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[i习作temp] issue144 艺术类高频,难啊,大家拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-29 21:25:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

B1 是艺术家创作了艺术作品,而伟大的有价值的艺术作品通常需要艺术家深入生活,贴近群众的感悟而得
B2 是艺术评论家发掘了被淹没的历史艺术品,使得这些险些失去价值的作品重获价值
B3 艺术评论家指导大众欣赏艺术作品,也反馈给艺术家大众的需求,使其创作出有社会价值的作品

Can works created by artist last a long term value, or the critic helps to attain? Some people may believe that it is the artist who endows the activity to the works while some others acclaim that the critic who evaluates works is the key role for works to be permanent. My point of view is that after examine the efforts devoted by the two figures, and both of them give society a meaningful sense of works.

On the one hand, artists are the main body of work creating without whom there is no artwork at all, so we can not deny the effects made by artists. Yet, the aim of artists to make the works last value to society is not an easy task. It needs the artists' heart and soul on what they concentrate, which is not a simple mouth job. At the very beginning for a person who wishes to become an artist, he or she may make up his or her mind to devote on the field totally, even though the life is difficult. Moreover, in the process of creating a meaningful artwork, he or she must be familiar with the masses. Only work close to the popular, it would establish a strong resonance between the work and the masses. For example, In Tang Dynasty, every time the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote his poem, he must live with the people who he wanted to describe in the poem and feel what they feel, and after accomplishing a new work, he read to the old woman who lived neighborhood to check if his poem would be understood by her who represent the most ordinary people, as a result, the works he wrote at one thousand years ago are still keeping the marrow to the new period and we now still study them. That is to say, the famous works produced by the artists should express the true life of the most ordinary people.

On the other hand, through the history of human civilization, there are lots of artworks produced by lots of artists. However, many of them are sank and unknown to the public which do not mean the works are meaningless or unqualified to be the valuable ones, only ascribes to other reasons like the limitation of time and ideology. Under such situation, the critics play a vital role on uncovering the substance of valuable historic artworks. They evaluate the significance of the works in an expert view to the artwork first, and then introduce to the society and give fames back to these works. Status of Van Gogh returned to him after his death by critics' disclosing of his great works. It is the critics who partly save the lost civilization, without the efforts made by them, lots of treasures may submerge eternally as their covering at the contemporary time.

Moreover, the critics direct the masses, who are not so familiar with the approach adopted by the artists, to enjoy the sense from the artwork. This function of the critics is also important to the recognition of the artworks by the masses. Once the work is accepted by the masses, it possesses the social value. Whereas, the masses are not professional, without critics’ explanation, they may not easily realize the signification of the works. Besides, the critics also direct the artists what the masses need, and what the society needs. With this direction, artists may find the rout to express the social facets. Thus, the critics bridge the artists and the masses, not only help masses to understand the works but also assist the artists to get close with the heart of the masses and the society with their pens, brushes, films and scores.

In conclusion, integrating the function of both of the artist and the critic, the works may be better evaluated by the people and the society and got their existence value. Without the artists, no artworks would be criticized by the virtuoso, and without the critics, lots of works would be abstruse to the masses and not be emerged to the society. As a result, neither of them should be neglected when we define the social value of a piece of artwork.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-29 22:07:41 |只看该作者
Can works created by artist last a long term value, or the critic helps to attain? Some people may believe that it is the artist who endows the activity to the works while some others acclaim that the critic who evaluates works is the key role for works to be permanent. My point of view is that after examine the efforts devoted by the two figures,and both of them give society a meaningful sense of works.

On the one hand, artists are the main body of work creating without whom there is改成would be 是否好一点? no artwork at all, so we can not deny the effects made by artists. Yet, the aim of artists to make the workslast作持续讲是不及物动词,形容词是最后的,中间夹一个动词吧,把last 换回lasting last value to society is not an easy task. It needs the artists' heart and soul on what they concentrate, which is not a simple mouth job. At the very beginning for a person who wishes to become an artist, he or she may make up his or her mind to devote on the field totally, even though the life is difficult. Moreover, in the process of creating a meaningful artwork, he or she must be familiar with the masses. Only work close to the popular, it would--would it establish a strong resonance between the work and the masses. For example, In Tang Dynasty, every time the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote his poem, he must live with the people who he wanted to describe in the poem and feel what they feel, and after accomplishing a new work, he read to the old woman who lived neighborhood to check if his poem would be understood by her who represent the most ordinary people, as a result, the works he wrote at删 one thousand years ago are still keeping the marrow to the new period and we now still study them. That is to say, the famous works produced by the artists should express the true life of the most ordinary people嗯?最后一句说艺术家应该创作什么样的作品?你不是想表明艺术家可以创造出永恒的价值么?如果肯定艺术家的话,不仅是对这一段的总结,也表明了你对永恒价值的定义。
On the other hand, through the history of human civilization, there are lots of artworks produced by lots of artists. However, many of them are sank and unknown to the public which do not mean the works are meaningless or unqualified to be the valuable ones, only ascribes to other reasons like the limitation of time and ideology. Under such situation, the critics play a vital role on uncovering the substance of valuable historic artworks. They evaluate the significance of the works in an expert view to the artwork first, and then introduce to the society and give fames back to these works. Status of Van Gogh returned to him after his death by critics' disclosing of his great works. It is the critics who partly save the lost civilization, without the efforts made by them, lots of treasures may submerge eternally as their covering at the contemporary time.恩,这一段的论点我倒是没有想到过,我一直把critics摆在一个help 的位置上的,看来对这种过去时的艺术品,批评家的确很重要。句子比昨天好懂,还是有些问题,不过文法方面的错误大大减少,所以也不好用自己的句子来修,因为我也很菜,而且别人修过的句子就不是自己的了

Moreover, the critics direct the masses, who are not so familiar with the approach adopted by the artists, to enjoy the sense from the artwork. This function of the critics is also important to the recognition of the artworks by the masses. Once the work is accepted by the masses, it possesses the social value. Whereas, the masses are not professional, without critics’ explanation, they may not easily realize the signification of the works.恩,其实我一直在想,如果公众不接受的话,而且是一个接一个世代的都不接受,那么这种艺术有价值么?我只是有感而发,可以探讨一下~ Besides, the critics also direct the artists what the masses need, and what the society needs. With this direction, artists may find the rout to express the social facets. Thus, the critics bridge the artists and the masses, not only help masses to understand the works but also assist the artists to get close with the heart of the masses and the society with their pens, brushes, films and scores.

In conclusion, integrating the function of both of the artist and the critic, the works may be better evaluated by the people and the society and got their existence value. Without the artists, no artworks would be criticized by the virtuoso, and without the critics, lots of works would be abstruse to the masses and not be emerged to the society. As a result, neither of them should be neglected when we define the social value of a piece of artwork.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-29 23:14:07 |只看该作者
144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

B1 是艺术家创作了艺术作品,而伟大的有价值的艺术作品通常需要艺术家深入生活,贴近群众的感悟而得
B2 是艺术评论家发掘了被淹没的历史艺术品,使得这些险些失去价值的作品重获价值
B3 艺术评论家指导大众欣赏艺术作品,也反馈给艺术家大众的需求,使其创作出有社会价值的作品

Can works created by artist last a long term value, or the critic helps to attain? Some people may believe that it is the artist who endows the activity to the works while some others acclaim that the critic who evaluates works is the key role for works to be permanent. My point of view is that after examine the efforts devoted by the two figures, and both of them give society a meaningful sense of works.

On the one hand, artists are the main body of work creating without whom there is no artwork at all, so we can not deny the effects made by artists. Yet, the aim of artists to make the works last value to society is not an easy task. It needs the artists' heart and soul on what they concentrate, which is not a simple mouth job. At the very beginning for a person who wishes to become an artist, he or she may make up his or her mind to devote on the field totally, even though the life is difficult. Moreover, in the process of creating a meaningful artwork, he or she must be familiar with the masses. Only work close to the popular, it would establish a strong resonance between the work and the masses. For example, In Tang Dynasty, every time the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote his poem, he must live with the people who he wanted to describe in the poem and feel what they feel, and after accomplishing a new work, he read to the old woman who lived neighborhood to check if his poem would be understood by her who represent the most ordinary people, as a result, the works he wrote at one thousand years ago are still keeping the marrow to the new period and we now still study them. That is to say, the famous works produced by the artists should express the true life of the most ordinary people.提纲应该明确是作品能lasting是因为贴近民众,和下一段的没有被民众发现而被批评家发现对比。而这段的前半部写的是艺术家贴近民众,应该强调作品

On the other hand, through the history of human civilization, there are lots of artworks produced by lots of artists. However, many of them are sank and unknown to the public which do not mean the works are meaningless or unqualified to be the valuable ones, only ascribes to other reasons like the limitation of time and ideology. Under such situation, the critics play a vital role on uncovering the substance of valuable historic artworks. They evaluate the significance of the works in an expert view to the artwork first, and then introduce to the society and give fames back to these works. Status of Van Gogh returned to him after his death by critics' disclosing of his great works. It is the critics who partly save the lost civilization, without 是介词和副词,不是连词the efforts made by them, lots of treasures may submerge eternally as their covering at the contemporary time.例子举的很好

Moreover, the critics direct the masses, who are not so familiar with the approach adopted by the artists, to enjoy the sense from the artwork. This function of the critics is also important to the recognition of the artworks by the masses. Once the work is accepted by the masses, it possesses the social value. Whereas, the masses are not professional, without critics’ explanation, they may not easily realize the signification of the works. Besides, the critics also direct the artists what the masses need, and what the society needs. With this direction, artists may find the rout to express the social facets. Thus, the critics bridge the artists and the masses, not only help masses to understand the works but also assist the artists to get close with the heart of the masses and the society with their pens, brushes, films and scores.

In conclusion, integrating the function of both of the artist and the critic, the works may be better evaluated by the people and the society and got their existence value. Without the artists, no artworks would be criticized by the virtuoso, and without the critics, lots of works would be abstruse to the masses and not be emerged to the society. As a result, neither of them should be neglected when we define the social value of a piece of artwork.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-30 07:44:17 |只看该作者


144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

B1 是艺术家创作了艺术作品,而伟大的有价值的艺术作品通常需要艺术家深入生活,贴近群众的感悟而得
B2 是艺术评论家发掘了被淹没的历史艺术品,使得这些险些失去价值的作品重获价值
B3 艺术评论家指导大众欣赏艺术作品,也反馈给艺术家大众的需求,使其创作出有社会价值的作品

Can works created by artist last a long term value, or the critic helps to attain? Some people may believe that it is the artist who endows the activity to the works while some others acclaim that the critic who evaluates works is the key role for works to be permanent. My point of view is that after examine the efforts devoted by the two figures, and both of them give society a meaningful sense of works.

On the one hand, artists are the main body of work creating without whom there is no artwork at all, so we can not deny the effects made by artists. Yet, the aim of artists to make the works last value to society is not an easy task. It needs the artists' heart and soul on what they concentrate, which is not a simple mouth job. At the very beginning for a person who wishes to become an artist, he or she may make up his or her mind to devote on the field totally, even though the life is difficult. Moreover, in the process of creating a meaningful artwork, he or she must be familiar with the masses. Only work close to the popular, it would establish a strong resonance between the work and the masses. For example, In Tang Dynasty, every time the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote his poem, he must live with the people who he wanted to describe in the poem and feel what they feel, and after accomplishing a new work, he read to the old woman who lived neighborhood to check if his poem would be understood by her who represent the most ordinary people, as a result, the works he wrote at one thousand years ago are still keeping the marrow to the new period and we now still study them. That is to say, the famous works produced by the artists should express the true life of the most ordinary people.这段是突出artist的作用?要我写的话,那些传世之作对人们、社会的影响可以写一写吧,呵呵

On the other hand, through the history of human civilization, there are lots of artworks produced by lots of artists. However, many of them are sank and unknown to the public which do not mean the works are meaningless or unqualified to be the valuable ones, only ascribes to other reasons like the limitation of time and ideology. Under such situation, the critics play a vital role on uncovering the substance of valuable historic artworks. They evaluate the significance of the works in an expert view to the artwork first, and then introduce to the society and give fames back to these works. Status of Van Gogh returned to him after his death by critics' disclosing of his great works. It is the critics who partly save the lost civilization, without the efforts made by them, lots of treasures may submerge eternally as their covering at the contemporary time.这个观点提的好!

Moreover, the critics direct the masses, who are not so familiar with the approach adopted by the artists, to enjoy the sense from the artwork. This function of the critics is also important to the recognition of the artworks by the masses. Once the work is accepted by the masses, it possesses the social value. Whereas, the masses are not professional, without critics’ explanation, they may not easily realize the signification of the works. Besides, the critics also direct the artists what the masses need, and what the society needs. With this direction, artists may find the rout to express the social facets. Thus, the critics bridge好的 the artists and the masses, not only help masses to understand the works but also assist the artists to get close with the heart of the masses and the society with their pens, brushes, films and scores.这段写的好,思路很清晰,学习ing

In conclusion, integrating the function of both of the artist and the critic, the works may be better evaluated by the people and the society and got their existence value. Without the artists, no artworks would be criticized by the virtuoso, and without the critics, lots of works would be abstruse to the masses and not be emerged to the society.:victory: As a result, neither of them should be neglected when we define the social value of a piece of artwork.


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