leads to the kaleidoscopic system assumed by us as a distinguished fortune. Several communications between the different lands, different countries, virtually, different cultures have been proved as the milestones in the progress of the civilization. For instance, the U.S today absorbs the inspiration in the music of the migrations from the Africa, assimilated it with their original style, in that case, to engender the formation of jazz and hip-hop. The diversities in cultures are fuses way on the consideration, contemplation, comparison, appreciation, desertion and development, to the other end: revolution. In this process, language plays a dominant role, for which language is a dispensable ingredient of the culture. Language takes the record of the culture every step ahead in the form of verse, allegory, myth, article, story, theater and so on. Moreover, in some area, the cultures there themselves with experiences and knowledge from the people located fight against the nature have melted into their own language, in which situation, they could be inherited from generation to generation, pass on through space-time. So, no matter which language in this world is extinct, it would be an extraordinary lost and disaster to our culture.
觉得除了最后一句结论有些突兀,其它的部分写的简直~ 完美^^ 老厉害的论证,issue里第一次看到,写的想中文一样好呢~~ 例子举的完美,论证也相当清晰 崇拜死了~~

Some linguistics also recommend that language itself embodies how the people communicating with it think. As time went by, people, however, inevitably formed their own philosophy, science technology in their mother-tongue. Since we have a great deal of language, various philosophies, technologies should appears at the same point. Group to group might in different languages which means in different races have their own perspective to analyze the world. So, the extinct of a certain language might mean a lost of an independent system which should help us comprehended the world.
To prevent the lesser-known languages from being lost, it is the government who should employ every available and active method to survive the traditional culture and languages. On one hand, the government should document the endanger languages in terms of their grammars, lexicons, and oral styles. On the other hand, to revitalize the language thought to vanish is also an option. For example, the government could establish communities in endanger language area, in which the youngsters could be encouraged to use their local language as well as the official one and taught to appreciate the spirit and beauty in their own language.
Each language, each culture is one of the wheels part of the development train of humane society, without which not only malfunction but also the integrity is damaged. No matter documentation, revitalization or anything else, the government should stand out to prevent any gorgeous language from extinct, also everyone of us have the obligation to engage in this saving-battle.
漂亮的很呢 个人觉得这么短还能写的这么好 真是无语了^^ 呵呵 就是觉得论证的部分,第二部分完全可以写的像第一部分一样完美,government的就说的太少了 这是主角^^ 你教教我吧~~ 我写的太糟了TT

用一生写一个童话^^ 要让你看到O(∩_∩)O~

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Issue13 @@A DREAM @@小组第1次作业 by zdcforever
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