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[i习作temp] Issue87 Kito小组作业贴 多谢修改^-^ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-1 20:27:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries.  
1 首先,新手,与专家不同,他敢于并且乐于提出质疑,批判性的思考,突破现行观念,传统理念等的束缚,从而创造出新的东西。比如相对论的提出。Albert Einstein VS Newton而且,新手,正因为如此,更有创造性的思维和丰富的想象力以及工作的热情。比如Watson&Crick
2 然而,尽管新手由以上这些优点,可是我们不能忽视这样一个事实:许多重大发现都是由一些专家学者经过多年的研究而发现的,比如Mrs. Curie并不是仅仅凭借批判性的思维和丰富的想象力,还需要经验以及深入的知识技能以及坚持。这些是新手所缺少的东西。
3 幸运的是,我们的社会已经认识到了这个问题。提供了各种机会让新手和专家一起工作,像大学里的助教,助研等等。还有一些专家团队,研究所也十分注意吸引一些新手Microsoft,往往会带来一些新的观点,这样才能优势互补,获得更大的成就。
Is it true that the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries? The author claims so. I am inclined to concur with the author in that the beginner is usually characterized of questioning, criticizing and teeming with passions upon which most huge discoveries hinge. Nevertheless, the expert should never be understated, either. To further shore up my viewpoints, I would present the analysis in details as below.

To begin with, the beginners, compared with the experts, maintain the nature of questioning and thus tend to challenge the authorities, traditions, stereotypes and so forth. Unlike the experts, the beginners, destitute of in-depth knowledge and experience in certain field, are more likely to get rid of the status quo and previous patterns of thinking and thus put forth their own theory regardless of the comments of others. Consider the theory of relative, put forward by Albert Einstein when he was only a novice in the field of physics, challenged the classic theory of Newton's. Although arising wide debate and suffering a variety of blame or scorn, Einstein’s theory, at length, proved to be the most significant discoveries in the 20th. Besides, the passion and creativity, owned by the beginner, also play a predominant role in the course of achieving important discoveries. Watson and Crick, for instance, proposed the spiral molecular structure of DNA which should, at least partly, attributed to their passionate attitude and preeminent creativity toward the research. These two examples aptly illustrate that the beginners, as the representative of critical thinking and enthusiasm, are more likely to create something new in comparison with the experts

On the other hand, while the beginners transcend the experts in these two aspects, we should not lose sight of the fact that many illustrious discoveries in the modern world are primarily due to the experts in certain field. It is their profound knowledge and sufficient experience as well as their ardent and persistent work that at length contribute to these accomplishments. In order to elucidate this point, I would take Mrs. Curie for instance. Mrs. Curie, widely respected as an outstanding chemist at her time, spent thirteen years on the research of refining the element of radium, by which she eventually won the Nobel Price in 1911. Consider if Mrs. Curie was only a beginner without exclusive experience and perseverance, she is presumed to lose heart during the process or even fail to recognize radium in the container for experiment. Evidently, to make important discoveries requires not only the critical thinking and gusto possessed by the beginner but also the tenacity and sharp insight of the expert.

Fortunately, people nowadays have already been aware of the beginner and the expert issue. Under this circumstance, firms, research institutions, universities, etc, take measures to precipitate the cooperation between the novice and the expert. As we know, there are research assistant, teaching assistant in the colleges and universities. Also, many firms and research institutions seek for novices just graduated from school since they believe that by doing that, the experts and beginners can supplement each other, that is, beginners will provide their distinct ideas and tint the group with their zestfulness whereas the experts can devote their cute discerns and the experience they accumulate via work and study. In short, the cooperation between the beginner and the experts would contribute a lot to most field of inquiry.

To sum up, from the discussion above, we can confidently draw a conclusion that the beginners, who are characterized of passion and take advantages in questioning and creating need to cooperate with the experts who possess in-depth knowledge and affluent experience. By doing that, they can surely achieve more advanced accomplishments and accelerate the development of society.

[ 本帖最后由 yogurt4 于 2006-2-1 20:32 编辑 ]
Forge ahead, never retreat!

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荣誉版主 挑战ETS奖章 寄托之心勋章 Aries白羊座 GRE斩浪之魂

发表于 2006-2-1 20:32:19 |只看该作者
天佑中华!!Bless bless bless

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发表于 2006-2-1 20:39:54 |只看该作者
Forge ahead, never retreat!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-8 10:40:53 |只看该作者



Is it true that the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries? The author claims so. I am inclined to concur with the author in that the beginner is usually characterized of questioning, criticizing and teeming with passions upon which most huge discoveries hinge. Nevertheless, the expert should never be understated (understated是不夸张的, 不过分的, 有节制的意思,undervalued? ), either. To further shore up my viewpoints, I would present the analysis in details as below. (发现小花的issue开始都这么写呀,成魔板了:) )

To begin with, the beginners, compared with the experts, maintain the nature of questioning and thus tend to challenge the authorities, traditions, stereotypes and so forth. Unlike the experts, the beginners, destitute of in-depth knowledge and experience in certain field, are more likely to get rid of the status quo and previous patterns of thinking and thus put forth their own theory regardless of the comments of others. Consider the theory of relative, put forward by Albert Einstein when he was only a novice in the field of physics, challenged the classic theory of Newton's. Although arising wide debate and suffering a variety of blame or scorn, Einstein’s theory, at length, proved to be the most significant discoveries in the 20th. Besides, the passion and creativity, owned by the beginner, also play a predominant role in the course of achieving important discoveries. 我觉得这个passion有点牵强,因为专家们对他们的研究也是充满热情的,不仅仅是新手拥有的特点Watson and Crick, for instance, proposed the spiral molecular structure of DNA which should, at least partly, attributed to their passionate attitude and preeminent creativity toward the research. These two examples aptly illustrate that the beginners, as the representative of critical thinking and enthusiasm, are more likely to create something new in comparison with the experts

On the other hand, while the beginners transcend the experts in these two aspects, we should not lose sight of the fact that many illustrious discoveries in the modern world are primarily due to the experts in certain field. It is their profound knowledge and sufficient experience as well as their ardent and persistent work that at length contribute to these accomplishments. In order to elucidate this point, I would take Mrs. Curie for instance. Mrs. Curie, widely respected as an outstanding chemist at her time, spent thirteen years on the research of refining the element of radium, by which she eventually won the Nobel Price in 1911. Consider if Mrs. Curie was only a beginner without exclusive experience and perseverance, she is presumed to lose heart during the process or even fail to recognize radium in the container for experiment. Evidently, to make important discoveries requires not only the critical thinking and gusto possessed by the beginner but also the tenacity and sharp insight of the expert. 学到了许多好词组,谢谢哈

Fortunately, people nowadays have already been aware of the beginner and the expert issue. Under this circumstance, firms, research institutions, universities, etc, take measures to precipitate the cooperation between the novice and the expert. As we know, there are research assistant, teaching assistant in the colleges and universities. Also, many firms and research institutions seek for novices just graduated from school since they believe that by doing that, the experts and beginners can supplement each other, that is, beginners will provide their distinct ideas and tint (to) the group with their zestfulness whereas the experts can devote their cute discerns and the experience they accumulate via work and study. In short, the cooperation between the beginner and the experts would contribute a lot to most field of inquiry.

To sum up, from the discussion(我觉得用analysis比较好) above, we can confidently draw a conclusion that the beginners, who are characterized of passion and take advantages in questioning and creating need to cooperate with the experts who possess in-depth knowledge and affluent experience. By doing that, they can surely achieve more advanced accomplishments and accelerate the development of society.

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