楼主: 草木也知愁
[主题活动] 0910G笔试精英组 招新 |
Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?
Léon: Always like this. |
A bird's pride comes not from the height he soars on,
but from the will and courage to fight storm alone. A bird's glory comes not from the claim of he can fly, but from the proof of he eventually teared the sky. |
如果受了伤就喊一声痛, 真的说出来就不会太难过。 不去想自由, 反而更轻松, 愿意感动孤独单不忐忑。 生活啊生活啊, 会快乐也会寂寞, 生活啊生活啊, 明天我们好好的过。 爱生活,爱寄托。 一直在这里。我爱你们。 |