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QQ联合登录 Leo狮子座 荣誉版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance US Advisor 魅丽星

发表于 2009-7-15 06:46:44 |只看该作者
可惜啊今天才看到这个贴。。。LZ感觉是去参加什么活动了么。。因为我是参加TECC 的暑期学院呵呵也是这个时候。~还是自私地贴一篇吧,和范文是一个题目,书本知识or实践知识更重要? 俺没去参加活动,俺去哈皮勒,偶尔回来1下,因为今天RP欠佳。。。。OJZ

Books still dominate

While the thought “practical knowledge is more important than theoretical knowledge” enjoys quite a lot of supporters (support即可,不然就成了“享受拥护者”。。), I boldly(没必要) hold my personal opinion against this idea. To me books are still the more important learning source; it is more refined, more diverse and less expensive than our experience. Further more, they establish our spiritual world. 建立精神世界,后面似乎没有论证到,不建议在这里写出来。
First off (有这个表达方法?), books symbolize the rise of human culture and represent the marvel of human mind. Books along with the language that is used to create them share the same characteristic; they are both refined from our experience and act as carriers of knowledge. Only when humans used books did the knowledge start to become systematic and consistent, therefore learning from books is obviously more efficient and less time consuming than learning from experience. 建议:从最后一句开始着手写,如何efficient了(尤其是对学生来说),而不要用很宏观的大道理论证,这个比较难

Because the gaining of practical knowledge focus mostly on individual experience, its utility is often limited to certain cases. On the other hand, theoretical knowledge enjoys a wider range of application than practical knowledge. For instance, by watching an apple falling we can learn from the experience about how swift the object falls and next time we would be able to catch a falling ball. However, with Newton's laws developed from the same observation process we can determine how long an airplane needs to accelerate before it reaches the velocity required of flying, and even design rockets that can escape our planet's gravitational field. Although practical knowledge is deeply imprinted in our mind, it still needs to be theoretically modeled and therefore we can benefit more. 论证很好

What is more(What's more不要分开), developed from real experience as they are, books provide a way to simulate things that we may not be able to experience ourselves. It is easy to recall our first visit to our counselor; we were not sure whether we should take the geology course. Instead of samples of quartz or limestone he lent us an introductory book of geology. After reading we found ourselves not interested in the field and made the decision. Sometimes the cost of gaining knowledge from experience could be so high that we cannot afford. How cheap and useful would a book be when we enter a field unfamiliar to us! 个人觉得cheap用在这不太好,有点贬义,用affordable之类的较好(但是前文刚有afford,所以有些重复,原谅我暂时想不出更好的词。。。)另外,这个例子选的有点偏。因为看石头也是很可行的,还能激发兴趣,对你的观点不利。考虑其它例子,比如地球太阳的关系。

I am not stating that we should all try to achieve academic excellence at the sacrifice of our chance to experience the society and nature. On the contrary, experience is the most unique gift of our life. The reflection upon our own experience helps us better understand what we learn from books and vice versa, but as our lifespan is limited, learning from books is still a dominating way of efficient study. I think it would be a better choice to learn as much as we can from books and spend our valuable life experiencing where our true passion lies.
curvelabs 发表于 2009-7-12 13:48

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QQ联合登录 Leo狮子座 荣誉版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance US Advisor 魅丽星

发表于 2009-7-22 11:41:38 |只看该作者

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发表于 2009-7-22 11:46:21 |只看该作者
a teacher's ability to relate well with the students is more important than excellent knowledge of the suject being taught.

When it comes the ways for teacher,a majority of people view that a good teacher should have the abilty to educate his or her students well.It is the first reason that the students will support this teacher.However,from my point of view,a better relationship with the students is more improtant than  the excellent knowledge of the subject that the teacher has taught.As I will discuss below.

On one hand,there is no denying that the students can get a high mark or even achievement by being taught the excellent knowlege in the text book.Nevertheless,we should reconsider that the purpose of education.Only get high mark?or to be a person who develops the abilities of different areas?Probably the teachers'resposibility is not only teaching the students how to learn the knowledge but also how to be a human-being that is useful for the development of the society.

On the other hand,The trust constructed between the teachers and students is the first and most impotant step .it is universally acknowlege that teachers is the best friends of students.We can find that the students'first response to the teachers are fear.They are fear of the teachers'blame words and also have not paid attention to them.Thus,ability to get along well with the students become more and more important for teachers.A good relationship with the students can help the teachers know more about what their students'true feeling is.The teachers can help them solve their problem from the aspects of psylogical and physical.It is better for the students' future development.For example,Mr Lee,the headmaster of my class in the high school,who always told stories or experience of herself .She shared the thought created when she was the same old as us.Her humorous speaking made us laughing for a long time.I enjoy that kind of lesson.We have received the things more than knowledge.After returning to the lessons,we keep energetic and even feel no tired .The humorous story indeed improve our efficiency on the learning.

To sum up,from what the aboved we discussed,we can safely draw a conclusion that the ablity to relate well with the students is more significant than just teaching their excellent knowledge of the subiect for a teacher.

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发表于 2009-7-22 12:47:31 |只看该作者
Is television bad for children?
  With the help of mass media, people get more and more access to the outside world. While at the same time, the issue of whether these inventions have brought postive or negative effects to people, especially young generations, raises serious controversy. Some people may consider television as a beneficial innovation, for it indeed releases parents and provides large amount of informantion to children, but as far as I’m concerned, television has more negative impacts on children and my reasons are as follows.
   First of all, children have received much false information from TV which is bad for their development. Because of the comparatively loose policy of the contents of TV programs, children are exposed to a large amout of violent and sexual alluring contents that cause great negative influence on them. For example, boys who always watch the scenery of fights or quarrels are more tend to perform aggressive behavior toward others, and girls who are so attracted in the romantic plots of TV series will often imagine themselves as the main characters that they can’t get out of the illusion. Once these mistaken information are ingrained in chidren’s mind, it would be hard for parents to transmitt the accurate view to their children.
   In the second place, parents always find it more difficult to communicate with their children if the kids watch so much TV. It’s obviously that children will can’t help but indulge in the television if they form a habit of watching TV every day. So, it’s not hard to imagine that young children run directly to home after school just for their favourite cartoons or TV series. Whenever parents want to talk with their sons or daughters about the things happen in the school, they would receive no reply since their children are focusing on variouos shows. If this situation keeps going on, parents may force their children to stop watching TV, resulting in damage to parents-children relationship.
In addition, TV itself is a harmful devise to children’s health. Young people who watch TV for a long time are easier to get myopic eyes and gain weight. That’s why chidren who spend 3-4 hours watching TV get the nickname as Couch Potato. Moreover, the invisible radiowaves given out from TV are destructing children’s health without noticing.
Admittely, TV has brough some benefits to children. Scientific documentaries and latest news provide useful knowledge to children and may even stimulate their interests in study. But since the disadvantages outweighs its advantages, we can safely draw the conclusion that TV is bad for children.

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发表于 2009-7-22 22:55:15 |只看该作者
题目Do you agree or disagree? There are times when lying is acceptable.
Have you ever seen that a person tells a white lie to make someone else happy? It has become a common phenomenon in that such lies do not leave a bad impact. I believe that under some circumstances lying is absolutely proper on account that a white lie avoids some unexpected consequences and lying is also reasonable to keep a good relationship, although mostly lies are not appropriate.

Telling white lies may prohibit unexpected consequences. Such lies are often common when encountered health affairs. This year my grandmother is unexpectedly diagnosed that she is infected with liver cancer which is still in a stage that can be cured. To avoid the possibility that my grandma falls into the belief that she is near the end of her life and lose her confidence to fight against the diseases, all the relatives in my family agree that we should tell her old diseases haunting her again instead of the truth. As a result, she, without any fear, cooperates with the doctors perfectly and finally regains her good health condition. If she were exposed to the fact, she would not have the courage to earn the victory. Consequently, when lies can enable a person to regain vitality and life back, they are fully acceptable.

Moreover, lying is also reasonable when showing faith in the relationship. In terms of friendship, in order to keep secrets for friends, lies should be employed, since friendship is constructed on the basis of trust, which is why friends are prone to share secrets. Revealing the secrets is equalized to the betray of friends. When it comes to affairs of company, employees have to keep all their secrets of products within the office building and under the depth of heart, otherwise the lies would not only negatively influence the competition and function of the firm in markets but also eliminate the colleagues' futures to work in the same field. Thus, in such situations, white lies are completely suitable to represent the loyalty to certain relations.

Albeit, in others conditions, lies should be utterly inhibited. People are educated to be honest on a majority of incidence confronted in life from the early ages. Honesty should be the first and most significant belief that a person should strictly follow throughout their life, otherwise they be ultimately eliminated by the whole society.

In a nutshell, lying is proper in some situation, whereas in most cases ordinary person have to be honest.

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发表于 2009-7-23 00:32:45 |只看该作者
刚写的 请斑斑 过目

families and work
Career and families are both important factors in our lives, but which one is more important in our modern society? Some people hold a point that working at job is more important than being with families, however, I totally disagree with this view. Families are  unique to me, they help me when I  hesitate or trapped by troubles, and they would never leave me no matter rich or poor.

When I'm living with my families, the problems of the work and the  pressure caused by competition are totally get off. My only feel is relax and warm. At home,  enjoying the time with families is my dream and I think it must be many other people's dream. Although I have to work from Monday to Friday, and the job limits my time, it is not mean the career is more important than the families. I would like to improve the quality of our lives and create more beautiful future through working hard at this period. The job is the process and the families is the destination.

Moreover, I could receive many useful advices and suggestions from my parents and other families because they are the persons who understand me most. For instance, when I was in college, I always worried about my future like other adolescents. At that period, I waste amount of times only on imaging the pictures of future or dreaming I could achieve more than I had paid. My parents had recognized my abnormal activities and talked to the psychologist about my situations. And then they gave the professional suggestion to me, those are the crucial suggestions to help me overcoming the problems and passing through the hard time. This circumstance directly proved that families could give us effective advices in time and they also influence us.

In addition, families would never ever leave you. No matter rich or poor, our families are the best supporters without need us to payback. In our modern society, people use to judge a people with the educational status, the property you have or your position. If you fall in your work and become poverty, many people will leave you, at that time, only the families bolster you they provide money, room, and the most important kindness. All of these could help you to handle the problems and make great achievement.

To sum up, based on the discussion mentioned above, it is doubtless families are the most important wealth to everyone, families are the unique things around work which could not be replaced by any other people or objects.

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发表于 2009-7-23 00:33:50 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree?
Subjects such as art, music, and drama should be a part of every child's basic education.

Have you ever seen that a young adult who has just strided into society adle away their leisure time? It has become common phenomenon in that they have never got chances into fields directly related to edification of human soul. Subjects such as art, music, and drama are preliminary for children to learn during their pursuit of education on accout that creativity triggered by such disciplines paves the way to success and potential interests would be dug out, although students should not spend all their time on such subjects..

Capability of creativeness and innovation would be given rise by learning such lessons, which guarantees future self-achievement. In the education system of the United States, courses directly related to mental development of students are always given priority. Not only does an qualified secondary student have to gain enough credits on accedamic studies, but one also has to expose themselves into the mansion of arts. Why? It is because power of coming up with brilliant ideas, bringing new light to development of the whole nation. That is why American universities are constantly regarded as a factory producing talents whom the rapid development and improvement of different fields depend on. No wonder quite numbers of Nobel Prize winner are graduated from first-class universities in America. It is obvious that subjects like art, music, and drama should be placed great attention, otherwise a country would lose the engine of creating a more promising future.

In addition, students would own more interests enriching their leisure time. In art classes, students would obtain opportunities to have a good knowledge of art history and comprehension of  life experience of art giants, which open a door for them to appreciate renowned works. During the time of music lessons, teenagers could gain chances to taste the master pieces of music, which enables them to expose themselves into the mansion of symphonies, sonatas, and chamber music. After lectures related to dramas, young adults are able to taste the happiness and thrill of acting some characters, which digs out the potential interests of performance. Consequently, attending such classes would edify children’s soul, illuminating their pastimes.

Albeit, there should be a limit of time for children spending on such lessons. As is known to all, learning accedmic knowledge, laying a solid foundation to their future careers, should ranks first on the list of taskes that students should perform. Distributing more time on arts could distract students time from preparing for the entrance examination for universities. Accordingly, it should be acknowledged that fundemental lessons ought to be concentrated by students, with accompany of relaxation from artististic disciplines.

In a nutshell, it is essential for children to learn subjects such as art, music, and drama. However, they should still keep in mind that their job is to conquer the knowledge of accedmic lessons so that they have to draw a line between the twl sorts of lessons.

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发表于 2009-7-23 01:25:50 |只看该作者
Agree or disagree
Telephones and e-mail make the communication between people less personal

1.        在长期的科技发展中,始终有很多类似于科技使人们的生活更有效率了或者适得其反,其中的典型就是关于交流方式的改变。
2.        不论是电话或者邮件,他们都是可以即时交流的,也就是说根本不存在更加less personal的可能,因为是否需要面对面的交流完全取决个人,而它们只是一个选择。
3.        纵然是这些电子设备使人更加懒惰了,但是科技的发展已经几乎解决了这个问题,我们已经可以实现完全视频和音频的交流了。
4.        科技在某些时候带来麻烦,但是大多时候,科技是顺应人类的需求的,科技为我们提供另外一种生活的方式,并非剥夺我们选择的权利。

In the long term of technology development, there is always some voice about the new technology does not actually make our life more efficiency but on the opposite side make our life worse. And one of the most typical questions is whether the fresh way, telephone and e-mail, of communicating is making our communication less personal. From my angle along, I cannot agree it at all. So there go my reasons.

First of all, I have to correct the topic they are holding that new communication tools make our communication less privacy. Because we have never been forced to use them. They provide us convenience and people take their choice to bestow them. Most of the time, we make easy decisions on the phone or e-mail, but we do not rely on them to help us meet less. For example, many company masters use the e-mail and phones to talk about when and where to have a conference, even revise the contract with phone. These new technologies give us much convenience and never deprive any right of choosing from us.

What is more, due to the booming technology evolvement, we have solved the problem that we cannot see the target on the phone or on the internet which could be a kind of inconvenience which has never been denied. So what is the problem with these new things? We are able to see our family when there is long distance between us. We can even hold a summit on the internet if we want. Definitely, we are going to make it even more naturally like touching and smelling. Less personal would never be a problem.

All in all, it is difficult for us to doubt that new technology does bring troubles to us before. But negative effect could not be overestimated. Because what the technology is working on is fulfill whatever the humans want. They just make us better than ever before.

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QQ联合登录 Leo狮子座 荣誉版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance US Advisor 魅丽星

发表于 2009-7-23 10:42:04 |只看该作者
a teacher's ability to relate well with the students is more important than excellent knowledge of the suject being taught.  额,这题貌似是我考试时候的题。

When it comes the ways for teacher (way to do what?建议:the methods of teaching之类的),a majority of people view that a good teacher should have the abilty to educate his or her students well.It is the first reason that the students will support this teacher (这句话可以放到让步那一段里,在开头不用这么展开).However,from my point of view,a better relationship with the students is more improtant than  the excellent knowledge of the subject that the teacher has taught.As I will discuss below.

On one hand,there is no denying that the students can get a high mark or even achievement(可数-不可数放一起不平衡,另外“成就”指的什么?建议can get academic achievements) by being taught the excellent knowlege in the text book.Nevertheless,we should reconsider that the purpose of education.Only get high mark(缺s)?or to be a person who develops the abilities of different areas? 这问句打破沉闷,很好^^ Probably the teachers'resposibility is not only teaching the students how to learn the knowledge but also how to be a human-being that is useful for the development of the society.

On the other hand,The trust constructed between the teachers and students is the first and most impotant step .( 这一句应该承接上一段的意思,说师生之间的联系可以教会学生如何做人。建议:That's when a teacher's ability to relate well with the students comes into play. 然后叙述沟通的第一个重要性) it is universally acknowlege(缺d) that teachers is the best friends of students.We can find that the students'first response to the teachers are fear.They are fear of the teachers'blame (words多余) and also have not paid attention to them (后半句的意思是?主宾对象搞不清楚了).Thus,(缺定冠词)ability to get along well with the students become more and more important for teachers.(thus后面的可以省略,直接跟上下面的 a good relationship)A good relationship with the students can help the teachers know more about what their students'true feeling is.The teachers can help them solve their problem from the aspects of psylogical and physical(改成:physical and psycological problems).It is better for the students' future development.For example,Mr Lee,the headmaster of my class in the high school,who always told stories or experience of herself .She shared the thought created when she was the same old (age) as us.Her humorous speaking (speech) made us laughing (laugh) for a long time.I enjoy that kind of lesson.We have received (the things多余) more than knowledge.After returning to the lessons,we keep energetic and even feel no tired .The humorous story indeed improve our efficiency on the learning. 题目说的是relate well,你之前也说到做人的问题,那么这个例子里写出这两点了嘛?看最后一句你还是回到提高学习效率上面了。建议写写她的故事如何让你对自己的人生产生思考,帮助你培养不放弃,不灰心等等品质。

To sum up,from what the aboved we discussed (from what's dicussed above),we can safely draw a (the) conclusion that the ablity to relate well with the students is more significant than just teaching (注意than的前后动词平衡,前面是relate,是原形) their excellent knowledge of the subiect for a teacher(for a teacher离这句主要动词太远了,建议放在conclusion that for teachers, the ability to...).

jiangskysky 发表于 2009-7-22 11:46

关于文章的篇幅,不知道你一共几个字?如果字数够的话没什么问题,字数少的话考虑把relate well的观点再加一段(前提是两段写两个不同的原因),因为现在一共就2段,1正1反,细究的话会有点太平衡了。但是从论证角度说没有问题,所以就看你字数了,这个问题不大。


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发表于 2009-7-23 11:59:19 |只看该作者

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发表于 2009-7-23 11:59:30 |只看该作者

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发表于 2009-7-23 15:00:47 |只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree: Twenty years later, people have far more leisure time than they do today?

With advent of modern technology, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed and people’s life becomes more convenient. Some people even live the illusion that all the house work could be programmed in order and executed automatically just by pressing one button. In the future, they think, they may have more leisure time. However, they fail to see the necessary fact that advanced technology brings us so many benefits, but meanwhile people have to experience a lot of troubles, such as heavy stress, traffic problems as well as environment pollution. Therefore, I do not believe that people will have more leisure time in twenty years than now.        

It is accepted fact that the technological inventions free a large number of people from tedious and complicate work. Before, people cook for food by burning wood or coal, do their laundry with their hands and endure a long and arduous journey from one country to the other. But now, the case has been changed completely. An electric boiler or microwave oven make cooking faster and easier; a fully automatic washing machine drive the tedious laundry work away; jet plane greatly shorten the distance among people living in the different parts of the world. All of these facilitate people’s life to the best.

However, we can not neglect the fact that advanced technology exert a badly passive influence on people’ life to some degree. What is the most important disadvantage is that people have to undergo such heavy stress form their families, friends and society. Moreover, people compete with others from the time when they are born. For example, to survive in such fierce competing society, people must work a long hours to meet their own necessities, some even squeeze spare time to concentrate on their academic study and working skills in order to obtain the best jobs. According the latest survey, it shows that working stress is identified as one of the primary causes to mental health problems. Although people start to realize the point, they find it is not so easy to get rid of unhealthy status, resulting from the endless working stress.

In addition, the surroundings in large cities become more serious than ever before, directly resulting in declaration in standard of people’s life. A few years ago, my families and I would like to stroll in the city park adjacent to my house with ease, and relax on the cozy benches. But since factories flowed into my community, the only plot of green field we rely on had been taken place completely. From then on, seldom could we breathe the fresh air and hear the birds sing. What is more serious, the air pollution has harmed our health and affected our feelings. On the other hand, the traffic problem has been worsen especially in the peak period. Drivers and passengers must waste the precious time on traffic jams, which take up their large amount of leisure time and low working efficiency during business days. Although we live in affluent material world, we have less pleasure than before due to such problems.

It is no doubt that advanced technology makes our life more convenient and enriches our material life. However, compared to those benefits, there are more serious problems that harassed people and make them have less leisure time controlled.

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发表于 2009-7-23 15:21:03 |只看该作者

letting a friends make a mistake is better than saying or doing somthing that may destroy the friendship.

What does friendship mean? Is it just an encounter between two strangers? So when it comes to the problem that collosion happens in friends, for example, one of the friends makes a mistake, What is the right attitude toward this problem? Does it have sense to let the friend continue his fault instead of persuading him/her to stop? From my perspective, It is impossible for anyone not to commit mistakes as well as friend, however, I disapprove the behavior that doing or saying something to it means a may to destroy the friendship.

To start with, allowing the happen of fault is not equal to regard such a behavior as right things. It is a commonsense that people treat other's ignorance as a permission to their certain actions. So does the friends. Then it is better to tell the friend, if he/she is going to have mistake, that their's disaggreement to it, or at least people's opinion which might forces the friend to reconsider if he/she is right or not becaue of the friendship. For example, tell the friend the opinion of smoking of many companions in the room will prevent him/her from smoking, at least in front of his/her friends at the public place since he/she has guilty in mind after people's warning.

Secondly, people never know what would be the result if false behavior is permitted. People will no doubt commit some mistakes in his/her life and one reason is that he/she didn't know the possible outcome of such a behavior. A friend may analyse the possibile result of it or have a better sense to these kind of problem. As a consequence, it is the only friend that might have the ability or spontaneousility to persuade his/her friend to stop the stupid things. To the criminal, never be anyone brave enough to commit crime at beginning. However, they get courage through countless trial of lighter crime. Seldom would be such a scenario if his/her friends persuade him/her earlier and kept him/her from continuing the wrong matters.

Finally, the friendship has more significance between the two people, such as concerning, responsibility. Simply speaking, friends is just different from two strangers, and why do not treat the friends distinct or hope for their good performance then?  It is the stranger who lacks the concerning to  the people's mistakes. What a terrible friendship it is if the two regard each other as unknown! In my opinion, the neglect of friends' bad behavior indicates the dislike of the other one in the friendship. However, the general situation is that most people didn't notice such a paradox in their friends' relation. Just as the situation in the issue, people are afraid of leaving away by his/her friends after persuade his/her friends' unsuitable behavior and they choose to keep silence then.(People do not express their ideas toward his/her friends' unsuitable behavior in fear of being left alone and choose to keep silence then.) That's the un-healthy firendship in my opinion yet people should do more to their friends.

The three above points therefore demonstrate that the friends should care about each other and help both. Don not leave the friend alone in the swamp of mistake and do not disregard his/her foreseeable devastated earning is not only the accurate action of friendship, but also a wise mind. Again, that is the friendship in my mind

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-23 18:04:14 |只看该作者

topic: letting a friend  make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy the friendship.
3.另外,如果你告诉朋友错了when he makes mistakes, 他也会告诉你, 会improve myself in some ways.

When people meet this case, a friend of his is making a mistake, someone does not correct the friend and let the mistake goes on to avoid destroying the friendship between he and his friend. But I would rather like to stop my friend from making a mistake.

As we all know, correcting a friend's mistake directly could make him feel unhappy and uncomfortable, even harm the friendships. For example, my friends Jim went to a bookstore to buy a book, and the seller gave him the wrong change, but Jim did not give the excess money back. When he came back and told me the whole thing, I insisted that he should return the excess money to the seller, which made Jim angry in the end.

However, the friendship is based on the frankness, and friends should be honest with each other. If someone was not corrected his mistake at the first time, he would probably make the same mistake in the future, which could lead to get in more serious trouble. In the contrast, if the one has been told the mistake he was making, he would realize that what he did was wrong, then he would appreciate the one who exhorted him. Also take my friend Jim for instance, several days after he got angry, he thanked me for making him realize his mistake, and our friendship became more stable from then on.

Moreover, friends should help each other. Sometimes we do not realize that what we do is wrong or harmful for others, in that case we need someone else to exhort ourselves. If I tell my friends the mistakes, they will tell me when I am making a mistake. Thus, I could improve myself in some ways by avoiding making the same mistakes.

In conclusion, even if telling a friend that what he does is a mistake could make him uncomfortable, we should be responsible to him as friends, and exhort him not to make the mistake.

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发表于 2009-7-23 22:15:34 |只看该作者
题目Do you agree or disagree? There are times when lying is acceptable.
Have you ever seen that a person tells a white lie to make someone else happy? It has become a common phenomenon in that such lies do not leave a bad impact. I believe that under some circumstances lying is absolutely proper on account that a white lie avoids some unexpected consequences and lying is also reasonable to keep a good relationship, although mostly lies are not appropriate.

Telling white lies may prohibit unexpected consequences. Such lies are often common when encountered health affairs. This year my grandmother is unexpectedly diagnosed that she is infected with liver cancer which is still in a stage that can be cured. To avoid the possibility that my grandma falls into the belief that she is near the end of her life and lose her confidence to fight against the diseases, all the relatives in my family agree that we should tell her old diseases haunting her again instead of the truth. As a result, she, without any fear, cooperates with the doctors perfectly and finally regains her good health condition. If she were exposed to the fact, she would not have the courage to earn the victory. Consequently, when lies can enable a person to regain vitality and life back, they are fully acceptable.

Moreover, lying is also reasonable when showing faith in the relationship. In terms of friendship, in order to keep secrets for friends, lies should be employed, since friendship is constructed on the basis of trust, which is why friends are prone to share secrets. Revealing the secrets is equalized to the betray of friends. When it comes to affairs of company, employees have to keep all their secrets of products within the office building and under the depth of heart, otherwise the lies would not only negatively influence the competition and function of the firm in markets but also eliminate the colleagues' futures to work in the same field. Thus, in such situations, white lies are completely suitable to represent the loyalty to certain relations.

Albeit, in others conditions, lies should be utterly inhibited. People are educated to be honest on a majority of incidence confronted in life from the early ages. Honesty should be the first and most significant belief that a person should strictly follow throughout their life, otherwise they be ultimately eliminated by the whole society.

In a nutshell, lying is proper in some situation, whereas in most cases ordinary person have to be honest.
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