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[i习作temp] 0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by galloper B18 之 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-6-5 19:49:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 sally_zhiyi 于 2009-6-5 19:56 编辑

13"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."

3、the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them 是一个事实,列一些数据来支持这个观点。语言是怎么濒临灭绝的。
4、政府该采取什么措施: 通过教育、传媒;改善计算机操作系统;建立博物馆、器物展示会、服饰及表演、家庭博物馆、民间收藏等进行的母语文明的实物保护措施。

I agree with the speaker’s assertion that the governments of countries where lesser-known languages are spoken should act to prevent these languages from becoming extinct. A country’s indigenous languages represent its culture and deep history, they should not be abandoned and forgotten. However, the governments should do it in a rational way.

Languages are humankind’s principle tools for interacting and for expressing ideas, emotions, knowledge and values. They are also primary vehicles of culture expressions and intangible culture heritage. Languages can reflect a nation’s unique traditions, rituals, morals and beliefs. Safeguarding endangered languages is thus a crucial task in maintaining cultural diversity worldwide.

Of the 6,900 languages spoken in the world, some 2,500 are endangered, the UN's cultural agency UNESCO said it released its latest atlas of world languages. There are 199 languages in the world spoken by fewer than a dozen people, including Karaim which has six speakers in Ukraine and Wichita, spoken by 10 people in the US state of Oklahoma. The lesser-known languages’ being lost is mostly due to the lost of their population and culture globalization. In today's high-tech world of satellite communications, global mobility, and especially the Internet, language barriers serve to impede cross-cultural communication, which in turn impedes international exchange.

Actually, some of the governments of countries in which lesser-known languages are spoken have taken methods to prevent their languages from becoming extinct. The French government assembles many academic authorities to obliterate borrowed words in order to resist the language assimilation and keep the purity of their own language. Chinese government supports the bilingual education of the minority nationalities and exploits a set of application software which can type the minority words. In addition, Latvia encourages young people to use its language to keep it from becoming extinct.

At some point, however, since the appeals to protect the indigenous language may cause a great deal of time, energy, human resources. For instance, the governments should offer financial and manpower to make record and studies of their languages as soon as possible, academies or museums aimed at the study should be set up, and mass media such as internet, magazines, televisions and radios should add a new program of language study and training. Governments should take the factors into consideration and handle it rationally and properly. For example, the governments should induct their citizens to master a universal and official language, or just call for a relatively small population to study the language, such methods may not be passive, undue and costly.

In sum, the governments should act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct according to their capability. For a language is a precious legacy handed down by ancestors, it can embody the characteristic of a culture and it is a prominent key to the study and preservation of a culture and many comemorable historical events. It is the best if the legacy can be preserved and handed down. On the contrary, the government should provide a better atmosphere for its citizen to master a universal official language along with proper and effective.

写完了。郁闷的是,这篇文章没写出什么新意~观点就那样了,好多人都写过~不过也好,这是第二篇I,望批改者提出意见和建议,thanks a million! O(_)O~
Perseverance means... victory!!!

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发表于 2009-6-11 10:43:29 |只看该作者
I agree with the speaker’s assertion that the governments of countries where lesser-known languages are spoken should act to prevent these languages from becoming extinct. A country’s indigenous languages represent its culture and deep history, they should not be abandoned and forgotten. However, the governments should do it in a rational way.

Languages are humankind’s principle tools for interacting and for expressing ideas, emotions, knowledge and values. They are also primary vehicles of culture expressions and intangible culture heritage. Languages can reflect a nation’s unique traditions, rituals, morals and beliefs. Safeguarding endangered languages is thus a crucial task in maintaining cultural diversity worldwide.

(加一个例子可能会更加有说服力些,以免别人吹毛求疵问cultural diversity具体有什么好处)

Of the 6,900 languages spoken in the world, some 2,500 are endangered, the UN's cultural agency UNESCO said it released its latest atlas of world languages. There are 199 languages in the world spoken by fewer than a dozen people, including Karaim which has six speakers in Ukraine and Wichita, spoken by 10 people in the US state of Oklahoma. The lesser-known languages’ being lost is mostly due to the lost of their population and culture globalization. In today's high-tech world of satellite communications, global mobility, and especially the Internet, language barriers serve to impede cross-cultural communication, which in turn impedes international exchange. (

Actually, some of the governments of countries in which lesser-known languages are spoken have taken methods to prevent their languages from becoming extinct. The French government assembles many academic authorities to obliterate borrowed words in order to resist the language assimilation and keep the purity of their own language. Chinese government supports the bilingual education of the minority nationalities and exploits a set of application software which can type the minority words. In addition, Latvia encourages young people to use its language to keep it from becoming extinct.


At some point, however, since the appeals to protect the indigenous language may cause a great deal of time, energy, human resources. For instance, the governments should offer financial and manpower to make record and studies of their languages as soon as possible, academies or museums aimed at the study should be set up, and mass media such as internet, magazines, televisions and radios should add a new program of language study and training. Governments should take the factors into consideration and handle it rationally and properly. For example, the governments should induct their citizens to master a universal and official language, or just call for a relatively small population to study the language, such methods may not be passive, undue and costly.

(这个rational and proper的方法没有好好的进行分析、只是稍微提了一下,这样在逻辑上会引起读者的怀疑:可能master a universal and official language a relatively small population to study the language是冲突的。作者需要好好分析一下这个方法的利与弊才能有足够的说服力)
In sum, the governments should act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct according to their capability. For a language is a precious legacy handed down by ancestors, it can embody the characteristic of a culture and it is a prominent key to the study and preservation of a culture and many comemorable historical events. It is the best if the legacy can be preserved and handed down. On the contrary, the government should provide a better atmosphere for its citizen to master a universal official language along with proper and effective.

不过作者的逻辑希望能加强,毕竟 Issue需要的是理性的分析+到位的例子。

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发表于 2009-6-11 12:50:03 |只看该作者
谢谢sleeping B 的修改,我再改一下,然后再上传! 2# Neptune2010
Perseverance means... victory!!!

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发表于 2009-6-14 21:34:09 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lucarl 于 2009-6-14 21:36 编辑

13"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."

3、the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them 是一个事实,列一些数据来支持这个观点。语言是怎么濒临灭绝的。
4、政府该采取什么措施: 通过教育、传媒;改善计算机操作系统;建立博物馆、器物展示会、服饰及表演、家庭博物馆、民间收藏等进行的母语文明的实物保护措施。

I agree with the speaker’s assertion that the governments of countries where lesser-known languages are spoken should act to prevent these languages from becoming extinct. A country’s indigenous languages represent its culture and deep history, they should not be abandoned and forgotten. However, the governments should do it in a rational way. 还是理性的问题,可能你觉得政府们在保护语言方面有点左倾,不够合理,那么也应该写出来具体事例来佐证你的这个判断,这么直接说出来,给我的感觉就是“政府怎么就不够理性了?”

Languages are humankind’s principle tools for interacting and for expressing ideas, emotions, knowledge and values. They are also primary vehicles of culture expressions and intangible culture heritage. Languages can reflect a nation’s unique traditions, rituals, morals and beliefs. Safeguarding endangered languages is thus a crucial task in maintaining cultural diversity worldwide.

Of the 6,900 languages spoken in the world, some 2,500 are endangered, the UN's cultural agency UNESCO said it released its latest atlas of world languages. There are 199 languages in the world spoken by fewer than a dozen people, including Karaim which has six speakers in Ukraine and Wichita, spoken by 10 people in the US state of Oklahoma. The lesser-known languages’ being lost is mostly due to the lost of their population and culture globalization. In today's high-tech world of satellite communications, global mobility, and especially the Internet, language barriers serve to impede cross-cultural communication, which in turn impedes international exchange.

Actually, some of the governments of countries in which lesser-known languages are spoken have taken methods to prevent their languages from becoming extinct. The French government assembles many academic authorities to obliterate borrowed words in order to resist the language assimilation and keep the purity of their own language. Chinese government supports the bilingual education of the minority nationalities and exploits a set of application software which can type the minority words. In addition, Latvia encourages young people to use its language to keep it from becoming extinct.

At some point, however, since the appeals to protect the indigenous language may cause a great deal of time, energy, human resources. For instance, the governments should offer financial and manpower to make record and studies of their languages as soon as possible, academies or museums aimed at the study should be set up, and mass media such as internet, magazines, televisions and radios should add a new program of language study and training. Governments should take the factors into consideration and handle it rationally and properly. For example, the governments should induct their citizens to master a universal and official language, or just call for a relatively small population to study the language,(这个建议。。。太凶悍了吧,专门养一些人来学这些语言?) such methods may not be passive, undue and costly.

In sum, the governments should act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct according to their capability. For a language is a precious legacy handed down by ancestors, it can embody the characteristic of a culture and it is a prominent key to the study and preservation of a culture and many comemorable historical events. It is the best if the legacy can be preserved and handed down. On the contrary, the government should provide a better atmosphere for its citizen to master a universal official language along with proper and effective.




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发表于 2009-6-15 20:52:08 |只看该作者
Lucar 言之有理,但是我在写提纲的时候就没有想到:政府怎么做就让我说他不理性了,其实我是想,不论现在政府怎么做,我建议是在自己的能力上去保护濒危语言,所谓的理性,应该就是指处理问题按照事物发展的规律和自然进化原则来考虑的一种态度吧,只要政府持有这种态度就好了。呵呵~我应该说的详细点~ 4# lucarl
Perseverance means... victory!!!

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