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[i习作temp] issue48 限时极限,700字完成!欢迎大家拍砖 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-9-10 15:18:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1。 肯定题目中的现象,开篇。
2。 指出这种现象的原因
3。 现代社会技术和观念的发展,使得这一现象有所改经
4。 历史唯物主义的'英雄造时势,时势造英雄'
5。 生产力和生产关系的决定性作用
6。 没时间了,匆忙收篇

The history, in essence, is composed of all the behavior of all the people of that epoch. Thus it is no doubt that the history is co-created by the famous few and the unknown many. However, the study of history has chosen to focus more on the influential figures and less record the group of people whose identities have long been forgotten.

The choice of historiography is based on two facts. First, the famous figures are the labels of that period of time, and most suitable for the recording of the events. Secondly, the study of history is through the record of the past, instead of observing the events with the experts' eyes. While the books of the past heavily focus on the monarchs and the generals, how can we suppose the research of history find more of the mass without makeup? The various dynasties in China, for instance, are basically the same. The social system, the wars, cultures, etc. are all based on the same configuration. If the ancient documentary wrote a lot on a particular farmer, it would be boring and undiscerning for the reader to know which dynasty it is. The record of the mass thus has to be carried out in a general picture, in which the mass are depicted as the same with the identical dress, culture, manufacturing skill and other hallmarks for the particular era.

Nevertheless, the modern record of history, with the development of video taping and picturing, as well as the mass media and the radio, the record of the modern history is much more accurate and capable of giving a more detailed view of the outline of the society. For the proving of this, one need to look no further than the rush for the searching one's roots decades ago, when the American people are tempted to find where their roots are. Many ended up with a clear conclusion, which indicates that how well recorded the history of even a family is.

The famous figures, who are the leaders, super stars, or famous talk show presiders, are indeed created by the mass of that time. They later deeply influenced the situation in return. Michael Jackson, the king of the pop in the US, was advocated by so many people around the world in the late 20th century. Was he living in the 15th century in Great British, his sexy movement would be considered contemptible and not allowed to be shown in public. The public leaders can better illuminate the idea of people-creation due to fact that they are chosen by the people. Hence they have to satisfy the needs of the people to be elected. The leaders thus would be the common anticipation of us, or, created by us. Hitler was blamed as a warmonger. It is inevitable, however, that he would be able to foment the jingoism in a country where most people are ruing for their failure in the First World War and seeking to be revenged. The people of German want someone to lead them to fight, and Hitler was the Mr. at-the-right-time-and-the-right-place with the right attitude. Was Hitler not exist there, there would be Bitler, Ditler. Name is just the label for a man, while the need from the mass found him. In a word, the mass and the famous few have not only co-created the history, but also interacted with each other to have the final effect.

With the creation by the ordinary mass, the prestigious few are surely not the pivot to determine the history. The unknown many are definitely the determinant factor. But what is the factor that determines the character of the mass? The relationship between man and nature, as well as that between all the people, are both the vital role as the answer. Marxists have taken the former as the economic constrains and the latter social classes. From the slavery, to company of modern business world, the capability of man has been accumulating, while the relations between people are advancing too. When the productivity of man was beyond the control of the relationship, sharp convert is needed, which usually resulted in revolution. In sum, the productivity and relationship are the pivots.

In the final analysis, the study of history is placing the right amount of attention to the famous and unfamous. The history is co-created by these two kinds of people, in which the productivity and relationship between men are the determinant factor.


[ Last edited by glassfrog on 2005-9-10 at 15:23 ]

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