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[i习作temp] Issue108 今天的第二篇 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-28 11:27:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
108"In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings—trials, debates, meetings, etc—that are televised, the more society will benefit."

Television is really a great invention today. Not only does it make our life more colorful by providing us with entertainments, but also it brings a more democratic society to us by providing us with government proceedings. However, some people think the more kinds of government proceedings are televised, the more society will benefit, which I take leave to doubt. Television could play an active part to enhance a democratic society to some extent, but learning about politics from television is after all a passive process.

To begin with, television really makes government proceedings more transparent to the public. Before the invention of the television, people could only learn political issues through the traditional method of written records like newspapers, magazines as well as books. Such kind of method not only makes political life abstract to them but also isolated them from the routines of the government. However, television changes everything. It could present government proceedings vividly in front of the public. Therefore, not only could the public learn more about politics, they could involve themselves in these political issues as supervisors. When watching a trial, the public learn more about laws and the legislations which prevent them from committing crimes as well as help them to protect themselves by laws. Heated debates as well as some talk shows about political issues help people to care for political issues in their daily lives and think about them critically. A broadcasting of meetings could help the public to learn more about the policies of the government. Moreover, as soon as the public learn these government proceedings, they could involve in political lives as supervisors. Once they find out the injustice of the trials or flaws in the policies, they could express their opposites to the government and make suggestions. Television really brings us a more democratic society.

Furthermore, television makes the government executives more self-disciplined under the supervision of the public. With their political lives being broadcasted, the government executives feel pressure. As public figures, they should be strict with themselves in every little thing they do because a minor mistake could be observed by the public and cause trouble to them. The judge could not abuse his power to make unjust decisions when the trials are broadcasting to the whole society.  When the election comes, the candidates make every possible beneficial proposal(注意用单数) to raise their reputations. Such kind of supervision could prevent the government executives from abusing their power all the time and thus prevent corruption to some extent.

However, the benefits to the society have no linear relationship with the amount of the broadcasted government proceedings. There could be a platform of the benefits when certain amount is reached because watching television is after all a passive and superficial process of learning about political issues. We could see the proceedings vividly, but without professional knowledge, we could never understand the tactics or conflicts behind these political issues. Moreover, the government is the controller of the media and sometimes the most important information could be withdrew form the public. Therefore, although the public could learn something about the routine lives of the politicians, they could never be engaged in some of the most important issues of the government. Therefore, television has limitation, the illusion of the linear relationship is unpractical.

In sum, television really promoted the democracy of our society. However, due to its passiveness as well as limitations, the more broadcasting of political issues could not always lead to more benefits of the society.


[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-28 at 12:36 ]

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-28 12:41:06 |只看该作者
In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings—trials, debates, meetings, etc—that are televised, the more society will benefit."

Television is really a great invention today. Not only does it make our life more colorful by providing us with entertainments, but also it brings a more democratic society to us by providing us with government proceedings. However, some people think the more kinds of government proceedings are televised, the more society will benefit, which I take leave to doubt. Television could play an active part to enhance a democratic society to some extent, but learning about politics from television is after all a passive process.

To begin with, television really makes government proceedings more transparent to the public. Before the invention of the television, people could only learn political issues through the traditional method of written records like newspapers, magazines as well as books. Such kind of method not only makes political life abstract to them but also isolated them from the routines of the government. However, television changes everything. It could present government proceedings vividly in front of the public. Therefore, not only could the public learn more about politics, they could involve themselves in these political issues as supervisors. When watching a trial, the public learn more about laws and the legislations which prevent them from committing crimes as well as help them to protect themselves by laws. Heated debates as well as some talk shows about political issues help people to care for political issues in their daily lives and think about them critically. A broadcasting of meetings could help the public to learn more about the policies of the government. Moreover, as soon as the public learn these government proceedings, they could involve in political lives as supervisors. Once they find out the injustice of the trials or flaws in the policies, they could express their opposites to the government and make suggestions. Television really brings us a more democratic society.(这段写的很精彩:),分析得很清楚)

Furthermore, television makes the government executives more self-disciplined under the supervision of the public. With their political lives being broadcasted, the government executives feel pressure. As public figures, they should be strict with themselves in every little thing they do because a minor mistake could be observed by the public and cause trouble to them. The judge could not abuse his power to make unjust decisions when the trials are broadcasting to the whole society.  When the election comes, the candidates make every possible beneficial proposal(注意用单数) to raise their reputations. Such kind of supervision could prevent the government executives from abusing their power all the time and thus prevent corruption to some extent.

However, the benefits to the society have no linear relationship with the amount of the broadcasted government proceedings. There could be a platform of the benefits when certain amount is reached because watching television is after all a passive and superficial process of learning about political issues. We could see the proceedings vividly, but without professional knowledge, we could never understand the tactics or conflicts behind these political issues. Moreover, the government is the controller of the media and sometimes the most important information could be withdrew form the public. Therefore, although the public could learn something about the routine lives of the politicians, they could never be engaged in some of the most important issues of the government. Therefore, television has limitation, the illusion of the linear relationship is unpractical. (这段的论述不是很strong,watching meeting不需要专业知识啊,国家机密不能透露给公众也是很正常的,否则外国人也能看电视,不等于泄露国家机密了嘛)

In sum, television really promoted the democracy of our society. However, due to its passiveness as well as limitations, the more broadcasting of political issues could not always lead to more benefits of the society.
(总的来说写得蛮好的,我能够改的地方也很少:)body1 body2能够相互对应,先针对public再针对government,我觉得论述的都蛮好的,就是让步的部分不是很有说服力,建议修改一下,加油~~~)

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