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[i习作temp] issue5 再来一篇~~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-16 20:52:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC:ISSUE 5 - "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."
2 统一课程对于一个国家范围内的文化融合也很有帮助。
3 然而考虑到保存一些地方的特殊文化,举濒危语言为例,让地方适当增开这些特殊的课程也是很有必要的。
Should a nation require all its students to study the same national curriculum before entering college? The author claims so. I am inclined to concur with the author in that the uniformity not only facilitate the students and colleges but also promote the harmony of the whole society. Nevertheless, I hold that a nation should also delegate different parts of the nation the rights to determine part of their curricula, especially concerning with unique culture. To further shore up my view, I would present the analysis in details as below.

To begin with, it is apparently necessary and beneficial for a nation to offer uniform curriculum throughout the country when considering the purpose of education. As we all know, education, especially formal education before entering college, should first impart to students basic knowledge and necessary social skills required in their future careers. In that case, the uniform curriculum in different parts of a nation ensure that all the students in the nation can be prepared equally and dissimilarly with the same core knowledge and skills, which also promise the students the same opportunity to go to college or be denied. For example, we can have a look at the education system in Germany, Japan, and China, in which the same national curriculum had been offered. These nations tend to have a standardized examination for each student, no matter which province or state, poor or rich, large or small they belong to. By doing that, the nation not only underpin the foundation of equality but also provide a conform standard for the colleges or universities to pick up students from high school.

Furthermore, from the perspective of culture, identical national curriculum is also needed in that education, as a component of human civilization, assumes a significant role in precipitating cultural fusion. It is well known to all that the differences and divergences in beliefs, ideas, behaviors, customs greatly influence the relationships among different places. Just for that reason, there are so many wars, conflicts and disputes in the world today. Whereas conform education goes a long way toward relieving these misunderstandings by cultivating their students with the same knowledge, culture background. At this point, the importance of same national curriculum looms largely.

While it is indispensable to give the same national curriculum throughout the whole nation, we should also not lose sight of the special characteristics and features of different parts of a nation. Take the minority language, used by fewer and fewer people, for example. It is hard pressed for me to think that without certain measure those scatter language would disappear permanently from our earth, which would undoubted make a great loss not only for the people who ever used it but also for the whole nation and the world since the language take up the responsibility to reserve a unique culture and all details about that civilization. In consideration of this problem, local education should offer some special courses about those endangered languages so as to save a kind of culture. The same is true with other parts of a culture, such as the arts, literary, beliefs, etc. For that matter, it would be beneficial for different parts of a nation to provide their own courses to the students.

To sum up, from the analysis above, we can see that a nation is incumbent to keep the same curriculum for the sake of learning and equality, while at the same time, a nation should allow different parts have their own courses in order to preserve the unique local culture.
Forge ahead, never retreat!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2006-2-17 08:23:07 |只看该作者
issue5 再来一篇~~~

TOPIC:ISSUE 5 - "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."
2 统一课程对于一个国家范围内的文化融合也很有帮助。
3 然而考虑到保存一些地方的特殊文化,举濒危语言为例,让地方适当增开这些特殊的课程也是很有必要的。
Should a nation require all its students to study the same national curriculum before entering college? The author claims so. I am inclined to concur with the author in that the uniformity not only facilitate the students and colleges but also promote the harmony of the whole society. Nevertheless, I hold that a nation should also delegate different parts of the nation the rights to determine part of their curricula, especially concerning with unique culture. To further shore up my view, I would present the analysis in details as below.(开头好像是你的模板,好几篇都是这样。很好!)

To begin with, it is apparently necessary and beneficial for a nation to offer uniform curriculum throughout the country when(while) considering the purpose of education. As we all know, education, especially formal education before entering college, should first impart to students basic knowledge and necessary social skills required in their future careers. In that case, the uniform curriculum in different parts of a nation ensure that all the students in the nation can(去掉)[/color] be prepared equally (这句有毛病)and dissimilarly(similarly) with the same core knowledge and skills, which also promise the students the same opportunity to go to college or be denied. For example, we can have a look at the education system in Germany, Japan, and China, in which the same national curriculum had been offered. These nations tend to have a standardized examination for each student, no matter which province or state, poor or rich, large or small they belong to. By doing that, the nation not only underpin(单数) the foundation of equality but also provide(s) a conform standard for the colleges or universities to pick up students from high school.(这段和提纲一样,写得很详细,举例恰当,但是个别句子存在问题。)

Furthermore, from the perspective of culture, identical national curriculum is also needed in that education, as a component of human civilization, assumes a significant role in precipitating cultural fusion. It is well known to all that the differences and divergences in beliefs, ideas, behaviors, (and 列举的最后一项通常加上and)customs greatly influence the relationships among different places. Just for that reason, there are so many wars, conflicts and disputes in the world today. Whereas conform education goes a long way toward relieving these misunderstandings by cultivating their students with the same knowledge, culture background. At this point, the importance of same national curriculum looms largely.

While it is indispensable to give the same national curriculum throughout the whole nation, we should also not lose sight of the special characteristics and features of different parts of a nation. Take the minority language, used by fewer and fewer people, for example. It is hard pressed(确定这样用?) for me to think that without certain measure those scatter language(s) would disappear permanently from our earth, which would undoubted make a great loss not only for the people who ever used it but also for the whole nation and the world since the language take up the responsibility to reserve a unique culture and all details about that civilization. In consideration of this problem, local education should offer some special courses about those endangered languages so as to save a kind of culture(those kinds of culture). The same is true with other parts of a culture, such as the arts, literary, beliefs, etc. For that matter, it would be beneficial for different parts of a nation to provide their own courses to the students

To sum up, from the analysis above, we can see that a nation is incumbent to keep the same curriculum for the sake of learning and equality, while at the same time, a nation should allow different parts have their own courses in order to preserve the unique local culture.文章写得很流畅,句子和词汇都用的很到位,很多高级词汇的使用使文章显得很有文采,只是存在少量的语法和句法错误(only minor flaws) ,学习中……

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[ 本帖最后由 lawrence1984 于 2006-2-17 08:32 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2006-2-17 08:48:56 |只看该作者
编辑的时候出了点问题 ,后面三段都变红了,改了几遍都没用,不知道问题在哪,不好意思哦!

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issue5 再来一篇~~~
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