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本帖最后由 草木也知愁 于 2009-8-4 19:52 编辑
5.2.2 各个大学的要求
1. What's special, unique, distinctive, and/or impressive about you or your life story?
2. What details of your life (personal or family problems, history, people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals) might help the committee better understand you or help set you apart from other applicants?
3. When did you become interested in this field and what have you learned about it (and about yourself) that has further stimulated your interest and reinforced your conviction that you are well suited to this field? What insights have you gained?
4. How have you learned about this field--through classes, readings, seminars, work or other experiences, or conversations with people already in the field?
5. If you have worked a lot during your college years, what have you learned (leadership or managerial skills, for example), and how has that work contributed to your growth?
6. What are your career goals?
7. Are there any gaps or discrepancies in your academic record that you should explain (great grades but mediocre LSAT or GRE scores, for example, or a distinct upward pattern to your GPA if it was only average in the beginning)?
8. Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships (for example, economic, familial, or physical) in your life?
9. What personal characteristics (for example. integrity. compassion. persistence) do you possess that would improve your prospects for success in the field or profession? Is there a way to demonstrate or document that you have these characteristics?
10. What skills (for example, leadership, communicative, analytical) do you possess?
11. Why might you be a stronger candidate for graduate school--and more successful and effective in the profession or field than other applicants?
12. What are the most compelling reasons you can give for the admissions committee to be interested in you?
The personal statement is an essay, generally under 1,000 words, which is designed to give the selection committee a sense of who you are and how closely your goals and strengths match the ideals of a specific fellowship. In this essay you have a great deal of flexibility on how to organize and present your thoughts, but you should be sure to cover the following basic points:
your qualifications for the given fellowship
how the fellowship fits in with your personal and professional goals
A personal statement is generally most effective when it concentrates on:
---an issue or experience that you feel strongly about, or one that has helped to shape who you are ---a significant accomplishment or contribution you have made to your field or community
Personal statement is a text one or two pages long, about what you want to do and how much you are prepared to pursue your ambitions. You should try to explain your interests. You should connect together different working experiences you have had, to give a perfect picture of what you have done and their relevance to what you want to do in the future. In writing your interests you should not be too general or too narrow-minded. It might not be good to say ``I love physics''. This is a statement which does not carry any information and they already expect you to like your major when you are applying for it. Writing something like ``I have done research on Astrophysics, Particle Physics, and Condensed Matter'' indicates that you do not know what Physics is or you do not have any idea how wide these branches of physics are. It also shows you are just a student who has been to a couple of lectures and is fascinated by these subjects, but does not have any clue what they are. A more accurate statement can be ``Considering my background and my interest, I will focus on Number Theory in my PhD''. You might find better sentences.
The personal statement is your only piece of creative writing in your application packet. You should cover the following topics in it: Why grad school. Why abroad. Why the school you are applying to. Why the major/program you are applying to. What are your strong points? What are your weak points? Any excuses for any weak points in your application packet, (low GPA, GRE... bad grades in courses and so on). What are you going to do after getting your degree? The goal is to convince the admission committee that by admitting you over others they produce a better PhD holder at the end. They love hard working people. They love people who can write well in English. They are professors and love people who like teaching. They are researchers and love people who like research. Keep all these in mind when writing your statement. But, be honset. It is very easy to smell dishonesty. You may have the impression that if you claim something about your interest, they will force you to do work on it during your program. It is always good to be honest and straightforward. But sometimes you are not really sure what you want to do for your PhD, and then do not be afraid. If you take up something in the beginning, there is always a chance to later switch to other subjects in the same department. Also, people do not look at your personal statement every day to see what you have claimed when you were applying. If you are highly interested to get into a specific university, it is a good idea to prepare a separate Personal Statement for them and describe why you are interested to get into their program and how your skills and experiences are appropriate for that department.
5.2.3 如何开始写作?
想法再好,如果不能被充分地表达出来也是枉然。国外的教授一般只能从书面材料来对你的学识、人品和语言能力进行判断,而你也只能以书面的形式来表现和证明你自己。你和他们之间惟一的媒介就是写在纸上的文字。由于洋教授一般不爱读长篇大论,你的留学申请篇幅有限,所以就必须使用一些写作技巧。 经常听同学们抱怨写作没有思路,往往写了一两个月都没有什么进展。也许汤姆森出版社的这段指南对你有帮助,下面是中文译文的节选:步骤一:全面构思留学文书的主题 主题是你的短文最重要的部分。你得花费一到两周的时间来构思主题。在构思主题之前,请先考虑清楚以下几点。在构思的过程中,你可能会找到一个起初你连想都没有想过的主题。
〃 你取得了哪些成就,以及为什么你认为它们是你的成就?不要认为得到了正式认可的才能算你的个人成就,因为最好的短文经常写的就是那些在当时看来平淡无奇、而一旦放到你生活的大背景中时就显得非常关键了的成就。
〃 你具有什么与众不同的特征、品质或技能吗?你是如何发展这种特长的?
〃 思考一下你最喜爱的书籍、电影、工艺品等等。这些东西对你的生活产生过有意义的影响吗?为什么你最喜欢它们?
〃 你生活中最艰难的时期是什么?为什么?这段苦难的经历导致你的人生观发生了怎样的变化?
〃 你曾经为某种东西拼搏过并取得了成功吗?是什么使得你取得了成功?
〃 你曾经为某种东西拼搏却以失败告终吗?你当时作何反应?
〃 你现在最想做的事情是什么?最想去哪里?在所有已经逝去的人和尚活着的人当中,你最想与谁在一起?这些问题会帮助你认识到什么是自己最热爱的。
〃 你有过顿悟的体验吗,仿佛突然之间看到了自己以前从未看到过的东西?
〃 你最优秀、最不可动摇的性格特征是什么?你是否对某种哲学深信不疑或坚决支持它?你的朋友们会如何形容你的性格特征?如果由他们来替你写短文,他们会写些什么?〃 除了课堂学习之外,你还做过什么事情所表现出来的品质正是大学所寻求的?其中哪件事对你来说最重要?
〃 你参加的最重要的课外活动或社区活动是什么?是什么使得你参加了这些活动?又是什么使得你继续为它们贡献力量呢?
〃 你未来的梦想是什么?三十年后当你回顾自己走过的人生道路之时,又会是什么让你认为自己的生活是成功的?什么人、事和成就是你需要的?这所大学为什么与你对未来的规划相适应?
1. 向父母、朋友、同事等人寻求帮助 请朋友列出你的五个最突出的性格特征,直到你性格形象开始显现为止;想想那些能够表现你的这些特征的生活经历。
2. 想想你的童年 儿时发展起来的兴趣可能是你生命中最具有决定意义的部分。分析你之所以会产生这些兴趣的原因,以及你所受到的培育如何塑造了这些兴趣。
3. 想想你的偶像 如果你有偶像,想想他们最值得钦佩的特征是什么,以及你的生活经历如何体现了这些特征。
选定短文的主题 现在,你必须面对撰写留学文书这个最根本的问题了。此时你必须考虑这样一些主题,它们允许你将自己重要的性格特征与个人经历融合成一个连贯的整体,同时也能够表明你想进入某所特定的院校学习的愿望。尽管大多数短文在选题范围方面允许很大的自由度,你肯定必须回答向你提出的问题。要给一个每天阅读50到100篇文章的人留下一个持久的印象并非易事,但我们整理出的一些指导性的原则对你下笔是会有帮助的。动笔之前请先考虑一下这些问题:
〃 你所选择的主题是要描述在你的生活中对你个人具有重要意义的事情,并且你可以用生动的个人经历作为细节来支持它吗?
〃 你的主题是标新立异的那一种吗?也即你是否打算把它写成抑扬格的五音部诗文或是把它写得滑稽可笑。如果你准备这样做的话,一定要特别小心。建议你不要这样做。几乎这样做的人总是做得很糟,得不到招生委员会的赏识。没有比看着一篇为了好玩或逗乐而写的文章却不发笑更糟糕的了。
〃 你所选的主题是否只是简单重复你在申请表别的地方已经列出了的信息?如果是这样,请另选一个新主题。短文中不要提GPA或标准化考试的分数。
〃 你能够用生动形象的段落来支持你短文的主题吗?如果你很难想到由具体事例作为支持的段落,还是另选一个不同的主题为妙。
〃 你能够充分地回答向你提出的问题吗?在限定的字数以内,你是能够涉及并展开所有的论点呢,还是到头来只能写出一篇作为报告或研究论文来写会很耐读的内容贫乏的摘要性文章?如果你想将大学留学文书写得专业一点,一定要让人看到你对某个主题真正感兴趣,而不是仅仅为了到处卖弄大而不当的技术词汇才这样做。除非你能够让读者相信你拥有的实际生活阅历使你对神经生物学很感兴趣,否则读者会认为你只是试图用肤浅的手段来加深他/她对你的印象。并且也请你注意,你的文章是写给招生处的官员看的,因此不要给人一种居高临下的感觉。
〃 你能否从第一个单词开始就能够提起读者的兴趣。考虑到招生处的官员可能只会花几分钟的时间 来读每篇短文,整篇文章都必须能够抓住读者的兴趣。
〃 你选的主题是否已经有太多的人写过。为了明确这一点,应当查看一下以往的留学文书。然而,大多数主题都有许多人写过,其实这也不是什么坏事。若能对一个经典的问题作出匠心独运、令人信服的回答,这会对你极有帮助。
〃 你所选的主题是许多人都不感兴趣的吗?如果你要写每个人应当如何敬奉上帝,堕胎如何正确或错误,或者你认为共和党或民主党是如何之罪恶,肯定进不了你所选择的大学。写一篇短文而给人留下了负面的印象是唯一比不写还要糟糕的事情。不要将主题定为某些宗教、政治教条或尚存在争议的观点。你如果想写尼采对你生活的影响也无妨,但在同时你也应当在文中承认并非一切有理智的人都会同意尼采的学说。要强调尼采对你个人生活的影响,而不要将重点放在为何你认为他的学说是正确或者错误上。
〃 同一道理,如果你是在陈述一个具有争议性的主题,必须承认相反观点,而不要显得高傲自大。
〃 招生处的官员在一天结束、读完了几百篇短文之后还记得起你文章的主题吗?他们会记住有关你文章主题的什么东西呢?他们又还会记得关于你的什么情况呢?你的什么东西能给人留下持久的印象?
〃 如果你打算写你如何度过了象生活贫困、企图自杀、父亲遭绑架或你从亚洲移民到美国这样的艰难岁月,应当注意你写作的主要目的是要阐述你的个人品质。仅仅因为在你身上发生了悲剧或恐怖事件,并不意味着你会成为一个好大学生或研究生。你不希望给别人留下可怜虫的印象,而是希望别人记住你是个在困境中表现出了感人品质的申请者。正是出于这个原因,与这个主题相关的短文才被推崇为最好的短文之一。你要将这种痛苦的经历作为展示你个人品质的透镜,否则是不能够写出一篇好的短文的。研究生院或专业研究生院的申请者一般应彻底避开这个主题,除非你能够证明你的这种经历将使你成为一名更优秀的商人、医生、律师或学者。
〃 短文应当能够与申请人填写的申请表的其它部分很好地配合,解释清楚那些尚未得到解释的问题,而避开那些显而易见的内容。例如,如果你的GPA得了4.0、GRE得了1400,没有人会怀疑你的学术能力,因而谈论这个话题就显得多余了。然而,如果你GRE只得了1100而GPA 得了3.9,或者GRE得了1450而GPA只有2.5,最好在短文中解释一下产生这种明显的矛盾的原因。譬如,也许你当时生病住了院或者由于家庭问题无法全身心地投入学习;你在短文中应当提到这一点。然而,不要试图把你的短文变成一个巨大的借口,你只需要在短文的大框架中对此作一个简短可信的说明就足够了。
即使是看似平淡的主题只要运用创新的手段也能够写出优秀的留学文书。在写短文的时候,你必须记住写作的两个目的:一是说服招生处的官员你极其值得被录取到他们学校,二是让招生处的官员明白你所代表的不只是一个GPA或标准化的分数,而是活生生的有吸引力的人。 遗憾的是,怎样才能写出一篇好的短文并没有一定之规。既然没有两篇短文是相似的,每一个主题都要求采用不同的写作手法。然而,我们整理出了下列建议,你在写短文的时候会发现它们很有用。
1. 切中问题 你可以遵循下面的十个步骤,但假如你未能回答对你提出的问题,是不会被任何一所院校录取的。
2. 要有新意 即使短文的主题看似枯燥,如果写作具有创意,也能够写出很有意思的文章。如果你要写你为参加体操比赛而进行训练的情况,不要这样开头:"许多周的时间里,我每天都要为某某比赛训练好几个小时"。试试这样的一个开场白:"每天早上我5:00起床,在平行杠上操练,挥洒着血汗与泪水,希望能将体操比赛的奖杯捧回我的家乡。"
3. 表现自我 招生处的官员希望了解有关你和你的写作能力的情况。写一些有意义的事情并描写你的感情,并不一定是描述你的什么行为。这样一来,你的短文就会独具一格。许多人都去过国外或者在比赛中获奖,但是你在这些场合的感受却是独特的。除非你多年来一直对某个哲学问题或社会问题保持着浓厚的兴趣,否则应避免谈论那些你没有多少个人经验的大主题。
4. 不要堆砌辞藻 由于某种原因,一些学生老是认为使用大词能够为其短文增色。使用大词没有什么不好,但只能在适当的语境中加以运用。想一想海明威吧。
5. 采用形象、清晰、生动的散体文 如果你不善于使用形象的语言,没有它当然也能写出一篇出色的短文,但这并不是一件容易的事情。既然整篇短文都要求你用个人经历作为支持性细节,它本身就适宜使用形象的语言。要调动起招生处官员的各种感官。
6. 用大部分的时间写好引言部分 招生处的官员只会花上一到两分钟阅读你的短文,因此你必须利用开头的引言从一开始就抓住他们的兴趣。在写完主体部分之后,你甚至可能需要考虑重写引言部分。
a) 在引言部分不要进行概括。问问自己读者为什么在读完引言之后还想继续往下读。如果你对情况作概括的话,招生处的官员就不需要阅读余下的部分了。
b) 在引言部分设置悬念或埋下伏笔。没有必要也不建议你在写第一句话时就表明主题。在招生处官员的心中设下问题,促使他们继续阅读下去,激发他们的兴趣,使他们理解你的主题。
7. 使用过渡 仍然有一些申请者忽视了过渡的运用而害了自己。你必须在段落中使用过渡,特别是要在段落之间使用过渡以保持短文的逻辑流畅。过渡不限于象"as a result、while…、 since…"等等这样的短语, 还包括反复出现的关键词和主题的递进。过渡为树立论点提供了逻辑结构。
8. 结尾部分很关键 结尾部分是你用以说服读者或让他们记住你的资质的最后一次机会。应当避免在结尾部分作总结,因为首先来讲短文本身就很短,读者不需要你提醒他们在300字之前你都写了些什么。也不要使用那些惯常使用的短语如"in conclusion、in summary、to conclude"等等。请考虑采用下面的方式结尾:
〃 阐发你的论述中更为宽泛的隐含意义。
〃 考虑通过重复引言的短语的方式将结尾部分与引言部分联系起来,以建立起一种平衡感。
〃 重新定义某个先前在主体部分的段落里使用过的名词。
〃 以与你的论点相关的著名引语作结,但不要刻意这样去做,因为这种手法已经用得很多了。运用这种手法应当自然而得体。
〃 在一个更大的背景内表述你的论点,或者向读者展示你的话题具有广泛的吸引力。
〃 切记,你的短文不需要包罗万象,以至于你能够回答为什么你的妹妹夭折了或为什么非洲的人们在挨饿这样的问题;你不是在写"连续剧",但在结尾部分还是得有个交代。
9. 把你的草稿拿给别人看,让其他审稿人士带着这些问题来读你的文章:
〃 这篇短文讲的是什么?
〃 在能够运用主动语态的动词的地方运用了主动语态吗?
〃 我的句子结构是有变化呢,还是使用的全部是长句或者全部是短句?
〃 我适当地运用了过渡吗?
〃 我经常使用形象性的语言吗?这使得短文更加清楚和生动吗?
〃 这篇文章最好的是哪一部分?
〃 这篇文章最令人难忘的是什么?
〃 这篇文章最糟糕的是哪一部分?
〃 这篇文章的哪些部分尚需展开或还不清楚?
〃 文章的哪些部分不支持你主要的论点或者对你的情况而言不是实质性的东西?
〃 文中的每一句话对于这篇文章来说都很关键吗?必须做到这一点。
〃 这篇文章揭示了你的什么性格特征?
〃 这篇短文是否可能已经被别人写过?
〃 以这篇文章的内容为依据,你会如何填充下面的空格:"我希望接收你到本大学,因为本大学需要更多的____________________。"
10.修改,修改,再修改 修改,修改,再修改。 只允许你写这么多字,因此应当惜墨如金。删除任何与你的主要论点无关的内容。__
5.2.4 常犯的错误
写作粗心,充满拼写语法错误 给人的第一印象很糟糕
There is really no excuse for careless errors, and having even one in your application can affect the way you are perceived. You have more than enough time to proofread and have others look over your essay. If an error slips through, your readers may assume that you are careless, disorganized, or not serious enough about your application.
泛泛而谈,缺乏实证 句子放之四海而皆准
The most egregious generalizations are the ones that have been used so many times that they have become clichés. For example, "I learned the value of hard work." That statement has been said so many times as to become meaningless.
修改前:In the first project I managed, I learned many valuable lessons about the importance of teamwork.
修改后:In the first project I managed, I made an effort to incorporate all my colleagues as equal members of a team, soliciting their feedback and deferring to their expertise as needed. The revised version explains the team dynamic in more detail, showing specifically how the applicant exercised teamwork principles. The passage should go on to include even more detail, perhaps by naming a particular colleague and discussing his interaction with that person.
过多的涉及敏感的宗教及政治话题 或者过于对有些事件抱打不平
Don't get on a soapbox and preach to the reader; while expressing your values and opinions is fine, avoid coming across as fanatical or extreme. Religion and politics normally don't belong, unless you were a member of a political committee or club. Personal political views usually are not appropriate for personal statements. Any views that might be interpreted as strange or unconventional should also be omitted. You want to avoid offending individuals in whose hands the fate of your graduate school application rests.
Don't use a gimmicky style or format. Your "clever" or "original" idea for style probably isn't, and it may not be appreciated. "Avoid cuteness; we've had people who have done career statements in the form of a mini-play, for example. You want to sound like a professional." — The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
像老太婆的裹脚布又臭又长 令人没有仔细阅读的欲望
Sometimes the same writer who relies too heavily on generalizations will also provide too many irrelevant details. The problem is that writers often don't consider what is actually necessary to include, or they repeat points freely. Example of irrelevant detail:"After a meeting with my adviser, I returned home to think over the matter more carefully. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my interests in physical properties and mental life would best be explored in a double major of biology and psychology." In this example, we learn nothing about the applicant from the mention of his meeting with an adviser. What's relevant are his interests and the decision he made based on them. Example of redundancy:"The class taught me a great deal about the value of literature. I learned that literature can both instruct and inspire, and this understanding has changed the way I read every text." You also have to watch out for wordy writing. Short sentences are more forceful because they are direct and to the point.
修改前:"My recognition of the fact that the project was finally over was a deeply satisfying moment that will forever linger in my memory."
修改后:"Completing the project at last gave me an enduring sense of fulfillment."
滥用大词,卖弄词汇量,用极其复杂的句式 这里不是GRE考试的词汇部分的展示 如果你的留学文书写的像GRE阅读文章,没有任何人会喜欢。
Using longer, fancier words does not make you sound more intelligent, since anyone can consult a thesaurus. Simpler language is almost always preferable, as it demonstrates your ability to think and express yourself clearly.
修改前:"Although I did a plethora of activities in college, my assiduous efforts enabled me to succeed."
修改后:"Although I juggled many activities in college, I succeeded through persistent work." |
总评分: 声望 + 1