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[i习作temp] issue130 by [728西安]小红莓 [复制链接]

Rank: 4



发表于 2009-7-24 20:39:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE130 - "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."
WORDS: 690
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2009-7-24 20:32:36

As children is the future of society, there is always a debate on whether children are socialized determines the destiny of society and whether we have learned to how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. I concede that socialization is an important part of children's life and even affect the future of society; however, it is not the most important element, and our society has cultivate a large group of children who have made great contribution to society when they grown up.

To begin with, socialization, which contains communication, interaction and many skills that could be learned from this progress, plays an important role in both the destiny of children and the whole society. It is inevitable that all individuals should interact and communicate with others in his life, so children should begin to learn and take action into this process at early age. Socialization could give children many valuable merits and knowledge, such as the ability to get along with others, the rules and generalities in society, the equality of chances and opportunities in life, and so on. If a child has well socialized in early age, he will be stronger in heart and objective to what happened in his life, which help him make great achievement. For example, the famous NBA player Phil Jackson, who likes to interact with others and has many friends who want to follow his when he was a little boy, use his socialized ability and lead his team to many extraordinary success when he grow up to be a professional basketball player. However, without these merits and knowledge, it will be too hard for a child to get used to the society when he or she grows up. For another example, the English writer Emily Bronte had never interacted with anyone out of her family and finally died of depression and psychological diseases. What's more important, socialized children could benefit the society when they grow up, because they know how to communicate with others most effectively and how to reach the goal quickly. And, of course this boost of efficiency could speed up the development of the whole society.

However, socialization is neither the only way nor the most important way that determines the destiny of society. During the process of growing up, one should also be influenced by the knowledge that learned from book, the behavior of his parents and others around him, the environment of he lives, which would also have influence on the society in the future. For example, no matter how socialized is a child, he could never be a scientist and therefore could not make any contribution in the realm of science if he never read any book or do any scientific research. There are so many merits and knowledge that could not be learned from socialization, and as a consequence, socialization could only influence rather than determines the destiny of not only children but also the society.

What's more, as far as I am concerned, our society has cultivated many great people who had socialized well at early age, and our society does have the ability to continue doing so. There are so many great leaders, such as Lincoln, Obama who had been socialized at early age and made great contribution to society. For example, children have equal chance to be a leader and govern some basic affairs of other children in school, which is totally similar to the election in society. And, families also always force children to do some part-time job to let the children try to fit for the work condition in society.

To sum up, socialization plays an important role in both the destiny of children and the whole society without which it will be too hard for a child to get used to the society when he or she grow up. However, socialization could only influence rather than determines the destiny of not only children but also the society, and our society has cultivate many great people who had socialized well at early age and do have the ability to continue doing so in the future.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-7-24 20:51:20 |只看该作者
同是ISSUE 130跟帖拍

  1. The speaker's first claim that the socialization of children determines the destiny of society is an overstatement at best. I agree with the second claim in substance, because it indicates the current social conditions.
  2. The socialization of an individual is that you gain the basic skills and knowledge of surviving in a society, accept the norms of the society, form your own principle in doing things, develop your own personal values and morality, and know what role you should play in the society and how much influence you can exert.
  3. On the one hand, socialization is indeed an indispensable strong driving force for the progress of our society. Scientific research, literary and artistic creation, and social public welfare cause can not be accomplished without communication and cooperation. For example, without the collaborative effort of scientists of several countries the sequencing of human genome can't be completed, without the generous help and donations from all parts of the world Sichuan Province of China can't be rebuilt in such a short time after the dreadful earthquake, and without the cooperation of artists and architect we couldn't see such a fantastic 'Bird Nest' in the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games. Without communication and colored by what one sees and hears constantly the culture also can't be passed on from one generation to another. Those who haven't been socialized may find it difficult in finding proper role in the society he/she should play, and the unrealistic hopes toward oneself in a society may ultimately come to naught and the depressed one may develop a propensity to violence and terrorism. On the other hand, however, socialization is not the only factor for a better world. One's strong conviction to belief and distinctive personality also influence the society to a great extent. Take China's great romantic poet LiBai for example, he was lonely and had bad luck of his official career throughout his life, just because he was not socialized. However, it is undeniable that he had contributed a lot to Chinese poetry and international poetry. Just imagine if LiBai had been socialized can we appreciate the wonderful works containing romance and free and easy style which can purify our souls.
  4. In term of the speaker's second claim, it indeed reflects the existing problem in socialization of children in today's society. The success of socialization of children needs the cooperation of families, schools, social medium, and their peers. However, some families and schools put much emphasis on children's intellectual development other than the basic skills of surviving and communicating with others which is of vital importance. What they do may lead to the academic success of a child, but the child probably becomes self-contemptuous and develops a sense of loss for lack of social interactions. Those who have mental problems may get collapses in psychology and develop anti-social behavior just because lacking the ability of seeking psychological help. The social medium also can not provide a correct orientation for public opinion. Many television programs and movies are never without violence, sexual alluring, and bloody contents. Watching them children may become violent and aggressive, and can not cultivate a correct belief as well as personal value and morality.
  5. In sum, despite the fact that socialization plays an important role in the progress of society, other factors can not be neglected. Only the cooperation and correct guidance of families, schools, and medium can cultivate children who can truly better our society.

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