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[i习作temp] issue83 【jet小组】联系 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-2-17 17:48:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue83  1让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:5132     595 words
Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.
Should government preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state now matter how remote they locates ,as the speaker contends? As far as I am concerned, such a issue involves a various of subjects in society such as environmental protection, balanced distribution of public resources and so forth. On balance, I fundamentally agree with the speaker with the respect to the necessary and positive role of government in it.

The necessities and importance of preserving publicly owned wilderness areas, whether from government's help or personal funds, can be viewed in three isolated aspects. A threshold problem is that the confliction between nature and human beings ostensibly loom out as a result of industrial revolution or technological progress. To ensure our progress, I derive the privilege from other species by ways of clear cutting forest or polluting lakes and streams to get enough materials to further manufacturing. In other words, it is our human beings -- a form of species in the world that endanger other's survival. We have a duty to take affirmative measures to make up our mistakes for wild animals, such activities including preserving wilderness areas look like redemption, at least from its notions.

The second argument has to do with a certain sense of self-preservation, considering our nature -- one species as the same as others. In the line of such reasoning, the principles in nature are also applied to us. The most influential one, at least it seems to me, is the matrix of interdependent relationships in animal kingdom by which can set into motion a series of reactions which ultimately endanger our survival.

The third one involves immediate social meanings and future benefits of preserving wilderness areas. At present, it serves as a symbol of striking a harmony between modern industry and wilderness areas. Moreover, in the long run, it will be a witness of our great endeavor, and pass such invaluable spirit to the next generation.

However, two compelling argument against preserve public wilderness areas no matter how remote they locate or how few people will benefit at expense of countless public resources to be devoted to, while other activities with similar functions can be done with lower cost of resources in terms of money and time.
One example aptly illustrate his point of view involves the Ecosphere Project, conducted by a handful of ecologists with the purpose to create artificial ecosphere in labs. Though this attempt only lasted no more than 100 days then failed, at least it direct another approach to protect wilderness areas in which we can simulate the conditions of the wilderness in labs to preserve its existence. After all, some similar attempts are already applied in botanical gardens, zoos and all kinds of exhibitions.

Another point of contention lies in the byproducts if doing so. To preserve wilderness areas means to introduce our modern management to fulfill our goals by establishing fence at the edge of nature protection areas or limiting anthropogenic activities in its core. Either of activities would introduce another form of disturbance to wilderness areas, especially animals. Without evaluation the influence of these measures,

In sum, to reduce the impact of our industrialization and modernization on wilderness areas, to ensure a harmony between human beings and wild animals, to pass down the last true wilderness and unspoiled paradise to our fellows, government accounts responsibility to preserve wilderness areas in their natural state regardless of its expenditure. However, considering the finite public resources and other alternative way to protect environment in wilderness areas, we should reach a balance between the two.
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issue83 【jet小组】联系


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