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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-10 22:16:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
托福写作互改小组   2.10  第一次来。。。 只有独立写作
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.

There is a public controversy about whether the individual have the ability to take care of environmental issue. A majority of people think the environmental problem is too vague and abstract to be solved by each single person. They claim that it is the job of government as well as the environmental institution to concern about the healthy of our planet. However, I believe that individuals could produce strong power to deal with this tough task, and they should be aware of this undeniable duty.

Admittedly, the environmental issue is really a wide and endless problem in human history which could not be ignored by any aspect of our society. It involves with kinds of pollution including air, water, sound pollution, saving natural energy resources as well as protecting endangered animals. In order to improve the environment condition, groups of scientists or institutions have been working on it for many years. They try to understand the rule of nature, decode the mystery of environmental balance, invent new environmental friendly equipments. A lot of efforts have been done, but the key of solving this big problem is still hold in the hands of individual.

In fact, environment issue is huge problem could only be fixed with the efforts of individual since the decision of individual determines the trend of environment. The environmental issue is not so undefeatable as it seems to be once every individual is willingly to take the responsibility to face the problem directly. Take the limited energy resources for example. Many countries and regions are trying their best to eliminate the alarm of shortage of natural energy through finding new alternative ways to get power or cutting down the quantity of supplement. But it is the individual that is the prominent power and strength during this process. Only if they follow the instructions and polices, replace traditional energy resource into alternative one, could the speed of exhausting natural resource be reduced to an acceptable level.

Meanwhile, though the function of each element in the ecology system is pretty complex and delicate to be understood, but the way to promote the environment condition into a better level is simple and easy for individual to follow. Due to the fact that environment surrounding us has a close relationship with human being’s every movement and behavior, it could be relieved, to some degree, by individual’s daily conduct. Whether one is aware of it or not, every individual could deal with environmental issue through some small action, such as dividing the waste into different groups for recycle use, reducing the quantity of water usage at home positively. Sometimes, even by providing a bleeding young bird a nest to stay for a couple of days may be beneficial to enlarge the number of the whole specie. To every common people, fighting with environmental issue is just as simple as this.

In conclusion, the theory of the environment issue is undoubtedly not easy to analysis, while the individual could still take some simple steps to protect our world: take serious attitude with the global challenge, think the interest of animals and plants first before each action, leave enough resource to next generation for them to survive. Deep down, I trust that individual’s effort could change the world.

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-10 23:42:23 |只看该作者
There is a public controversy about whether the individual have the ability to take care of environmental issue. A(The?) majority of people think the environmental problem is too vague and abstract to be solved by each single person. They claim that it is the job of government(s) as well as the environmental institution to(to改成that) concern about the healthy of our planet. However, I believe that individuals could produce strong power to deal with this tough task, and they should be aware of this undeniable duty.

Admittedly, the environmental issue is really a wide and endless problem in human history(,) which could not be ignored by any aspect(s?) of our society. It involves with(with是不是可以去掉?) kinds of pollution including(这个including貌似没什么必要,建议把各种pollution具体化,比如:water shortage) air, water, sound pollution, saving natural energy resources as well as protecting endangered animals. In order to improve the environment condition, groups of scientists or institutions have been working on it for many years. They try to understand the rule of nature, decode the mystery of environmental balance, invent new environmental friendly equipments. A lot of efforts have been done, but the key of solving this big problem is still hold in the hands of individual.

In fact, environment issue is (a)huge problem (,which)could only be fixed with the efforts of individual since the decision of individual determines(decisions made by individuals determine...) the trend of environment. The environmental issue is not so undefeatable as it seems to be once every individual is willingly to take the responsibility to face the problem(建议替换掉problem) directly. Take the limited energy resources for example. Many countries and regions are trying their best to eliminate the alarm of shortage of natural energy through finding new(去掉new) alternative ways to get(建议换词) power or cutting down the quantity of supplement. But it is the individual that is the prominent power and strength(power=strength,换掉其中一个) during this process. Only if they follow the instructions and polices, replace traditional energy resource into alternative one, could the speed of exhausting natural resource be reduced to an acceptable level.

Meanwhile, though the function of each element in the ecology system is pretty complex and delicate to be understood, but the way to promote the environment condition(这里可以换一种说法了:improve...) into a better level is simple and easy for individual to follow. Due to the fact that environment surrounding us has a close relationship with human being’s every movement and behavior(movements and behaviours), it could be relieved, to some degree, by individual’s daily conduct. Whether one is aware of it or not, every individual could deal with environmental issue through some small action, such as dividing the waste into different groups for recycle use, reducing the quantity of water usage at home positively. Sometimes, even by providing a bleeding young bird a nest to stay for(去掉for) a couple of days may be beneficial to enlarge the number of the whole specie. To every common people, fighting with environmental issue is just as simple as this.

In conclusion, the theory of the environment issue is undoubtedly not easy to analysis, while the individual could still take some simple steps to protect our world: take serious attitude with the global challenge, think the interest of animals and plants first before each action, leave enough resource to next generation for them to survive. Deep down, I trust that individual’s effort could change the world.




使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-11 15:50:29 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-12 00:03:37 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 candis712 于 2011-2-12 11:25 编辑

我的作业——2.11  独立写作
Do you agree with the following statement? Some people think to watch a movie in a cinema is better, but others think at home is better.

Due to the appearances of an increasing number of fantastic movies, such as well-known Kongfu Panda and Inception, which attract viewers' attentions strongly, watching movies has became a popular way to relax and entertain during one's spare time. Along with this fashionable entertainment, a question comes in front of us. Which method supplies with more benefits to our experiences of watching a movie, going to a cinema or staying at home? Considerable though the advantages that watching a movie in the cinema leads to, they can not compete with the appeal that watching films at home brings about, if money and convenience are taken into deliberation.

It is undeniable that watching a movie in cinemas provides people a high quality entertainment of sound and vision. The images showing on the screen, which is as large as ten-meters-long and three-meters-high hanging in the center of wall of the cinema, could refresh and impress every audience's eyes. The special designed echo system in the cinema would definitely produce high imitation of real sound, lead audience fall deeply into the story of the movie and forget the actually world. Besides, the experience that surrounded by other people who share the same happy and nerves is incomparable.

However, watching movies at home through TV or computers, which serves as an alternative way of watching movies in a cinema, has already flourish in common live and been adopted by many movie fans. The popularity of this access is reasonable since watching films at home maintains most qualities and shinning parts of movies. After the arrival of golden time of data world, people are able to view all latest movies at home with the help of Internet and DVD. Though the time when new movies are available in Internet or TV programs might delay a couple of weeks contrasting with the time played in cinemas, the main fun and key point of the movies still remain, including colorful images as well as the interesting plots and scenes. Moreover, for some people who could afford home theater equipments, the effects would even endow the home stay decision to defeat the noisy cinema.

Additionally, watching films at home introduces a more convenient and financial acceptable option for viewers that is why this choice is far more appealing than the cinema. For instant, after a long period of time on study, children could sit in their warm coach and drink their favorite milk at home while enjoying the amazing fight between Harry Potter and Voldemort in Harry Potter 7th through Internet-based TV programs without paying extra money. As one can see, there is no terrible traffic to travel, no expensive fee to pay, no long queue line to wait. Would anybody say no to this economic and easy way of watching movies?

In conclusion, I believe that many people could enjoy themselves in the cinema, but it is staying at home that emphasis and exaggerate all the fabulous factors of watching movies.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-12 21:32:24 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-12 22:25:13 |只看该作者
Do you agree with the following statement? Some people think to watch a movie in a cinema is better, but others think at home is better.

Due to the appearances of an increasing number of fantastic movies, such as well-known Kongfu Panda and Inception, which attract viewers' attentions strongly, (这句和前文联系不大,可以另起一句)watching movies has became a popular way to relax and entertain during one's spare time. Along with this fashionable entertainment, a question comes in front of us.(这句感觉太累赘 可以和后一句并起来) Which method supplies with more benefits to our experiences of watching a movie, going to a cinema or staying at home? Considerable though the advantages that watching a movie in the cinema leads to, they can not compete with the appeal that watching films at home brings about, if money and convenience are taken into deliberation.(首段太长有点啰嗦, 而且建议论点说的强硬点) r7 l# L. R3 @( G& c7 X

is undeniable that watching a movie in cinemas provides people a high quality entertainment of sound and vision. The images showing on the screen, which is as large as ten-meters-long and three-meters-high hanging in the center of wall of the cinema, could refresh and impress every audience's eyes. The special designed echo system in the cinema would definitely produce high imitation of real sound, lead audience fall deeply into the story of the movie and forget the actually world(写的好). Besides, the experience that surrounded by other people who share the same happy and nerves is incomparable.

However, watching movies at home through TV or computers, which serves as an alternative way of watching movies in a cinema, has already flourish in common live and been adopted by many movie fans. The popularity of this access is reasonable since watching films at home maintains most qualities and shinning parts of movies. After the arrival of golden time of data world(什么意思?), people are able to view all latest movies at home with the help of Internet and DVD. Though the time when new movies are available in Internet or TV programs might delay a couple of weeks contrasting with the time played in cinemas, the main fun and key point of the movies still remain, including colorful images as well as the interesting plots and scenes. Moreover, for some people who could afford home theater equipments, the effects would even endow the home stay decision to defeat the noisy cinema.

Additionally, watching films at home introduces a more convenient and financial acceptable option for viewers that is why this choice is far more appealing than the cinema. For instant, after a long period of time on study, children could sit in their warm coach and drink their favorite milk at home while enjoying the amazing fight between Harry Potter and Voldemort in Harry Potter 7th through Internet-based TV programs without paying extra money. As one can see, there is no terrible traffic to travel, no expensive fee to pay, no long queue line to wait. Would anybody say no to this economic and easy way of watching movies?
m5 q; I8 B$ R0 b

In conclusion, I believe that many people could enjoy themselves in the cinema, but it is staying at home that emphasis and exaggerate all the fabulous factors of watching movies.

作文写的很好,只是有个小建议,题目中说a好还是b好的时候,看过一个老师建议说写这种a好b也好需要很小心,不容易得高分。  其实楼主可以尝试着用强硬的论点, 这样子说服力会强点。 个人建议 加油

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-14 21:45:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 candis712 于 2011-2-15 00:04 编辑

2.14 独立   辛苦各位修改的同学了, 这两天受益匪浅,深受启发。
One of the best way for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part time job.

I strongly posit that one of parents’ responsibilities is to guide their teenage children to take part time jobs. Owing to part time jobs, children could understand basic skills needed for adult life including learning how to communicate with people properly, how to finish assignments efficiently, how to respect and cherish the fruits of work.

To begin with, encouraging teenage children to find a part time job provides children a great opportunity to get prepared as a grown up because this experience requires young people to communicate with others frequently. For example, I once worked in a cafe as a waitress when I was fourteen. During my job, I need to talk with customers about their orders, emphasis every special requirement to the chief, explain to impatient customers why are their food delayed. After dealing with all this work, I grab the key point about how to select suitable word or phrase to express myself accurately and clearly.

Another advantage of part time job is that it helps children to master significant skills about finishing tasks in an efficient way. How to organize plans and finish missions fast and perfectly is a form of art, which plays an important role in leading the road to success for every adult, and could only be learned through real work experience. Even working as a newspaper deliver, children need learn which road is more convenient, how to handle unpredictable problems, such as heavy storms, in order to send all papers on time. Sooner parents become aware of this fact and allow their children to get part time jobs, more practices their children could do, faster they could master this form of art.

To strengthen my point, a benefit brought by part time job is also worth to be mentioned, which is enabling children to respect the fruits of labor. Only when children taste the real acrid of the working hard to earn money for survive, could they cherish the hard-won achievements. After 5 hours standing in front of the restaurants waiting for customers, is any child willing to spend whole salary for a bunch of beautiful but useless flowers? Compared with the warm friendly environment at home, the outside world is composed with strictly unknown risk, value every reward as well as respecting the labor itself is a fundamental prerequisite for every teenage to lead a harmony live.
In conclusion, wise parents are supposed to offer their teenage children a part time job since it brings both technical and mental improvements to ignorant young people to meet the standard as a grownup.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-15 11:17:33 |只看该作者
I strongly posit that one of parents’ responsibilities is to guide their teenage children to take part time jobs. Owing to part time jobs, children could understand basic skills needed for adult life including learning how to communicate with people properly, how to finish assignments efficiently, how to respect and cherish the fruits of work.(我觉得你是不是有一点没有点题~~题目是不是讨论要不要part time job , 而是 is it one of the best way for preparing for adult life. 如果最后一句稍微点一下是不是更好一点。 ) * w6 q: M* B. ~6 R
6 [) h1 b& }8 f( n& D( _6 u' I
To begin with, encouraging teenage children to find a part time job provides children(them) a great opportunity to get prepared as a grown up(,) because this experience requires young people to communicate with others frequently. (这么改仅供参考,我觉得更符合逻辑一点,as a grown up, especially it requires young people to effectively communicate with others frequently).For example, I once worked in a cafe as a waitress when I was fourteen. During my job(in my job), I need to talk with customers about their orders(I need to introduce the specialties to the customers ),  emphasis every special requirement to the chief,( and) explain to impatient customers why are their food delayed(explain to the customers whose food delayed). After dealing with all this work(Thanks to this precious experience ), I grab the key point about how to select suitable word or phrase to express myself accurately and clearly. (points of selecting the most suitable and accurate words as well as phrases to express myself. )(举个例子真的让论点很充实,我要去改进我的作文啦)

Another advantage of part time job is that it helps children to master significant skills about finishing tasks in an efficient way. How to organize plans and finish missions fast and perfectly is a form of art, which plays an important role in leading the road to success for every adult, and could only be learned through real work experience(and no other ways point to this art but real work experience,我觉得改一下这个长句就不会觉得冗长,但是不知道怎么改更好). Even working as a newspaper deliver, children need learn (teenagers must calculate independently )which road(rourt) is more convenient, how to handle unpredictable problems(get ready to handle every unpredictable problems), such as heavy storms, in order to send all papers on time. Sooner parents become aware of this fact (that other teenagers have grown up with they first jobs, ) and(… , surely they will) allow their children to get part time jobs, (and the more )practices their children (could) do, (the )faster they could master this form of art., T' H7 m& x0 U- {  @
$ S6 r2 A, ?+ I) S  a. g  J- C/ d
To strengthen my point, a benefit brought by part time job is also worth to be mentioned, which is enabling children to respect the fruits of labor. Only when children (have )taste the real acrid of the working hard to earn money for survive, could they cherish the hard-won achievements. After 5 hours standing in front of the restaurants waiting for customers(这样啰嗦了点), is any child willing to spend whole salary for a bunch of beautiful but useless flowers(奢侈的大餐或者网络游戏会不会比鲜花更好一些)? Compared with the warm friendly environment at home, the outside world is composed with strictly unknown risk, (没有连接词)value every reward as well as respecting the labor itself is a fundamental prerequisite for every teenage to lead a harmony live.1 o2 \7 o8 t- Q2 }
  4 ]- h1 \3 d  F! [
In conclusion, wise parents are supposed to offer their teenage children a part time job since it brings both technical and mental improvements to ignorant young people to meet the standard as a grownup.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-15 21:29:45 |只看该作者
I strongly posit that one of parents’ responsibilities is to guide their teenage children to take part time jobs. Owing to part time jobs, children could understand basic skills needed for adult life including learning how to communicate with people properly, how to finish assignments efficiently, how to respect and cherish the fruits of work.

To begin with, encouraging teenage children to find a part time job provides children a great opportunity to get prepared as a grown up because this experience requires young people to communicate with others frequently.这句话我不明白你是想说什么经历要求年轻人频繁与他人沟通,是指兼职的经历要求XXX还是指成年人的生活要求XXX?但是不管是哪一个,你都少了一半,因为是两者都需要才将两者挂钩起来的 For example, I once worked in a cafe as a waitress when I was fourteen. During my job, I need to talk with customers about their orders, emphasis every special requirement to the chief, explain to impatient customers why are their food delayed. After dealing with all this work, I grab the key point about how to select suitable word or phrase to express myself accurately and clearly.看了后半文之后,我猜测之前提到的experience应该是指兼职获得的经验,那么如果是这样的话,这段你一直在说兼职的一个作用是让人学会与人打交道,但是一直没有和为成为一个成年人做准备连接上,就是前面讲到的少了一半,把两者联系上就好了2 ?6 V$ p( W- |! O
0 Y4 y- {% i/ ^# r6 R& M: ?) Q
Another advantage of part time job is that it helps children to master significant skills about finishing tasks in an efficient way. How to organize plans and finish missions fast and perfectly is a form of art, which plays an important role in leading the road to success for every adult, and could only be learned through real work experience. Even working as a newspaper deliver, children need learn which road is more convenient, how to handle unpredictable problems, such as heavy storms, in order to send all papers on time. Sooner parents become aware of this fact and allow their children to get part time jobs, more practices their children could do, faster应该是earlier而不是faster,越早和学习速度越快没关系 they could master this form of art.这段我个人感觉要作为get part-time job is one of the best way to prepare for adult life的论证有点牵强,因为你写的是part-time job(我没有用你自己写的real work,因为real work只是实干的意思,不能直接等同于是去做兼职) can teach children to organize plans and finish missions fast and perfectly, 然而这种方法在 teenage这个年龄段(teenager的兼职基本不能做太大的事,多是送报服务员家政之类的)里显然并不是最好的,更重要的是它不是唯一的方法,可以列举出很多其他方法,比如在班上做干部学习做一个团队的领导人,或者组织社区活动,都完全比做一个送报员通过一个很长期的经验积攒来学会organize plans and finish missions fast and perfectly都要有效得多,因此我觉得这段没有突出one of the best way for teenage children to prepare for adult life is to take the part time job
To strengthen my point, a benefit brought by part time job is also worth to be mentioned, which is enabling children to respect the fruits of labor. Only when children taste the real acrid of the working hard to earn money for survive, could they cherish the hard-won achievements. After 5 hours standing in front of the restaurants waiting for customers, is any child willing to spend whole salary for a bunch of beautiful but useless flowers? Compared with the warm friendly environment at home, the outside world is composed with strictly unknown risk, value every reward as well as respecting the labor itself is a fundamental prerequisite for every teenage to lead a harmony live.你给我的这一段写的我挺赞成的,关于财政方面,写能让青少年体会到赚钱的不容易确实要比能让青少年实现部分收入更能说明the best way of preparing for adult life!  
In conclusion, wise parents are supposed to offer their teenage children a part time job since it brings both technical and mental improvements to ignorant young people to meet the standard as a grownup.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-16 11:39:46 |只看该作者
2.15 独立 抱歉,上来晚了。 两位同学的修改作文下午一定奉上。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Has technology made children less creative than they were in the past.

Thanks to technology, children's live are improved dramatically. Some people criticize that convenient live bring negative influence to children’ creativity. However, I do not agree with them, since technology provides children three fundamental elements contributing to creativity, including improved level of IQ, sufficient background knowledge and the desire of origin.

To begin with, technology offers children a increasing number of opportunities to improve their IQ, which is the basic resource of creativity. Two to ten years old is a key stage of developing IQ, while in the past, many children spent these period of time playing for merely fun. Fortunately, with help of technology, various tools aiming at encourage IQ development have been invented, such as electronic puzzle game and learning machines. These study facilities contain colorful images and attractive questions, children trend to be more willing to practice mind and analytical thinking, since technology endows this tedious process with lots of interest. The more popular and available these tools are, the higher level of average IQ of normal kids will be.

Furthermore, children as teenagers are able to utilize high technical equipments to accumulate more background knowledge, thus they could get preparation for making innovation. In order to create something original, the first essential step is to find what is already exist, and technology perfectly fills this gap. Take the Internet for example. Young people could find countless useful information about any field through the Internet conveniently, as a result, they are able to access to professional knowledge and contact the latest academic idea. To contrast, during the old times without these equipments, a child hardly has chance to get touch with so much sufficient knowledge frequently.

Finally, the era of technology is a totally new world full of interesting and unexpected skills, which are beneficial to inspire children's desire to create. Nowadays, children are enjoying the golden ago of producing creative movements, the technology change the world to a more surprising one than in the past. Meanwhile, their ignorant to the world leads to endless imputes of curiosity. Due to the two factors, intrinsic and extrinsic, children would become more eager to put their own imagination into truth. When children enjoy the fun of modern technique, they can not help themselves to ask where this magic power comes from. Once a child has enough interest, could he or she be brave enough to do it under current free atmosphere.

To sum up, the principle of the technical time is you can do more beyond your imagination. Influenced by this idea, any child who has eager to create, is encouraged to make the first step to invent, since they have already had abandon preparation of the accumulated knowledge and improved level of IQ.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-16 15:24:53 |只看该作者
10# candis712

Thanks to technology, children's live are improved dramatically. Some people criticize that convenient live bring negative influence to children’ creativity. However, I do not agree with them, since technology provides children three fundamental elements contributing to creativity, including improved level of IQ, sufficient background knowledge and the desire of origin.这样一来后面的结构很清楚了
1 U& f& A* X1 q) c5 |) t6 j7 p5 D
4 Q* W+ M3 A5 E" Z7 P2 y6 K/ h' dTo begin with, technology offers children a
n increasing number of opportunities to improve their IQ, which is the basic resource of creativity. Two to ten years old is a key stage of developing IQ, while in the past, many children spent these period of time playing for merely fun. Fortunately, with help of technology, various tools aiming at encourage IQ development have been invented, such as electronic puzzle game and learning machines. These study facilities contain colorful images and attractive questions, children trend to be more willing to practice mind and analytical thinking, since technology endows this tedious process with lots of interest. The more popular and available these tools are, the higher level of average IQ of normal kids will be.
7 o0 @: h! C2 R8 v0 {+ V: z$ I0 m
Furthermore, children as teenagers are able to utilize high technical equipments to accumulate more background knowledge, thus they could get preparation for making innovation. In order to create something original, the first essential step is to find what is already exist, and technology perfectly fills this gap.
这句话是点睛之笔啊,写得很好~~~Take the Internet for example. Young people could find countless useful information about any field through the Internet conveniently, as a result, they are able to access to professional knowledge and contact the latest academic idea. 这里举例可以稍微具体一点,到底是什么样的knowledgeacademic idea ? To (by)contrast, during the old times without these equipments, a child hardly has chance to get touch with so much sufficient knowledge frequently. 6 D8 N; ?% j% d& d! p

; Y' K4 r9 d8 U4 I, m9 qFinally, the era of technology is a totally new world full of interesting and unexpected skills, which are beneficial to inspire children's desire to create. Nowadays, children are enjoying the golden ago (age?) of producing creative movements, the technology changes the world to a more surprising one than in the past. Meanwhile, their ignorant (ce) to the world leads to endless imputes of curiosity. Due to the two factors, intrinsic and extrinsic, children would become more eager to put their own imagination into truth. When children enjoy the fun of modern technique, they can not help themselves
to ask
askingcan’t help doing 情不自禁where this magic power comes from. Once a child has enough interest,
若要倒装去逗号could he or she be brave enough to do it under current free atmosphere.
To sum up, the principle of the technical time is you can do more beyond your imagination. Influenced by this idea, any childchildrenany表任何时,后加可数名词复数或不可数名词 who hashave eager to create is(are) encouraged to make the first step to invent, since they have already had abandon preparation of the accumulated knowledge and improved level of IQ.这个长句建议还是不要放在末段,一句一句写得清楚更好。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-16 16:04:50 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-19 20:16:12 |只看该作者
2.19   tpo1   综合写作
According to the speaker, the expected benefits to the three perspective led by the four-day week plan are all unreasonable. Oppositely, changing work pattern from five days a week to four day would bring negative effect to all roles involved, including the companies, economic as well as employees.  

To begin with, the speaker believes that it is very possible that the four-day week pattern would reduce the profits of individual companies. If all employees shorten their work time to four days a week, companies need to hire a larger number of employees than before in order to finish the same amount of work. While the health care and medicine benefits, training fees for each employee stay on the same level. If taking all those payments into consideration, the companies' profits would be cut off dramatically.

To strength his opinion, the speaker also mentions that the so-called improvement of economy lacks sufficient support. Even under the situation of four days a week, no insurance could make sure the appearance of additional labor requirement. For example, if the company enforces all the employees to finish all the work in four days, which is used to be done by five days, there is definitely no need for any new workers.

Finally, the speaker points that the personal interests of employees would get hurt to some extent, from a long term view. Though employees could have extra private time, it doesn't necessarily improve qualities of their lives because of the relatively lower salary. Besides, their career might be in danger since short work time is not competitive enough. It is less likely for a four-day week employee to get a promotion, if there are many five-day week as well as skilled and devoted employees available for that position.

In conclusion, the speaker refutes the three main points made in the reading passage with powerful evidence and logical analyzing.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-19 21:08:12 |只看该作者
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Do you agree with the following statement? Printed books are more influenced to people's lives than TV.

Whether printed books bring greater influence to people's lives than TV? Before answering this question, I suggest people to look around: how many books are lying in your books shelf collecting dust; while, how many broken TV remotes you've changed after purchasing this bigger TV set. The contrary of the results is obvious since TV has already taken in control of people’s vision. Therefore, I posit that printed books have less effect on people's lives.

Admittedly, printed books are widely used and regarded to be the most traditional way for people to record information, broadcast ideas and access knowledge. The special official function of printed books also strengthens its statues among diversity media methods. However, the importance of printed books don’t equal with the strongest influence power. Though printed books still have an undeniable position in people's lives, the influence of it is far less significant than TV considering the current developing trend of TV industry.

One reason that contributes to more powerful influence of TV in people’s lives than printed books is that interesting TV programs are more popular and convenient for people to gain information. This feature provides television industry with the foundation for gathering the majority’s focus and guide their attitudes towards public events. As we all know, TV is a complex system composed by numbers of channels and countless various type of programs, involving with economic, politic, art, technology. Only through moving one finger and clicking the remote could you get to your favorite channel. Given the chance to use this modern machine, nobody would question that why people always forget to pick up a book during a year, while never miss their favorite TV shows. Consequently, this peerless popularity of TV is able to results in dramatic effect on people’s lives.

Another factor that strengthens my point is that more attractive and persuasive way adopted by producers allows TV to change behaviors and habits in people’s lives easier than books. Being aware of it or not, individual’s behaviors are somehow effected by TV. For example, when people go to the super market, it is more likely for them to choose such products which are frequently advertised in TV. In addition, as TV provides people the opportunity to share the same update experiences, it plays an important role in communicating process among viewers. Often we can see, two strange girls traveling by the same train may have a nice talk if they find out both of them support the same singers in American Star, a hot TV show.

In conclusion, owing to the popularity of TV and persuasion of TV programs, TV industry holds the power to determine the preferences of masses and change our living styles, while printed books gradually lost its former glory in dominating the way of broadcast information and minds.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-20 07:34:32 |只看该作者
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