114.A recently completed study shows that people dwelling in stairs-only apartment buildings (that is, buildings without elevators) live an average of three years longer than do people who live in buildings with both elevators and stairs. A second study shows that elderly residents of buildings with elevators make, on average, twice as many visits to doctors each year as do elderly residents of buildings without elevators. These findings suggest that even a very moderate amount of daily exercise, such as that required to use the stairs leading to and from one's apartment, can increase people's health and longevity. (conclusion1)The findings also suggest that new apartment buildings should be constructed with as few elevators as possible.(conclusion2) 关于这篇argument实在是很迷茫,这里我觉得conclusion1没什么好驳的。只能从驳conclusion2入手。 1. 不能只靠爬楼梯来锻炼身体,爬楼梯对于老人来说还是危险大于锻炼带来的健康,还是elevator快捷安全,可以乘elevator下楼出去锻炼。 2. 寿命长短不能只靠电梯来判断,也许受调查地区居民的生活习惯不同,是这些不同导致的寿命长短不一。 3.不能减少电梯,elevators还是有用的,节约时间,运输东西方便,楼层高的话爬楼梯会让人体力不支。 请大家赐教!说说自己的逻辑~~~谢谢大家~~~ |