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[i习作temp] 【Flyer杀G作文组】1月26日作业Issue88-By Yuqivickey [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-26 16:30:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."

Technology came to exist on earth the moment human beings acquired how to light a fire. From then on, it has gradually played more and more important part in society. It affects all the aspect of our life, yet, no matter how influential it is, it still can not determine socil customs and ethics.

First of all, technology influences deeply the social customs. Since the Industry Revolution, the world has undergone a profound progress under the help of technology. The words "industrial" "urbanism" "capitalism" and many others reflect the big change at that time. Since England became the first industrial country in the world in 1761, more and more people began to work in factories and lived in designed cities, and until now many people have forgotten the life as a farmer in the countryside working with their hands as the industry has improve the farming with machines to do all the work from seeding to reaping. What's more, the life style is also totally different from what it was like before. With the convenience and spare time brought by technology, one do not have to go to work in office but do it at home. And people don't write letters any more instead they use the Internet to send e-mails. Indeed, technology has brought about a huge change in the way people work and live and thereby changed society customs.

Besides the influence on society customs, technology also has change the ethics because the idea and value of people change more often than before. For instance, with the rapid growth of Internet, people share so many stuffs that many secrets are no secret any more, such as salary, working experience, pictures and so forth. The information one leave on the Internet is the so-called "digital track" every one can access to and that's why the "human-powered research" is available. The human-powered research is a controversial issue arising many discussions on the infringement and protection on private secretes. In addition, the technique colon is also an topic that goes still under severe debates. The colon of human beings is not only a technique problem but also an ethic problem that may confuse the conception on human and go against the natural evolvement rule. Therefore, technology is a shock to the ethics realm that has rouse many debates and discussion as well as changes.

However, no matter how significant the influence of technology is, it can still not determine our social customs and ethics. Complex and abstract as social customs and ethics are, they are influenced by many factors, such as history, culture, national tradition and so on. Even, the same technology could have varied effects on society with different history and culture. For example, gunpowder is invented by Chinese in Song Dynasty. Though in China it was used to make military weapons, it didn't as developed as it did in Europe that the gun power has played an important role in the Revolution. Contrarily, gun powder has been used as another popular thing--fireworks, which results from the difference between Chinese and European culture.
Moreover, nowadays the world is as small as a earth village, the spreading of technology still has different results in different country.

In sum, as the formation of social customs and ethics consist a lot of indigents, however the technology influences them much more than before, it can still not determine them. In order to set up a good social customs and ethics, every one should consider and use technology carefully.

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【Flyer杀G作文组】1月26日作业Issue88-By Yuqivickey
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